(11-24-2020, 12:12 PM)Lythrilux Wrote: Which of your characters is best at League? Who's their favourite champ?
This one is tricky, because their in game/team roles would be different. Yoshigahara would have Leona as support tank, La'Row would go with Fiora, Kiku would probably pick some spiritually based champion, Karma would be the best for her, I guess. And Ellie, probably Evelynn. Everything based on their personalities and stories of these champions are similar to my characters. With exemption of Ellie.
Nobody is good without a proper team. They all would try their best.
(11-24-2020, 02:42 PM)Vitoniz30 Wrote: Nicole, do you have long-term plans for the Core? And can your contacts with DSE, as the former corporation captain, help in gaining your goals?
~Reporter James McFancy
"There are some plans in making, but I can't and won't spoil anything not already known at this moment. To be honest, yesterday I almost got in touch with my former employer about a favor they could do for me, but that's the personal issue." ~Nicole