I am known as “JJ” Mathers of the Zoner operations Unit Delta 4.
I believe we may have had some dealings in the past in making inroads against the Nomad threat. Since that time, much progress has been made in uncovering many of their secrets. My team works diligently in conducting research to further our understanding of alien technology and materials. It is due to this that through much time and resources have been spent on uncovering the mysteries that lie at and beyond the edge of Sirius.
The reason that you receive this transmission now is because that I believe we could help each other in the way of scientific advancements. The resources spent to acquire items we require to compliment our science endeavors has been strenuous and very costly. Its possible you have access to materials that we cannot get so easily. The Outcasts have been renowned in their ability to adapt and push ahead where needed, and it is for this main fact that I believe that we could come to a agreement of sorts. I have access to many resources we could share, so if this interests you, reply at your leisure.
I am Audaz Alarcón, Alpha Explorer of Malta Hyperspace Starfleet. We have dealt with nomads before but they are not our immediate concern right now, it is suffice to say that we keep them on check if they meddle with us. Having said that, reverse engineering is something we take seriously when we found breathtaking opportunities and we do have a predisposition for curiosity on Nomad technological innovation.
Your transmission is vague, to say the least, so to keep it short: What is your proposal? It is uncommon to see an organized and resourceful Zoner group, but a mutual agreement can be reached if your offer seems appealing to us. To be honest, we have not heard of Unit Delta 4 and we do not know your real intentions with us. So, to keep transparency and well-mannered intentions, we require a more detailed clarification about this.
Esperando su Respuesta,
Audaz Alarcón
Alpha Explorer
Mr. Alarcón, pleasure to meet you. The Unit I help lead falls under a more disciplined role than most other Zoner groups, that have more far-reaching goals. The reason why you would not have heard of us is that we tend to keep a lower profile in most of our operations.
At the moment, my main science team looks for more ways to detect and analyze alien structures and devices. We have begun to experiment with various sensor systems and as such, and I have been working to get a hold of several items. One of such parts we need is known as Thorium Mox. It is a derivative of normal MOX that as you may know is used primarily in reactors. Our own shipyards are unable to provide us with the required amounts that we need and turning to other known suppliers such as those in Kusari were unable to send what we needed.
The Outcasts build many ships for their fleet, so I would logically think that they would have a refinery for this fuel. If you would be able to part with a moderate quantity of this, it would greatly help us. In return, we could send something you need for your projects or come to another agreement.
As a matter of fact, one of our projects require vast amounts of Counterfeit Software, in an attempt to improve our efficiency in research, using already built and specialized tools that can speed up and manage better our database. The project needs the upmost secrecy and we will not reveal more, especially for someone we do not fraternize.
If you agree to help us in this task, we can start talking about numbers and fulfill your request of Thorium MOX; unless you have a counter-offer. The specific software required will be encrypted for you to pick up, of course, and you will be told what kind of programs we desire in the moment you retrieve them. Also, as you contacted us, we expect that your part of the bargain has to be completed first, as a proof of trust from your group to us.
Esperando su Respuesta,
Audaz Alarcón
Alpha Explorer
Your deal does appear to be fair, I am somewhat familiar with such programs and know how to handle them. Both myself and my team handle many confidential matters regularly so keeping it under wraps will be perfectly fine.
My other colleagues have given approval to move ahead. I look forward to working with you, please let me know of any other terms if any, and we can get this transaction underway.
Pleased to make your acquaintance, I am Julia López, Observadora. Since our Explorador Alfa has already spoke and agreed with you, Alpha Command has asked me to oversee this operation. The following supplies must be brought to complete this job:
- 15,000 units of Counterfeit Software
Destination: Galicia Research Station, Omicron Beta
Visual proof is mandatory (Docking procedure validated, time & cargo)
Feel free to send your request at any time but, as I was informed, you need to finish our task first, in order to us to begin our part.
Hello again to MHS! The transporting of the Counterfeit Software has been completed as far as I know. The operator assigned to the job finished it without incident. The people at Galicia were pleasant in the receiving of the cargo and I hope everything is in order. Its been a joy to work with your team so far.
We have verified your deliveries and acknowledged the authenticity of the software. Regarding your request, we expect you to bring an appropriate vessel to carry Thorium MOX, at your earliest convenience. We will rendezvous with you in Malta’s orbit; you will be intercepted and you will follow our instructions to the letter, so we can finish the deal efficiently. If the ship does not follow the proper protocols, it will be immediately annihilated.
Hello there! I hope you have had a good week. This week has been quite productive for us. It was confirmed with me yesterday that the Shipment of 3500 Thorium MOX was successfully delivered. I am very happy with how everything has turned out so far, this was definitely a good move to cut a deal with your people. This fuel will be a huge help in assisting to develop new technology for our efforts.
Communication logs as recieved, confirmed by my operator of acquiring the Thorium MOX:
[07.05.2021 23:30:42] HS>Reconquista: Is this your zoner?
[07.05.2021 23:30:45] HS>Empanada: C: Let's hope this guy comes soon, I need to do some trades here and I do not have much time.
[07.05.2021 23:30:53] HS>Empanada: C: Oh, there it is.
[07.05.2021 23:30:58] Backpack1: Alright, this is transport DX R1 requesting permission to approach
[07.05.2021 23:31:00] HS>Reconquista: Hola senor Zoner, welcome to Malta
[07.05.2021 23:31:04] HS>Reconquista: Permission granted
[07.05.2021 23:31:06] HS>Empanada: C: I think so. *sweats even more*
[07.05.2021 23:31:20] Backpack1: copy that, moving in close orbit now
[07.05.2021 23:31:27] Backpack1: thank you for the welcome
[07.05.2021 23:31:40] HS>Empanada: C: Hola, zoner. Are you JJ Mathers?
[07.05.2021 23:31:55] HS>Empanada: C: Or one of his associates?
[07.05.2021 23:31:58] Backpack1: he is not on board but i represent his interests
[07.05.2021 23:32:01] Death: TokosTekes was put out of action by a hostile vessel.
[07.05.2021 23:32:21] HS>Empanada: C: I see, do you come for the special delivery, isn't that right'
[07.05.2021 23:32:24] HS>Empanada: ?
[07.05.2021 23:32:33] Backpack1: that is correct sir
[07.05.2021 23:32:42] HS>Empanada: C: Follow me, por favor.
[07.05.2021 23:32:47] Backpack1: very good
[07.05.2021 23:33:04] HS>Empanada: C: Stay close to me and everything will be fine.
[07.05.2021 23:33:09] Backpack1: roger that
[07.05.2021 23:33:22] HS>Empanada: C: Senor Montalban, you can join us, if you wish.
[07.05.2021 23:34:09] HS>Empanada: C: La Nube Austera is so dangerous, remember to check your sensors.
[07.05.2021 23:34:19] Backpack1: understood
[07.05.2021 23:34:28] HS>Empanada: C: We do have some...defenses, for those that are careless.
[07.05.2021 23:35:13] Backpack1: this is quite the sight
[07.05.2021 23:35:15] HS>Empanada: C: There it is, the Corsica complex.
[07.05.2021 23:35:26] HS>Empanada: C: Si, it is beautiful.
[07.05.2021 23:35:28] Backpack1: heard rumors about it
[07.05.2021 23:35:32] Backpack1: not much more
[07.05.2021 23:35:37] HS>Empanada: C: Stay here, please. This will take a bit.
[07.05.2021 23:35:42] Backpack1: you got it
[07.05.2021 23:36:38] HS>Empanada: C: Ok, I have confirmation. I will retrieve it and you must stay in this position.
[07.05.2021 23:36:48] HS>Reconquista: How often do you come to Alpha, zoner?
[07.05.2021 23:36:57] Backpack1: copy that
[07.05.2021 23:37:11] Backpack1: i dont think ive been around here in the past
[07.05.2021 23:37:18] Backpack1: i work mostly in the south
[07.05.2021 23:37:19] 2021-05-07 23:34:48 SMT Traffic control alert: HS>Empanada has requested to dock
[07.05.2021 23:37:40] Backpack1: hey hoss? yeah lets get that containment field up now? yeah, so there is no lead time
[07.05.2021 23:37:50] HS>Reconquista: You should visit more often, the clouds and nebulae of the north are unrivaled for beauty.
[07.05.2021 23:37:59] Backpack1: sorry, trying to finalize things on my end
[07.05.2021 23:38:04] HS>Reconquista: And none of those savages that call themselves corsairs.
[07.05.2021 23:38:20] Backpack1: unfortunatly i dont get to dally around as much as id like
[07.05.2021 23:38:42] Backpack1: my boss though gets around, heard some stories
[07.05.2021 23:38:48] HS>Empanada: C: Ok, I am back. Ready to make the transfer.
[07.05.2021 23:38:59] HS>Empanada: C: Are you ready, senor...?
[07.05.2021 23:39:02] Backpack1: yes
[07.05.2021 23:39:35] Backpack1: just a moment please
[07.05.2021 23:39:59] HS>Empanada: C: Is everything all right?
[07.05.2021 23:40:25] Backpack1: standby
[07.05.2021 23:40:40] HS>Reconquista: I do hope there isn't a problem.
[07.05.2021 23:41:00] Backpack1: alright just had to confirm everything with my cargo operator
[07.05.2021 23:41:17] HS>Empanada: C: Bien, I think that is all for now.
[07.05.2021 23:41:25] Backpack1: the crates were a little more difficult to lock down
[07.05.2021 23:41:32] HS>Empanada: C: Let's exit the cloud.
[07.05.2021 23:41:35] Backpack1: looks like we are set
[07.05.2021 23:41:41] Backpack1: ok forming up
[07.05.2021 23:41:43] HS>Empanada: C: Follow me.
[07.05.2021 23:42:51] HS>Empanada: C: Impressive, isn't it? Corsica? *grins* Sometimes it serves as trading post, but most of the time is for our ships.
[07.05.2021 23:42:58] HS>Empanada: C: As you can see from the outside.
[07.05.2021 23:43:13] Backpack1: i see , doesnt strike as me as a trading post
[07.05.2021 23:43:20] HS>Empanada: C: *laughs*
[07.05.2021 23:43:24] HS>Reconquista: Shipyards require many materials.
[07.05.2021 23:43:37] HS>Reconquista: There are always goods moving in and out
[07.05.2021 23:43:44] Backpack1: my employer will be quite happy with this
[07.05.2021 23:43:51] HS>Empanada: C: Si, and it's big enough to sustain and maintain them.
[07.05.2021 23:44:05] Backpack1: thats quite the operation
[07.05.2021 23:44:18] Backpack1: if you dont mind, my boss wanted to confirm this shipment before i leave
[07.05.2021 23:44:25] HS>Empanada: C: And we do have some special products in there...but that's saying too much. *laughs*
[07.05.2021 23:44:35] HS>Empanada: C: Sure, what do you need?
[07.05.2021 23:44:38] Backpack1: if it is ok, id like to relay a comm through Malta to him
[07.05.2021 23:44:58] HS>Empanada: C: Ehm...What do you think, senor Montalban?
[07.05.2021 23:45:16] HS>Empanada: C: I think, as a business partner, he can land for a bit.
[07.05.2021 23:45:30] HS>Reconquista: Yes, just keep out of trouble
[07.05.2021 23:45:40] HS>Empanada: C: Feel free to dock, zoner.
[07.05.2021 23:45:55] Backpack1: shouldnt need to land, if i can just get temporary access to your comm array, this can be done quicker
[07.05.2021 23:46:09] Backpack1: narrow band to my boss is all
[07.05.2021 23:46:19] HS>Reconquista: You can use 45.5 Ghz
[07.05.2021 23:46:26] Backpack1: thankk you, standby
[07.05.2021 23:46:27] HS>Reconquista: That's the general access channel
[07.05.2021 23:46:46] Death: SoulThief was put out of action by a hostile vessel.
[07.05.2021 23:47:11] HS>Empanada: C: Damn, senor! I can't even remember what I ate in the morning. *chuckles*
[07.05.2021 23:47:15] Backpack1: yeah this is DX R1 calling home
[07.05.2021 23:47:48] HS>Reconquista: I'll fill you in on a secret, senor Cruz.
[07.05.2021 23:47:57] Backpack1: JJ: this is JJ, hope you got some good news?
[07.05.2021 23:48:04] HS>Reconquista: The key to brilliance is writing things down, and having efficient subordinates.
[07.05.2021 23:48:13] Backpack1: yes boss, the shipment is good, sending list now
[07.05.2021 23:48:53] HS>Empanada: C: *laughs and hits the console*
[07.05.2021 23:49:11] HS>Empanada: C: Wise words, senor. I'll keep that in mind.
[07.05.2021 23:49:31] Backpack1: JJ: alright.....everything looks good, swap to Phi-7 and head back, no trouble ya hear?
[07.05.2021 23:49:43] Death: Ikari was put out of action by a hostile vessel.
[07.05.2021 23:49:46] Backpack1: i understand sir, departing at once, out
[07.05.2021 23:50:02] HS>Reconquista: Hostile on scanners.
[07.05.2021 23:50:08] Backpack1: ok thats it for now
[07.05.2021 23:50:11] HS>Empanada: C: I wonder when I am going to get subordinates.
[07.05.2021 23:50:12] Backpack1: a hostile?
[07.05.2021 23:50:20] HS>Reconquista: It might be a good idea for you to dock after all, zoner.
[07.05.2021 23:50:25] HS>Empanada: C: Oh, a hostile! Senor, what do we do now? *sweats*
[07.05.2021 23:50:40] Backpack1: this cargo needs to head back right away or i will be on trouble
[07.05.2021 23:50:54] Backpack1: could i get a escort out of the system if that is at all possible?
[07.05.2021 23:51:00] HS>Reconquista: Hostile has pulled out of range, I'll escort you out
[07.05.2021 23:51:01] Backpack1: i can make if worth your while
[07.05.2021 23:51:06] HS>Empanada: C: Oh, the contact dissapeared...strange.
[07.05.2021 23:51:20] HS>Reconquista: I doubt they're gone for good
[07.05.2021 23:51:24] Backpack1: very well, forming up for course
[07.05.2021 23:51:36] HS>Empanada: C: Ok, let's proceed.
Thank you once again, from all of us at Unit Delta 4, you have our gratitude. I hope in the future we can work together towards common goals.