A live feed of a gothic young woman appears on screen. Her clothing is quite eccentric, in particular being the flower-like eyepatch covering her right eye. The background behind her seems simulated to mask the true appearance of her vicinity. She smiles at the viewer and begins speaking gently.
Well, konbanwa~!
It looks like you are receiving this transmission quite late, so I hope you are having a peaceful rest! I'm sure I'm a new face to you. My name is Ubukata Tsuya, and I am the newest addition to the Elder Dragon Council. As such, I have been issued the task of securing an agreement with you. Perhaps you were not expecting a fellow lady from us to be in your presence? Huhuhu~. Anyways, the Dragons have a proposition for you to consider. We realize that things have been shaky between us, and we desire for our alliance to strengthen. We both will still benefit greatly by working together. The Dragon is once more leaving its nest, readying its fire to breathe onto the pitiful Kaigun. This revitalized push would assist you greatly, if you may listen.
Firstly, however, I would like to apologize on behalf of the Shogunate for backing out on the recent siege that took place, as well as apologize for the lack of communication in recent times. A change in management comes with a change in policy, but this does not mean we intend to jeopardize our alliance. Our Shogun wishes to conserve the might of our navy during sieges for bases which are affiliated with or owned by the military forces of the state, A.K.A., the State Police or the Naval Forces. We would be more than willing to assist you in attacking bases which fall under the criteria I just described. Once more, I apologize for any inconvenience this may cause you.
Now, let's get into the real reason I'm here! You didn't think this was just an apology, right? Hehe~. Well, our plans have some details yet to be hammered out before full activation, but the groundwork has been created. We have revised old plans to attack Tomioka and various other targets in other Kusari systems to create diversions. The Sisterhood does not have much interest in Tomioka, correct? Despite this, we would like to humbly ask for your support in overtaking the planet. A little push is needed to jumpstart our efforts, and I think it would benefit greatly from a womanly touch! If you have the ladies to spare, we require some additional footsoldiers to be transported to the outpost planetside. We can offer training if necessary to get them adjusted to ground combat. These women will be instrumental in derailing Samura infrastructure on the planet, and in the long run, loosen the grasp of the Kaigun on Kusari by securing Tottori. I would be willing to take care of them if they are uncomfortable with masculine superiors.
In return for your support, we can provide our own through economical and trade support. We would be willing to deliver certain things you need that we have, or can easily obtain. As odd as it seems, the Shogun also mentioned bringing Vodka in particular. Are you a drinker? I sure hope so! It might not be wine, but it can be classy, too. If you would agree to this initial proposition and show good faith, Hakkera-sama may trust the Sisterhood enough to give you shared access codes to one of our capital vessels of your choice. If you can do this for us, we can make arrangements to support you in greater amounts. As a friend of mine when I was on vacation in Liberty once said, "You scratch our backs, we scratch yours!" Of course, if there is another way of support you wish to suggest, or another way you would like to assist us, please specify it and we will give it consideration. Whew, that was a mouthful! I hope you forgive me, I love to go into great detail.
Once she finishes, she seats herself on a nearby "bench" in the simulated environment, and crosses her legs in waiting.
Even the Maltese have female representatives. I have talked to quiet a few female Blood Dragon representatives aswell. Why should I be surprised about your presence? Are you so insecure about you being where you are that this is the first thing you need to point out to me? Is it because I am a GC? So many question go through my mind because of your introduction that we get distracted from actual business.
It is funny that you want to bring up that base at Narita first. You say you wanted to 'conserve the might of our navy'. So basicly what you are saying is that you believe that our Sisters are expendable when you Blood Dragons are not? We had losses and you pulled out. A great beginning in your "desire for our alliance to strengthen.". In the end we destroyed the Kusari State Police installation that you decided to ignore with the help of our Outcast allies and the support of a few independant Blood Dragon captains. Also I think its inappropriate that unneccesary lives lost are described as 'an inconvenience'.
Now to the second topic. I really don't know where to begin. First you are telling us that you wish to conserve your own troops, but now you desire us to send our Sisters to die for you on a planet that we hardly care about. You asked us if we can spare people while you sabotaged our attack on Narita so we suffered unneccesary losses and we needed to call in the Outcasts from Malta to obtain victory. And where in the name of Amaterasu do you get the nerve to think that we would put any GC Sister, Gen'an or otherwise, under Blood Dragon command? Do not think that any GC, now or in the future, will have a Blood Dragon superior.
"You scratch our backs, we scratch yours!" is an interesting way to put it. We prefer to have a friendly relationship with the Blood Dragons aswell, but time again and again, the Blood Dragons seem to misunderstand what we are. Every time another Blood Dragon representative comes in and thinks he or she can put the Sisterhood to work for the Blood Dragon cause. Well, this just isn't the truth. We can work together where our interests intersect, but in the past it was proven that the Blood Dragon agenda is so radically different from our own, that it is futile to think that anything other than superficial cooperation is possible at this time.
The virtual background pixelates and fades away, revealing the true environment she is in. It's obviously a communications room of some sort. Her face has put on a more serious expression, twisting a strand of her hair around with her finger.
Hrm... we are off on quite the wrong foot. I humbly apologize for all that I said which has offended you. As I am a new representative here, and in all honesty, fairly new to the history of the Dragons as well, it seems I have crossed a boundary. I was unaware of the recent happenings between our groups, and these are quite turbulent times for the Dragons. A string of bad decisions have been made over the past years, and in particular recently, which I realize has upset the Sisters of Gen'an greatly. I understand your reluctance to trust us and be willing to cooperate, as well as our bold mistakes to attempt to sway you to our cause. It is clear to me that you are honorably bound to your ideals, a trait I quite admire in a lady! Anyways, your reaction has proven to us that we are not utilizing the correct approach, not even in the slightest. As such, Hakkera-sama has granted me express permission to guide him in the right direction for the Chrysanthemums.
To put it simply, I would like to personally volunteer to make things smoother between us. The Shogun has come to realize the errors of his recent decisions and requests of you, and has entrusted me with the duty, as I said. It would save years worth of stress on our faces to start over on some form of a clean slate, Ikeda-san. We will retract every request made of the Sisters prior to your response, as we have deemed it to be in poor taste. To show our willingness to correct our poor conduct, the Shogun has made the move to cut ties with the Coalition in Kusari, a move not made without consideration. Hakkera-sama and I have conversed extensively on the matter, and found this to be a proper start. Our culture has never had room for their type, if I am to be truthful. There are certain to be other potential allies who align with our collective interest. I hope this proves our good faith towards you, and that we wish to mend the past. Alone we will only let the Kaigun grow stronger, strong enough to overtake us both. Mere superficial cooperation without any substance to it cannot hold up to their sizeable force.
If it so happens that the Sisters of the Gen'an Cell do not find this move of ours to be proof of our intention to bond closer, I am willing to take matters into my own hands. I have heard whispers that an old friend of mine has found her home somewhere within your ranks, and I want no harm to befall her as a result of our potential conflicts, if what I have heard is true.
She leans her elbow onto the table and rests her chin on her hand. Her previous bubbly nature having completely faded from sight.
Do not mistake my tone for us shutting the door in your face, quite the contrary actually, but there has been a long history between us that can't be shoved aside so easily. Ofcourse I will provide you with all the relevant information about our current situation. Lets start at the beginning.
The first conflict began when we shot a Coalition and the Blood Dragons considered this an act of 'treason'. I don't know about you, but I do not see the GC being Blood Dragon subjects, as treason implies that we owe allegiance to you. In the interest of the Blood Dragons, we ignored this.
The second conflict was when the Blood Dragons tried to frame us for transporting slaves through Chugoku. However, the shown evidence was in Omicron Tau. This recording was made by own of our operatives present to act as Lady Yamada's bodyguard. Again we left without retaliation.
There was also this minor inconvenience, where we apparently weren't wanted on Sendai. One Dainyo said that there were faulty electronics, the other told us that we weren't wanted. I leave the truth up for debate.
Another incident of note was when the Order Overwatch entered Shikoku, insulted one of our Sisters and expected that there would be no consequences. Communications about this is found here Even though we purely defended the honor of our Sisters and territorial integrity, the Blood Dragons demanded all their technology in use by the Gen'an Sisterhood back. To this date, we are still waiting on what sanctions were taken against the Order Overwatch who instigated the hostilities. Our damages: multiple Blood Dragon Cruiser Turrets, 3 Nodachi bombers, many sets of Gendaito and Daito fight weapons and a Hachiman Gunboat.
But the absolute insult we never forgave the Blood Dragons was their support to a Coalition base in Kyushu, the home system of our beloved Founder, Matsuda. They not only fully supported its construction, but also opened fire on us after declaring us an unfriendly organisation. Take a look at these communications logs. The words speak for itself.
As Daimyo of Takeda Clan and representative of Shogun in this case, it has been decided that the Gen'an Cell will; as of this moment be considered an unfriendly organisation and all Blood Dragon Clan pilots have been given kill orders for any Gen'an vessel that threatens any interest of ours, until this conflict has been resolved. We've never before put a knife in your back, like you have done to us with these actions. Of course we would all like to take Kusari to be a better place, but some things must have boundaries.
Also know that we were accused of attacking Blood Dragons, even though after all these conflicts between us, after all these insults at the GC, not a single GC has opened fire on Blood Dragon assets. The Blood Dragons were the first to open fire on us in Chugoku. Evidenced with this. To make it even worse, they made a formal declaration of war 4 days after they opened fire on us with a Togo class battleship. If I remember anything about how Blood Dragons valued honor, this act of aggresion and declaring war 4 days later made them lose all credibility. Yes, we attacked the Blood Dragons after, but they opened fire on us first.
Despite this all, our Matriarch extended her hand in friendship once more, evidenced here. At the time, this offer was declined. Now that we have were left abandonned and rejected by the Blood Dragons for so long, we found other ways to sustain ourselves and no longer have to rely on your support. If there will be cooperation between us, it will be on our terms.
I hope my little history lesson explains why we are hesitant to commit to any Blood Dragon objectives.
She appears to be disgusted by the actions Ikeda lists out, one after the other. String after string of hypocrisy. She feels like she was being used.
This is... appalling. I did not realize the Dragons I looked up to so greatly to be so hypocritical and to turn on their word. I feel humiliated to have been sent to ask so much of you and your people and to not have been informed of their misdeeds! This is ironically the first I hear of them. If these actions ring true, it means everything I thought I knew, and my friends knew, no longer exists! Perhaps the Dragons we dreamed of never existed, and on the outside we all were fooled by the propaganda. The Dragons I believed were not this cowardly or egotistical. To think they could have anyone, not just you, at their beck and call whenever they please and then throw allies away whenever they become problematic. These pretenders have gotten in over their heads, it seems. I will not pledge allegiance to those who would soil the name of the Blood Dragons with such insolence. I will rally what friends I have here and attempt to mend things personally on our side.
By the way, you have not answered me on the matter of my friend. Perhaps I should specify more clearly. She is my sister. A sister by blood.
She turns her attention to her monitors and begins typing hastily.
We do not lay the blame of these events on individuals who were not present to witness it, so we have no ill will towards you. As a movement however, the Blood Dragon clans you speak for did much to discredit themselves. Things we cannot easily forget. With each negative encounter, we were forced to seek alternatives. When our weapons were taken away, we simply found replacements elsewhere and took our losses. We are a flexible organisation and can readily adapt. In a way, we only grew strong because of it.
I cannot guarantee anything, but if this individual has earned our protection and is no enemy of ours, there should be no problem.
She looks away for a moment, seeming pensive, before returning her attention to the camera.
Despite not being there during those times, My friends and I feel responsible as followers of the cause to correct the path of the Dragons. Their era of folly is over, and you no longer have anything to gain from it either, I presume. The Dragons have spent enough time messing around as the laughingstock of Kusari. There is much to make up for, yet plenty of time to do so. It is time for a new fledgling to rise and reclaim our honor. I expect we may be seeing more of each other soon. As for my sister, I'm sure she's found some way to weasel into your protection, she was always the sly one. Shouldn't be too hard to find her, she always makes a scene whenever she's present. In any case... one day, the sisters will witness a rebirth. Until that day, I present a haiku as a parting gift.
Pierce your reflection
Embrace the flow of change
Purify the soul
A faint smile seems to sneak onto her face before the feed darkens, engulfing the room in blackness.