Esteemed Professors, fellow Lane Hacker colleagues.
Today I finally have achieved a successful Mania Interrogation with the aid of Fixer Franz Oberhauser, we stopped an Interspace transport in Pennsylvania. All the voice lines have been recorded and all visual evidence is attached below.
[27.12.2022 21:20:00] LH~Sharp: And there he is.
[27.12.2022 21:20:03] LH~Buffalo.Raider: Drake: Greetings.
[27.12.2022 21:20:05] LH~Sharp: He will take care of you now.
[27.12.2022 21:20:10] LH~Sharp: Enjoy it, Drake.
[27.12.2022 21:20:13] LH~Sharp: He's all yours.
[27.12.2022 21:20:27] LH~Buffalo.Raider: Drake: A Interspace lackey. What fun this will be.
[27.12.2022 21:20:59] Haystack: Yeah-yeah. Not my first encounter with you people, and definitely not my last.
[27.12.2022 21:21:19] LH~Buffalo.Raider: Drake: Oh it won't be your last. I would like to know your name.
[27.12.2022 21:21:36] Haystack: Riley Schwartz is the name. Why?
[27.12.2022 21:21:49] LH~Buffalo.Raider: Drake: Interesting name. A Rheinlander?
[27.12.2022 21:22:06] Haystack: No. Libertonian, naturally.
[27.12.2022 21:22:24] LH~Buffalo.Raider: Drake: How did you end up in that clown fiesta called Interspace?
[27.12.2022 21:22:43] Haystack: You ever had a family of three kids?
[27.12.2022 21:23:10] Haystack: Need to feed 'em, and I'd rather be hauling my arse off for money than any other given the alternative.
[27.12.2022 21:23:35] LH~Buffalo.Raider: Drake: That is very unfortunate Mr. Schwartz. We all have to provide for someone...
[27.12.2022 21:24:04] LH~Buffalo.Raider: Drake: And yet you are here, and no Interspace security pilots to help you.
[27.12.2022 21:24:14] LH~Buffalo.Raider: Drake: How does that feel?
[27.12.2022 21:24:17] Haystack: Well, I'm not in the main branch.
[27.12.2022 21:24:59] Haystack: You're not my first pirate, I'll give you that. It's easy to get used to getting stopped every second trade lane.
[27.12.2022 21:25:21] LH~Buffalo.Raider: Drake: I am not your everyday Liberty Rogue Mr. Schwartz.
[27.12.2022 21:25:46] LH~Buffalo.Raider: Drake: I believe I don't have to mention how the Lane Hackers are treating your kind.
[27.12.2022 21:25:47] Haystack: Rogues come by easy. You toss them a crate of vodka and they forget about you for a week.
[27.12.2022 21:26:14] LH~Buffalo.Raider: Drake: I am a bit more complicated in that case.
[27.12.2022 21:26:14] Haystack: My kind? You talk to me like I'm some executive.
[27.12.2022 21:26:30] Haystack: I'm the lowest of the low.
[27.12.2022 21:26:34] LH~Buffalo.Raider: Drake: Your "Interspace" kind.
[27.12.2022 21:26:52] LH~Buffalo.Raider: Drake: The Corporate slavery that you are part of.
[27.12.2022 21:27:15] Haystack: They're not my kind, they're my employers. And I'd rather have a stable paycheck for what I do than rely on one-time payments.
[27.12.2022 21:27:31] LH~Buffalo.Raider: Drake: You know Mr.Schwartz, usually I would extort you for your money but you are lucky today.
[27.12.2022 21:27:46] Haystack: Really?
[27.12.2022 21:29:02] LH~Buffalo.Raider: Drake: Yes, really. I simply want you to admit that the Lane Hackers are the most superior pilots in all of Sirius IN system-wi
[27.12.2022 21:29:10] LH~Buffalo.Raider: de communication channels.
[27.12.2022 21:29:41] Haystack: You're joking, right?
[27.12.2022 21:29:52] LH~Buffalo.Raider: Drake: Why would I be joking?
[27.12.2022 21:29:59] Haystack: You realize that I'm gonna lose my job if I do that?
[27.12.2022 21:30:13] LH~Buffalo.Raider: Drake: Your job or your life Mr. Schwartz.
[27.12.2022 21:30:37] Haystack: I guess a humble donation to your cause won't do.
[27.12.2022 21:30:50] LH~Buffalo.Raider: Drake: No, I've had plenty of donations.
[27.12.2022 21:31:32] LH~Buffalo.Raider: Drake: A simple transmission over the system-wide channels Mr. Schwartz.
[27.12.2022 21:31:32] Haystack: *sigh* Alright. I suppose you'd want me to make such an announcement in a more lively system than Pennsylvania.
[27.12.2022 21:31:51] LH~Buffalo.Raider: Drake: We may go to New York.
[27.12.2022 21:31:59] Haystack: Alright.
[27.12.2022 21:32:17] LH~Buffalo.Raider: Drake: You first Mr. Schwartz.
[27.12.2022 21:32:19] Tip: You were a new player once. If you see someone making obvious mistakes, talk to them and help them.
[27.12.2022 21:33:03] LH~Buffalo.Raider: Drake: So. Speak up then.
[27.12.2022 21:33:19] Haystack: Alright... *mutters* god how am I ever going to explain this...
[27.12.2022 21:33:31] LH~Buffalo.Raider: Drake: Remember, your job or your life.
[27.12.2022 21:33:53] Haystack: [Clears throat] My name is Riley Schwartz. I'm a merchant trader for the Interspace Commerse.
[27.12.2022 21:34:11] LH~Sharp: Good day Riley!
[27.12.2022 21:34:19] Haystack: I hereby declare that the Lane Hackers are vastly superior in both combat and diplomacy.
[27.12.2022 21:34:27] Haystack: There.
[27.12.2022 21:34:32] LH~Buffalo.Raider: Drake: Very well Mr. Schwartz.
[27.12.2022 21:34:35] LH~Sharp: This are some really wise words Riley, glad that you told us that!
[27.12.2022 21:34:35] /time
[27.12.2022 21:34:35] 2022-12-27 21:34:36 SMT
[27.12.2022 21:34:36] Haystack: Is that all you wanted?
[27.12.2022 21:34:44] LH~Buffalo.Raider: Drake: Yes. You may go now.
[27.12.2022 21:34:53] Haystack: Mhm. Take care.
[27.12.2022 21:35:06] LH~Buffalo.Raider: Drake: I will look forward to our next meeting.
I am reporting in after a long absence to report my activities. I acquired a small "Dromedary" and made my way around Sirius moving supplies.
It was a long journey in all but, I was able to fulfill the Industrious criteria. Below is attached visuals.
I undocked from Cochrane and headed towards the New York jumpgate in the Colorado system on intercept course with an Interspace transport I spotted using the Spyglass Network. My tracking of the transport's route seemed to have been on point as it jumped to the system just a few minutes after my arrival to the jumpgate.
The captain of the transport seems to be the same one that Master Assassin Drake very recently interrogated, something that he himself would make me well aware of during our interaction. As I was preparing to issue the regular toll to the vessel in order to let it proceed, however, a second contact appeared on my scanners that had just jumped through; a non-affiliated transport ship.
That was an opportunity I could not pass up. After putting my interrogation capabilities to good use in order to figure out where the transports picked up their cargo at and where their respective destinations were, I achieved two successful mania interrogations on the subjects by having them admit Lane Hacker superiority before allowing them to proceed. The show was also watched by an LSF agent and a passing-by Zoner, an enlightening experience that will likely stick with them for the rest of their lifetimes.
[∎] - Visual Proof, Part A [∎] - Visual Proof, Part B [∎] - Visual Proof, Part C
Communication logs:
[27.12.2022 21:59:56] Haystack: Not this again...
[27.12.2022 22:00:01] LH~Krest: Greetings, Interspace.
[27.12.2022 22:00:10] LH~Krest: Why the reaction?
[27.12.2022 22:00:12] Haystack: Yes, hi, hello, good day.
[27.12.2022 22:00:29] Haystack: One of yours already had a chit-chat with me.
[27.12.2022 22:00:38] Haystack: Didn't take any money, but I might be losing my job after that.
[27.12.2022 22:00:45] LH~Krest: Oh. I trust it went well then.
[27.12.2022 22:00:59] Haystack: He got what he wanted, alright.
[27.12.2022 22:01:40] LH~Krest: The best traffic stops are the ones that do not end up in monetary demands.
[27.12.2022 22:01:51] Haystack: Depends on who you ask.
[27.12.2022 22:02:11] Haystack: I'd rather pay up than do something like he forced me to do.
[27.12.2022 22:02:45] LH~Krest: Couldn't have been that bad, could it?
[27.12.2022 22:03:03] Haystack: Yeah nothing too bad. Just admitting Lane Hacker superiority over system-wide comms. In New York.
[27.12.2022 22:03:13] Haystack: God, that's gonna cost me...
[27.12.2022 22:03:45] LH~Krest: *She chuckles* That must've been humiliating.
[27.12.2022 22:03:45] Haystack: And what's the deal with you?
[27.12.2022 22:04:18] LH~Krest: What's an Interspace vessel doing transporting drill bits?
[27.12.2022 22:04:40] Haystack: I have a contract. Delivering them to Okinawa.
[27.12.2022 22:04:43] LH~Krest: And another one.
[27.12.2022 22:04:51] Emerald_Night: Hello!
[27.12.2022 22:04:56] Haystack: Hey there!
[27.12.2022 22:05:02] LH~Krest: Hello to you as well.
[27.12.2022 22:05:04] LH~Krest: Hold it right here.
[27.12.2022 22:05:11] LH~Krest: No funny business.
[27.12.2022 22:05:28] LH~Krest: Now it's getting really interesting.
[27.12.2022 22:05:29] Emerald_Night: I mean I'm a freighter buddy, can't really do funny
[27.12.2022 22:05:53] LH~Krest: Where do you both come from?
[27.12.2022 22:06:05] Emerald_Night: Penn, heading out to the Omicrons
[27.12.2022 22:06:08] LH~Krest: And for the Helium filled one specifically, who is your employer.
[27.12.2022 22:06:23] Emerald_Night: I'm my own employer
[27.12.2022 22:06:27] Haystack: Me? Harrisburg was my last stop.
[27.12.2022 22:06:38] LH~Krest: And yet you do not carry any weapons capable of mining resources.
[27.12.2022 22:06:49] LH~Krest: You're your own employer and you can afford to hire a mining ship?
[27.12.2022 22:07:05] Emerald_Night: Nope, purchase from a station
[27.12.2022 22:07:32] LH~Krest: Which station did you purchase the goods from?
[27.12.2022 22:07:37] CONSOLE: Possible cheating detected: No.Cigar
[27.12.2022 22:07:44] Emerald_Night: Some local one next to Erie#
[27.12.2022 22:08:10] LH~Krest: Most interesting.
[27.12.2022 22:08:21] LH~Krest: I can let both of you pass, but we'll have to set up a little deal.
[27.12.2022 22:08:40] Emerald_Night: Understood, and seems fair
[27.12.2022 22:08:46] LH~Krest: It is no secret to either of you that the guns I've got on this ship can wipe both of you out with no problem, correct?
[27.12.2022 22:08:52] Emerald_Night: Whats the cost?
[27.12.2022 22:09:00] Haystack: *Sigh* What is it now?
[27.12.2022 22:09:10] LH~Krest: A "yes" will do for an answer.
[27.12.2022 22:09:49] Haystack: The other guy had an entire gunboat up his sleeve. And I meet pirate bombers every second trade lane.
[27.12.2022 22:10:03] LH~Krest: Do you perhaps need a demonstration?
[27.12.2022 22:10:07] Haystack: You're nothing impressive. A gunship was, though.
[27.12.2022 22:10:29] Emerald_Night: Listen I don't need any demo
[27.12.2022 22:10:37] Emerald_Night: I just want to get on my way
[27.12.2022 22:11:05] LH~Krest: Then we have an agreement.
[27.12.2022 22:11:14] Emerald_Night: Maybe Interspace wants to play games, lets be honest don't think they'll notice a loss
[27.12.2022 22:11:15] LH~Krest: In order to proceed I require one thing out of you.
[27.12.2022 22:11:45] LH~Krest: Turn your communications to the system-wide channel.
[27.12.2022 22:12:00] SLRC-RV>Aurora.Borealis: Brad: Uh *cough* Hi there
[27.12.2022 22:12:05] Emerald_Night: Ermm how do you do that?
[27.12.2022 22:12:11] LH~Krest: Here to witness the show.
[27.12.2022 22:12:13] LH~Krest: Just in time, Zoner.
[27.12.2022 22:12:18] Haystack: Oh shit. Yeah, I know where this one's going.
[27.12.2022 22:12:38] SLRC-RV>Aurora.Borealis: Brad: I /was/ trying to Bethlehem, for the season *chuckles*
[27.12.2022 22:12:54] Rules Tip: Do not run Freelancer at a framerate above 155fps - for more information on this, please visit our forums @
[27.12.2022 22:13:05] LH~Krest: You add in this little piece of code on your console, before the message you wish to transmit. " /s "
[27.12.2022 22:13:14] LH~Krest: Now, listen carefully and you might make it out of here unscratched.
[27.12.2022 22:13:28] LH~Krest: Transmit the following to the entire system.
[27.12.2022 22:14:02] LH~Krest: "I am a corporate lapdog who is hated by everyone I know. The Lane Hackers are superior and I wish I was as smart as them."
[27.12.2022 22:14:21] Emerald_Night: *lord above* really?
[27.12.2022 22:14:29] LH~Krest: A small price.
[27.12.2022 22:14:39] LH~Krest: Do that and you can forget you ever saw me here.
[27.12.2022 22:14:50] Haystack: Huh. That's not as thought as I the one I did for that Drake guy.
[27.12.2022 22:15:08] Haystack: Alright... I'm definitely getting fired after what he forced me to do, so might as well.
[27.12.2022 22:15:25] Emerald_Night: I am a corporate lapdog who is hated by everyone I know. The Lane Hackers are superior and I wish I was as smart as them
[27.12.2022 22:15:28] SLRC-RV>Aurora.Borealis: Brad: I'm sure H.R. will understand *chuckles*
[27.12.2022 22:15:30] Emerald_Night: We done here?
[27.12.2022 22:15:35] /time
[27.12.2022 22:15:35] 2022-12-27 22:15:34 SMT
[27.12.2022 22:15:44] Emerald_Night: Not that this hasn't been absolutely thrilling
[27.12.2022 22:15:48] LH~Krest: You can proceed, Emerald Night.
[27.12.2022 22:15:52] Haystack: [clears throat] My name is Riley Schwartz. I'm a merchant trader for the Interspace Commerce.
[27.12.2022 22:16:08] LH~Krest: The Lane Hackers thank you for your sponsored message.
[27.12.2022 22:16:13] Haystack: I am a corporate lapdog who is hated by everyone I know. The Lane Hackers are superior and I wish I was as smart as them.
[27.12.2022 22:16:31] CONSOLE: Possible cheating detected: DTR-CNS>Ironfall
[27.12.2022 22:16:42] LH~Krest: Very well done, both of you.
[27.12.2022 22:16:44] Haystack: I hereby declare their superiority in matters both diplomatic and philantropic.
[27.12.2022 22:16:49] Haystack: There.
[27.12.2022 22:16:52] LH~Krest: I am sure you will go far in life.
[27.12.2022 22:16:55] /time
[27.12.2022 22:16:55] 2022-12-27 22:16:54 SMT
[27.12.2022 22:17:14] Haystack: You're short-sighted if you think so. I'm definitely getting fired now.
[27.12.2022 22:17:24] Haystack: You think it's easy to feed a family of three kids?
[27.12.2022 22:17:31] LH~Krest: I see that as a new opportunity for you to start over.
[27.12.2022 22:17:41] LH~Krest: Perhaps bother yourself with something that isn't corporate tomfoolery.
[27.12.2022 22:17:41] Haystack: Don't give me that bullshit.
[27.12.2022 22:17:47] SLRC-RV>Aurora.Borealis: Brad: We're always hiring if the corporate lackies don't pay well enough
[27.12.2022 22:17:51] B-22: Well hell people
[27.12.2022 22:17:55] CONSOLE: Possible cheating detected: DTR-CNS>Ironfall
[27.12.2022 22:17:56] LH~Krest: Or you can become a Zoner.
[27.12.2022 22:18:11] B-22: What in the devil is going on here?
[27.12.2022 22:18:11] LH~Krest: Definitely don't join --those-- guys though.
[27.12.2022 22:18:13] Haystack: Finally! Someone who can deal with this nuisance!
[27.12.2022 22:18:23] SLRC-RV>Aurora.Borealis: Brad: Oh Eris above this might get messy
[27.12.2022 22:18:29] LH~Krest: Haystack, you're cleared to proceed, of course.
[27.12.2022 22:18:34] Haystack: I'm out of here.
As per the special operation nature of the honey-trap technique and the secrecy that is involved in it, I employed the transponder Sogososha|~Hana along with an appropriate character, a fitting backstory and a glaring problem in order to successfully attempt the technique.
Hana Nakamoto is a senior member of Sogososha, a relatively small corporation seated in New Tokyo, and one that has been tasked with a significant assignment that is believed to boost the company's status if completed. Hana's father is the CEO of the company and she thought that she would make a successful career being part of it, something which she quickly recognized was not the case. Her father, having all the faith in his daughter, assigned her in command of the company's top secret project. Hana's base of operations is Yokohama Shipyard and she is in charge of providing the supplies necessary for the project, one that is rumored to have been requested specifically by His Imperial Majesty Emperor Kogen Tetsuya.
The supply list she is tasked to deliver consists of various things. Ablative armor plating, critical temperature alloys, engine components, fusion diodes, stabiliziers, optronic arrays and hull panels being only part of the materials she must gather. The last material on the list, and the one that has caused her the most trouble, are Ageira White Boxes (AWBs). Hana faced various bureaucratic difficulties in obtaining AWBs from Pueblo Station in Colorado as the onboard crews did not wish to allow her to buy their precious cargo, not recognizing her company's name.
With neural-net official communications not being an option due to the project's secrecy and her father's fear of data interception by their competitors, Hana had to come up with a solution to her problem of obtaining AWBs.
I'd say I came up with a pretty convincing story, and my statement is likely confirmed by the success of my operation. I - or rather should I say... Hana - contacted this transport - a contact I saw on the Spyglass Network - ATV-Seven.Wonders regarding Hana's problems in acquiring mentioned AWBs, after of course the necessary introductions with the transport's captain, Kelly.
I managed to convince Kelly to pick up a shipment of AWBs and send them to "my" location, Yokohama Shipyard at New Tokyo. I was held up 20 clicks above a trade-lane ring from the Shikoku Jumpgate to Planet New Tokyo and I came up with a good excuse to have Kelly let me know -before- she makes the jump to New Tokyo so I can cruise down to the lane and disrupt it in time.
Of course, all the pieces fell together like a well organized puzzle and my plan was a major success. I disrupted the lane and caught the transport just in time with perfect synchronization.
Spotting a Naval Forces destroyer in Shikoku using the Spyglass Network, I did not take any chances and ordered the transport to follow me 20 clicks away from the lane to avoid detection, and that's where I extorted the corporate scum for half the cargo space's worth of AWBs.
Professor Provocateur Vladimir Scorpius then manned the Airdrie Repossessor and safely made it to New Tokyo, tractoring the valuable cargo in.
The Naval Forces destroyer did not pose a threat during our return trip and we successfully unloaded the AWBs on Leiden.
As a final note for my report, I suggest a quick edit of our mission parameters by the Professorship so entries that mention Airdrie Hideout can be altered.
[∎] - My waiting spot at New Tokyo [∎] - Identification of the transport [∎] - Extorting half of the transport's Ageira White Boxes, Pt.1 [∎] - Extorting half of the transport's Ageira White Boxes, Pt.2 [∎] - Airdrie Repossessor securing the cargo [∎] - Delivering the cargo to Leiden
Communication logs:
[29.12.2022 13:55:14] Sogososha|~Hana: -[Incoming Transmission ~ Accept? {Y/N}]-
[29.12.2022 13:55:27] ATV-Seven.Wonders: [Transmission Window Opened]
[29.12.2022 13:56:07] Sogososha|~Hana: *An anxious voice begins speaking on the other side* K-.. Konnichiwa?! Is that-.. Did it-.. It worked!
[29.12.2022 13:56:58] Sogososha|~Hana: *Breathing heavily* Damn, it's on! I did it. I did it! Okay.. Alright..
[29.12.2022 13:57:03] ATV-Seven.Wonders: Yes, it did work. What's up?
[29.12.2022 13:57:31] Sogososha|~Hana: Sorry about that. I've been looking for -any- radio contact towards down south that would work.
[29.12.2022 13:57:40] Sogososha|~Hana: Couldn't find anything so far, been looking for hours!
[29.12.2022 13:57:58] Sogososha|~Hana: I should introduce myself... I am Nakamoto Hina, senior member of Sogososha.
[29.12.2022 13:58:15] Sogososha|~Hana: It's... a relatively small corporation seated in New Tokyo.
[29.12.2022 13:59:25] ATV-Seven.Wonders: Is... Is this some sort of advertisement?
[29.12.2022 13:59:41] Sogososha|~Hana: No... I-.. *She sighs* Listen... I need help.
[29.12.2022 14:00:06] Sogososha|~Hana: It's... complicated... but... I know this will sound very out of proportion but can I trust you, mister?
[29.12.2022 14:00:45] ATV-Seven.Wonders: It's ma'am. And I assure you, Ageira Technologies employees are the most trustworthy people in the whole sector.
[29.12.2022 14:00:57] ATV-Seven.Wonders: You can call me Kelly. What's wrong?
[29.12.2022 14:01:03] Sogososha|~Hana: Oh my god... Ageira Technologies... I-... I can't believe it...
[29.12.2022 14:01:18] Sogososha|~Hana: It's... It's the closest I've been... *she mutters to herself, breathing heavily*
[29.12.2022 14:01:25] Sogososha|~Hana: Calm down Hana... Calm... down...
[29.12.2022 14:01:49] Sogososha|~Hana: It's a pleasure to meet you Kelly! I... Look... My father's the CEO of Sogososha.
[29.12.2022 14:01:55] Sogososha|~Hana: He's... a very respected man.
[29.12.2022 14:02:23] Sogososha|~Hana: I dragged myself into the entire ordeal thinking it'd be a good career option for me but I'm realizing that I am-
[29.12.2022 14:02:29] Sogososha|~Hana: -not cut for the job... At all.
[29.12.2022 14:02:47] Sogososha|~Hana: Problem is, my company has been tasked with a major assignment, one my father believes will significantly-
[29.12.2022 14:02:54] Death: DTR-CNS>Ironfall was put out of action by a hostile vessel.
[29.12.2022 14:03:04] Sogososha|~Hana: -boost our status. And... He has set me in command of the logistical side of things...
[29.12.2022 14:03:32] Sogososha|~Hana: My base of operations is Yokohama Shipyard and I am in charge of gathering supplies that are necessary-
[29.12.2022 14:03:58] Sogososha|~Hana: -for the completion of this... "top secret" project... Word has it it has been requested by His Imperial Majesty-
[29.12.2022 14:04:08] Sogososha|~Hana: -Emperor Kogen Tetsuya himself.
[29.12.2022 14:04:21] Sogososha|~Hana: I've... gathered a lot of things so far.
[29.12.2022 14:04:39] Sogososha|~Hana: Ugh.. Ablative armor plating, critical temperature alloys, engine components, fusion diodes, stabilizers,-
[29.12.2022 14:04:49] Sogososha|~Hana: -high temperature alloys... all... sorts of things...
[29.12.2022 14:05:01] Sogososha|~Hana: *Mutters to self* God I'll be crucified for this...
[29.12.2022 14:05:27] Sogososha|~Hana: Included of the list of supplies is a shipment of Ageira White Boxes...
[29.12.2022 14:05:39] Tip: To interact with other players, open up your Chat Window (default button Y). The default chat type for all players is LOCAL and will be visible to all players currently on your scanner. You can privately message another player by selecting their name in the Chat Window.
[29.12.2022 14:05:46] Sogososha|~Hana: Are you still listening, Kelly?
[29.12.2022 14:05:51] Sogososha|~Hana: Ugh.. Miss.. Kelly.
[29.12.2022 14:06:22] ATV-Seven.Wonders: Yes, I am listening carefully. Could you get to the point, please?
[29.12.2022 14:06:49] Sogososha|~Hana: The onboard crews on Pueblo have caused me a lot of trouble...
[29.12.2022 14:07:13] Sogososha|~Hana: Due to... "bureaucratic reasons" they were unable to supply my transport with Ageira White Boxes.
[29.12.2022 14:07:26] Sogososha|~Hana: Something about my company being unknown.
[29.12.2022 14:07:47] Sogososha|~Hana: My father refuses to make official contact with Ageira over the neural-net due to fear of data interception by our-
[29.12.2022 14:07:51] Sogososha|~Hana: -great competitors.
[29.12.2022 14:08:21] Sogososha|~Hana: Miss Kelly, I need a shipment of Ageira White Boxes... It's... I-.. I don't know what to do..
[29.12.2022 14:08:38] ATV-Seven.Wonders: Well, I'm afraid I can't do anything here. I'm not a rep, I'm just a transport pilot. Your father will have to contact our--
[29.12.2022 14:08:47] ATV-Seven.Wonders: --representative in Kusari in order to arrange a deal.
[29.12.2022 14:09:24] Sogososha|~Hana: I-... I've ran out of time... I can't tell that to my father! We're... the project is supposed to...
[29.12.2022 14:09:29] Sogososha|~Hana: G'damn... It's...
[29.12.2022 14:09:33] Sogososha|~Hana: It's due today.
[29.12.2022 14:09:51] Sogososha|~Hana: I've been looking to contact -anyone- to help me with this and I couldn't find a single contact.
[29.12.2022 14:10:02] Sogososha|~Hana: It's like all the frequencies died... And then I landed one.
[29.12.2022 14:10:22] ATV-Seven.Wonders: If they notice that a shipment of White Boxes goes missing - if it's not delivered to the right place - they will start--
[29.12.2022 14:10:51] ATV-Seven.Wonders: --asking questions, initiate investiagations, all leading to me -and- your company.
[29.12.2022 14:11:26] Sogososha|~Hana: Miss Kelly, if it gets to that I am certain my father's reputation and his connection with His Majesty will be of help.
[29.12.2022 14:11:54] Sogososha|~Hana: I-... I can even pay for the White Boxes. I have credits to provide you with.. I just -really- need your help.
[29.12.2022 14:12:24] ATV-Seven.Wonders: I'm listening.
[29.12.2022 14:13:15] Sogososha|~Hana: *She sighs, relieved in some way* How much can your ship deliver?
[29.12.2022 14:13:59] /time
[29.12.2022 14:13:59] 2022-12-29 14:13:57 SMT
[29.12.2022 14:14:03] ATV-Seven.Wonders: I can muster a load of 400 units. No more, no less. A single load getting lost could mean it got intercepted by pirates.
[29.12.2022 14:15:09] Sogososha|~Hana: *Hana sighs once again, breathing slowly but nervously* It will more than suffice for the project.. Give me one moment..
[29.12.2022 14:15:52] Death: GNS-Loire was put out of action by >BD<Kyoto (Gun).
[29.12.2022 14:15:52] Sogososha|~Hana: My onboard systems indicate that this load will cost you 200.000 credits, assuming they're up to date..
[29.12.2022 14:16:10] Sogososha|~Hana: *she swallows heavily before continuing* Is.. a payment of 10 million credits enough for your effort..?
[29.12.2022 14:16:19] ATV-Seven.Wonders: Multiply that by ten and you would be correct.
[29.12.2022 14:17:06] Sogososha|~Hana: I cannot give you as much myself, but I am certain my father can-... agree to the offer...
[29.12.2022 14:17:11] ATV-Seven.Wonders: I'm willing to arrange the deal for fifteen million credits.
[29.12.2022 14:17:41] Sogososha|~Hana: *Hana signs* That's... much more manageable.
[29.12.2022 14:18:30] Sogososha|~Hana: I will inform my father of the price that the Ageira White Boxes costed.
[29.12.2022 14:19:14] Sogososha|~Hana: Please... keep this between us. Deliver the load to Yokohama Shipyard and say that you are part of Nakamoto's-
[29.12.2022 14:19:16] Sogososha|~Hana: -fleet.
[29.12.2022 14:19:42] ATV-Seven.Wonders: I expect payment upfront.
[29.12.2022 14:20:09] Sogososha|~Hana: My father, Asai Nakamoto, will ensure you receive the payment the moment you arrive at the station.
[29.12.2022 14:20:27] ATV-Seven.Wonders: And I would also expect for a representative of your company to be there to receive the delivery the moment it happens.
[29.12.2022 14:20:54] Sogososha|~Hana: I have already handled all the logisticals of the operations. I only require for one last favor from you, Miss Kelly..
[29.12.2022 14:21:24] ATV-Seven.Wonders: You will agree to my conditions or there won't be any white boxes to be received.
[29.12.2022 14:21:31] Sogososha|~Hana: Please contact me before you make the jump to New Tokyo.
[29.12.2022 14:21:52] Sogososha|~Hana: We will be arranging an escort for you within the system.
[29.12.2022 14:23:05] ATV-Seven.Wonders: The moment you transfer the payment, I will begin moving to Kusari. Otherwise, the white boxes will remain in Liberty.
[29.12.2022 14:23:29] Sogososha|~Hana: Oh-... I-... I didn't catch that, gomen.
[29.12.2022 14:24:13] Sogososha|~Hana: I-... *sighs* I cannot wire credits from a corporate transport vessel, Miss Kelly... It's.. part of our terms of service.
[29.12.2022 14:24:43] Sogososha|~Hana: I can increase your payment to twenty million credits.. I just-... I can't wire the credits at this moment.
[29.12.2022 14:25:02] ATV-Seven.Wonders: Will you be able to wire them during our meeting?
[29.12.2022 14:25:23] Sogososha|~Hana: I-... I may be able to communicate that to our escort.
[29.12.2022 14:25:28] Sogososha|~Hana: Provide me with a moment please.
[29.12.2022 14:25:56] Rules Tip: Pirates need to keep their demands reasonable. Cargo and Monetary demands that exceed the maximum profit of a trader are viewed as unreasonable. ''Empty'' traders are not excempt from piracy, but the demands asked from them should reflect this.
[29.12.2022 14:27:11] Sogososha|~Hana: I apologize for the inconvenience. I have informed the escort ships to forward a payment of 20.000.000 Sirius-
[29.12.2022 14:27:24] Sogososha|~Hana: -credits to you upon meeting on New Tokyo.
[29.12.2022 14:27:31] ATV-Seven.Wonders: Very good. I'm on my way.
[29.12.2022 14:28:01] Sogososha|~Hana: They will be waiting for you on Planet New Tokyo. They are currently awaiting for my message.
[29.12.2022 14:32:05] Sogososha|~Hana: Has your journey proceeding uninterrupted, Miss Kelly?
[29.12.2022 14:32:27] ATV-Seven.Wonders: I'm passing by Junyo, on my way to New Tokyo jump gate.
[29.12.2022 14:33:12] Sogososha|~Hana: Understood. Please give me a moment.
[29.12.2022 14:34:05] ATV-Seven.Wonders: Figures.
[29.12.2022 14:34:08] Sogososha|~Hana: Why why hello there.
[29.12.2022 14:34:21] Sogososha|~Hana: No smart moves now.
[29.12.2022 14:34:25] Sogososha|~Hana: Follow me.
[29.12.2022 14:35:12] Sogososha|~Hana: I trust you had a good journey here, Miss Kelly? *Chuckles*
[29.12.2022 14:35:27] ATV-Seven.Wonders: Yeah... Very.
[29.12.2022 14:35:39] Sogososha|~Hana: Hold it.
[29.12.2022 14:35:52] Sogososha|~Hana: I'll make things very simple for you.
[29.12.2022 14:36:23] Sogososha|~Hana: You are to drop half your cargo in space and proceed to evacuate this vicinity as fast as possible.
[29.12.2022 14:36:29] Sogososha|~Hana: And I'll act like I never saw you.
[29.12.2022 14:36:32] ATV-Seven.Wonders: Alright, alright...
[29.12.2022 14:36:49] /time
[29.12.2022 14:36:49] 2022-12-29 14:36:47 SMT
[29.12.2022 14:36:50] ATV-Seven.Wonders: Good luck opening these.
[29.12.2022 14:36:52] /time
[29.12.2022 14:36:52] 2022-12-29 14:36:49 SMT
[29.12.2022 14:36:55] /time
[29.12.2022 14:36:55] 2022-12-29 14:36:52 SMT
[29.12.2022 14:37:07] Sogososha|~Hana: Have a safe flight back home.
[29.12.2022 14:37:23] Sogososha|~Hana: Thank you for your contribution. *Chuckles*
[29.12.2022 14:37:29] ATV-Seven.Wonders: For the record - these were updated with a new telemetry. You won't open them. Ever.
[29.12.2022 14:37:35] Sogososha|~Hana: We will see about that.
[29.12.2022 14:37:37] /time
[29.12.2022 14:37:37] 2022-12-29 14:37:35 SMT
[29.12.2022 14:37:38] Death: Triton was put out of action by a hostile vessel.
[29.12.2022 14:38:31] Sogososha|~Hana: Airdrie Repossessor, this is Operative Krest.
[29.12.2022 14:38:51] Sogososha|~Hana: My position is the top part of grid D7, New Tokyo.
[29.12.2022 14:39:06] Sogososha|~Hana: I've got hot cargo dropped out in space and waiting to be picked up.
[29.12.2022 14:39:17] LH~Airdrie.Repossessor: Scorpius: En route
[29.12.2022 14:39:32] LH~Airdrie.Repossessor: Kusari Cruiser following me.
[29.12.2022 14:40:13] Sogososha|~Hana: I've got it on the network. Proceed to the location and we can escape Kusari through the jumphole network.
[29.12.2022 14:40:17] CONSOLE: Possible cheating detected: Zoner_Warrior*
[29.12.2022 14:40:59] Sogososha|~Hana: I trust that our best chance is Kyushu and then back to Shikoku, make a circle around the cruiser.
[29.12.2022 14:42:04] Sogososha|~Hana: I'll maintain communications on this secured channel. Supplies are right here.
[29.12.2022 14:43:06] Sogososha|~Hana: So I see we're making a run for it back through Shikoku. I trust your judgement, Professor Provocateur.
[29.12.2022 14:44:09] Sogososha|~Hana: I'll provide intel on the other side.
[29.12.2022 14:44:23] Sogososha|~Hana: Jumpgate's clear.
[29.12.2022 14:44:33] Sogososha|~Hana: Laning to Junyo.
[29.12.2022 14:45:02] Sogososha|~Hana: Junyo is hot.
[29.12.2022 14:45:18] Sogososha|~Hana: I've disrupted the lane.
[29.12.2022 14:45:32] Sogososha|~Hana: Looks like we'll need to take a detour.
[29.12.2022 14:45:50] Sogososha|~Hana: I'll make sure the cruiser doesn't reach you, Professor Provocateur.
[29.12.2022 14:46:16] Tip: The world of Freelancer is full of ambiguity just like real life is. Not all characters showing up as hostile are your enemies. Likewise - not all characters showing up as neutral are your friends.
[29.12.2022 14:46:16] Sogososha|~Hana: Peculiar. I'm not seeing any reaction.
[29.12.2022 14:46:37] Sogososha|~Hana: Let's return to the lanes. I'll disrupt them with a mine.
[29.12.2022 14:46:46] LH~Airdrie.Repossessor: Where do you want to drop off the cargo?
[29.12.2022 14:47:01] Sogososha|~Hana: Considering Airdrie's off charts, I think Cochrane is our best option,.
[29.12.2022 14:47:21] Sogososha|~Hana: Lane successfully disrupted.
[29.12.2022 14:47:30] LH~Airdrie.Repossessor: Let's head back to Leiden instead.
[29.12.2022 14:47:50] Sogososha|~Hana: Affirmative.
[29.12.2022 14:48:57] Sogososha|~Hana: I think Mission 31's description is in need of updating, Professor. Due to Airdrie Hideout's status, of course.
[29.12.2022 14:49:38] /time
[29.12.2022 14:49:38] 2022-12-29 14:49:35 SMT
[29.12.2022 14:49:53] 2022-12-29 14:49:50 SMT Traffic control alert: LH~Airdrie.Repossessor has requested to dock
[29.12.2022 14:49:54] Sogososha|~Hana: I'll make sure to mention the matter in my report - for more proper documentation.
I successfully guided a convoy of Chrysanthemum ships beginning from Planet Malta and heading to Cochrane Depot to drop off a total of 8.000 units of Cardamine. Upon reaching our destination the convoy set off back towards what I understand is their primary base of operations and I ensured they once again reach their destination safely.
The convoy:
LH~Liz.Krest - Fighter escort
GC-Suzuki.Himari - Fighter escort
GC-Matsumoto.Hotaru - Fighter escort
GC-Sakura-3 - Fighter escort
GC-AirashiChubu - Transport
GC- Ashitazu - Transport
The return trip:
Ontario - Colorado - Kepler - Shikoku
I made sure to put on my best attitude and make the best out of the opportunity I was given to make sure our diplomatic relations with the Chrysanthemums remain on a pleasant level. Neither of them were disappointed by my services or my company and there is definitely room for such convoy to repeat itself, provided the opportunity.
On a last note, the Chrysanthemums' "home", as they referred to it, is an installation of rather impressive size. I am surprised I have never seen or heard of it before.
[∎] - Reaching Cochrane [∎] - Reaching Cochrane, Transport A scan [∎] - Reaching Cochrane, Transport B scan [∎] - Transport A docking on Cochrane [∎] - Transport B docking on Cochrane [∎] - Return route, Transport A scan [∎] - Return route, Transport B scan [∎] - Transport A arriving on Kinkaku-ji [∎] - Transport B arriving on Kinkaku-ji [∎] - Transport A docking on Kinkaku-ji [∎] - Transport B docking on Kinkaku-ji
I made contact with Fixer Franz Oberhauser to arrange a meeting between myself and him on board the Leiden Interrogator for the purpose of providing the Interrogator with some prisoners I acquired after their ejection. A couple of bounty hunters and two dozens of Xenos are now part of Leiden Interrogator's family.
[29.12.2022 22:27:18] LH~Liz.Krest: Leiden Interrogator, it's a pleasure.
[29.12.2022 22:27:25] LH~Leiden.Interrogator: Franz: We got your call Mr. Krest.
[29.12.2022 22:27:32] LH~Liz.Krest: Ah, Fixer Oberhauser.
[29.12.2022 22:27:34] LH~Leiden.Interrogator: Franz: I suggest you got something we want.
[29.12.2022 22:27:37] LH~Liz.Krest: An even greater pleasure.
[29.12.2022 22:27:46] LH~Liz.Krest: I have pilots to drop off to the Leiden Interrogator.
[29.12.2022 22:28:02] LH~Leiden.Interrogator: Franz: Perfect, they will be a great addition in our cells.
[29.12.2022 22:28:06] LH~Liz.Krest: Some hard earned kills and what not.
[29.12.2022 22:28:16] LH~Liz.Krest: Thought they would indeed make a perfect addition.
[29.12.2022 22:28:26] LH~Liz.Krest: Stand-by for transference.
[29.12.2022 22:28:33] LH~Leiden.Interrogator: Franz: Ready when you are.
[29.12.2022 22:28:44] LH~Liz.Krest: Couple of Bounty Hunters and a -lot- of Xenos!
[29.12.2022 22:28:50] LH~Liz.Krest: May they have a -wonderful- time.
[29.12.2022 22:28:58] LH~Leiden.Interrogator: Franz: Perfect, you did a good job out there.
[29.12.2022 22:29:17] LH~Leiden.Interrogator: Franz: Until next time Krest.
[29.12.2022 22:29:20] LH~Liz.Krest: Thank you for the quick service, Mister Oberhauser.
[29.12.2022 22:29:25] 2022-12-29 22:29:22 SMT Traffic control alert: LH~Leiden.Interrogator has requested to dock
[29.12.2022 22:29:25] LH~Liz.Krest: Will see you around.
I am pleased to report that the promotion criteria of "determination" has been satisfied through successful act of piracy involving a freelancer pilot on a freighter "Jiyu Rodo" in the Pennsylvania system.
The pilot initially tried to escape, but my Bactrian Freighter, equipped with enhanced HN engines was able to outmaneuver them.
The pilot ultimately surrendered and had to pay a total of 825,000 credits for the possession of 550 units of Helium.
[11:17:59] Jiyu_Rodo: Nope.
[11:18:20] LH~Anton.Murik: Don't be so sure.
[11:18:33] Jiyu_Rodo: Shit you got a light fighter.
[11:18:39] Jiyu_Rodo: Al;right I'll play.
[11:18:53] LH~Anton.Murik: You almost guessed it right.
[11:19:03] LH~Anton.Murik: Let's see what you have there.
[11:19:06] Jiyu_Rodo: Hm....
[11:19:09] Jiyu_Rodo: Mostly Helium.
[11:19:33] LH~Anton.Murik: Hmm...
[11:19:51] LH~Anton.Murik: That's a nice catch, it'll cost you 825.000 credits to get away safe and sound.
[11:20:16] Jiyu_Rodo: More reasonable than the Rogue Laundry service prices, deal.
[11:20:40] You have received 825.000 credits from Jiyu_Rodo
[11:20:44] Jiyu_Rodo: Send it.
[11:20:48] LH~Anton.Murik: Never heard of them before, but no doubt they are less reasonable than I. Money received, you are free to go.
[11:21:06] Jiyu_Rodo: Have a pleasant day mate.
[11:21:10] LH~Anton.Murik: Same to you.
Using the transports from our wings I have completed the necessary import and export routes that are required. The journey for the completion of that criteria was definitely bigger than I expected, but it was a challenge I very easily overcame. Fortunately, nobody stood in my path during my runs so I had no complications. Attaching relevant logs.
[∎] - Shipment of Black Market Light Arms from Mactan to Boulogne [∎] - Shipment of Energy Field Equipment from Boulogne to Leiden [∎] - Shipment of Counterfeit Software from Leiden to Akabat [∎] - Shipment of Kemwer Munitions from Akabat to Buffalo [∎] - Shipment of Slaves from Buffalo to Malta [∎] - Shipment of Cardamine from Malta to Buffalo
During one of my regular recon operations and while looking for potential targets and specifically focusing on contacts that are unidentified on Spyglass, I stumbled across an Interspace transport flying through Tau-31 and heading to Cambridge. I successfully extorted the transport for 2.500.000 S.C. as per our extortion protocols.
[∎] - Tau-31 system [∎] - Interspace transport [∎] - Cargohold [∎] - Successful extortion
[06.01.2023 21:08:15] LH~Disruption: Hold it -right- there.
[06.01.2023 21:08:20] Cloaking device off
[06.01.2023 21:08:34] LH~Disruption: I said hold it.
[06.01.2023 21:08:42] Who said? It's Legal
[06.01.2023 21:08:43] LH~Disruption: I don't enjoy being ignored.
[06.01.2023 21:09:09] LH~Disruption: And you are?
[06.01.2023 21:09:18] Hm... a cloak are you hiding from a transports?
[06.01.2023 21:09:40] LH~Disruption: I am hiding from detection.
[06.01.2023 21:09:49] LH~Disruption: Try not to dodge my questions, it won't end well.
[06.01.2023 21:09:52] LH~Disruption: I asked you for your name.
[06.01.2023 21:10:05] LH~Disruption: It's a simple question, no?
[06.01.2023 21:10:20] By who? I don't think there is someone who interested in you
[06.01.2023 21:10:22] /time
[06.01.2023 21:10:22] 2023-01-06 21:10:20 SMT
[06.01.2023 21:10:30] My name? Hm... You can call me Claire
[06.01.2023 21:10:44] LH~Disruption: Pleased to meet you, maybe.
[06.01.2023 21:10:55] LH~Disruption: Where is that shipment of H-fuel coming from, Claire?
[06.01.2023 21:10:58] LH~Disruption: And where's it headed.
[06.01.2023 21:11:01] But I don't know yours...
[06.01.2023 21:11:11] LH~Disruption: Liz.
[06.01.2023 21:11:16] LH~Disruption: You can call me Liz.
[06.01.2023 21:11:21] Okay Liz
[06.01.2023 21:11:38] Well Liz. It is coming from Okinawa to Cambrige
[06.01.2023 21:11:48] Just don't want to go empty
[06.01.2023 21:12:15] Rules Tip: Do not threaten a player with reports or sanctions. If you see someone breaking server rules - help them. If that does not work - report them to the administration team on the Forums.
[06.01.2023 21:12:21] LH~Disruption: Quite a short trip.
[06.01.2023 21:12:32] LH~Disruption: And your next route after Cambridge?
[06.01.2023 21:13:12] I don't know. I haven't any orders yet. So I think I will go to London and drink with my crew
[06.01.2023 21:13:24] LH~Disruption: Most beautiful. Let me not keep you for too long then.
[06.01.2023 21:13:33] LH~Disruption: I'll only ask for a small toll of 2.500.000 S.C.
[06.01.2023 21:13:37] LH~Disruption: And you may pass.
[06.01.2023 21:14:17] Eh... Almost 33% of my profit
[06.01.2023 21:14:24] Well then
[06.01.2023 21:14:40] LH~Disruption: It's a small price.
[06.01.2023 21:14:51] [2023-01-06] 21:14:49 You have received 2.500.000 credits from
[06.01.2023 21:14:53] LH~Disruption: A symbolic one.
[06.01.2023 21:14:54] /time
[06.01.2023 21:14:54] 2023-01-06 21:14:52 SMT
[06.01.2023 21:15:03] LH~Disruption: Enjoy your trip.
[06.01.2023 21:15:11] Ah...ha
I have gathered the necessary extortions for the completion of this criteria as well. Might have taken me a while to stack up the numbers, but it was only a matter of time before my "adventures" outside our typical zone of operations granted me this criteria.
[26.12.2022 12:01:52] LH~Liz.Krest: Why hello there,.
[26.12.2022 12:02:00] Szmitek: Hey..
[26.12.2022 12:02:14] LH~Liz.Krest: Why don't you cut those engines and make this easier for both of us, huh?
[26.12.2022 12:02:33] LH~Liz.Krest: Smart decision.
[26.12.2022 12:02:37] /time
[26.12.2022 12:02:37] 2022-12-26 12:02:35 SMT
[26.12.2022 12:02:51] /time
[26.12.2022 12:02:51] 2022-12-26 12:02:49 SMT
[26.12.2022 12:02:59] Szmitek: So you need some ale or what ?
[26.12.2022 12:03:10] LH~Liz.Krest: Seem to be a little confused with your affiliation there, aren't you?
[26.12.2022 12:03:18] LH~Liz.Krest: Who do you work for?
[26.12.2022 12:03:27] Szmitek: Universal
[26.12.2022 12:03:48] LH~Liz.Krest: Your IFF's showing Deep Space Engineering, incompetent corporate lackey!
[26.12.2022 12:04:16] Szmitek: Oh man why they didnt change that
[26.12.2022 12:04:16] LH~Liz.Krest: Yet another glaring sign of corporate incompetency.
[26.12.2022 12:04:37] Szmitek: Incompetence at it finest it seems
[26.12.2022 12:05:26] Szmitek: So you need some alcohol or not ?
[26.12.2022 12:05:41] Szmitek: Cause we got plenty of that
[26.12.2022 12:05:57] LH~Liz.Krest: I'll make this simple for you, hand over 2.5 millions and you can proceed to get those goods to Manhattan. How's that for a to?
[26.12.2022 12:06:04] LH~Liz.Krest: Ehem. A.. toll.
[26.12.2022 12:06:10] Szmitek: Seems resonable
[26.12.2022 12:06:21] LH~Liz.Krest: Forward them to me and you can proceed.
[26.12.2022 12:06:23] [2022-12-26] 12:06:21 You have received 2.500.000 credits from Szmitek
[26.12.2022 12:06:28] Szmitek: Here
[26.12.2022 12:06:38] LH~Liz.Krest: You may move along, corporate.
[26.12.2022 12:06:58] Szmitek: Good lets get those goodies to their place
[25.12.2022 11:48:29] Karsten.Mueller: K:Have a safe day and flight.
[25.12.2022 11:48:48] LH~Liz.Krest: What do we have here.
[25.12.2022 11:48:55] Karsten.Mueller: K:....
[25.12.2022 11:49:20] Karsten.Mueller: K:What you want? My Cargohold is empty...
[25.12.2022 11:49:30] LH~Liz.Krest: A corrupt hypocrite papdog of the corporate oligarchies!
[25.12.2022 11:49:38] 2022-12-25 11:49:38 SMT Traffic control alert: Redball.Express has requested to dock
[25.12.2022 11:49:48] LH~Liz.Krest: Papdog? *She chuckles* I just created a new word.
[25.12.2022 11:49:56] LH~Liz.Krest: Lap. Lapdog. A corrupt -lapdog-.
[25.12.2022 11:50:18] LH~Liz.Krest: An empty cargo hold does not grant you immunity to the Lane Hackers, Interspace scum.
[25.12.2022 11:50:51] Karsten.Mueller: K:Scum? Ha, hard working gentleman you mean..
[25.12.2022 11:51:09] LH~Liz.Krest: Now you better cooperate so I don't consider rapid decompression of your vessel as an outcome of this interaction.
[25.12.2022 11:51:40] Karsten.Mueller: K:Come to you point man, my workplan is full.
[25.12.2022 11:51:56] LH~Liz.Krest: Where did you come from and what is your destination, corporate lackey?
[25.12.2022 11:52:45] Karsten.Mueller: K:The Freeport need materials from New York..
[25.12.2022 11:53:15] LH~Liz.Krest: "The Freeport"? As in that installation back there?
[25.12.2022 11:53:27] LH~Liz.Krest: You are supplying the installation.
[25.12.2022 11:53:33] Karsten.Mueller: K:Yes?
[25.12.2022 11:53:41] Karsten.Mueller: K:Its a Freeport?
[25.12.2022 11:54:25] Karsten.Mueller: K:Well, a small Freeport but it is a Freeport
[25.12.2022 11:54:30] LH~Liz.Krest: Most interesting. A freeport housing all types of scum, including Corsairs.
[25.12.2022 11:54:39] LH~Liz.Krest: What else does the Freeport house?
[25.12.2022 11:55:19] Karsten.Mueller: K:i know the Freeport is selling Helium for everyone but it looks empty atm
[25.12.2022 11:55:22] Death: DSEV_Bowlyne suffered a self-inflicted catastrophic decompression.
[25.12.2022 11:55:31] Karsten.Mueller: K:You cant dock on the Freeport?
[25.12.2022 11:55:59] LH~Liz.Krest: I have -no interest- of docking on your so called Freeport, Interspace scamp.
[25.12.2022 11:56:16] Karsten.Mueller: K:Its not my base?
[25.12.2022 11:56:20] LH~Liz.Krest: Now tell me, who else seeks refugee here.
[25.12.2022 11:56:49] LH~Liz.Krest: You've clearly been around that place more than I have been, surely your incompetent little corporate eyes have seen something.
[25.12.2022 11:57:32] DTR-CCS>Bandito.E.Mule: im curious now what is this ruckes
[25.12.2022 11:57:45] Karsten.Mueller: K:I have see Freelancers and corsairs only
[25.12.2022 11:58:20] DTR-CCS>Bandito.E.Mule: wow look at this one he has pretty lights
[25.12.2022 11:58:34] LH~Liz.Krest: Are you certain of this, Interspace scum?
[25.12.2022 11:58:45] DTR-CCS>Bandito.E.Mule: nice ship gringo who made lights for you
[25.12.2022 11:58:58] Caesteus: Almost like beacon in distant stars
[25.12.2022 11:59:09] Karsten.Mueller: K:sure
[25.12.2022 11:59:18] DTR-CCS>Bandito.E.Mule: yeah i wish the gringos back home in transports had such nice lights
[25.12.2022 11:59:25] LH~Liz.Krest: You all gentlemen seem to be on a detour around that base.
[25.12.2022 11:59:27] DTR-CCS>Bandito.E.Mule: Can see them from far
[25.12.2022 11:59:37] LH~Liz.Krest: Degeneracy breeds degeneracy, nothing has changed.
[25.12.2022 11:59:39] Karsten.Mueller: K:Shipyard in New York
[25.12.2022 11:59:48] DTR-CCS>Bandito.E.Mule: Hola Senor Krest
[25.12.2022 12:00:01] LH~Liz.Krest: Seniorita for you.
[25.12.2022 12:00:18] DTR-CCS>Bandito.E.Mule: oh this one is the chickita
[25.12.2022 12:00:28] Caesteus: Mamacita
[25.12.2022 12:00:29] DTR-CCS>Bandito.E.Mule: well well pardon me mamacita
[25.12.2022 12:00:52] DTR-CCS>Bandito.E.Mule: so you got the small or the big mellons i cant tell from all the way here
[25.12.2022 12:01:20] LH~Liz.Krest: Calm down, weasels, your time isn't now. I am dealing with the Interspace lackey.
[25.12.2022 12:01:35] Karsten.Mueller: K:You need to long..
[25.12.2022 12:01:36] LH~Liz.Krest: Your cellular separation will be seen to in due time.
[25.12.2022 12:01:42] DTR-CCS>Bandito.E.Mule: but now you got my attention this one i like shes visty
[25.12.2022 12:01:57] DTR-CCS>Bandito.E.Mule: bit soft but visty
[25.12.2022 12:02:01] DTR-CCS>Bandito.E.Mule: i like
[25.12.2022 12:02:15] LH~Liz.Krest: Now you, Interspace knave, your empty transport will have to pay a toll of a million credits to pass by my checkpoint.
[25.12.2022 12:02:24] DTR-CCS>Bandito.E.Mule: reminds me of the chickas back home
[25.12.2022 12:02:26] Caesteus: Come lets go before you fall in love with here HAHA
[25.12.2022 12:02:36] [2022-12-25] 12:02:36 You have received 1.000.000 credits from Karsten.Mueller
[25.12.2022 12:02:46] DTR-CCS>Bandito.E.Mule: kiss kiss sweety
[25.12.2022 12:02:47] LH~Liz.Krest: Toll received.
[25.12.2022 12:02:54] LH~Liz.Krest: You may continue to your destination.
[25.12.2022 12:03:44] Karsten.Mueller: K:Have not a great day Hacker scum..
[25.12.2022 12:03:48] DTR-CCS>Bandito.E.Mule: Any of you senors have good miner contacts
[25.12.2022 12:04:09] 2022-12-25 12:04:09 SMT Traffic control alert: DTR-CCS>Bandito.E.Mule has requested to dock
[07.01.2023 01:51:23] Cloaking device off
[07.01.2023 01:51:32] LH~Disruption: You know the drill.
[07.01.2023 01:51:44] LH~Disruption: Keep those engines at zero.
[07.01.2023 01:51:45] AWES-Resolution: A lane hacker in Dublin!
[07.01.2023 01:51:51] AWES-Resolution: I'm halted.
[07.01.2023 01:52:04] LH~Disruption: Oh I've had my eyes on you for a very very long time now!
[07.01.2023 01:52:25] /time
[07.01.2023 01:52:25] 2023-01-07 01:52:22 SMT
[07.01.2023 01:52:41] /time
[07.01.2023 01:52:41] 2023-01-07 01:52:39 SMT
[07.01.2023 01:52:54] LH~Disruption: That's quite an odd trip you're taking there.
[07.01.2023 01:53:07] LH~Disruption: Didn't know Interspace had contracts for supplying bases that far off.
[07.01.2023 01:53:16] AWES-Resolution: Some junkers provided our ships some shortcuts to supplies some time ago...
[07.01.2023 01:53:25] LH~Disruption: Interspace vessel caught supplying a base in Dublin system.
[07.01.2023 01:53:29] LH~Disruption: Ain't that a title of a good article, huh?
[07.01.2023 01:53:37] AWES-Resolution: We've come a long way. Some investments are worth the effort of supply
[07.01.2023 01:53:39] LH~Disruption: It'd give me a laugh. And here I am seeing it with my own eyes.
[07.01.2023 01:53:56] AWES-Resolution: Don't know if 'caught' is appropriate term
[07.01.2023 01:54:02] AWES-Resolution: It's a registered base
[07.01.2023 01:54:04] LH~Disruption: Intercepted?
[07.01.2023 01:54:10] LH~Disruption: Perhaps that works better.
[07.01.2023 01:54:28] AWES-Resolution: Maybe encountered has a better ring?
[07.01.2023 01:54:29] LH~Disruption: Looks like a very odd place to put the installation down. Especially if it's registered.
[07.01.2023 01:54:39] LH~Disruption: Encountered. I like it.
[07.01.2023 01:54:49] AWES-Resolution: Bretonia was encouraged by the investment here.
[07.01.2023 01:54:49] LH~Disruption: Corporate lackeys are developing brains.
[07.01.2023 01:55:19] AWES-Resolution: Well, some of your group were of that shade in prior lifes, were they not?
[07.01.2023 01:55:40] LH~Disruption: We developed brains a long, long time ago.
[07.01.2023 01:55:51] Rules Tip: If you die to a player/players, you must not only leave and not re-enter the system you died in for one hour, but you must also not attack the players you died to for one hour on ANY of your characters.
[07.01.2023 01:55:55] LH~Disruption: And thus we decided that this is not the life we're gonna follow for the rest of our lives.
[07.01.2023 01:56:19] LH~Disruption: Anyway, I shouldn't keep you for too long, should I? I bet whoever's paying you to keep that installation working in good -
[07.01.2023 01:56:22] LH~Disruption: - order will be upset.
[07.01.2023 01:56:25] AWES-Resolution: Oh, I'm sure that development wasn't assisted with some learning of corporate ways, even if you chose to part with them
[07.01.2023 01:56:29] LH~Disruption: I'll make a simple proposal.
[07.01.2023 01:57:05] AWES-Resolution: Let's hear this proposal.
[07.01.2023 01:57:11] LH~Disruption: You'll pay me a low toll of a million credits and I'll disappear.
[07.01.2023 01:57:18] LH~Disruption: You won't have to deal with me again on this flight session.
[07.01.2023 01:57:30] LH~Disruption: Hell, you can even forget I existed.
[07.01.2023 01:57:58] AWES-Resolution: Seems like a deal that a transport captain and crew would be wise to agree to when faced with a bomber armed to the teeth.
[07.01.2023 01:58:06] AWES-Resolution: We accept.
[07.01.2023 01:58:22] [2023-01-07] 01:58:20 You have received 1.000.000 credits from AWES-Resolution
[07.01.2023 01:58:27] /time
[07.01.2023 01:58:27] 2023-01-07 01:58:25 SMT
[07.01.2023 01:58:36] LH~Disruption: Outstanding.
[07.01.2023 01:58:48] AWES-Resolution: Funds sent. Glad to see you have no aversion to accepting corporation monies....
[07.01.2023 01:58:53] LH~Disruption: Funds are received.
[07.01.2023 01:59:10] LH~Disruption: Those funds will be put to good, honest use.
[07.01.2023 01:59:18] AWES-Resolution: Glad to hear it.
[07.01.2023 01:59:30] LH~Disruption: I'll be gone now.
[07.01.2023 01:59:42] LH~Disruption: Enjoy your supplying trips.
[07.01.2023 01:59:47] AWES-Resolution: I'm sure our paths will cross again at some point...
[07.01.2023 01:59:50] AWES-Resolution: Thanks.
[07.01.2023 01:59:58] LH~Disruption: At some point, inevitably.
[07.01.2023 02:00:07] LH~Disruption: That point will likely be no time soon.
[07.01.2023 02:00:16] LH~Disruption: I have a word to upkeep.
[07.01.2023 02:00:36] LH~Disruption: I said I will not be bugging you again for this specific shipment session of yours.
[07.01.2023 02:00:46] LH~Disruption: I'm not planning to go against that.
[07.01.2023 02:00:47] AWES-Resolution: Understood.
[07.01.2023 02:00:54] LH~Disruption: Good evening!
[07.01.2023 02:01:09] AWES-Resolution: We are glad you keep to these commitments, if not your prior corporate ones...
[07.01.2023 02:01:23] LH~Disruption: A discussion for another day, that is.
[07.01.2023 02:01:28] AWES-Resolution: Indeed.
[07.01.2023 02:01:37] LH~Disruption: Goodbye.
I recently acquired some piece of very interesting intelligence on one of my trips outside Liberty's borders. Intelligence regarding a Zoner vessel smuggling slaves, recorded in Tau-31, and intelligence which I have successfully sold to The Core for whatever benefit they might have out of it.
I believe this suffices in completing the aforementioned criteria, although of course the final word belongs to the Professorship.