Sender name and rank:Admiral Blake Wayne Van Leer Location:California Subject:Leap forward in Smuggler situation
We have made progress today. I have intercepted a corsair smuggler DTR-CCS>Kolkan
We know that the Xeno Relics originate in Omicron Gamma, whoever is distributing them in Liberty is using Fontana Freeportas a distribution point. The smugglers have Multiple entry points leading to California, and are even using Our own infrastructure including the New York Jump Gate to get the dangerous contraband in.
[01.10.2022 08:20:27] 1st|T-Opportunity: CUT YOUR ENGINES
[01.10.2022 08:20:36] DTR-CCS>Kolkan: Relax dude
[01.10.2022 08:20:49] 1st|T-Opportunity: This is Opportunity, transport of the First Armada
[01.10.2022 08:20:56] 1st|T-Opportunity: State your intention
[01.10.2022 08:21:14] DTR-CCS>Kolkan: K:My intension?
[01.10.2022 08:21:31] 1st|T-Opportunity: That is correct - I am sure you have some story behind your cargo *laughs*
[01.10.2022 08:22:08] DTR-CCS>Kolkan: K:A person on fontana wants this, but yeah
[01.10.2022 08:22:31] 1st|T-Opportunity: Well, maybe you are aware your faction, vessel and cargo are Illegal in Liberty?
[01.10.2022 08:22:40] 1st|T-Opportunity: Perhaps you were not - I would like to hear that story!
[01.10.2022 08:23:13] DTR-CCS>Kolkan: K:I knowits illegal here in your space? *smiles*
[01.10.2022 08:23:31] 1st|T-Opportunity: Oh well, that makes things simpler doesn't it *smiles*
[01.10.2022 08:23:37] 1st|T-Opportunity: Tell you what, you seem like an honest man
[01.10.2022 08:23:47] DTR-CCS>Kolkan: K:But i can leave your Space and all is fine "officer"?
[01.10.2022 08:23:51] 1st|T-Opportunity: You already told me you are going to Fontana, well that is good
[01.10.2022 08:24:02] 1st|T-Opportunity: How about you tell me where you got these from in the first place?
[01.10.2022 08:24:59] DTR-CCS>Kolkan: K:i think you must check the people on fontana what they want. i mean a freeport witrh illegal activities in your space?
[01.10.2022 08:25:04] DTR-CCS>Kolkan: K:outworld
[01.10.2022 08:25:24] 1st|T-Opportunity: Well, how about we are more specific? Where *exactly* did you acquire this cargo
[01.10.2022 08:25:42] 1st|T-Opportunity: And not that it is your concern, we are aware of our Smuggling problem
[01.10.2022 08:26:19] DTR-CCS>Kolkan: K:it was a suggest, not more
[01.10.2022 08:26:31] DTR-CCS>Kolkan: K:Omicron systems
[01.10.2022 08:26:44] 1st|T-Opportunity: Let's be more specific shall we?
[01.10.2022 08:26:55] 1st|T-Opportunity: Where exactly do these come from, what do your people call the system?
[01.10.2022 08:27:52] DTR-CCS>Kolkan: K:Omicron Gamma, but you dont want to enter this system *laughs*
[01.10.2022 08:28:28] 1st|T-Opportunity: Now we're talking, a honest man you are indeed. One last question - from what system do your people keep entering California
[01.10.2022 08:28:44] 1st|T-Opportunity: Under our noses so to speak
[01.10.2022 08:28:53] DTR-CCS>Kolkan: K:and the sellpoint has a huge defensering, thats all what i can say, but i have talk to much to you....
[01.10.2022 08:29:33] 1st|T-Opportunity: Like I said, one last question - from what system do you smugglers enter California, you are so close to sparing yourself!
[01.10.2022 08:29:34] 1st|T-Opportunity: Why stop now
[01.10.2022 08:30:05] DTR-CCS>Kolkan: K:Relax
[01.10.2022 08:30:27] DTR-CCS>Kolkan: K:We enter the system from various points *Smiles*
[01.10.2022 08:30:37] 1st|T-Opportunity: Well, give me one
[01.10.2022 08:30:42] DTR-CCS>Kolkan: K:you cant defense all entrypoints *laughs*
[01.10.2022 08:30:53] 1st|T-Opportunity: Why would you care if you enter from many, surely
[01.10.2022 08:30:59] 1st|T-Opportunity: As you said - we can't defend them all
[01.10.2022 08:31:10] 1st|T-Opportunity: What system, one do you enter California?
[01.10.2022 08:31:16] 1st|T-Opportunity: From
[01.10.2022 08:31:29] DTR-CCS>Kolkan: K:One example you want? California Jump Gate?
[01.10.2022 08:31:38] DTR-CCS>Kolkan: New York?
[01.10.2022 08:31:38] 1st|T-Opportunity: From where would that be
[01.10.2022 08:31:52] 1st|T-Opportunity: You are using our damn infrastructure? *curses*
[01.10.2022 08:32:15] 1st|T-Opportunity: :takes a deep breath: :Van Leer remembers that this small fry is nothing compared to the swarms of smugglers:
[01.10.2022 08:32:21] 1st|T-Opportunity: I did say one question, you answered
[01.10.2022 08:32:40] 1st|T-Opportunity: I will take 2000 of the Relics as evidence and you are free to go after you release them
[01.10.2022 08:33:22] DTR-CCS>Kolkan: K:Fine, a cooperative Officer, nice
[01.10.2022 08:33:29] Death: Alex_Morin was put out of action by a hostile vessel.
[01.10.2022 08:34:01] 1st|T-Opportunity: You saved your skin, and are free to go. Tell your people, The First Armada is here to guard Liberty
[01.10.2022 08:34:13] 1st|T-Opportunity: You smugglers are best finding someplace else to pollute with these dangerous artifacts
[01.10.2022 08:34:19] DTR-CCS>Kolkan: K:yeah
[01.10.2022 08:34:20] 1st|T-Opportunity: Now be on your way
Sender name and rank:Admiral Blake Wayne Van Leer Location:Virginia, California Subject:Patrol report
I won't even show proof for all these crimes - nomad technology, Navy Equipment, Trespassing, the Freelancer got what was coming for him by the hand of Gold-Texas
Not so successful
After this we have discovered one HS>Chamuscado
Me and Red-55 have put up an intense battle, but eventually, the heavily damaged vessel prevailed, and might now be roaming Liberty.
Sender name and rank:Admiral Blake Wayne Van Leer Location:Hudson Subject:823 AS Peace Treaty
> Rheinland-Liberty Peace Treaty 823 AS < was discussed with Rheinland Military in Hudson. We No Longer control the trade lane to Atka as per the outdated treaty that doesn't take into account the recent spatial shifts of the system. One of their so-called upper lieutenants Trau Habermeyer will bring the matter up with her higher-ups. We have also found that the incident with purged logs has not led to further issues, and have met a bounty hunter and a freelancer
[09.11.2022 15:06:40] 1st|LNS-Liberty's.Arrow: CO: Good day
[09.11.2022 15:06:55] 1st|LNS-Liberty's.Arrow: CO: Esteemed...Scrap metal hauler?
[09.11.2022 15:06:57] [RM]Obl-Trau.Habermeyer: Oh - guten Tag there, Navy. *She sounds mildy suprised, yet friendly.*
[09.11.2022 15:07:21] [RM]Obl-Trau.Habermeyer: *A light chuckle follows.* Ahaha... no, that has other reasons. Oberleutnant Traudel Habermeyer, Rheinwehr. Delighted.
[09.11.2022 15:07:46] 1st|LNS-Liberty's.Arrow: Admiral Van Leer, at your service - I was merely commenting on your cargohold
[09.11.2022 15:08:04] 1st|LNS-Liberty's.Arrow: It's not every day you see a Military vessel with Scrap Metal *laughs*
[09.11.2022 15:08:29] 1st|LNS-Liberty's.Arrow: What does Oberlautnant mean if you will pardon my ignorance
[09.11.2022 15:08:40] [RM]Obl-Trau.Habermeyer: Ah, Admiral? Well - sir. *Despite different Houses, respect is shown.* I do admit, it is not the most usual sight to behold.
[09.11.2022 15:09:13] [RM]Obl-Trau.Habermeyer: Call it a personal matter of sating curiosity on the off chance i run into someone again...
[09.11.2022 15:10:29] 1st|LNS-Liberty's.Arrow: Well is Oberlautnant - I will not even guess, what sort of Rank is that?
[09.11.2022 15:12:03] [RM]Obl-Trau.Habermeyer: You may translate it as ... 'upper lieutenant', i believe. I'm nowhere near High Command, sir. Leading smaller wings for
[09.11.2022 15:12:10] [RM]Obl-Trau.Habermeyer: patrols or do them on my own, mainly.
[09.11.2022 15:12:22] 1st|LNS-Liberty's.Arrow: I see! What brings you to Hudson today
[09.11.2022 15:12:37] Changing screen mode=windowed
[09.11.2022 15:12:53] [RM]Obl-Trau.Habermeyer: Exactly that - patrols. And prior ... dealings in this regard. I had two instances of smugglers managing to escape me here,
[09.11.2022 15:13:04] [RM]Obl-Trau.Habermeyer: unfortunately. Sitka over there holds a lot of mystery...
[09.11.2022 15:13:23] 1st|LNS-Liberty's.Arrow: I see - I have come to investigate the legal matters of the system
[09.11.2022 15:13:41] 1st|LNS-Liberty's.Arrow: There have been known instances of Xeno activity here we have been dealing with
[09.11.2022 15:13:51] 1st|LNS-Liberty's.Arrow: Now there are the issues of legality of the system
[09.11.2022 15:13:59] 1st|LNS-Liberty's.Arrow: Are you familiar with the matter?
[09.11.2022 15:14:28] [RM]Obl-Trau.Habermeyer: This ... sounds somewhat bigger than artifact hauling smugglers. One was a Rogue, to be expected. The other, less so. Crayter,
[09.11.2022 15:14:46] [RM]Obl-Trau.Habermeyer: if you believe it. But ah... nein, please. Elaborate this for me properly, my current understanding is it is ... well. Indepent
[09.11.2022 15:14:48] 1st|LNS-Liberty's.Arrow: Oh yes, I have read the reports of the incident
[09.11.2022 15:14:49] [RM]Obl-Trau.Habermeyer: -ent space.
[09.11.2022 15:15:09] 1st|LNS-Liberty's.Arrow: One of ours has pursued a Rogue Frigate with contraband on board to an unknown jump hole
[09.11.2022 15:15:27] 1st|LNS-Liberty's.Arrow: It turned out to be Rheinland I believe - the Rogue was taken down, but we had questions to answer
[09.11.2022 15:15:36] 1st|LNS-Liberty's.Arrow: All logs were purged when our Gunboat came back
[09.11.2022 15:15:49] 1st|LNS-Liberty's.Arrow: Perhaps you have run into one of the Smuggling Frigates
[09.11.2022 15:15:55] [RM]Obl-Trau.Habermeyer: ... ... that ... ... happened. Right. It was earlier, way earler than that Rogue i chased.
[09.11.2022 15:15:58] [RM]Obl-Trau.Habermeyer: Was a Rhino Freighter.
[09.11.2022 15:16:12] 1st|LNS-Liberty's.Arrow: I see, they are downgrading it would seem. I am glad we have not caused an incident
[09.11.2022 15:16:38] 1st|LNS-Liberty's.Arrow: It is our Modus Operandi to not let criminal activity unpunished, we enjoy the front lines of duty so to speak
[09.11.2022 15:16:52] 1st|LNS-Liberty's.Arrow: And good day Bounty Hunter, it's good to know some of you are doing their job here *sighs*
[09.11.2022 15:16:55] [RM]Obl-Trau.Habermeyer: I am not at liberty to discuss the jump hole matter i am afraid, sir. So nein, no bigger waves from my limited point of view
[09.11.2022 15:16:56] [RM]Obl-Trau.Habermeyer: at least.
[09.11.2022 15:17:03] [RM]Obl-Trau.Habermeyer: Ah, Hunter. Guten Tag.
[09.11.2022 15:17:24] 1st|LNS-Liberty's.Arrow: Well, our gunboat's logs and sensors were completely purged, I assume it got somewhere you didn't want it to go *laughs*
[09.11.2022 15:17:39] 1st|LNS-Liberty's.Arrow: Believe me, I know the feeling, we may or may not have places like that in Liberty
[09.11.2022 15:18:01] [RM]Obl-Trau.Habermeyer: That ... may very well be the case, quite so indeed. I suppose there might potentially be something similar in Lib-... ah, ja.
[09.11.2022 15:18:16] 1st|LNS-Liberty's.Arrow: Officially, of course not, we are all transparent *laughs*
[09.11.2022 15:18:53] 1st|LNS-Liberty's.Arrow: Well yes now to the legal matter that brings us here
[09.11.2022 15:19:04] [RM]Obl-Trau.Habermeyer: Just rumors, just rumors. Certainly. *Amused.* Now ... ah. The legality of this system i believe you called it, sir?
[09.11.2022 15:19:07] 1st|LNS-Liberty's.Arrow: Are you aware of the Treaty of 823 between Rheinland and Liberty?
[09.11.2022 15:19:49] [RM]Obl-Trau.Habermeyer: Goodness me, refresh my memory please, sir. I would have to look up the details otherwise.
[09.11.2022 15:20:18] 1st|LNS-Liberty's.Arrow: It was the peace treaty after the unfortunate conflict that revolved around this system, New Hampshire and so forth
[09.11.2022 15:20:42] 1st|LNS-Liberty's.Arrow: That brought peace to our houses. It all worked out but now with the shifts in the system seems to need amending
[09.11.2022 15:20:57] 1st|LNS-Liberty's.Arrow: You may want to look it up and see for yourself
[09.11.2022 15:21:32] [RM]Obl-Trau.Habermeyer: Mhhhm, ja. One of many unfortunate wars. *Clears her throat.* Life is ever changing, isn't it? I was, depending on ones view-
[09.11.2022 15:21:57] [RM]Obl-Trau.Habermeyer: point fortunate or unfortunate enough to have been stuck on an Oder far out on a recon campaign. We rejoined late, near the end
[09.11.2022 15:22:57] 1st|LNS-Liberty's.Arrow: Well, that is long history. What the issue is now is the outated charting and separation of the system within the treaty
[09.11.2022 15:23:34] IC.Willert: Greetings
[09.11.2022 15:23:39] 1st|LNS-Liberty's.Arrow: CO: Good day
[09.11.2022 15:23:43] [RM]Obl-Trau.Habermeyer: Mhhhm, understandable. Th-... guten tag there.
[09.11.2022 15:23:55] 1st|LNS-Liberty's.Arrow: Well if you look at the treaty you will find our issue with it *smiles*
[09.11.2022 15:25:20] 1st|LNS-Liberty's.Arrow: The treaty states that the system is to be divided into North-South Sectors
[09.11.2022 15:25:47] [RM]Obl-Trau.Habermeyer: Ah, the specific Hudson entry, ja. There we have it. Chapter three...
[09.11.2022 15:25:50] 1st|LNS-Liberty's.Arrow: Now with the shifts in the system, that leaves Planet Atka and it's 15k Liberty zone deeply in Rheinland territory
[09.11.2022 15:26:04] Tip: Be careful when picking out the ID for your character. Generic IDs offer much more freedom, but are severely limited in terms of combat as well as the size of ship these characters can pilot.
[09.11.2022 15:26:39] 1st|LNS-Liberty's.Arrow: With us technically not being able to legally cross the tradelane to planet that is looking to be terraformed at the cost of
[09.11.2022 15:26:41] 1st|LNS-Liberty's.Arrow: our taxpayers
[09.11.2022 15:27:03] 1st|LNS-Liberty's.Arrow: I am assuming you see the awkward legal situation that could arise here.
[09.11.2022 15:27:22] 1st|LNS-Liberty's.Arrow: This also leaves the Rheinland's Hamburg Jump Gate in a joint zone, rather than Rheinland's
[09.11.2022 15:27:58] [RM]Obl-Trau.Habermeyer: I ... ... ja, indeed. That is ... well. *Blinking a few times.* An unwanted incident and breach of a treaty, should Liberty
[09.11.2022 15:28:03] [RM]Obl-Trau.Habermeyer: intend to near the planet.
[09.11.2022 15:28:07] 1st|LNS-Liberty's.Arrow: In other words, the treaty does not correspond with the shifts in the system and should be dealth with
[09.11.2022 15:28:16] 1st|LNS-Liberty's.Arrow: So we prevent any incidents.
[09.11.2022 15:28:53] 1st|LNS-Liberty's.Arrow: I suppose provisionally you could turn a blind eye to the outdated treaty and allow us access to Atka?
[09.11.2022 15:29:18] 1st|LNS-Liberty's.Arrow: We all know it simply hasn't been brought up to date with the shifts in the system, I'd hate another conflict to arise
[09.11.2022 15:29:27] [RM]Obl-Trau.Habermeyer: For what it is worth, i wholeheartedly agree, sir. I ... assume Liberty has raised the matter already? Is it ... pending?
[09.11.2022 15:29:42] 1st|LNS-Liberty's.Arrow: It has not, the government seems preocuppied
[09.11.2022 15:30:19] [RM]Obl-Trau.Habermeyer: Ahm... now. I am a stickler for order, i couldn't simply turn a blind eye. As much as i do understand - it is not my place to
[09.11.2022 15:30:26] [RM]Obl-Trau.Habermeyer: decide about matters that big.
[09.11.2022 15:30:36] [RM]Obl-Trau.Habermeyer: It ... has not? That ... ... mhhhm. Unfortunate to say the least.
[09.11.2022 15:31:45] 1st|LNS-Liberty's.Arrow: I see - well personally The First Armada I represent is busy in Vespucci currently, escapee terrorists and all
[09.11.2022 15:32:04] 1st|LNS-Liberty's.Arrow: Some call them refugees - as if - so we won't have space to deal with the matter.
[09.11.2022 15:32:19] 1st|LNS-Liberty's.Arrow: It would be helpful if you could initiate the amendments with your government perhaps?
[09.11.2022 15:32:21] ANGEL-09: First Armada? Never heard.
[09.11.2022 15:32:33] Death: DSR-"Cosmos" suffered a self-inflicted catastrophic decompression.
[09.11.2022 15:32:47] 1st|LNS-Liberty's.Arrow: That is us good sir - Newfly formed strike force that prefers the vanguard of the Liberty Navy
[09.11.2022 15:33:10] [RM]Obl-Trau.Habermeyer: I will most certainly forward the issue to the Oberkommando and thus it will reach the Governemnt, it's the least i can do.
[09.11.2022 15:33:15] ANGEL-09: I think you should wash your ears. *She sighs*
[09.11.2022 15:33:16] 1st|LNS-Liberty's.Arrow: Reckless we have been called, brave and dutyful I prefer!
[09.11.2022 15:33:59] 1st|LNS-Liberty's.Arrow: Dankeshchone *he stumbles on his tongue trying to emulate Rheinlandish* officer
[09.11.2022 15:34:23] [RM]Obl-Trau.Habermeyer: All a matter of perspective, as so often. While we are at it, Admiral. Anything particular you wish to add? If not i'll leave
[09.11.2022 15:34:24] [RM]Obl-Trau.Habermeyer: it at.
[09.11.2022 15:34:49] [RM]Obl-Trau.Habermeyer: Oh - that wasn't half bad. *With a nod.* Danke schoen, indeed.
[09.11.2022 15:35:12] 1st|LNS-Liberty's.Arrow: We will look into the Rogue matter, I wish the Bounty Hunters would do their job better here :nods head at ANGEL-9:
[09.11.2022 15:35:30] 1st|LNS-Liberty's.Arrow: Thank you for looking into this! The First Armada is grateful
[09.11.2022 15:35:32] 1st|LNS-Liberty's.Arrow: So long, Rheinlander
[09.11.2022 15:35:44] Death: Hunor was put out of action by a hostile vessel.
[09.11.2022 15:35:48] ANGEL-09: Pff..
[09.11.2022 15:35:49] [RM]Obl-Trau.Habermeyer: Auf Wiedersehen, sir.
[09.11.2022 15:35:58] Richards.-[Fae: Hello there.
[09.11.2022 15:36:10] [RM]Obl-Trau.Habermeyer: What a busy junction this is today... guten Tag, Freelancer.
[09.11.2022 15:36:23] 1st|LNS-Liberty's.Arrow: Oh, a freelancer
[09.11.2022 15:36:27] Richards.-[Fae: How is everyone?
[09.11.2022 15:36:48] 1st|LNS-Liberty's.Arrow: Nothing better than a cordial legal matter consultation *stretches his shoulders*
[09.11.2022 15:36:52] [RM]Obl-Trau.Habermeyer: Surprisingly well - one should be that when a regular patrol turns into potentially much more.
[09.11.2022 15:36:56] [RM]Obl-Trau.Habermeyer: Exactly.
[09.11.2022 15:37:23] ANGEL-09: I thought you were on your way 'first armada'.
[09.11.2022 15:37:30] [RM]Obl-Trau.Habermeyer: I see you have decided to use Hudson today - no gunboat so far.
[09.11.2022 15:37:32] 1st|LNS-Liberty's.Arrow: And no offense Bounty Hunter, it's just that we have found your colleagues lacking here
[09.11.2022 15:37:44] 1st|LNS-Liberty's.Arrow: But you are present, for that you deserve grattitude.
[09.11.2022 15:38:07] Richards.-[Fae: Indeed. *notices the Valkyrie as the one he has met twice before* Hey, you are the same person that warned me of danger here-
[09.11.2022 15:38:10] ANGEL-09: Because... this system is calm?
[09.11.2022 15:38:13] 1st|LNS-Liberty's.Arrow: Manitoba should be central to the security of the system, this is what Rheinland and Liberty habe expected
[09.11.2022 15:38:17] Richards.-[Fae: -in Hudon a few days ago right?
[09.11.2022 15:38:26] 1st|LNS-Liberty's.Arrow: Have rather, for now it is, we have had issues here prior
[09.11.2022 15:38:44] [RM]Obl-Trau.Habermeyer: That i am, Freelancer. Oberleutnant Traudel Habermeyer, Rheinwehr. Delighted - may i ask a name of yours, while we are it?
[09.11.2022 15:38:44] 1st|LNS-Liberty's.Arrow: And Officer Habermeyer here reports smuggling activity in the system
[09.11.2022 15:39:08] [RM]Obl-Trau.Habermeyer: That is, unfurtonately, true. A Liberty Rogues gunboat appeared both times i chased a smuggler into Hudson.
[09.11.2022 15:39:10] ANGEL-09: And?
[09.11.2022 15:39:27] Richards.-[Fae: *nods* Nice to meet you, ma'am. I am Richards. A pleasure.
[09.11.2022 15:39:46] 1st|LNS-Liberty's.Arrow: And Manitoba has it's central location to prevent exactly that *smiles* Maybe we are not compensating the Bounty Hunters enough
[09.11.2022 15:40:20] [RM]Obl-Trau.Habermeyer: Pleasure is all mine, Richards. I take it Hamburg was without notable issues on your way?
[09.11.2022 15:40:43] Changing screen mode=full
[09.11.2022 15:40:47] Changing screen mode=windowed
[09.11.2022 15:40:50] Richards.-[Fae: Indeed it was. No worries, and a very beautiful system.
[09.11.2022 15:41:15] ANGEL-09: It's not that. Perhaps we are lacking of personals. Or maybe they are all busy to take off more dangerous beings than simple
[09.11.2022 15:41:17] ANGEL-09: rogues.
[09.11.2022 15:41:43] [RM]Obl-Trau.Habermeyer: I still recommend Stuttgart, but Hamburg has its perks - i won't lie.
[09.11.2022 15:42:04] 1st|LNS-Liberty's.Arrow: I understand that, Bounty Hunter - plenty to go around these days with the Insurgents and Xenos all over the place
[09.11.2022 15:42:22] 1st|LNS-Liberty's.Arrow: That's with the damn Corsairs aside plaguing Liberty
[09.11.2022 15:42:29] Richards.-[Fae: Yes, Stuttgart is also very beautiful. Passed throught it on my way over here from Omega 3
[09.11.2022 15:42:40] Richards.-[Fae: Which is also very beautiful.
[09.11.2022 15:42:52] ANGEL-09: Corsairs in liberty? Funny.
[09.11.2022 15:42:58] [RM]Obl-Trau.Habermeyer: I was about to ask the very same.
[09.11.2022 15:43:05] ANGEL-09: In any case, I don't really care much.
[09.11.2022 15:43:16] 1st|LNS-Liberty's.Arrow: Many of them actually - they seem to take advantage of our engagement with the Insurgents
[09.11.2022 15:43:25] 1st|LNS-Liberty's.Arrow: Plenty of money is to be made for you bounty hunter
[09.11.2022 15:43:34] 1st|LNS-Liberty's.Arrow: The First Armada pays very well for stopping smugglers
[09.11.2022 15:43:37] [RM]Obl-Trau.Habermeyer: In contrast, i do. Ahhh... an enemy that is busy already, certainly offers windows of opportunity.
[09.11.2022 15:44:04] 1st|LNS-Liberty's.Arrow: Yes, we need to snuff out the damn insurgents as soon as we can so this window closes for the likes of Corsairs.
[09.11.2022 15:44:16] 1st|LNS-Liberty's.Arrow: Does Rheinland have internal terrorists and insurgents also?
[09.11.2022 15:44:25] 1st|LNS-Liberty's.Arrow: Red Hessians, was it?
[09.11.2022 15:44:36] [RM]Obl-Trau.Habermeyer: I believe every House is plagued by parasites...
[09.11.2022 15:44:42] [RM]Obl-Trau.Habermeyer: But yes, that is the name.
[09.11.2022 15:44:51] 1st|LNS-Liberty's.Arrow: Are they giving you trouble these days
[09.11.2022 15:45:02] ANGEL-09: If you are so worried about corsairs being in Liberty, why you are still here?
[09.11.2022 15:45:29] 1st|LNS-Liberty's.Arrow: A Warship is not best suited in catching smugglers you know. We have our intercepting transports and frigates for that
[09.11.2022 15:45:56] [RM]Obl-Trau.Habermeyer: On and off, to be honest. Some days they manage to be more than just a nuisance, on other days they are busy fighting other
[09.11.2022 15:45:59] 1st|LNS-Liberty's.Arrow: And well - bounty hunters are often needed. We are not exactly known for being great at navigating asteroid fields and nebulae
[09.11.2022 15:46:03] [RM]Obl-Trau.Habermeyer: criminals while we watch and pick off what remains.
[09.11.2022 15:46:20] Tip: In order to mine ore you must have the right combination of: 1) The ship, 2) The ID, 3) The IFF, 4) Mining Lasers/Turrets. For a full list of all of these combinations as well as which factions get bonuses for what ores - please visit our forums @DiscoveryGC.com
[09.11.2022 15:46:23] 1st|LNS-Liberty's.Arrow: Well if they fight each other you can't complain I suppose
[09.11.2022 15:46:24] ANGEL-09: Transports to intercept smugglers? You are so funny.
[09.11.2022 15:46:43] 1st|LNS-Liberty's.Arrow: Why of course! Our Scarabs and Herons do one hell of a job on that
[09.11.2022 15:46:55] Richards.-[Fae: *is nervous* Why is there so much frustration here? Can't we all just chill?
[09.11.2022 15:47:11] [RM]Obl-Trau.Habermeyer: Nein, certainly can't complain. It does happen from time to time for various reasons. Which is always a welcome sight for me.
[09.11.2022 15:47:35] [RM]Obl-Trau.Habermeyer: Ah, a friend of harmony, Richards? I for one am perfectly content right now.
[09.11.2022 15:47:38] 1st|LNS-Liberty's.Arrow: Angel is just looking for a big payout it seems *laughs* When is the offer to help is coming Bounty Hunter?
[09.11.2022 15:47:45] 1st|LNS-Liberty's.Arrow: I know a salesman when I see one!
[09.11.2022 15:48:03] ANGEL-09: I don't want your money.
[09.11.2022 15:48:26] 1st|LNS-Liberty's.Arrow: An altruistic Bounty Hunter that doesn't want money, now that's a first!
[09.11.2022 15:48:34] 1st|LNS-Liberty's.Arrow: I must tip my hat to you sir!
[09.11.2022 15:48:53] 1st|LNS-Liberty's.Arrow: So you do what you do out of conviction? Perhaps we could find space for you in our ranks!
[09.11.2022 15:48:59] [RM]Obl-Trau.Habermeyer: Sirius is a place of full of wonder and unexpected turns.
[09.11.2022 15:49:08] ANGEL-09: No.
[09.11.2022 15:49:24] 1st|LNS-Liberty's.Arrow: A man who is not driven by greed of money - seems like it's a waste to be a Bounty Hunter!
[09.11.2022 15:49:26] ANGEL-09: *She rolls her eyes, annoyed by the gathering.*
[09.11.2022 15:49:36] 1st|LNS-Liberty's.Arrow: Or a woman, pardon me!
[09.11.2022 15:50:14] 1st|LNS-Liberty's.Arrow: What does drive you if not money then if I may ask?
[09.11.2022 15:50:32] ANGEL-09: You can ask but won't get any answer.
[09.11.2022 15:51:03] [RM]Obl-Trau.Habermeyer: Ah well, we all have our reasons, don't we?
[09.11.2022 15:51:09] 1st|LNS-Liberty's.Arrow: A mysterious woman than plays her card close to her chest! That is intriguing!
[09.11.2022 15:51:11] Richards.-[Fae: Indeed we do.
[09.11.2022 15:52:05] 1st|LNS-Liberty's.Arrow: Well for me it's simple, I am drive by Duty, Honor and Liberty. Simply serving my house and people will do.
[09.11.2022 15:52:31] ANGEL-09: Yeah, sure.
[09.11.2022 15:52:33] Death: noArgh was put out of action by a hostile vessel.
[09.11.2022 15:52:35] 1st|LNS-Liberty's.Arrow: Driven rather. I see my salary as oxygen - a simple necessity needed so I can survive
[09.11.2022 15:53:06] 1st|LNS-Liberty's.Arrow: What drives you, Richards - or are you as mysterious as the Bounty Huntress here? *smiles*
[09.11.2022 15:53:22] [RM]Obl-Trau.Habermeyer: A motivation i can understand and respect. Ah... curious about that answer now.
[09.11.2022 15:53:53] 1st|LNS-Liberty's.Arrow: Precisely, Angel-09 knows how to peak our interest! It is exciting to understand other people's perspectives and drives to me.
[09.11.2022 15:53:59] Richards.-[Fae: *raises an eyebrow* I am just a humble Freelancer, all I care about is seeing the sights, and living life to the fullest.
[09.11.2022 15:54:34] 1st|LNS-Liberty's.Arrow: It's not about the money for you either? Is it a stygma that we who serve see freelancers as those who seek riches along with
[09.11.2022 15:54:39] 1st|LNS-Liberty's.Arrow: lack of disciplined duty?
[09.11.2022 15:55:09] Richards.-[Fae: Indeed it is. No two Freelancers are alike.
[09.11.2022 15:55:10] ANGEL-09: Now I peak the interest? That's new.
[09.11.2022 15:55:33] [RM]Obl-Trau.Habermeyer: Personally i try to view each case separately. Just half a week ago a Freelancer gave me a valuable hint towards a smuggler...
[09.11.2022 15:55:49] [RM]Obl-Trau.Habermeyer: Two weeks ago? Had a Freelancer smuggle something... so... ja.
[09.11.2022 15:56:02] 1st|LNS-Liberty's.Arrow: See that is a freelancer I can respect, one that has freedom but helps us who serve
[09.11.2022 15:56:06] 1st|LNS-Liberty's.Arrow: The second one, well not so much!
[09.11.2022 15:56:11] [RM]Obl-Trau.Habermeyer: Likewise, sir. Likewise.
[09.11.2022 15:56:42] 1st|LNS-Liberty's.Arrow: I do like to think of Freelancers as those who are young, and eventually, when they have seen it all, might apply for position
[09.11.2022 15:56:47] 1st|LNS-Liberty's.Arrow: of duty such as mine or yours.
[09.11.2022 15:56:55] Richards.-[Fae: Yes, freelancers can vary wildly. Those two are on opposite sides of the law. Me, well, I do my best to stay on the right-
[09.11.2022 15:57:19] 1st|LNS-Liberty's.Arrow: There's only so much you can see, and so much money you can make before you start to yearn to belong to something greater.
[09.11.2022 15:57:23] 1st|LNS-Liberty's.Arrow: That is my theory, anyways.
[09.11.2022 15:57:39] Richards.-[Fae: side of the law. Some do sign up for military service, yes. But I think i will stick to freelancing, if it's all the same to yo
[09.11.2022 15:57:45] Richards.-[Fae: //you.
[09.11.2022 15:58:00] 1st|LNS-Liberty's.Arrow: And you deserve praise for that - this is normal to stay on the good side of the Law. And you never know!
[09.11.2022 15:58:12] 1st|LNS-Liberty's.Arrow: Perhaps you have not yet satisfied your desires for exploration
[09.11.2022 15:58:33] [RM]Obl-Trau.Habermeyer: Future is as uncertain as it gets. Ahhh... exploration. Something i do fancy, but my place is within Rheinland.
[09.11.2022 15:59:13] 1st|LNS-Liberty's.Arrow: As is mine in Liberty. I have gone to the Tau regions during the war, and now we have seen the Omicrons. That is plenty enough
[09.11.2022 15:59:13] 1st|LNS-Liberty's.Arrow: for me
[09.11.2022 15:59:54] Richards.-[Fae: There seems to be an interesting circle for some people. Some people say they are done exploring, then tie themselfs to one-
[09.11.2022 16:00:00] 1st|LNS-Liberty's.Arrow: Our house is vast and beatiful, and if you want a vacation, there's always Curacao *laughs*
[09.11.2022 16:00:14] Richards.-[Fae: area, then wish they can continue exploring but can't.
[09.11.2022 16:00:48] 1st|LNS-Liberty's.Arrow: I can see that happening, when you start a family for one - are you really going to keep wandering around?
[09.11.2022 16:00:48] Changing screen mode=full
[09.11.2022 16:01:06] [RM]Obl-Trau.Habermeyer: With my current situation? I am afraid vacation is something in the far off future. But still someting to be considered - one
[09.11.2022 16:01:07] [RM]Obl-Trau.Habermeyer: day.
[09.11.2022 16:02:05] 1st|LNS-Liberty's.Arrow: Children become a universe of their own for you when you have them. Exploring their development, raising them - they become a
[09.11.2022 16:02:28] 1st|LNS-Liberty's.Arrow: whole universe of responsibility and joy for you. One that puts an end to mad yearning for deep exploration in the depths of
[09.11.2022 16:02:29] 1st|LNS-Liberty's.Arrow: deep space
[09.11.2022 16:02:49] Richards.-[Fae: I can see that, the whole family thing. But some people do somehow make it work, family and exploring.
[09.11.2022 16:03:26] 1st|LNS-Liberty's.Arrow: Well, you'd have to take your children with you, or not see them to months on end. And do you really want them to be wandering
[09.11.2022 16:03:32] 1st|LNS-Liberty's.Arrow: nomads with no stable home?
[09.11.2022 16:03:57] [RM]Obl-Trau.Habermeyer: Those that do not settle down, for instance. Home becomes a different concept entirely - how well or not well that works out is
[09.11.2022 16:04:03] [RM]Obl-Trau.Habermeyer: not for me to judge.
[09.11.2022 16:04:31] Richards.-[Fae: Nomads? Aren't those those blue-purple'ish aliens?
[09.11.2022 16:04:34] 1st|LNS-Liberty's.Arrow: I am a traditionalist you see. I raise my children, and I serve my house to protect our home and other children's homes.
[09.11.2022 16:04:53] 1st|LNS-Liberty's.Arrow: I mean those that keep moving to place from place without settling down Richards.
[09.11.2022 16:05:04] Richards.-[Fae: Oh.....yes those.
[09.11.2022 16:05:38] 1st|LNS-Liberty's.Arrow: That strange bounty hunter has departed!
[09.11.2022 16:05:54] Richards.-[Fae: She probably got bored.
[09.11.2022 16:05:56] 1st|LNS-Liberty's.Arrow: I am still not quite sure if they were mysterious or simply depressed
[09.11.2022 16:05:59] [RM]Obl-Trau.Habermeyer: To value traditions is, once more, something i respect deeply. Some cultures do have exactly that, however. A nomadic lifestyle
[09.11.2022 16:06:06] [RM]Obl-Trau.Habermeyer: Both equally likely.
[09.11.2022 16:06:34] Tip: Accidentally mounted the wrong ID and ruined your repsheet? Planing on repurposing an old ship for a different faction? You can use the /resetrep command to reset to a blank repsheet. This costs 10 millions per use.
[09.11.2022 16:06:47] 1st|LNS-Liberty's.Arrow: I suppose you are right - where I see my values as duty and stability, others value a nomadic lifestyle, deeply rooted in their
[09.11.2022 16:06:50] Richards.-[Fae: Yeah, I don't think i could tie myself to one place for too long.
[09.11.2022 16:06:51] 1st|LNS-Liberty's.Arrow: cultures
[09.11.2022 16:07:09] 1st|LNS-Liberty's.Arrow: Zome of those religious Zoners could come to mind...I assume
[09.11.2022 16:07:20] Changing screen mode=windowed
[09.11.2022 16:07:24] [RM]Obl-Trau.Habermeyer: Those were who sparked my thought, indeed ja.
[09.11.2022 16:08:04] Changing screen mode=full
[09.11.2022 16:08:26] 1st|LNS-Liberty's.Arrow: Van Leer: Well, all seems clear here. Good luck with your duty - and get a vacation for god's sakes. We all need to stay sharp
[09.11.2022 16:08:35] [RM]Obl-Trau.Habermeyer: Junkers... ... mhhh. Maybe, but a stretch. They do have their stations, be they irradiated or not.
[09.11.2022 16:08:36] 1st|LNS-Liberty's.Arrow: Time off is what keeps us sharp in line of duty.
[09.11.2022 16:08:47] Richards.-[Fae: Indeed, Vacations are always welcome.
[09.11.2022 16:08:49] 1st|LNS-Liberty's.Arrow: Who knows what the Junkers do!
[09.11.2022 16:09:03] 1st|LNS-Liberty's.Arrow: There are rumors flying around about them...ones we can never quite prove.
[09.11.2022 16:09:26] [RM]Obl-Trau.Habermeyer: Ah- ... much appreciated sentiment. I'll see what i can do, sir. It has been my pleasure - i'll make sure to forward that
[09.11.2022 16:09:31] [RM]Obl-Trau.Habermeyer: part about the treaty.
[09.11.2022 16:09:46] 1st|LNS-Liberty's.Arrow: Thank you - I leave it in your hands, it will be quite a few weeks before we can put our legal people on that
[09.11.2022 16:09:51] 1st|LNS-Liberty's.Arrow: And to you wanderer, best of luck!
[09.11.2022 16:09:59] Richards.-[Fae: Thank you sir.
Sender name and rank:Admiral Blake Wayne Van Leer Location:Texas Subject:Report from patrols
In Bering along with Liberty's Arrow our patrol has seen a large group of vessels - Auxesian, Rheinlander, Freelancer and...an Insurgent!
We discovered that the Insurgency Warship attempted to flee through Rheinland, Hamburg, but [RM]Obl-Trau.Habermeyer stopped them and ordered the warship to Bering. Right into our arms.
Liberty's Arrow made expert use of the present asteroids, their battle with the Arbiter seemed like a battle of David against Goliath, where the sluggish monster had no chance as our Archer zigged and zagged, using its forward gun to rear it's head from behind the asteroids, giving no opportunity to the slow monster even to see it's attacks.
[14.11.2022 18:25:47] A/)-Revenant: Perhaps.
[14.11.2022 18:26:00] A/)-Revenant: ...curious signal.
[14.11.2022 18:26:00] [RM]Obl-Trau.Habermeyer: Suggest you do - and don't return to where i escorted you out from.
[14.11.2022 18:26:19] Bluefin: Yeah nah, I'll hang around Liberty for a while.
[14.11.2022 18:26:30] [RM]Obl-Trau.Habermeyer: What is ...
[14.11.2022 18:26:43] A/)-Revenant: I suppose it was inevitable that they would be here too.
[14.11.2022 18:26:50] [RM]Obl-Trau.Habermeyer: This is getting out of hand.
[14.11.2022 18:26:55] A/)-Revenant: Why are you here, Bluefin?
[14.11.2022 18:26:56] Richards.-[Fae: There goes the...........*he felt something....something familiar. But he kept it to himself*
[14.11.2022 18:27:07] Bluefin: Just drifting.
[14.11.2022 18:28:12] A/)-Revenant: ...I would recommend that you do not stick around for too long, at least not right here, right now.
[14.11.2022 18:28:40] Bluefin: You know saying something like that without elaborating is just going to make me want to do it more, right?
[14.11.2022 18:28:52] [RM]Obl-Trau.Habermeyer: Sometimes the interest of self preservation should kick in ...
[14.11.2022 18:29:01] [RM]Obl-Trau.Habermeyer: Wh-... ... it just vanished?
[14.11.2022 18:29:14] A/)-Revenant: You need not worry about it, Habermayer. For now.
[14.11.2022 18:29:24] Bluefin: Yeah uh. My self-preservation instinct hasn't served me very faithfully.
[14.11.2022 18:29:25] Richards.-[Fae: *comes back to his senses* I.....worry about what?
[14.11.2022 18:29:45] [RM]Obl-Trau.Habermeyer: Not you say? Mhhhm ... alright then. Consider me slightly on edge.
[14.11.2022 18:29:53] A/)-Revenant: For now.
[14.11.2022 18:30:20] [RM]Obl-Trau.Habermeyer: You... seem to know more than we do?
[14.11.2022 18:30:24] Death: INS-Draugr was put out of action by 1st|Red-39 (Missile/Torpedo).
[14.11.2022 18:30:31] 1st|LNS-Liberty's.Arrow: ?:Hit!
[14.11.2022 18:30:35] 1st|Red-39: That's that!
[14.11.2022 18:30:41] 1st|Red-39: nice environmental Usage Arrow CO!
[14.11.2022 18:30:53] Richards.-[Fae: Apparently. *gets mometarily blinded by the explosion* Well.....
[14.11.2022 18:30:56] 1st|Red-39: That damn thing couldn't see you over the asteroids!
[14.11.2022 18:31:06] 1st|LNS-Liberty's.Arrow: ?:All those trainings in the yard pays off!
[14.11.2022 18:31:12] Tip: Armor Upgrades are permanent items which, when mounted, multiply your ship's base hitpoints. It is an essential item on any ship.
[14.11.2022 18:31:18] 1st|Red-39: Apologies Rheinlander, these people sometimes escape us
[14.11.2022 18:31:25] 1st|Red-39: We are *trying* to contain them
[14.11.2022 18:31:42] [RM]Obl-Trau.Habermeyer: So i noticed - found that one in Hamburg...
[14.11.2022 18:31:51] 1st|Red-39: Hamburg? HAMBURG?
[14.11.2022 18:31:55] Bluefin: You guys have yard training that involves antimatter torpedoes? Damn. I should consider signing up.
[14.11.2022 18:31:56] [RM]Obl-Trau.Habermeyer: Was cooperative enough to follow me back here.
[14.11.2022 18:32:08] 1st|Red-39: Well this is grave news
[14.11.2022 18:32:16] 1st|Red-39: They might be trying to escape through Rheinland
[14.11.2022 18:32:26] [RM]Obl-Trau.Habermeyer: Ja, you heard right. My surprise was the same. First one like that. We'll make sure to have a keen eye on that now.
[14.11.2022 18:32:36] 1st|Red-39: You did the righj thing! I believe we can count on you not to ler these criminals pass through your space !
[14.11.2022 18:32:46] 1st|Red-39: We spoke last time about your ...Hessians
[14.11.2022 18:32:49] [RM]Obl-Trau.Habermeyer: Me being here is proof that we do not.
[14.11.2022 18:32:50] 1st|Red-39: We would arrest those on sight
[14.11.2022 18:33:03] 1st|Red-39: Now do you require assistance?
[14.11.2022 18:33:25] Bluefin: Why do you Navy guys sound so hyped about everything? Do they put amphetamines in your coffee?
[14.11.2022 18:33:28] [RM]Obl-Trau.Habermeyer: Negative, all is well here. To my surprise ... todays encounters were cooperative.
[14.11.2022 18:33:47] 1st|Red-39: Duty, Honor, Liberty! That fuels our inner drives, Hoo-rah!
[14.11.2022 18:33:54] A/)-Revenant: ...riveting.
[14.11.2022 18:34:01] [RM]Obl-Trau.Habermeyer: Almost contagious. *Amused.*
[14.11.2022 18:34:05] 1st|Red-39: Very well, let's ignore the Auxesian I'd say Arrow CO - we got the big fish
[14.11.2022 18:34:15] 1st|Red-39: Time to debrief sir?
[14.11.2022 18:34:20] Richards.-[Fae: *raises eyebrow but stays silent*
[14.11.2022 18:34:22] A/)-Revenant: It would be wise of you to not cause transgression on the Rheinland side of the border.
[14.11.2022 18:34:58] 1st|Red-39: We just went to clean up our mess! So long Military! Call us if you need help, and we thank you for not giving asylum to those
[14.11.2022 18:35:00] 1st|Red-39: deluded Insurgents!
[14.11.2022 18:35:15] [RM]Obl-Trau.Habermeyer: But certainly. *With a slow nod.* Auf Wiedersehen, Navy.
[14.11.2022 18:35:25] Bluefin: They are....way too happy. It's actually disturbing.
[14.11.2022 18:35:30] A/)-Revenant: Pride corrupts.
[14.11.2022 18:35:50] A/)-Revenant: I am curious, where were you originally headed, seeing as you were simply passing by?
[14.11.2022 18:36:17] 1st|Red-39: Auxesian will question me? That'd be the day *laughs*
A cooperative smuggler
Our ONI Scout came across a vessel that had illegal cargo. The pilot was extremely cooperative even despite the distraction of an arriving Unioner attacker. I shall commend and reward this Rheinlander for his cooperation personally.
Sender name and rank:Admiral Blake Wayne Van Leer Location:Kepler Subject:Terrorist infestation in Kepler
It would appear Kepler is teaming with terrorists. The Xenos XA-Diadem, XA-Phantom-1, XA-Daring and White.Star along with the Order terrorist "Emissary"|S8 have been all engaged by the First Armada.
The Outcast cruiserMNS-Amalfi is continuing to be an enigma - we have no reports of their hostilities, piracy, or drug dealing, yet have been spotted everywhere - from Kepler to Omicron Nu, Ontario to other systems. They are correct in that they have piqued our interest, I just have to figure this puzzle out one day!
In the end, our bomber took down with him one Xeno before we were overrun, in a very long extended battle.
Sender name and rank:Admiral Blake Wayne Van Leer Location:New York Subject:BDM in VespucciI
Our frontlines in Vespucci are smoking out the remaining stubborn Insurgents after our victory and Insurgency's mass exodus and they reported a couple of BDM agents arriving and enjoying the show.
The debate was somewhat "heated" initially - our boys were in the middle of an assault and the Rheinlanders weren't very cooperative. Cooler heads prevailed. Our successes and the insurgent fleet that departed through Omicron Nu that ONI extensive information about was even mentioned. They might be a bigger problem for Rheinland than us at this point, let's see if the Rheinlanders ask ONI for the data.
[09.02.2023 18:14:20] 1st|Gold-7: And what are you doing here?
[09.02.2023 18:14:36] BDM|Erika: I have no obligation to answer before you here.
[09.02.2023 18:14:48] 1st|Gold-7: You are on our turf
[09.02.2023 18:14:53] A $960.000 credit bounty has been added to your reward pool.
[09.02.2023 18:15:14] A $1.950.000 credit bounty has been added to your reward pool.
[09.02.2023 18:15:19] 1st|Red-9: Coming to you
[09.02.2023 18:15:32] Unity~: need assist people?
[09.02.2023 18:15:40] Unity~: who`s there
[09.02.2023 18:16:02] 1st|Red-9: bdm it seems
[09.02.2023 18:16:10] 1st|Gold-7: I am sure you would want an explanation if I came into your cleanup operation against your own undesirables
[09.02.2023 18:16:32] Death: Alfio.Racioppi suffered a self-administered loadout error (Mine).
[09.02.2023 18:16:37] BDM|Erika: Perhaps.
[09.02.2023 18:16:40] 1st|Gold-7: all good
[09.02.2023 18:16:51] 1st|Gold-7: no need, we cant shoot em anyways
[09.02.2023 18:16:55] 1st|Red-9: Unity keep farming we will take care oif him =]
[09.02.2023 18:17:02] 1st|Red-9: you can leave the group for more credits
[09.02.2023 18:17:05] Unity~: otay
[09.02.2023 18:17:07] Unity~: thats fine
[09.02.2023 18:17:09] 1st|Gold-7: not house space
[09.02.2023 18:17:20] Unity~: happy to share
[09.02.2023 18:17:21] BDM|Erika: So, this is a cleanup operation against undesirables, then.
[09.02.2023 18:17:22] Unity~: )
[09.02.2023 18:17:29] Death: Ro0kie was put out of action by mistake (Gun).
[09.02.2023 18:17:31] 1st|Gold-7: Well not a secret
[09.02.2023 18:17:39] 1st|Gold-7: Insurgents are broken
[09.02.2023 18:17:45] 1st|Gold-7: Most of them already left
[09.02.2023 18:17:49] BDM|Erika: In my position, I am well aware of this.
[09.02.2023 18:17:52] 1st|Red-9: another one
[09.02.2023 18:18:00] BDM|Agt.Franz_Mueller: Guten Tag
[09.02.2023 18:18:04] BDM|Erika: Youl, however, bear little authority here.
[09.02.2023 18:18:09] 1st|Gold-7: doesnt explain what you are doing here
[09.02.2023 18:18:25] 1st|Red-9: Can we just stop and talk?
[09.02.2023 18:18:41] 1st|Red-9: Uh damn guess not
[09.02.2023 18:18:45] 1st|Gold-7: This is my cleanup Rheinlander, our victorious operation
[09.02.2023 18:18:48] BDM|Erika: Keep your distance, then.
[09.02.2023 18:18:58] 1st|Gold-7: You came to our realm, why?
[09.02.2023 18:19:08] BDM|Agt.Franz_Mueller: your realm?
[09.02.2023 18:19:09] BDM|Erika: I don't see Liberty flags flying all over.
[09.02.2023 18:19:19] BDM|Erika: To claim it as *your realm*.
[09.02.2023 18:19:23] Death: Furio.Iaquinta was put out of action by Alfio.Racioppi (Gun).
[09.02.2023 18:19:24] A $960.000 credit bounty has been added to your reward pool.
[09.02.2023 18:19:26] 1st|Gold-7: Check that Carrier, all those vessels *laughs*
[09.02.2023 18:19:37] 1st|Gold-7: This hellhole is ours for now
[09.02.2023 18:19:43] BDM|Agt.Franz_Mueller: Than i suggest you read liberty Law again
[09.02.2023 18:20:01] A bounty pool worth $8.880.000 credits for 8 kills has been deposited in your account.
[09.02.2023 18:20:04] BDM|Agt.Franz_Mueller: Libertys Law aint talking about this system
[09.02.2023 18:20:05] BDM|Erika: You can't possibly claim what you're not holding fully under control.
[09.02.2023 18:20:15] BDM|Agt.Franz_Mueller: So i would say we are on neutral ground
[09.02.2023 18:20:19] BDM|Erika: Nor your laws mention it as such.
[09.02.2023 18:20:21] 1st|Gold-7: Potato potato, minor cleanup is still needed
[09.02.2023 18:20:30] 1st|Red-9: This system is still in war state againt the Insurgency and Liberty wich has nothing to do with Rhinland
[09.02.2023 18:20:35] 1st|Gold-7: Most of their fleet is destroyed or long gone
[09.02.2023 18:20:52] BDM|Erika: It's not for you to decide what it has to do with Rheinland.
[09.02.2023 18:20:55] A $960.000 credit bounty has been added to your reward pool.
[09.02.2023 18:21:00] BDM|Erika: I suggest you carry on with your cleanup.
[09.02.2023 18:21:02] 1st|Gold-7: Maybe you don't see it that way!
[09.02.2023 18:21:15] 1st|Gold-7: Perhaps we can visit Thuringia and they equally wouldn't mind us there Red!
[09.02.2023 18:21:24] 1st|Red-9: Sound like a plan
[09.02.2023 18:21:35] 1st|Gold-7: How's the weather these days over there Rheinlanders
[09.02.2023 18:21:38] BDM|Erika: The moment you trespass - you are done for.
[09.02.2023 18:21:54] 1st|Red-9: Sir may i suggest we make a trip there?
[09.02.2023 18:21:57] 1st|Gold-7: Double standard much? Yet you sniff around my warzone!
[09.02.2023 18:22:08] 1st|Gold-7: Suddenly that's an issue?
[09.02.2023 18:22:08] BDM|Agt.Franz_Mueller: Well Alaksa isnt far
[09.02.2023 18:22:18] BDM|Erika: No, Muller.
[09.02.2023 18:22:25] BDM|Erika: These men are delusional.
[09.02.2023 18:22:26] 1st|Red-9: Is this Lem?
[09.02.2023 18:22:31] 1st|Gold-7: Don't you dare enter Alaksa!
[09.02.2023 18:22:38] 1st|Gold-7: How do you know it exists even
[09.02.2023 18:22:39] BDM|Erika: Fall not to their level.
[09.02.2023 18:22:50] BDM|Erika: A level of grunts sent to mop the floor.
[09.02.2023 18:22:56] 1st|Gold-7: Hey Red, we have some badass agents, they know about Alaksa!
[09.02.2023 18:23:03] A $216.000 credit bounty has been added to your reward pool.
[09.02.2023 18:23:11] 1st|Red-9: Oh you called me a grunt you just promoted me thats so sweet thank youy
[09.02.2023 18:23:20] 1st|Red-9: LOL
[09.02.2023 18:23:25] A $960.000 credit bounty has been added to your reward pool.
[09.02.2023 18:23:26] 1st|Gold-7: badum tsss
[09.02.2023 18:23:29] 1st|Gold-7: gadim boiii
[09.02.2023 18:23:37] BDM|Erika: You must have been quite a troubled man, then.
[09.02.2023 18:23:43] Unity~: another cap ship
[09.02.2023 18:23:46] 1st|Gold-7: No but jokes aside, what exactly are you up to here
[09.02.2023 18:23:51] 1st|Gold-7: what ID
[09.02.2023 18:23:53] 1st|Red-9: Indeed i have been the war memories wont leave me
[09.02.2023 18:23:56] Unity~: shoid i invite? navy
[09.02.2023 18:24:01] /fi lns-
[09.02.2023 18:24:04] 1st|Red-9: Sure why not
[09.02.2023 18:24:13] BDM|Erika: Call this a sightseeing trip.
[09.02.2023 18:24:21] A $510.000 credit bounty has been added to your reward pool.
[09.02.2023 18:24:26] 1st|Gold-7: Tourists?
[09.02.2023 18:24:29] 1st|Red-9: Listen we asked a simple question what are your intentions thats it
[09.02.2023 18:24:32] 1st|Gold-7: Have you got no better jobs
[09.02.2023 18:24:39] 1st|Red-9: dont bother us we wont bother you sound fair?
[09.02.2023 18:24:42] 1st|Gold-7: Looks like lost tourists then *laughs*
[09.02.2023 18:24:57] A $510.000 credit bounty has been added to your reward pool.
[09.02.2023 18:24:58] BDM|Erika: We are not bothering you. You are creating trouble for yourself on the spot.
[09.02.2023 18:25:02] 1st|Red-9: I would say a rhinland vecation went wrong?gps not working?
[09.02.2023 18:25:06] 1st|Gold-7: I mean none of this system is classified, we already announced our victory, the Insurgent fleet departing through Nu
[09.02.2023 18:25:17] Death: mistake was put out of action by Volpe.d'Argento (Gun).
[09.02.2023 18:25:24] 1st|Red-9: It is our duty to ask what you ladies do in our space
[09.02.2023 18:25:27] 1st|Gold-7: No need to go on "vacations" just read the newsletters *laughs*
[09.02.2023 18:25:31] 1st|Red-9: as you would if we go to your space
[09.02.2023 18:25:41] 1st|Gold-7: Well red, it is our space for now
[09.02.2023 18:25:45] BDM|Agt.Franz_Mueller: Where is it written that thiss is your space ?
[09.02.2023 18:25:52] 1st|Gold-7: I can't wait to leave this hellhole once we are done cleaning up the rest
[09.02.2023 18:25:52] BDM|Agt.Franz_Mueller: Not in YOUR Laws for sure
[09.02.2023 18:25:55] BDM|Erika: The newsletters are often enough layered in fleur of glamour.
[09.02.2023 18:26:04] A $144.000 credit bounty has been added to your reward pool.
[09.02.2023 18:26:09] 1st|Red-9: Trust me we got alot bigger problems here right now to deal with trasspassers,Now if you lost or just passing sure but
[09.02.2023 18:26:13] 1st|Gold-7: What laws, you have entered the zone of an internal war
[09.02.2023 18:26:15] 1st|Red-9: stop and talk we dont bite
[09.02.2023 18:26:23] A $144.000 credit bounty has been added to your reward pool.
[09.02.2023 18:26:31] A $144.000 credit bounty has been added to your reward pool.
[09.02.2023 18:26:52] A $144.000 credit bounty has been added to your reward pool.
[09.02.2023 18:27:01] 1st|Gold-7: You are near the Front Lines, we are the vanguard - are you some sort of Dek Jockeys who need long form laws to act?
[09.02.2023 18:27:01] Death: TheCorsa was put out of action by a hostile vessel.
[09.02.2023 18:27:03] A $144.000 credit bounty has been added to your reward pool.
[09.02.2023 18:27:09] 1st|Gold-7: Desk jockeys rather
[09.02.2023 18:27:23] 1st|Red-9: //Guys i really need to pee afk for a sec
[09.02.2023 18:27:26] A $144.000 credit bounty has been added to your reward pool.
[09.02.2023 18:27:34] BDM|Agt.Franz_Mueller: Well lad i think we had an rough start. i suggest we start all over
[09.02.2023 18:27:44] A $640.000 credit bounty has been added to your reward pool.
[09.02.2023 18:27:44] BDM|Erika: We act upon our own directives.
[09.02.2023 18:27:48] A $144.000 credit bounty has been added to your reward pool.
[09.02.2023 18:27:50] 1st|Gold-7: That'd be nice!
[09.02.2023 18:27:52] BDM|Erika: And that's all we're telling you.
[09.02.2023 18:27:54] A $144.000 credit bounty has been added to your reward pool.
[09.02.2023 18:28:00] A $144.000 credit bounty has been added to your reward pool.
[09.02.2023 18:28:01] 1st|Gold-7: We told you our directives - why don't you tell us yours
[09.02.2023 18:28:17] BDM|Erika: Your directives are long known to us.
[09.02.2023 18:28:20] A $510.000 credit bounty has been added to your reward pool.
[09.02.2023 18:28:31] Unity~: how is it going there
[09.02.2023 18:28:31] BDM|Erika: Ours are classified, and for a good reason.
[09.02.2023 18:28:33] 1st|Gold-7: Well obviously, we aren't exactly hiding them *laughs*
[09.02.2023 18:28:34] Unity~: with BDM
[09.02.2023 18:28:52] LNS-Ronald.Reagan: Yeah, guys, I can switch to LN defender, but it's in NY
[09.02.2023 18:28:57] BDM|Agt.Franz_Mueller: Well we just wanted to make sure no ciminals escape.
[09.02.2023 18:29:03] 1st|Gold-7: The First Armada is proud to be in the vanguard. If you are all coy and stuff the LSF mind find interest in you however
[09.02.2023 18:29:06] BDM|Agt.Franz_Mueller: We we all play on the same side
[09.02.2023 18:29:10] CONSOLE: Possible cheating detected: Obscurus
[09.02.2023 18:29:20] 1st|Red-9: //Back sorry and thank you
[09.02.2023 18:29:21] 1st|Gold-7: Well, they have already escaped
[09.02.2023 18:29:22] A $144.000 credit bounty has been added to your reward pool.
[09.02.2023 18:29:30] 1st|Gold-7: A huge fleet is somewhere in the Omicrons
[09.02.2023 18:29:38] 1st|Gold-7: Abandoned Liberty - they might soon be your problem
[09.02.2023 18:29:49] BDM|Agt.Franz_Mueller: Omicrons you say. Well than i think its time for us
[09.02.2023 18:29:53] Tip: Armor Upgrades are permanent items which, when mounted, multiply your ship's base hitpoints. It is an essential item on any ship.
[09.02.2023 18:29:54] A $1.700.000 credit bounty has been added to your reward pool.
[09.02.2023 18:30:06] 1st|Gold-7: We do have mor data, exctensive data
[09.02.2023 18:30:13] 1st|Gold-7: But that is also classified, ONI business and all
[09.02.2023 18:30:19] BDM|Agt.Franz_Mueller: Good thing we talked about this. See we can work together
[09.02.2023 18:30:20] 1st|Gold-7: They might be near Rheinland by now
[09.02.2023 18:30:26] Unity~: guessing that they r in combat
[09.02.2023 18:30:31] 1st|Gold-7: all good
[09.02.2023 18:30:32] 1st|Gold-7: we just RP
[09.02.2023 18:30:37] 1st|Red-9: we xD
[09.02.2023 18:30:39] LNS-Ronald.Reagan: Yeah, I hope they're equal
[09.02.2023 18:30:44] BDM|Erika: We'll not make hasty decisions but definitely will take note of that.
[09.02.2023 18:30:52] 1st|Gold-7: Well, if you have something of value
[09.02.2023 18:30:58] BDM|Agt.Franz_Mueller: And since you made such an great Job, i think it will be an easy task for us
[09.02.2023 18:31:00] BDM|Erika: Should they move in our direction - we'll elect a way on how to act.
[09.02.2023 18:31:01] A $144.000 credit bounty has been added to your reward pool.
[09.02.2023 18:31:03] 1st|Gold-7: I know the Office of Naval Intelligence has been tracking them
[09.02.2023 18:31:06] A $144.000 credit bounty has been added to your reward pool.
[09.02.2023 18:31:13] A $1.300.000 credit bounty has been added to your reward pool.
[09.02.2023 18:31:20] 1st|Red-9: I guess we could stay in touch and share intel as we do have shared intrest and that is keeping Insugs out of each space
[09.02.2023 18:31:25] Unity~: let us know if u need help
[09.02.2023 18:31:26] 1st|Red-9: each other space that is
[09.02.2023 18:31:35] BDM|Agt.Franz_Mueller: Thats sounds like a mature idea
[09.02.2023 18:31:36] 1st|Gold-7: If you want more data, contact them - don't be all coy though, they can also be secretive *laughs*
[09.02.2023 18:31:37] 1st|Red-9: Oh were LOLing here xD
[09.02.2023 18:31:45] 1st|Gold-7: Not us right red
[09.02.2023 18:31:49] 1st|Gold-7: Let's go kick some insurgent ass
[09.02.2023 18:31:51] 1st|Gold-7: HOOO-RAH
[09.02.2023 18:31:53] LNS-Ronald.Reagan: I doubt that we can help them in Libdreads x)
[09.02.2023 18:32:02] 1st|Gold-7: We'll bee seeing you rheinlanders
[09.02.2023 18:32:04] 1st|Red-9: Nah i am here just to drop some torps on the insug battleships
[09.02.2023 18:32:05] A $510.000 credit bounty has been added to your reward pool.
[09.02.2023 18:32:11] A $144.000 credit bounty has been added to your reward pool.
[09.02.2023 18:32:12] 1st|Red-9: Have safe flight home
[09.02.2023 18:32:12] Unity~: we can support them mentally :D
[09.02.2023 18:32:17] A $144.000 credit bounty has been added to your reward pool.
[09.02.2023 18:32:18] BDM|Erika: We'd appreciate the intelligence provided.
[09.02.2023 18:32:20] BDM|Agt.Franz_Mueller: You too
[09.02.2023 18:32:26] 1st|Red-9: They will need meds now xD
[09.02.2023 18:32:26] BDM|Erika: Be safe as the vanguard, officers.
[09.02.2023 18:32:35] A $144.000 credit bounty has been added to your reward pool.
[09.02.2023 18:32:39] 1st|Gold-7: Contact the ONI, they tracked the escaped fleet
[09.02.2023 18:32:42] A $144.000 credit bounty has been added to your reward pool.
[09.02.2023 18:32:49] A $144.000 credit bounty has been added to your reward pool.
[09.02.2023 18:32:58] BDM|Agt.Franz_Mueller: Will do so Sir.
[09.02.2023 18:32:59] 1st|Gold-7: They are not our concern anymore, cowards they are.
[09.02.2023 18:33:02] BDM|Erika: We'll consider doing so. Auf Wiedersehen.
[09.02.2023 18:33:06] A $1.300.000 credit bounty has been added to your reward pool.
[09.02.2023 18:33:07] 1st|Gold-7: We need to take care of the stubborn heroes over there
[09.02.2023 18:33:11] Death: Radion was put out of action by a hostile vessel.
[09.02.2023 18:33:12] 1st|Gold-7: goodbye
Sender name and rank:Crewman Hawk Jones Location:Texas Subject:Not good enough
There was some sort of an asshole convention in town. I took down two of them - one hacker and one freelancer posing as a damn chrysanthemum that started shooting me with those hackers.
I failed, however, as another hacker bested me. Back to the simulator it is, I am requesting additional practice session slots!
Sender name and rank:Crewman Hawk Jones Location:Omicron Nu Subject:Strange encounters
After getting my ass kicked in my fighter by hackers repeatedly I was ordered back aboard the Rampant when the Battlecruiser embarked on a patrol of Omicron Nu.
First, we saw a pirate, HRZ~Terpentin who slipped by us, only to have the Order Agent [O]-Mataheus.Licht lead us straight to an Order Capital Vessel we attempted to damage before having to move on with our patrol:
Bizzare out of time LSF Secondary Fleet Agent
Then something strange happened - much akin to the local ancient disabled vessels we encountered an LSF agent lost in time. Commander Levy had a long talk with the man, which we were just shaking our heads at in the lower decks - why do we bother with relics of the past when there are pirates and Order terrorists roaming free in the system?
He must have hit a time warp, as he had no knowledge of Admiral Dylan Brandt and the Insurgency Campaign, what were the orders in said the campaign, and the now void attempt at the court-martial that was clearly just some sort of misunderstanding and power struggle between Brandt's and Kemp-Smith's approaches to warfare our now admiral got caught up in. He seemed completely unaware of the now cordial relations between the First Armada and the 46th Fleet too, even our joint exercises and started nostalgically reminiscing about another relic of the past - the apparently legendary and highly decorated First Fleet.
Personal note
If I may be so bold - this is not why I signed up for the First Armada - bizarre infighting attempts by old-timers, legal babble that just distracts us from the real thing. I want to blast through the stars with unbridled fury, locking onto my targets and obliterating them with surgical precision. I want to be the god of the skies so to speak. And I won't get there by listening to some silly legal arguments - please, if I can be so bold - I would like to request more fighter patrols, I learn by combat, I live for action, and I want to prove I have what it takes to become the best fighter pilot in the First Armada, Oorah!
[25.02.2023 10:35:10] =LSF=Langley: R: State your business.
[25.02.2023 10:35:42] =LSF=Langley: R: Is this the former officer known as Blake van Leer?
[25.02.2023 10:35:45] 1st|LNS-Rampant: CO: This is The First Armada Patrol Battlecruiser Rampant
[25.02.2023 10:36:08] 1st|LNS-Rampant: CO: Negative, Admiral Leer is our Admiral
[25.02.2023 10:36:24] =LSF=Langley: R: You are serving a dishonourable discharge, you are not a Liberty Navy vessel.
[25.02.2023 10:36:40] 1st|LNS-Rampant: CO: Seems like you have incorrect information
[25.02.2023 10:36:56] =LSF=Langley: R: Please stand by while I pull the relevant records.
[25.02.2023 10:36:57] 1st|LNS-Rampant: CO: Perhaps check our identification and transponder
[25.02.2023 10:37:32] 1st|LNS-Rampant: CO: Our Admiral was called to the Sec Def who never showed up to the meeting.
[25.02.2023 10:37:58] 1st|LNS-Rampant: CO: A rogue Admiral of the 46th Fleet disobeyed orders of Admiral Dylan Brandt, history has proven the First Armada right
[25.02.2023 10:38:13] =LSF=Langley: R: Would you please clarify the name of this "rogue admiral"
[25.02.2023 10:38:45] 1st|LNS-Rampant: CO: Admiral Kepm-Smith attempted to defy orders of Admiral Dylan Brandt
[25.02.2023 10:39:13] 1st|LNS-Rampant: CO: And attempted do disgrace our admiral for following the direct orders of the President and the Republoc
[25.02.2023 10:39:20] 1st|LNS-Rampant: Republic rather
[25.02.2023 10:39:23] =LSF=Langley: R: The Fleet Admiral is an officer of the Liberty Navy, unlike the "admiral" Van Leer, who makes a mocking parody of
[25.02.2023 10:39:30] =LSF=Langley: the distinguished First Fleet with this "Armada"
[25.02.2023 10:39:50] 1st|LNS-Rampant: CO: That is your opinion, his superior Dylan Brandt gave Leer Orders which he followed to the letter
[25.02.2023 10:40:21] 1st|LNS-Rampant: CO: We see Kemp Smith as one attempting to overstep his authority
[25.02.2023 10:40:22] =LSF=Langley: R: If that is the case, Van Leer would never have been ordered to meet the Secretary of Defence, who you may or may not know,
[25.02.2023 10:40:26] =LSF=Langley: -is a little bit above your pay grade.
[25.02.2023 10:40:43] 1st|LNS-Rampant: Dylan Brandt acted on the SecDef's superiors orders
[25.02.2023 10:41:00] 1st|LNS-Rampant: It was his belief he was acting under the will of the President
[25.02.2023 10:41:03] =LSF=Langley: R: Now, you are ordered to surrender your vessel to proper authorities.
[25.02.2023 10:41:08] 1st|LNS-Rampant: On what grounds
[25.02.2023 10:41:27] 1st|LNS-Rampant: I am the Commander Jonas Levy of the First Armada
[25.02.2023 10:41:30] =LSF=Langley: R: On the grounds of stealing Liberty Navy technology, and serving a disgraced officer.
[25.02.2023 10:41:44] 1st|LNS-Rampant: We have all proper licences, request denied.
[25.02.2023 10:42:36] 1st|LNS-Rampant: CO: Now, we are done with this nonsense, we are resuming patrol.
[25.02.2023 10:42:37] =LSF=Langley: R: I do not see your vessel licensed on the Liberty Government licensing database, and you are not a Liberty Navy entity.
[25.02.2023 10:42:48] =LSF=Langley: R: Ohoho we are not done until I say we're done.
[25.02.2023 10:42:54] 1st|LNS-Rampant: Levy: Perhaps you should learn to read, son
[25.02.2023 10:43:01] 1st|LNS-Rampant: Levy, check our identification
[25.02.2023 10:43:07] 1st|LNS-Rampant: CO: Goodbye
[25.02.2023 10:43:10] =LSF=Langley: R: Perhaps you ought to learn what a dishonourable discharge is.
[25.02.2023 10:43:21] =LSF=Langley: R: Like I said, we aren't done.
[25.02.2023 10:43:36] 1st|LNS-Rampant: CO: This is where you are wrong, son, goodbye
[25.02.2023 10:43:47] =LSF=Langley: R: If you do not immediately surrender your vessel, it will be fired upon.
[25.02.2023 10:43:57] 1st|LNS-Rampant: CO: No it will not, you have no jurisdiction son
[25.02.2023 10:44:06] =LSF=Langley: R: The LSF answers to the president, not you.
[25.02.2023 10:44:17] 1st|LNS-Rampant: We answer to the president
[25.02.2023 10:44:27] 1st|LNS-Rampant: Our Admiral followed the President's orders.
[25.02.2023 10:44:39] Tip: You can send cash to nearby players without needing to type their name by selecting their ship and using /givecasht or /gct command.
[25.02.2023 10:44:47] =LSF=Langley: R: Your "Admiral" was dishonourable discharged with proper cause.
[25.02.2023 10:44:54] =LSF=Langley: R: Surrender your vessel. Immediately.
[25.02.2023 10:44:55] 1st|LNS-Rampant: CO: and what was the cause?
[25.02.2023 10:45:04] 1st|LNS-Rampant: CO: Following orders, defeating the Insurgency?
[25.02.2023 10:45:20] 1st|LNS-Rampant: CO: Perhaps you are the Insurgency agent
[25.02.2023 10:45:43] 1st|LNS-Rampant: CO: Now sod off, we have a patrol to perform son
[25.02.2023 10:45:44] =LSF=Langley: R: That is a laughable notion. Now if you would kindly wait, I can go and search for the exact wording, if that will satisfy yo
[25.02.2023 10:45:49] =LSF=Langley: -you
[25.02.2023 10:46:32] 1st|LNS-Rampant: CO: The wording was breach of Code of Conduct, that Leer himself has helped create
[25.02.2023 10:46:53] 1st|LNS-Rampant: CO: However, the only "breach" was following A superior officers orders and achieving victory
[25.02.2023 10:46:54] =LSF=Langley: R: Then perhaps he ought to have known it better.
[25.02.2023 10:47:09] =LSF=Langley: R: If you could kindly direct me to the date and time of this supposed order?
[25.02.2023 10:47:20] 1st|LNS-Rampant: Dylan Brandt,under the authority directly from the President ordered a direct assault on the insurgency
[25.02.2023 10:47:31] =LSF=Langley: R: Date and time, I said.
[25.02.2023 10:47:33] 1st|LNS-Rampant: If you are not aware of those orders perhaps you are not an agent of the LSF, but some other agency?
[25.02.2023 10:47:46] 1st|LNS-Rampant: CO: Son, I will not school you on basic knowledge
[25.02.2023 10:47:54] 1st|LNS-Rampant: CO: You are supposed to know basics like these
[25.02.2023 10:48:11] 1st|LNS-Rampant: CO: You are a LSF agent for crying out loud, how do you not know Dylan Brandt and the Delaware
[25.02.2023 10:48:26] 1st|LNS-Rampant: CO: Children in schools know have that information
[25.02.2023 10:48:32] =LSF=Langley: R: I know damned well *who* you are talking about, however the Admiral has given more than one order in his entire life, has he
[25.02.2023 10:48:36] =LSF=Langley: not? Date. And. Time.
[25.02.2023 10:49:01] =LSF=Langley: R: You would be wise to comply.
[25.02.2023 10:49:02] 1st|LNS-Rampant: CO: No he hasn't, regarding the insurgency offensive he has given three
[25.02.2023 10:49:14] =LSF=Langley: R: Then point me to the relevant one addressed to Van Leer.
[25.02.2023 10:49:18] 1st|LNS-Rampant: CO: Look son, you are clearly an amateur who doesn't know basic orders of the Insurgency campaign
[25.02.2023 10:49:28] 1st|LNS-Rampant: That order was given to all Liberty navy
[25.02.2023 10:49:41] 1st|LNS-Rampant: By Brandt himself - it was the main orders of the Delaware Offensive
[25.02.2023 10:49:42] =LSF=Langley: R: So you acknowledge the Admiral did not directly order Van Leer to do anything?
[25.02.2023 10:49:55] 1st|LNS-Rampant: He ordered an attack by the Navy
[25.02.2023 10:49:57] =LSF=Langley: R: Including ordering any breach to the code of conduct?
[25.02.2023 10:49:59] 1st|LNS-Rampant: do you understand that?
[25.02.2023 10:50:16] 1st|LNS-Rampant: Ok so - your superior officer orders entire LSF To launch an offensive
[25.02.2023 10:50:17] Death: Blue_Dragon was put out of action by a hostile vessel.
[25.02.2023 10:50:21] =LSF=Langley: R: I don't think you understand the gravity of the situation.
[25.02.2023 10:50:21] 1st|LNS-Rampant: you get that?
[25.02.2023 10:50:37] 1st|LNS-Rampant: CO: There is none, son, you have no jurisdiction, you won't fire, we will go on with our patrol
[25.02.2023 10:50:41] =LSF=Langley: R: Cease charging your cruise engines. You will be fired upon.
[25.02.2023 10:50:52] =LSF=Langley: R: I'm already tired of this charade. Don't give me a reason.
[25.02.2023 10:50:53] 1st|LNS-Rampant: CO: Like I said, you have no jurisdiction
[25.02.2023 10:50:54] Changing screen mode=windowed
[25.02.2023 10:51:18] Changing screen mode=full
[25.02.2023 10:51:19] =LSF=Langley: R: Do you not know that the LSF answers to the President? I am quite sure I already told you
[25.02.2023 10:51:21] Changing screen mode=windowed
[25.02.2023 10:51:53] =LSF=Langley: R: My "Jurisdiction" is destroying a ship in breach of Liberty Law, specifically the theft of Navy technology and serving -
[25.02.2023 10:51:56] Changing screen mode=full
[25.02.2023 10:52:01] =LSF=Langley: - a dishonourably discharged Admiral.
[25.02.2023 10:52:10] =LSF=Langley: R: Well. Commodore, actually.
[25.02.2023 10:52:14] 1st|LNS-Rampant: CO: You have no jurisdiction, we are fully licenced. Now get lost.
[25.02.2023 10:52:38] =LSF=Langley: R: Are you sure you want to do that?
[25.02.2023 10:53:05] 1st|LNS-Rampant: CO: You have no reason to fire on us, we will continue our patrol.
[25.02.2023 10:53:06] =LSF=Langley: R: You've had more than enough warning. Weapons to full power.
[25.02.2023 10:53:16] =LSF=Langley: R: Gunnery, fire at will.
[25.02.2023 10:53:35] =LSF=Langley: R: Stolen technology cannot be suffered to live if it is not surrendered.
[25.02.2023 10:53:54] 1st|LNS-Rampant: CO: We are of the Liberty Navy, you are delusional
[25.02.2023 10:53:59] =LSF=Langley: R: No, you are not.
[25.02.2023 10:54:04] 1st|LNS-Rampant: CO: Stop your fire at once
[25.02.2023 10:54:10] =LSF=Langley: R: Are you surrendering your vessel?
[25.02.2023 10:54:19] 1st|LNS-Rampant: CO: Obviously not, you have no authority
[25.02.2023 10:54:22] CONSOLE: Possible cheating detected: Unanimity
[25.02.2023 10:54:28] =LSF=Langley: R: No, *you* do not have authority
[25.02.2023 10:54:36] 1st|LNS-Rampant: CO: You have none
[25.02.2023 10:54:58] =LSF=Langley: R: Then provide me evidence where Van Leer was exonerated.
[25.02.2023 10:55:18] 1st|LNS-Rampant: There was no need for that, only accusation was that he followed orders of Kemp Smith's superior officer
[25.02.2023 10:55:20] 1st|LNS-Rampant: To the letter
[25.02.2023 10:55:39] =LSF=Langley: R: He was dishonourably discharged lawfully, recognised by the Liberty Government.
[25.02.2023 10:55:42] 1st|LNS-Rampant: CO: History has proven him right, Insurgency is defeated
[25.02.2023 10:55:52] 1st|LNS-Rampant: CO: SecDef never attended the meeting, nothing was ratified
[25.02.2023 10:55:54] =LSF=Langley: R: That has not been reversed. Ergo, his "armada" is illegitimate.
[25.02.2023 10:56:19] 1st|LNS-Rampant: CO: Nothing was agreed - Leer was called to Manhattan, SecDef never showed up, the matter is put to rest
[25.02.2023 10:56:33] 1st|LNS-Rampant: CO: Obviously they can't discharge someone for following orders of a Superior
[25.02.2023 10:56:38] =LSF=Langley: R: So you admit his dismissal was not reversed?
[25.02.2023 10:56:47] 1st|LNS-Rampant: There was no lawful dismissal
[25.02.2023 10:56:48] 1st|LNS-Rampant has set =LSF=Langley as group target.
[25.02.2023 10:56:48] OK
[25.02.2023 10:56:50] =LSF=Langley: R: By any authority?
[25.02.2023 10:56:52] 1st|LNS-Rampant: In the first place
[25.02.2023 10:56:57] 1st|LNS-Rampant: Nothing to reverse
[25.02.2023 10:57:08] 1st|LNS-Rampant: Sec Def never ratified anything, Kemp Smith overstepped his authority
[25.02.2023 10:57:14] =LSF=Langley: R: There most certainly was. I believe the First Fleet has also complained about your "armada" in the past.
[25.02.2023 10:57:17] 1st|LNS-Rampant: There is nothing to talk about
[25.02.2023 10:57:22] 1st|LNS-Rampant: Who?
[25.02.2023 10:57:41] 1st|LNS-Rampant: The Who?
[25.02.2023 10:57:43] =LSF=Langley: R: The Liberty Navy First Fleet?
[25.02.2023 10:57:45] 1st|LNS-Rampant: A secondary fleet, much like yours?
[25.02.2023 10:57:53] =LSF=Langley: R: Please do not tell me you don't know who they are.
[25.02.2023 10:57:54] 1st|LNS-Rampant: Is that a Secondary Fleet?
[25.02.2023 10:58:01] =LSF=Langley: R: No, it is the first fleet.. good gods..
[25.02.2023 10:58:22] 1st|LNS-Rampant: We don't bother ourselves with relics of the past frankly
[25.02.2023 10:58:39] =LSF=Langley: R: That "relic" is one of the most decorated formations in the Navy, which you claim to be a member of.
[25.02.2023 10:58:47] 1st|LNS-Rampant: Of past long gone
[25.02.2023 10:59:01] 1st|LNS-Rampant: Historians may care about them, we don't
[25.02.2023 10:59:18] =LSF=Langley: R: I think this issue goes a little beyond a single battlecruiser. I believe I will be filing a report with LSF command.
[25.02.2023 10:59:23] =LSF=Langley: R: I wouldn't expect it to be positive.
[25.02.2023 10:59:31] 1st|LNS-Rampant: Levy: you may do whatever you wish - you are merely a secondary fleet now
[25.02.2023 10:59:48] 1st|LNS-Rampant: Levy: The =LSF= doesn't exactly have much authority anymore *laughs*
[25.02.2023 11:00:11] 1st|LNS-Rampant: And check the records - we follow orders, so should you
Sender name and rank:Crewman Hawk Jones Location:Kepler Subject:Oorah!
Greetings my fellow Armada heroes, this is Crewman Hawk Jones reporting in. I have just returned from a successful mission and I am proud to report that I have taken down three notorious space pirates. It was an intense battle, but with my months of training and expertise in the simulator, I was able to outmaneuver and outgun these pirate scum. I chased them through the Kepler toxic debris field and engaged them in a fierce dogfight, dodging their intense fire and unleashing my own devastating attacks.
But not to just tout my own horn I was stopped in the end, by an Order Cruiser no less! I will get him next time, Oorah!