Scuttling the station right now would not be a wise idea. As you well know, we have been able to well utilize the Fort recently. Its improved security capabilities has allowed us to store and sell Iridium Ore, largely to house bound traders while keeping our main facility largely unnoticed and safe. My engineers tell me there is plenty of potential on that base still to bring forth. They have been eager to start projects like expanding the Ore holds and even potentiality some special equipment production facilities in the future. My engineers also tell me that both Fort Scorpius and Delta Mining Corp. are having the same issue.
Omicron Delta is a very unusual system in the sense that it is effected by 4 strong gravitation fields. Three stars and black hole that effects the area, along with the weaker ones found in the planets Narru and Tuvalu. It is near impossible to accurately chart where and when gravitational eddies can occur, or where they don't. But it seems that stations without strong gravity wells close by, like a planet, tend to suffer from what we might perceive as erratic drift. In reality it is the over all mass and gravity balancing out in a very complicated area of space. Delta Mining Corp. for example, we are 100% certain that the moon-let was actually a captured object and not a naturally occurring satellite as its orbit has become erratic recently and seems to now be drifting away from the planet. Freeport 11 seems to be a rare exception to this. My people theorize that it may have drifted into a so called 'Goldilocks' zone that is seldom effected if ever by the effects of the various gravity issues in the region. We would need to preform some extensive research with some very sensitive equipment to really prove that, but for now we need to address the situations we have at hand.
First of all Fort Scorpius. Not far from the Freeport, there is a long deployed Zoner sensor array stationed in sector 4E. From what we can gather from the satellite meta-positioning data, it seems that while not as good of an area as Freeport 11 in the sense of gavametric stability, major shifts in this sector only occur roughly every 10 years, where the need for stabilization will be necessary again. This is assuming we are using a complete data set, but with the complex orbits we are dealing with it is impossible to say for certain. There can be for example, rare orbital 'seasons' of the trinary stars that we have not been able to predict. But it does have the advantages of being a reasonably easy move, still being close enough to provide guard to the Freeport and can greatly benefit from being close to the satellite array giving us a communications and sensor edge we never had before. I also heard a rumor that a christening of the stations name is being considered. For what its worth, Marathon Station sounds nice to me if the names not taken already. But I'll leave that creative stuff up to the Human Relations people.
Seeing as we will already have the heavy lifters our, we might as well stabilize the orbit of Delta Mining Corp. at the same time. Our Hegemons and Ore Haulers have reported that they can no longer find the station easily, and measures need to be taken immediately.
Its a simple plan really. The Planet Tuvalu's rings have some areas of less density then others. The largest of these zones is in the inner rings of the Planet. The plan is to tow the 'asteroid' and place it in the orbital plane of the planet IE: the rings where we expect it to have a very stable orbit for millennia to come. This should also improve the overall navigability to and from the station, as Narru will no longer be a constant obstruction, and our haulers should be able to find its location easier in its more prominent position.
I have sent word to the Heavy Construction fleet at Kadesh to begin preparations to embark to Omicron Delta and commence operations at your orders Christian.
I have good news for our citizens. We had to wait for this so long, but finally we are ready to build new Kadesh Orbital Colony from the scratch. Current modular base did a great job and served us as shelter for our people for a long time, likewise the spot was proven reliable for colonization, furthermore our scanners array altogether with the corefleet covers up the surface of Palmyra with the signal as whole. So we will have freedom in picking up spot without further investments in satellite systems. It will be still useful for the scaffolding of new station.
Excuse me, I’m a bit digressed, blissful mood today. With the growing population and corefleet, I’ve considered rebuilding Kadesh Orbital Colony. The choice falls on Zeus class installation. Due to its original shape, it has great potential to become a true Star City among wildlands, with kilometers of living quarters, beautiful gardens and happy people.
I want Building and Trade departments to count estimates on the building materials, equipment and labor. This shouldn't be an exact sum, as construction of such installations vary from interiors and inner decks. All is required at this moment is to start shipments as soon as possible. Daumann Heavy Construction already had proven their interest in working with us, so we should to speed up construction works.
Its good to hear we can expect some help in this endeavor Christian.
I've gotten a glimpse of few initial designs from the station design people, along with some material estimates. From the lists I am seeing, we are looking at bringing in over 1.1 Million units of various cargoes. As for pricing, I would recommend having at least 3 Billion Credits in reserve for cost of materials, freight, labor etc. I've posted a more detailed estimate in the Senior Officers private channel for all to review.
I am looking forward to seeing the final choice for the design. It will greatly help me pin down the exact costs to a better detail. But suffice it to say, it will be expensive.
According to our flight plan I had scheduled a stop on Gran Canaria. After swift loading of vodka boxes, I headed back to Kadesh Orbital Colony with several stops along my path, again according to the flight path. While I was preparing for the final part of the flight from Freeport 11 to the Kadesh I ran into an interesting conversation with ALG capital vessel.
While I never had concerns about corporate relationships, the captain of Erdbeben enlightened me about the inner structure of their relationship between Rheinland, flight log can be find here. Furthermore, what was more interesting is that ALG has strong ties with the Order, for my surprise.
For my luck Erdbeben headed to the Taba, so we made a flight to the Palmyra’s orbit together. As far I remember Vega project is not classified anymore and ALG is quite aligned to the Order like we are… I was really interested to ask if they would be able to take their part of ship repairs. So I’ve tried my luck and so far received a positive response. I know that the current status of the Vega is MIA, but let's hold out hope everything will be alright and it will succeed at jumping into the Sirius with everything prepared for it’s repairs.
I am currently draw up new security measures to re-assign our fleet numbers following our plans reposition to our installations in Omicron Delta. The new arrangement should to enable adequate cover these stations at all times and enable dispatch quick responses in their local space. New flight path are also being charted to ensure safer passage for traffic between destinations in the system.
In addition, I have reassigned the carrier (\^/)Aegaeon fitted with a jump drive to assist with the beacon project currently on-going in Livadia. It is also fitted with a survey module to chart out and investigate spatial anomalies it may come across.
I want to inform you about the rotation of the Fort Scorpius. With the new stable location of the Delta Mining Corp in orbit of gas giant I thought it's time to move something bigger, in terms of station mass and ore capacity for the public use. Whilst Scorpius lost its purpose, it's time to move on it to a new location, on maximum proximity to the field, on circular orbit of the planet Tuvalu. Our transports currently busy with the ongoing stockpiling of materials for new Kadesh Orbital Colony, I see no longer our capability to move Iridium ore to quite remote spot from the mining field, so in a few days mining operations only would have several transports - that wouldn't be enough to fulfill requirement for our visitors on the Scorpius.
Ah, and with the new location there will be a new name. Since it has lost the purpose of being a shield of the Freeport, it shouldn't be a fort anymore. I think in honor of the great city of of ancient Earth - Athens name would fit ideally in its new role. It used to be a beautiful city and worked as a major hub for trade flow.
I want the trade department to calculate the amount of the required fuel to get in stable circular orbit in the sector 7G of. Also, get in touch with the security department, we should pick the safest route with minimal attention. I prefer to put the Core under the fact of a new location, since there is no way to predict their reaction while it'll be on the way to the Tokelau cloud.
As you know, for many generations, Zoners were a diverse group of individuals who, for various reasons, decided to live at the boundary of known and charted space, far from the Houses' influence. Limited in resources, we had to adapt for the survival of our kind. But Zoners are no way to be united: our "Phoenix" is just another group of anarchic zoner society if you can call these divided groups a society. However, while lacking the social unity, the Zoners community sometimes share their resources and technologies for respective price.
The Hipparcos is a good example of such exchange. Built by the Zoners of Freeport 6, this ship shows its approach toward technologies in the disposal of Tau Zoners. It lacks heavily reinforced armor, but yet capable to stand significant damage: it is not a juggernaut, capable to survive under heavy fire, but harsh environmental terms are not that dangerous to it. An explorer, long-range carrier ship with decent cargo hold and huge hangar to hold several wings of escort fighters, if we simplify the mean of this ship.
I believe there is no need for a significant refit of the ship, but yet general armor reinforcement is required to meet the more harsh terms of the Omicron environment and a research purpose of the ship itself. After all, there a lot yet to discover in the Omicrons, and perhaps to find a location where the Phoenix could fear no one to come and take what we gained so hard.
While armor enhancement will require rather resources to be delivered to Livadia, the second straight after it is a different reactor. Omicrons is the region where supplies may be cut at any moment, and hence we can't rely on fuel shipments from Sigmas and near Houses but have either develop our own reactor or adopt less efficient but more autonomous reactor from the former days.
Developing a new one from a scratch would be quite troublesome for us and therefore it was decided to adopt one of the outdated but yet decent reactors ever developed by mankind. The one chosen by me for adoption is the Gallic ARC (short for advanced, robust, and compact) Fusion Reactor, used in the early centuries of their colonization expansion. The discontinue of ARC technology had happened in the early 3rd century by the Gallic calendar, allowing them to be installed in mobile conditions such as large spaceships. The nascent of Promethene-fuelled reactors later on rendered ARC reactors atavism of old in light of the high energy output of the new counterparts.
However, unlike Promethene reactors, the ARC reactor (Advanced, robust, and compact) deals with more readily available materials. ARC-reactor is a tokamak-based fusion power generation plant for integrated materials and component irradiation in a D-T neutron field. Compared to many other fusion reactors, ARC is very stable against disruption. This stability is enabled by a high magnitude magnetic field in a compact superconductive fusion chamber, additionally stabilized by a large in proportion to the fusion chamber heat exhaust pipe with additional heat dissipation plates. The design of the reactor can be seen on a schematic below:
This design provides both high energy gain Qe > 1 and simultaneously high plasma yield Qp. An additional advantage of the design is its safety: an extremely high safety margin to break down operational limits is provided at all times of operation, with an edge safety factor, density limit, and normalized below the now established beta limit (pressure limit) at all times.
The ARC reactor design uses a combination of RF power in the "fast-acting" ion cyclotron frequency range (ICRF) and lower hybrid frequency range (LHRF) to heat the plasma and form the q-profile. The ICRF is required for efficient core current driving, while the lower hybrid current drive (LHCD) provides increased efficiency for current driving near the middle radius and beyond. The goal of this combination of current drive methods is to create an "advanced tokamak" (AT) q-profile characterized by a weak reversible magnetic shift. This provides self-consistency with higher constraint and also avoids dangerous instabilities.
The principle of plasma recycling is also different from conventional fusion chambers. Lower hybrid waves triggered from the high field side (HFS) of the tokamak are used to drive the plasma current non-inductively. High-field-side triggering is shown in the simulation to increase current drive efficiency, which is critical for maximizing the gain of the power plant and providing better external control of the radial current profile. Besides, launching with a quieter HFS plasma is expected to reduce launch damage from plasma-material interactions.
The use of YBCO (Yttrium barium copper oxide) superconducting technology in toroidal field coils allows for significantly higher on-axis magnetic fields than standard Nb3Sn superconductors. High magnetic field strengths are required in small reactor designs to achieve the necessary poloidal field/plasma current required for sufficient tightness and resistance to beta (pressure) constraints. Since YBCO tapes allow the use of resistive connections in superconducting coils, the toroidal field coils can be made collapsible, i.e., the coils can be divided into two parts (see below).
The replaceable vacuum vessel is made of corrosion-resistant Inconel 718. The vessel is approximately shaped like an elliptical torus. It is double-walled and contains a channel through which FLiBe flows for cooling and tritium breeding. The vacuum vessel is attached to the blanket tank from above by 18 support columns, which are evenly spaced between the 18 toroidal field coils. All connections needed for in-vessel components (such as waveguides, vacuum ports, etc.) run through these columns, which are also curved to reduce the flux of neutrons streaming through. Thus, the vessel is isolated from the permanent tokamak components, so it can be designed to fail without damaging lifetime reactor components in the worst case of a full, unmitigated plasma disruption.
To permit modular maintenance, the blanket is composed entirely of liquid FLiBe that acts as a neutron moderator, shield, and breeder. The FLiBe is contained in a large low-pressure tank, referred to as the blanket tank, and flows slowly past the vacuum vessel. The blanket tank is a robust lifetime component and serves as the primary nuclear containment boundary, as opposed to the vacuum vessel. Neutrons created by the deuterium-tritium fusion reaction are captured in the FLiBe, transferring their energy and breeding tritium to fuel the reactor. Tritium can then be extracted from the liquid FLiBe after it flows out of the blanket tank.
A neutron shield made of titanium dihydride (TiH2) surrounds the blanket tank. This is to protect the inboard leg of the superconducting toroidal field coil, which is particularly space-constrained and susceptible to neutron radiation damage. Such a design is what allows the relatively compact size of the reactor.
In a conclusion, the ARC modular reactor is a relatively simple, reliable, and easy to maintain solution to energy supply for bigger ships as compared to more energy-output and yet more complicated and difficult to maintain (fusion) reactors.
Aeria Hawke, Commander of the Phoenix Colony Ship known as the Aether here.
It’s been a long while since I’ve sent anything out internally, since our return I’ve primarily been focused on Major Overhauls and repairs to the Aether which was badly damaged during the Great Voyage.
The Kadesh’s Engineers have been working tireless on new Bleeding Edge Equipment and I had to even Import some Highly Classified Code-name Weaponry from a Bretonian Arm’s Dealer and even Upgraded Docking Modules from an Omega Merchant.
Once Equipment Test are completed and Signed off the Aether will proceed to be equipped with the Code-name Weaponry, 'till then Standard Zoner weaponry will be used.
Now I’ve been hearing chatter from our Traders that there’s been an increase in Junker and Nomad presence lately in Omicron Nu, now usually I’d organise a scout team to do some recon however due to our trader’s frequenting the system and with Rarotonga Dock so close, I figured this would make a good shakedown run for the Aether instead.
The Aether undocked from Kadesh and I had a course was plotted to the nearest Open Area, away from the Station.
I entered the Jump Co-ords for the Omicron Nu system , inputted from the Phoenix Database – this would be the First Live test for the Jump Drive System.
I then Gave the order to Start the Charge sequence, within 30 seconds we hit Critical Charge Levels, I then gave the Final Order to Initiate the Jump.
All Hands braced for impact as the Aether Jumped unassisted through space… but fortunately for the Crew and I the Inertia dampeners kicked in and we had a smooth “landing”.
Upon gathering our Bering’s we plotted a course for Ratonga In order to re-supply and run diagnostics after the Jump just to make sure all truly went well.
The Crew aboard Ratonga pointed us towards the debris field around Planet Marshal, it seems the Junker’s have been salvaging something known as “Exotic Antiquities“.
After Diagnostics came back clear we then headed towards Planet Marshal and into the Debris Field.
To my Untrained eye all I see is Debris in this location
But nonetheless working with the Local junkers may prove profitable, much like the Corsair’s Artifacts there’s a Collectors market for these things.
I’ll need to enquire further but due to the lack of a dedicated Storage facility for these Antiquities (Ratonga is merely the occasional “stop-over” point), we may be able to set up a new Modular Storage facility to for this or even move Fort Scorp’ over, this potentially will open up a new trade route for us and give us a Greater Foothold in the Nu system.
From a distance a Nomad installation can be seen, which explains the increased activity reports
Upon closer inspection I was Greeted by a Nomad Gunboat patrol and we engaged in combat with minor Hull Damage , Nomad weaponry must not be underestimated.
Finally we headed towards the Omicron Nu Super Gate that Liberty had erected.
In order to recon the area and not Set off their Warning Alarms I decided this would be a good time to test the Stealth Drive, So I gave the order to begin the Cloaking sequence, a Minute Later and the Aether was gone from Radar and Sensor’s and we got up nice and close to the Super-Gate.
Having accomplished everything worthwhile we headed back to Ratonga - best not to push it afterall- the Aether would then be Re-supplied, More Diagnostic’s run and ultimately were my crew and I would retire for the rest of the day.
And that concludes my Report on the Both the Omicron Nu system as well as the Shakedown run of the Aether.
-Aeria Out
[14.03.2021 12:15:25] BRR!-Buckfast: How about 10 millon pal!
[14.03.2021 12:15:37] BRR!-Buckfast: Your Majesty The Rich Director!
[14.03.2021 12:15:45] Gateway|-GSX-Triebfeder: Thats more like it
[14.03.2021 12:15:56] Gateway|-GSX-Triebfeder: Very Well you may have the Honour of my credits
Proceed to dock at the nearest location to update your transponders, your ships should have already received latest software for an update to Outworlder Assembly identification.
Prior any intricacy or ship malfunction on local bases set your course to the Livadia Shipyard for the service. This order has high priority.
An extremely dangerous Nomad type has been spotted in Omicron Delta and has been sighted close-by to Phoenix Vessels and Facilities.
Not much is known about this entity, designated as 'Seeker'. While it does appear to be itself unarmed and not inherently hostile, it is know to have several guardian ships close-by and likely cloaked. These guardians seem to utilize stronger weapons then other Nomads of that size, and should be avoided with prejudice.
It was reported that the 'Entity' approached a mining vessel and apparently began to communicate with the pilot, although no attempt at mind manipulation or control was reported to have been attempted on the pilot. The creature apparently asked the pilot if it wished to leave what was described in the pilots report as 'the drudgery and conflicts of space life' to live on what the creature described as a paradise for humans.
Lucky the pilot being of a strong constitution was not interested in the beings offer and was able to deftly evade an energy orb the being launched at the tiny mining craft. The (\^/)Taurica arrived on the scene when the creatures guardian craft appeared and attacked both ships suddenly. Luckily, both ships were able to retreat back to Delta Mining Corp. unscathed.
My ship, along with the Carrier (\^/)Draco, were just arriving at DMC on our usual sector patrol when we encountered the creature there.
The creature engaged us in what I can only describe as 'banter' and while its guardians were present, they remained well out of weapons range and we did not engage with them.
I believe the appearance of this 'Seeker' with its strange offer of relocation of humans to some sort of wonder-world is evident of a possible horror these monsters want to unleash upon humanity. Given what we know already of what they do with humans who arrive in their custody this new recruitment strategy, if that is even what this is, is nightmarish to say the least.
I have updated our scientific records with what little information we could glean from the 'Entity' and am passing a general alert onto all ships in the sector to avoid the thing if encountered. I also recommend that we contact our friends in the Order for any information they have and possible assistance in dealing with this monstrosity before it is able to realize whatever goal it seeks to accomplish here.