The Voidmourn's cruise engines disengaged and the destroyer fell into formation with the Perditrix. Whesto listened to the active comms from his compatriots. He could hear his own breathing inside his combat helmet. A channel from the bridge opened in his other ear.
"Commander, this is the bridge. We've gotten a message from Core High Command, you've been promoted to Centurion. Congratulations, the bridge out".
Whesto was calm, but thankful. Even more so it instantly gave him a surge of determination and morale. He must have given a vocal reaction because the marines turned their heads and he noticed. "Boarding Group Sierra, I've been promoted" Whesto said calmly but with a smile hidden by the hemlet. The marines uttered "FOR THE CORE" and clinched a fist in front of them.
In this moment, with spirits high, Whesto wanted to boost the morale of the group further for the incoming battle. "On that note, I name you The Voidstalkers. Do not let me down". The marines replied in the same way once more.
Re-focus, time for business. Whesto opened a comm to the Perditrix.
"This is Centurion Dwanian on the Voidmourn, we are ready and standing by. I have assembled and will lead a boarding group of five. Our goal is to reach the Overlord vessel in due haste and board it to locate the Guildmaster. Once we have your orders, we will begin the boarding process, the Voidmourn will provide cover. Once we set foot inside it will break off and assist in battle fully. If this is acceptable. We await your orders".
Whesto told the bridge to stand-by and follow the Perditrix orders. The Voidmourn's plan, once they got the green light, was to set course straight for the Overlord vessel to board it. Hopefully the rest of the group would be able to give them a decent opening in the possible chaos of battle.
"This is Centurion Crow, in command of the Ambriamus. We're the Battlecruiser currently trailing our suspect. We'll get you your distraction, don't keep us waiting. You're fire support will be needed."
"This is Centurion Dwanian on the Voidmourn, we are ready and standing by. I have assembled and will lead a boarding group of five. Our goal is to reach the Overlord vessel in due haste and board it to locate the Guildmaster. Once we have your orders, we will begin the boarding process, the Voidmourn will provide cover. Once we set foot inside it will break off and assist in battle fully. If this is acceptable. We await your orders".
Taden sat rigid in the cockpit of his 'Blacktip', poised for action. He knew that with such limited snub fighter support his role as interceptor and fire support would be crucial. keying up the ships power management system, he shifted a small amount of output from propulsion to the shield generators. He wanted to be able to draw as much fire as possible safely. If he could pull enough attention from the capital ships in the battle group they could make short work of the smaller, distracted fighters. Although some of the pilots he would be facing were humans just following orders, he couldn't allow himself any sympathy. They were following the orders of an Infected and were as compromised as the mush in their captains skull.
Taden was both excited and a tiny bit anxious. Ship-to-ship combat was becoming second nature to him since joining the Core| but he hadn't been in real close-quarters combat since his cybernetic transformation. Flashes of phantom pains from age old wounds, some on limbs he no longer possessed, pulled at Taden's psyche. He knew it was a fight onboard a ship just like the one he would be boarding that turned him into the metal monstrosity that he had to exist as to this day. It was aboard a Liberty Dreadnought fighting against the Infected where Taden Harrs lost most of his mind and body. What was left truly is The Dark Harrs.
Taden shook the ghosts of the past from his mind. He sharpened his senses and griped the controls of his snub bomber. In mere moments he would be punching lasers through enemy ships and tearing holes in hulls. He couldn't wait to have an Infected in his grasp... Is new, augmented, cybernetic grasp! They would pay for taking his life from him. He would never get his fill of hunting down the Infected scum of the universe!
"Guardian Taden Harrs on point. I'll lead the snub fighters into combat. We will attempt to draw fire so the battleships can concentrate their efforts. Once the bulk of the enemy fighters have been disabled, I will make my docking run at the Overloard to join Centurion Dwanian to assist in boarding and rescue operations...
Harrs: Out
All that was left to do now was wait. The battle would soon be underway and Taden would feel comfortable with his mind occupied with beaming lasers and ripping hulls. The chaos of combat was always where The Dark Harrs felt most alive and aware. He belonged in the heat of battle, and it was close enough just feel the flames. A raging inferno was coming, and Taden Harrs meant to soak it up like a sponge. The time had come... Battle was soon to be upon them!
Emerging from the debris field, the perditrix engaged its cloaking device the moment the scrap stopped impacting the outer shields. It slowly became more transparent until it became one with the surrounding void. It still gave off a signature which was only detectable by Core vessels in the immediate vicinity, which allowed it to stay on radar for them.
"Copy that, Centurion Dwanian. Keep your men ready. As soon as we weakened its outer hull, I want them in there. The Guildmaster needs the backup. Make sure to await the right opportunity. The combat zone will be hot, so do not move in unprepared."
The Overlord came into view, trailed by the Ambriamus which was closing in on it. The dreadnought be flanked by two destroyers and escort wings. It would be a tight situation, but the Core had the element of surprise... so far. It didn't show signs of having detected the Ambriamus yet.
"Guardian Harrs, you lead the wings who spearheads the attack on the enemy wings. Sentinel McPhersons, you lead the defenders. We expect the to counterattack as soon as they recover from the initial strike."
Hawke had already plotted an intercept course and was making a straight path into the enemy fleet. 5 minutes before reaching waypoint. He could now see the formation of enemy craft clearly on his screen and closing in.
"Strix, have you contacted Daniels yet?"
"I have managed to pinpoint the source of the distress call. It seems like the source is a fighter. System specs records shows that is of Rheinlandish origin, an Odin."
"Can you send a message through it? In case Daniels is still there."
4 minutes before reaching waypoint.
"Do you think I should send the message in Rheinlandish? I don't want to insult the ship."
"Oh some light-hearted humour won't kill him. He will at least know it is me. My Rheinlandish is not optimal It would sound like: Herr Daniels, Can zu hear mich."
3 minutes before reaching waypoint.
"Alright, Mr. Hawke, your humour died like a squirrel choking on a nut. Establishing connection now..."
2 minutes before reaching waypoint. The enemy was close now and started to show activity. The cruisers remained in formation, but the fighters were on the move. The other Core ships had fallen behind except for the Abriamus, which also closed in from the rear of the overlord.
"What should I tell Mr. Daniels?"
"Brace for impact."
"Message sent."
1 minute before reaching waypoint.
Hawke had ordered Strix to set the waypoint of the ship beyond the battlegroup's flight path and the cruiser on the right flank of the Overlord was now right in front of the Perditrix and rapidly getting larger. The Perditrix rammed its bow right into the side of the cruiser and knocked it into the Overlord. The cruiser took damage and strayed off course. The Perditrix kept pushing into its flank until it was pushed out of formation and right in front of the main guns of the Abriamus.
The impact decloaked the Perditrix, but even without the shield online, the ship only took light damage due to its reinforced bulkhead.
"Sentinel Hawke, if this is to make new guns for that Kusarian girl, there are easier ways."
"This is my way of saying hello. Now open a channel to the fleet."
"This is Hawke. The enemy is wide open and in disarray. Engage at will."
The weapon turrets of the Overlord started turning towards the now shieldless Perditrix.
Daniels was sitting in the cargo hold of the Odin, keeping an eye on the entry into the hangar, when the comms lit up once more.
Herr Daniels, Can zu hear mich.
But the Guildmaster couldn't only hear the message coming from the Perditrix, he could feel it. Thanks to a wide array of neural implants, he had the unique ability to become one with the Mako. A rather taxing procedure, which required more than a few neural dampeners to be put in place. Everything was controlled by a piece of very special software - Strix. The ship's AI is what made that connection possible. And now that connection was re-established.
"Finally, took your sweet time."
"We have not yet mastered FTL travel, Jack. But, I believe this ship is never late, nor early."
"Right, I forgot you were designed to think like me. There's no arguing with that kind of logic, now is it...don't answer that. Let's get to business. What alert squadrons do you have at the ready?"
"Punisher and Vanguard Heavy bombers wings are ready for deployment. The Reaper Heavy Fighter wing is already deployed. The Bandit Light Bomber wing is currently being deployed. Gunship Tigris is also still secured to the hull via magnetic clamps."
Good, launch both heavy bomber wings alongside Bandit squadron. Make sure...What the hell was that?! -It seemed like Daniels suddenly felt a jolt of white hot pain.
"Hawke just rammed a cruiser, sir."
"Hoooly shit...get the all three wings to finish it off, make sure the Reapers are covering their asses."
"Orders given, sir."
"Now, let's talk about logistics. I want the Tigris into this hangar in less than two minutes. Chop chop."
"Roger that, sir. Dispatching Tigris."
As Daniels was finishing his conversation with Strix, he noticed Lea looking at him with suspicion. After all, from her point of view, it seemed like the man was talking to himself. Issuing orders to thin air. Of course, she had no idea about the extent of his augmentations and his connection to the ship. But that didn't bother him much. With the battle raging outside, the Tigris has already broken through and landed in the hangar.
Daniels calmly walked to it, then inside it. Several minutes later, he was all dressed up in this Specter light combat armor. It was composed of almost organic-like pitch black weave, similar to that of human muscles. Individual strands wrapped around and formed a formidable protective suit. The only thing that was not black was the visor. But unlike Jack's cybernetic eyes, the visor was actually bright red.
Jack walked towards a liberty naval fighter at the far side of the hangar to stretch around in his new suit.
"Strix, status on our new Immolators?"
"Highly experimental and very dangerous sir. Just the way you like your weapons."
Daniels activated the wrist mounted plasma whip on his right hand and in one quick swing, he cut the Defender's cockpit in half. He didn't say a thing, but he was both impressed and proud of homegrown APM weaponry. He deactivated the Immolator and calmly walked back towards Lea, as if he didn't just cut a fighter's cockpit in half with just a single swing.
"Lea, my dear. There should be a suit of combat armor for you in the Tigris as well. It should be air tight and Zero-G capable. This gives you two options. You can either leave the armor there and take your ship out to safety. Or and hear me out on this, you can hop in that armor and we fight our way to the bridge. My strike teams will soon be here, so please, decide swiftly."
26th February 830 A.S - System: Omicron Nu / Battleship Illustrious
The Rheinlander looked at suspiciously Jack. He was talking to himself according her point of view. After he had finish to talk and walking in the hangar, he spoke to her "Lea, my dear. There should be a suit of combat armor for you in the Tigris as well. It should be air tight and Zero-G capable. This gives you two options. You can either leave the armor there and take your ship out to safety. Or and hear me out on this, you can hop in that armor and we fight our way to the bridge. My strike teams will soon be here, so please, decide swiftly."
It took a moment before she answered him. ''My Odin is indeed precious... but I will take you company. After all, I needed to find you and bring you back. Although, if something happens to my ship, I do hope you will do the necessary, ja?'' She walked toward the Tigris, put on the sophisticated armor made by The Core. It was a bit tight to her taste. Weirdly enough, it looked good on the woman. Lea walked toward Jack Daniels and looked at him, waiting what he will say.
The entire head section of Daniels' suit retracted and he smiled. He leaned on the Tigris and carefully examined the plasma whip generators on his wrist. While he was doing that, he replied to Lea, without making eye contact.
"Now, we wait until the strike teams arrive. We can't storm a ship on our own, no matter how well equipped we are. The Navy are not fools and they certainly are not untrained. A hostile takeover of this magniture of this caliber will require very careful planning and precise execution. Step one would be to disable comms. Thankfully, that has been already taken care off. Nothing's getting out of this ship. The Perditrix has already taken out the antennas. Step two would be a bit more complicated. We'll need to insert an engeneering team at the hyperspace drive. We'll have them disable it before we get jumped inside a star. Do not doubt the infectees and their determination to murk us. Speaking of reinforcements, I believe they are on the way..."
Daniels moved towards the massive opening of the hangar. The only thing between him and the empty cold void was an energy barrier. He observed the raging battle outside as the Overlord shook under his feet.
26th February 830 A.S - System: Omicron Nu / Battleship Illustrious
''Alright. Let's wait for the team to come.'' While she was saying this, she moved a bit just to get used to the armor. The woman looked where Jack was and she saw the battle raging. From what she saw, she had no doubt that they will return. It was just a question of time before the team arrive.
Meanwhile, they were together in the hangar. While Jack was looking at the battle, Lea looked at their back in case a group of soldiers arrive to eliminate them.
"Copy that, Centurion Dwanian. Keep your men ready. As soon as we weakened its outer hull, I want them in there. The Guildmaster needs the backup. Make sure to await the right opportunity. The combat zone will be hot, so do not move in unprepared"
[GREEN]: Additional direct transmission incoming... On-Display:
"Guardian Harrs, you lead the wings who spearheads the attack on the enemy wings. Sentinel McPhersons, you lead the defenders. We expect the to counterattack as soon as they recover from the initial strike".
Taden tightened his harness and adjusted his targeting systems. He held tight formation with the Perditrix. As the flight group left the debris field the capital ship engaged its cloaking field. As the ship faded from view, Taden registered its signal with his shipboard AI. With the signal registered, his CPU implant built a wire-frame representation of the invisible cap ship on his internal visual display. In his eyes, the Perditrix was as clear as day, if only as a digital skeleton of its former self. He kept his bomber as close to the capital ships hull as he could safely, hoping to hide his signature within the warped field of the cloaking device.
As the attack group speed toward the waypoint coordinates, the Overlord came into his enhanced, cyborg augmented, view. His CPU augment immediately tagged the vessel [RED] on his IFF and seconds later had marked the 2 destroyers and twelve escort fighters as well. A mere moment later, his extended scan capabilities also picked up the Ambriamus tailing the enemy vessel. The Ambriamus was tagged [GREEN] on the IFF and Taden mentally added it into his battle calculations.
The attack group accelerated toward their target. It was two minutes till intercept and the Perditrix was steady in her course. The battle group was approaching their target at maximum velocity. Was the Perditrix really planning to-
The message displayed in Taden's view mere seconds before the Perditrix slammed into the forward hull of the Overlord! The impact caused the cloaking field to be immediately disrupted and the enemy defenders reacted as their scopes pinged hot with hostile contacts. Taden peeled off the formation as the Perditrix continued to push the opposing capital ship until it collided with the Destroyer on its flank. This put the Overlord directly into the firing line of the Ambriamus. Taden was sure it would be a short matter of time before the friendly cap ship punched a hole big enough to get a boarding vessel through to the defending ships hangar. He was going to have to work fast.
The hostile fighter wings were already reacting through the chaos of the initial ramming impact. They were attempting to converge on the Perditrix. If they were allowed to concentrate on the capital ship, it wouldn't be long before its shields were down and taking hull damage. Taden pulled his snub craft around and set his targeting sights on the nearest contact to the Perditrix He was well within firing range, but hesitated just slightly, allowing just enough time for the capital ship to land a lucky shot with one of its turret lasers. At that exact moment, while the enemy crafts shields were overloaded dealing with the heavy turret fire of the capital ship, Taden unleashed the full loadout of his powerful strike craft into the little snub fighter. It was evaporated instantly into a mist of metal and plasma residue. He then turned his train of fire on the closest target and laid into it with all he had. The enemy pilot was slow to react, too slow, and was subsequently turned to a mass of hot slag.
The pilot that was his obvious wing-man, was also obviously a rookie and also slow on the sticks. As his partners ship folded into itself beginning to implode, the amateur tried to pull out of formation far to late and slammed straight into the molten explosion his companion was quickly becoming.
At this point, Tadens CPU AI registered the gunship Tigris departing from the hangar of the Perditrix. It shoved off and quickly made way for the compromised side of the Overlord where the hull was beginning to weaken from the assault of the Ambriamus. Wings of fighters and bombers had entered the skirmish from the Perditrix and the Voidmourn and were keeping the fighter escorts from the Overlord quite busy. Taden's ship scanners also picked up the signature of a troop transport boarding vessel departing the hangar of the Voidmourn. Taden was sure that Centurion Dwanian was on that boarding ship, and a scanner sweep confirmed his suspicions. As the marine transport moved toward the gaping wound in the hull of the capital ship we are assaulting, the remaining Destroyer began to move to intercept. Apparently they were catching on to what was happening. Taden was certain that the captain at the helm of that vessel was almost definitely another Infected scum. His vengeance rage seethed up! It was time to get his hands dirty!
Taden mentally keyed his comms. He prepared to send a message to Centurion Dwanian. His ride might get a little rough, but he had the marines backs. He had a plan that should actively disable the fast approaching Destroyer.
"Attention Centurion Dwanian, your boarding vessel is about to be waylayed by a Destroyer. Hold fast, I've got my finger on that for you. You won't be taking its fire for long."
With the message sent, Taden ramped up his forward shields and pushed the throttle to the limit. He faced right at the charging Archer Class and began concentrating heavy laser fire on the viewport of the bridge. The small cap ship was concentrating all of its attention on the transport boarding vessel and didn't register the one small bomber blasting a hullbusting torpedo straight at its now unshielded bridge.
Taden followed his torpedo directly behind the blast radius, his augmented AI keeping a distance marker prompt on his vision display. He spit a ring of laser fire around the torpedoes trajectory weakening the hull shielding before impact, and when the torp smashed into the ship the explosion sent the exterior hull shielding hurtling out like shrapnel. Hot on the heels of the explosion, quite literally, Taden pushed on streaming laser-fire at the inner hull structure of the bridge. He didn't let up on the throttle even a single bit as he smashed straight through the ships skin, plunging his Blacktip into the nerve center of the Destroyer like a spear-tip. He could hear the metal scraping and tearing as his ship nestled itself into the soft tissue of its prey.
As soon as momentum halted, Taden triggered the eject sequence and was propelled out of his cockpit into the mangled chaos that remained of the bridge. Crew men scrambled to maintain their ship after the impact. Taden registered the bridge crew that were left alive and scanned the ship systems checking the roster to identify them. He located the captain of the struggling vessel, in the heightened state of confusion and chaos, the Infected's eyes had taken on the tell-tail blue glow of Nomads. The hate for the Infected rose up in him. With the crew in shambles, he focused on the commanding officer. He was going to enjoy getting the squirmy alien slime in his powerful hands. It was flesh rending time!
Daniels observed as the battle raged outside the Overlord and couldn't help himself but feel proud for the operation that his people had managed to conduct. The situation in the hangar was still calm, but that was about to change very soon. A Blacktip crashing into the bridge of a cruiser, which had just arrived on the scene was a surefire way of knowing that. Daniels just hoped the Navy wouldn't catch wind of this. He knew they had to elliminate very single witness and he had no issues with that.
A few seconds after Whesto's transmission the Perditrix responded:
"Copy that, Centurion Dwanian. Keep your men ready. As soon as we weakened its outer hull, I want them in there. The Guildmaster needs the backup. Make sure to await the right opportunity. The combat zone will be hot, so do not move in unprepared."
He listened attentively on the comms and after a couple of minutes he felt a gentle tug from the Voidmourn's engines. A slow speed, now the timer had started. Looking at the navmap and scanners, as well as listening to the comms, the group was moving in. The Perditrix cloaked and the fighters took off. The Voidmourn followed slowly, waiting to hit all cylinders within seconds. Whesto's pulse rose and he ignited.
"Voidstalkers! Time for war, get ready!".
Whesto and the marines grabbed their weapons next to them. Whesto made a note of the marines, as they were activating their battle augmentations. He realized they were modified to the teeth, probably not a single fully natural bone in their bodies. A form of admiration for these augments hit Whesto, he realized he hadn't acquired many of these himself yet. At least he had his combat suit and some minor removable assisting tech.
"Brace for impact."
The Perditrix's message to the guildmaster was clear enough. Whesto saw its trajectory on the navmap. As the Perditrix collisioned with an enemy cruiser, the Voidmourn gave full power to the engines and the battlefield opened up in front of them. Nimble fighters all over in different fights and directions. Voidmourn's course was steady and its turrets blasting full time while making way.
"Commander to the bridge, you know the plan. Launch us as soon as we have an opening!"
As the Perditrix had pushed through and landed its blow into the Overlord, the opening in the battle had been created. The boarding vessel pushed Whesto and his marines hard as the thrusters went from 0-100% in a second. Whesto's uttered a prolonged muffled growl from the force. Once acceleration had reached optimal speed and stopped, the discomfort eased.
"Attention Centurion Dwanian, your boarding vessel is about to be waylayed by a Destroyer. Hold fast, I've got my finger on that for you. You won't be taking its fire for long".
They were sitting ducks against a destroyer, all they could do was puth faith in Guardian Harrs and the rest of the wing outside. The boarding vessel took fire, rattling from the impacts to the shields, but stayed on course. The Voidmourn provided cover to its best abilities from smaller craft but its shields were being punished extensively.
The small boarding craft approached the docking bay of the Overlord, but was hit in the side by propelled debris from a torpedo blast. Arriving into the docking bay was the vessel turned to its side with speed, making a grinding landing on the floor, slid further inside and stopped.
Immediately five marines appeared from the vessel with weapons drawn in formation, with Whesto following in between. He noticed a sliced vessel next to them, confounded by the damage, he doubted their entrance made such a clean cut. The Voidstalkers moved further into the hangar.