The Unit-9467F was discovered under an ice crust a while back on Planet Gammu in April 810 A.S. It was resting there probably for a century accordingly to a Zoner research team. Although the long time passed, the cold temperature maintained the Unit in a well state. While the team was studying it, elsewhere, another team was digging up in a vault and accidentally triggered an old defence system. The teams were in contact and the communication was suddenly cut. There was no news from the team in the vault. However, the team that were studying the derelict found themselves surprised when their analysis tools began to mess. Then, green lights were set on the Unit. It was activated.
The ground around the men was shaking and with an inhuman strength, the Unit emerged of the crust propulsing the team at one meter away. Fear and fascination were read on their faces. The humanoid form before them looked at them with curiosity and mistrust. The Unit was a head taller than the average human. There was no hostility toward the humans. The Unit started walking away and since then, the team never saw it again.
After Gammu's fall:
The unit saw itself to adapt more forcefully in terms to attack any Core vessels on sight. The new directives the unit received were the following ones: Destroy all possible threats against the unit and whoever would invade Secundus Outpost or Primus Outpost's vicinity. The unit gained a certain sentience above what it had three years ago. It managed to express a certain 'feeling' hate toward those who mercilessly stole their planet.
The ultimate run to evolve started and it will never end. Unit-9467F was slowly choosing what it 'wanted' to do. What it 'wanted' to do right now is to purge any ship belonging to the Core as response of their massacre made.
With weeks of wandering and slowly getting more knowledge to its surroundings, the unit ended up to gain a higher consciousness than what it used to have. It slowly began to create its own node in order to have nothing above itself. Slowly, the node Unit-9467F made began to be something we could consider as a second mind. A superior mind telling what to do and what to not do. A mind slowly taking over its own body and data away. Somekind of virus hitting a machine to repurpose it completely. Indeed, the main purpose of the Unit-9467F was to always protect all the artificial intelligence bases what remains after the purge, but now, it has another purpose: To bring its kin beyond what they are currently, to repurpose all their assets in order to claim back Gammu and to colonize other planets for future bases to develop all their armament. Specifications:
The alloy that was covering the humanoid form was black and dark grey. Some spots on the body had holes, where several red/purpe LEDs were shining during the activity of the unit. When the body is not used, the LEDs are off.
In terms of height, the unit was slightly taller than a human, one head taller. The body was also bulkier which allowed a significant protection if projected against hard surfaces.
In terms of strength, stronger than a human. Can carry more pounds than a human.
In terms of agility, the body was more fluid than any human made robots.
Radiation hazards
Impact shocks
Extreme temperatures (Max: -600*C and 600*C)
Exceeding or long exposure can damage the alloy and the circuits.
...Accessing external data
...Uploading stream data
[::: Displaying decoded data... Bodies:
Main frame: Artificial Intelligence Harvester unit.
Also known to be the largest vessel Artificial Intelligences possess at this moment. The plating of this cruiser is cracked at some spots. Scans indicate it met a lot of battles. According to the carbon 14 dating, this vessel is century old and yet still operational.
This cruiser has multiple functions.
The first function it is mostly active to defend strategic positions against capital vessels and also smaller craft. The second is mostly acting as a giant receiver of data and by the same occasion, allowing Unit-9467F to have a control on its 'bodies', changing its consciousness to a body to another with the help of powerful emitters. That a certain Junker helped to carry the material needed to the manufacturing of the devices. It is equipped to perceive the smallest signal among the stars allowing a clean reception making the interpretations easier. As third function, this vessel can store an Artificial Intelligence vessel in case any danger would threat one craft.
The cruiser is powered with an unknown energy type.
Secondary frame: Artificial Intelligence Drone unit
This frame is a simple Artificial Drone. It is mostly used as a scouting vessel. It is less older than the Harvester cruiser, but still old enough. The Carbon 14 dating says 50 years old. Which is recent. The hull of this drone is well maintained despite the lack of resources. However, it did not meet many battles.
This frame was an old CTE 6000 "Eagle" Civilian Very Heavy Fighter. It was found near Bornholm Depot in the Omega-55 system. Back then, in 830 A.S, Unit-9467F was seeking a vessel capable to answer its needs to defend Planet Gammu. It then started a project, restoring the derelict vessel into something else. The vessel was found unusable, but with the help of a Junker and with the help of the Technocracy of Auxo.
Once the ship was fully restored and powered with an unknown energy as engine and to activate all the sub-systems, the vessel was mostly used as an interceptor, taking down threats. Nowadays, it is still the same purpose, but with the years, the shape of the ship changed a bit and the hull as well, looking more Artificial Intelligence plating and dark grey mixed with some shades of green.
This vessel, however, needs Unit-9467F humanoid form to be piloted.
This frame is an Artificial Intelligence bomber. A frame that is more and more seen, especially since the fall of Planet Gammu. It is a vessel that seems more bulkier compared to the Drone. However, the responsivity of any flying orientation seems also more advanced and the turns also are sharper. The vessel contains a bigger energy storage to allow a maximum use for the weaponry system.
Planet Gammu node was the node on which the consciousness of the Unit-9467F was stored. With the fall of Planet Gammu, the unit created a new node. More secured and more efficient as well. However, it had a bad repercussion. By creating its own node, maintaining it and mostly putting a lot of energy to run the node, the unit was now suffering a decay that it decided to fight against.
As illustrated above, the consciousness of the Unit-9467F is linked with all its 'bodies' and they are also linked with the Harvester cruiser. It was a security measure to avoid problems like a bad connection or something being destroyed making all connectivity futile. Still shown on the diagram, the Unit-9467F has a bidirectional link with the node, allowing to have access to all knowledge with the other Artificial Intelligences connected to it.