The Akhetaten successfully completed the patrol to the Kepler system at a later time yesterday, as I informed you it would. However, the patrol most certainly did not go as planned. We came across a series of events that we did not expect to get caught in, gathering intelligence that will be invaluable for future operations in the system.
Considering the importance of the information gathered and the events we witnessed, I see fit to share with you the relevant entry on the Akhetaten's captain's logs so as to keep you informed on events happening in a system that much concerns you.
You will find the relevant entry linked below in the attachments. Please feel free to inquire about anything you may require.
Receiving Party(s): 5th|LNS-Akhetaten - Maria Uhmen Sending Party(s): LNS-Cataclysm - James Harrow Matter Subject(s): Appreciation - Proposal
....As said previously, Uhmen. I cannot fully understand why you have placed such trust in me to share your ship's personal log, if only a single entry. However the gesture was not taken lightly and I will work to ensure that you do not regret that decision. The evidence here lines up with many suspicions I already had, added to the Cataclysm' own patrol through Kepler and the conversation with the particular individual I named, my hunch is no longer mere speculation and the connection made clear.
....I must apologize for the absence of the Cataclysm in Kepler when this incident occurred, the timing of your patrol simply didn't align. I have encountered these forms using odd weaponry once before, and for the record, I am greatly relieved you and the Akhetaten returned uninjured. The events occurring within Kepler are far more intriguing and worrying than I had initially assumed they would be, I will keep an eye on the individuals listed in the dossier and keep you updated should more information be discovered.
....That however brings me to the last order of business, it has been made clear in our handful of recent meetings the Cataclysm and the Akhetaten will be operating together on numerous occasions and while the mission of the Cataclysm sees no interest in the Insurgency or Technocracy, Coronado and Pennsylvania made it clear we cannot simply ignore them in favor of our primary goal. Should working with the Cataclysm still be your wish, I believe creating a twin-linked data stream between our vessels would be a more organized and permanent option that would considerably add to the security of our conversations, safeguard the sensitive content of either respective party, and ensure digging up relevant data from previous transmissions is a care free and time saving process. Time we both consider precious. I look forward to hearing your input, Captain.
I believe we've already spoken about the matter of Kepler and that it can be put aside for the time being. If the Akhetaten is in a patrol at the system and encounters action, I will be contacting you. The same, I hope, will be done by you if the Cataclysm is in that position. In addition to the above, I would like to remind you that the information I am allowed to send to you regarding anything the Akhetaten partakes in - not only Kepler - is very limited. It's not a matter of trust but rather a matter of safety.
Matter of Kepler aside, I have already notified our cryptologic technicians of your intentions regarding this channel and you will find various differences when trying to access it again. The channel has been successfully encrypted end-to-end and only you and I can access it as of now.
I will assume that you have seen my most recent transmission toward the Liberty Forces and that the current one does not find you surprised. I would like the Cataclysm to be deployed into the system of California for the following few days as per Insurgency's most recent advancements. Her and most importantly you will be of great help if the Insurgency's plans are to indeed strike California.
Our last engagement against them has left a lot to be desired, Harrow. Let us make up for it in California, if given the chance to.
Receiving Party(s): 5th|LNS-Akhetaten - Maria Uhmen Sending Party(s): LNS-Cataclysm - James Harrow Matter Subject(s): Redeployment
....Good evening, Commodore. While we do not find ourselves routinely operating within California, that is not to say we will not heed your request. The Cataclysm has had little to test its mettle against since the repairs and upgrades to its structuring. Once all status checks portside have been completed we will make our way to join the Alma battle cluster in orbit of Los Angeles. While we configure resulting patrol patterns.
I wish to express my gratitude towards you and your crew for your efforts out in California earlier; your flawless judgement, unparalleled situational awareness and exceptional decision-making capabilities were the lead deciding factors that resulted in the Akhetaten making it back to Norfolk. We may have suffered heavy casualties but our survival is a result of the cooperation between the Akhetaten and the other allied assets deployed on the fleet.
You are granted access to Entry No.22 of the Akhetaten's Captain's logs. The specific entry logs the events that happened in California along with the Osiris-class' current status in full detail.