Greene, experience with maintaining big haulers you say? Now that's interesting, the Marshal's opened up a new post for a Chief of Acquisitions and our.. "logistics" could really use some work. We'll see if you can handle yourself before becoming a candidate of consideration.
1.) What's your name, age and gender?
Answer: Daniel Vallandigham, 41, male
2.) What was your previous line of work?
Answer: Journalist
3.) Have you received any technical training(In skills such as ship maintenance or combat aviation)?
Answer: Civilian freigter and once I drove the gunboat of my dad when I was a kid.
4.) How far are you willing to go to be free?
Answer: No limits
5.) Are you aware that by joining us you will face trials like no other "criminal" in the sector?
Answer: I do hope
6.) Do you agree that it's better to die a free man than to live as someone's slave?
Answer: Absolutely agree about that.
7.) Are you willing to put particle burns in anyone getting in the way of that freedom?
Answer: Thats like a wet dream for me.
8.) Even if it's 10:1 odds and a certain loss, will you fight alongside your wing-men with nothing but conviction and focused intent?
Answer: Not even a question. Leaving no one behind!
(//ooRP section)
1.) Have you ever been sanctioned? If so, what was the reason? Did you learn from it? It might happen at the very first week of mine 10 years before. As far as I remember I was swearing on someone but not sure. Since that moment I can call myself clean.
2.) Do you agree to follow all of the server rules while flying under XA colors, and not doing so may result in expulsion from the faction? Sure thing, it never been a problem. We are here for the fun, right?
3.) Do you understand that you will be outnumbered, outgunned and outclassed nine times out of ten, but that you must keep your cool? Thats like a usual Monday.
4.) What is your Discord name? If you don't have Discord, get it. It's required. Wraga#0964
5.) Have you read the Xeno Alliance faction information? Yes
Valla - Valanda - No.. that's not right, erh. Valdingem, the powers that be aren't too sure about you, but there's no real reason to turn away support. We'll let you in under observation, so congratulations. I guess?
4.) Describe in your own words your previous experiences, your view of the Xeno Alliance, and your motivation to join:
I'm the eldest daughter to a filthy elite family that contribute to the strangle hold on Liberty, I've always had a strong sense of patriotism and from a young age I never questioned the way Liberty was operated, simply accepting it for what it was, how foolish. As soon as I graduated I was off to enlist in the Navy, the dream of any proud Texan that never worked a day of hard work in their life. I served during the war against Rheinland, how many died protecting our flawed system is countless, their sacrifice in vein. When the war finally came to a close I was stationed aboard the Mississippi, taking part in several long range patrols across Texas, mostly a formality, any pilots we found out there were easy pray. A year after my station aboard the proud vessel I was chosen to join the LSF, apparently I had impressed someone up top, I couldn't tell you exactly what lead to that. I thought I would finally be in a position to really make a difference and serve my house, how wrong I was. Anyone that makes it into the LSF sees the true horror of Liberty in all its hideous glory, the things my father was involved with, what the corporations did, all the people the LPI wrongly imprisoned, those that disappeared abruptly for speaking out... it... well... Opened my eyes to the fact that all my life I had been living a lie. I had to get out, that's all I knew, you can imagine how that went. I ended up on the LPI-Sugarland, the place of my birth looming in the distance, I was struck from the books like a statistic, though my father had all the money in the world, he didn't even come to see me. It was there I met a recruiter for the Xenos, despite knowing my story, the old man didn't seem to care much, as if he'd seen everything in the world, and nothing in that prison surprised him anymore. There was a prison break, one of the many Rogue assaults on the station, and this time they brought far bigger guns, the recruiter found me in all the chaos, rounded up a bunch of other people and we hijacked a liberator, most of us were stuffed in the cargo hold, I blacked out after some nasty hits and being thrown around like a rag doll. Suicide crossed my mind many times while in that hell hole, death is better than living a lie, willingness to die just because the world isn't the way it should be. Dying pointlessly means nothing, I want to join the Xeno Alliance to make that difference I saught out at a young age, and write my wrongs, If I am destined to die, than at least I die knowing the truth.
As for my experience, I'm a capable engineer, space and ground combatant and communications specialist, though this thing keeps freezing on me so this does not reflect well on that claim.
(//ooRP section)
What is your Discord name? If you don't have Discord, get it. It's required. Josie "Rose" Hemlocke#7961
Miss Wilhelm. You'll that we've struck your application from the database and obscured it behind a subtle wall of corrupted code. Wouldn't want anyone in Serpentis catching wind of your history as a former lapdog and feeling inclined to brutalize you in order to set an example, would we?
People like you have value, because it's only when you've seen things for what they really are that you can start to actually see. To be a King in the land of the blind, we have to blink away the scales from our eyes and open them. Living in the darkness for so long can render that process blinding, traumatizing even. We understand, most of us come from similar backgrounds and we've developed a system to work around it.
It's time you became an agent of change. Fly your way to Ontario, grid-square Charlie-6, cozy on up to the wrecked fighter as a landmark. We'll come to you, or already be waiting. Liberty's broken you down to your core elements, let us put you back together and give you a real cause worth dying for.
4.) Describe in your own words your previous experiences, your view of the Xeno Alliance, and your motivation to join:
Answer: Where do I begin? Well, I had a group of friends who were dealing with the Junkers frequently we were delivering things from the omicrons to the Rochester station, Until, Some Liberty gunboats caught us unguarded and started a fire at us. I immediately provide cover to my friends to escape. Most of us went to the badlands. But I was heavily damaged since I fought these punks. Then a fighter came from out of nowhere took my ship down. I launched on my escape pod, and then I don't remember anything I remember waking up in Rochester. I started to dislike the Navy and all lawful cooperation. I thought it would be an excellent chance to make a change in liberty.
(//ooRP section)
What is your Discord name? If you don't have Discord, get it. It's required. L e o n#7120
Smithers. Associate with the Junkers are you? Think getting roughed up by a bunch'a armed goons makes your business with the other low lives any less unsavory to us? So-called Authorities ought to be cracking open more Junker heads, makes our ultimate mission in Liberty easier.
We have no use for your kind, throw in your lot with the other greasers. You're dead to us.
3.) Place of birth
Planet Pittsburgh, New York system
4.) Describe in your own words your previous experiences, your view of the Xeno Alliance, and your motivation to join:
I used to be indifferent to the Xeno cause since we were decently well off if nowhere near rich... However, My Pittsburg's colonial Government has failed my family HARD, the LPI has betrayed me, Liberty has allowed all potential work to just be outsourced and lets foreigners run free and rampant within it's house space. And the Rogues need to be taught a strong lesson on respecting of their fellow house brothers. I am now alone, and merely wish to acheive more then I could ever hope as a lone criminal. I want independance and full autonomy for Liberty.
(//ooRP section)
What is your Discord name? If you don't have Discord, get it. It's required. JCPC#0017
☠ Incoming transmission.
☠ Signal source: Pittsburgh Relay, New York
☠ Opening video feed...
Sender: W.P. Recipient: Thine brothers in arms. Subject: An opportunity I can't refuse.
Well, now, isn't this a sight for sore eyes. I've been an on-off supporter of your organization for quite some time...but after some internal consternation and recent events, I'd prefer to be a more proactive supporter of this glorious cause, mm? I think you'll find what interests you below. Don't dally on getting back to me, now.
1.) Name: William Peter Mitchell
2.) Date of Birth: May 23rd, 801 A.S.
3.) Place of Birth: Planet Houston, Texas
4.) Describe in your own words your previous experiences, your view of the Xeno Alliance, and your motivation to join:
Most of my own experiences are tales best left for my autobiography - but I'll cut straight to the point. My family has long fostered a line of officers and civil servants. My father served with distinction in the Liberty Navy, and his father before him was the youngest officer to command a capital ship in the fledgling Navy. My mother and her mother both served as senators representing Houston. All in all, we've given more than our fair share to Liberty, and I was ready to be the next in line to do so.
Then, on my twenty-first birthday, I received news that my father had given his life in a failed offensive on Leeds. Liberty had broken her back, and the bodies of thousands of her loyal soldiers, for another house that had never made the same sacrifices for us.
I sat in government offices to have meetings with so many middle-management bureaucrats, all in an attempt to get answers or recompense. There was none to be had; every day the Neural Net feeds showed Liberty warships in flames, and a resurgent Bretonia capitalizing on our sacrifice. I knew then as I knew now that Liberty would never free herself from the shackles of foreign influence, or the death-grip of rank corruption. As such, I did what any impulsive twenty-something would do; broke into the first space-capable snubcraft I could find, kicked myself into low Houston orbit, and never looked back.
The last few years of hard life on my own have given me more than a few skills behind the controls, and I'd like to think I've kept up the street-smarts to match. Perhaps you'll disagree - after all, there's always more to learn out here - but I believe much of my personal feelings leave me with no better place to hone my skills and offer my service.