Where’s your power and strengths, is it your ability to believe in yourself or noticing the weakness of others, the power of a person is within, and seeing others weaknesses is your strength
the world is full of idiots, and disco is no exception. i don't agree with what you are doing, i advise you continue and take a dump on what that or those idiots are saying, i'm hetero and i have my princess that i love so much, and i'm happy that way, and i don't care what anyone can say, so so should you do the same, you are happy the way you are, and nobody has the right to say anything about it. hey maybe the idiot that is bulling you is also gay but don't want to admit it and is doing all this.
Okay, so, against my better judgement a couple fellow community members have talked me into staying in a reduced capacity. So I will.
I'll bite my tongue and attempt to ignore the crapola.
But guys, please, stop giving people guff over their personal lives.
This is meant to be a game for all to enjoy.
When you make it hard for one to enjoy it, this happens.
Please, y'all, remember, we all have different lives.
I'm openly bisexual for the record and often make it apparent, riding the jokes like I'v-... I'll save this joke for elsewhere. - Own it ma dude.
Jokes are jokes and should remain so. Shame on the people who have a problem with someone's sexuality honestly. They clearly can't see the positives or realise that it doesn't actually affect them in any negative aspect. Gay people for men mean more women for the straight guys, I mean c'mon!
When contending with a monster, you'd be wise to give the devil his due.
(09-14-2020, 11:37 PM)Thunderer Wrote: A leaving thread and a returning thread at the same time. Was this a record? I'm pretty sure this was the shortest sincere departure.
I was mad but @Vulkhard Muller and @Groshyr talked some sense into me, and I thank them both for it.
I was very ready to fully say screw this but they reminded me of a sandwich.
I apologize for the aggression, it was unnecessary.
Everybody gets mad sometimes and I let it take the best of me.
Even when you feel slighted it's easier to take a short break and tell yourself "it ain't worth it"
Than it is to risk all your RP, work, and time for your personal feelings.
I feel like I've learned a huge lesson here, and perhaps some of my feeling slighted is in my own head.