As the last preparation phase for reopening of Canaria commerce port and the new docking ring, a Barge-class heavy transport will be delivering the final batch of necessary materials and equipment for the docking ring infrastructure from Planet Pygar in Omicron Theta to Planet Gran Canaria in Omega-48.
Due to interference of unidentified vessels during the survey phase of the reconstruction efforts, Zoners have requested additional escort vessels to accompany OZC Tenerife on its route to ensure secure delivery of the required resources.
Time and Date:
Saturday, December 18th - 18:00 UTC starting at Planet Pygar orbit, Omicron Theta
For duration of the event, the system with OZC-Tenerife present will have its respawn timer disabled.
OZC-Tenerife and its escorts can be treated as combat targets by all IDs.
The Barge will not have any special shield or armor, the defending side can bring only one repair ship if required.
This is an open-ended event, and participants are free to use any character and any ID (within ZoI) and choose whether to attack or defend the Barge (within RP and Rule limits of their ID).
The event will be balanced with PVE spawns. Special NPCs are set up which have a chance of dropping special items as reward (Scidata, Codenames, Thrusters, etc). They will be spawned at different difficulty levels or with different IFFs depending on participating ships present.
Once the Barge reaches Gran Canaria, unloading its cargo will require help of freighters. /restart CanariaFreighter will be available during the event, providing a freighter docked on Gran Canaria for anyone who'd like to help speed up the final part of this event.
This is a story event covering the efforts of Zoners to rebuild Gran Canaria Docking Ring and community participation will influence the in-canon conclusion of the Ring's construction arc.
General set up of this event is based on community input from Part I of this event [1][2]. Thanks for the suggestions.
is the barge going to be respawning also or once it is dead the first time the event is over? also will the barge have any improved armor upgrades at all?
(12-17-2021, 12:03 AM)Firewolfy Wrote: is the barge going to be respawning also or once it is dead the first time the event is over? also will the barge have any improved armor upgrades at all?
It states that the ship wont have any special armour or sheilding.
Wish I was flying the bloody thing, but IRL calls.
Interesting idea, but I have a feeling the Barge is going to end up dead very fast (hooray for people who like to drop caps on helpless transports, and this is even worse as the barge is sloooowww)
Hope it manages to get at least near Canaria.
Edit: just realized, with respawn disabled, the barge can also respawn I guess ? Then it's just a matter of stopping it before it docks somewhere near GC to impede its efforts of getting to the planet?
(12-17-2021, 12:03 AM)Firewolfy Wrote: is the barge going to be respawning also or once it is dead the first time the event is over? also will the barge have any improved armor upgrades at all?
(12-17-2021, 07:30 AM)LuckyOne Wrote: I have a feeling the Barge is going to end up dead very fast (hooray for people who like to drop caps on helpless transports, and this is even worse as the barge is sloooowww)
The respawn change doesn't apply to the Barge itself, only the escorts and other participants. Event will be considered complete either when the Barge successfully drops its cargo at Canaria or is destroyed.
I'd rather not spoil the specifics of the loadout, since that's part of a little surprise we have planned which is going to make the Barge far from helpless. It'll be a fully kitted Barge, just wont have plot titan armor and will run with standard CAU instead.
There's a few points that I want to make to, hopefully, make the upcoming events more fair. I'm speaking for (what I assume) are all of the people who've flown the Unidentified ships, because from what I could gather we pretty much have the same opinion.
First, and probably the worst part of this, the Repair Ship. The Repair ship was always on the Barge, making it impossible to do more than a scratch. We tried (and did) to kill it a few times, but when it has the ability to respawn what is at most 50k away from the Barge, and at best like 5k, then there is not much point in doing so. By the time it's back, it'll have healed the Barge to full in a few seconds while the Unidentified side has to chew through over 6 million HP.
Second, the bases. It was very unfun for everyone involved to have to always fly from Omega-7 to whereever the Barge was. Dying as an Unidentified felt incredibly punishing while dying as a defender literally did not matter because of the number of people, but also because of the amount of bases they had available for them to dock at. There was at least one in every system, sometimes multiple.
And last, the people who defended the Barge. Yeah, this was an event, but that shouldn't mean that Auxesia + Zoners + Corsairs + Coalition + Bounty Hunters + MND + Freelancers should be in the same group, not doing a single thing about each other. What this did was that people who would normally shoot each other, and possibly the Barge, just rallied together and played the Defender role when the Event was set up in a way where they were allowed to attack despite not running the Unidentified ID.
And while the NPC's were present to "balance" out the event, they really didn't do anything at all in the end. They've scratched the Barge in 41 before the Unidentified people joined together to shoot it, but that's pretty much it. During the important parts of the event, they've just been killed while chasing a lone bomber or cruiser, and not focusing on the Barge like I imagine they should've. Also the fact that the Battleships were hostile to us as well, meaning they really weren't on our side either.
Kudos to everyone who participated (and to the Admins for putting in that last minute change, even if it might have turned the scope of the event on its head).
I'd like to officially apologize to everyone for derailing the event a bit. It was probably planned and balanced to be a bit more cap heavy on the Unlawful side, yet it seemed the Unlawful caps playerbase weren't really interested, so I just said to hell with it and gave it a go.
I hope the next one will be better balanced, and all the factions will get to play their proper roles.
Kudos for the event, was great fun. I especially enjoyed the hostile bombers who often gave us really good fights. I also appreciated the nice company of the group and the nice roleplay, keep it up!