Name: RHM|Astri:Fahlstrom
Location: Munich
Time: Just now
Reasons: My game crashed xD
I'll take this as a sign that the universe doesn't want me to RP today
[03.07.2024] LNS-Beast***: we can do this every day but you have to buy bigger stronger ships...and i'll help you
Name: Chuck.Kimmel
Location (ingame): Penny, near Planet Hallam
Time (GMT): ~02:15
Reason: Game crashed, Don't think anyone was around, but there were some pirates in the system.
Name: Julia_Everglace
Location: New York
Server time (UTC): around 19:50 (hope I didn't mess up timezone-calculation)
Date: 11th of August 2022
Reason: tested the stability of my client to the server and simulated a sudden loss of connection, but at that moment forgot there are server-rules for disconnecting while in space
- no one was near me at that time
Name: AFS|ARV-Greifswald
Location (ingame): Omicron Xi
Time (GMT): Couple hours ago
Date: 23-08-2022
Reason: CTD'd mid battle with RM, reason for the CTD is unknown.