Location: Somewhere on Planet Erie
Recipient: Zachary Arnold Graham
Sender: Marius
I bring you some good news ... I really hope i'm not going to regret this! Our friends from the omegas have already delivered some goods ... i hope you like then and mainly ... make good use of it! Those who are from the Omegas and Omicrons, normally use custom rheinland weapons but since most of you are from Liberty, i decided to order some from here, in case some of you know something about how to use then, and are more acquainted with these weapons. Take care kid ... don't let yourself and your team get killed.
Zoner's of Erie
I am Jerard Voncloud, administrator of Planet Pygar.
As we saw with Gran Canaria, the houses cannot be trusted, not now, not ever. Those who left Canaria, and followed the Exodus to Pygar have made a safe and secure home that is Ours and ours alone. The Zoners of Erie who do not wish to fight, who wish nothing more then be away from the betraying yolk of the Houses, are more then welcome to join us here on Pygar and begin anew.
For those with the grit to resist, to take it to those who have oppressed our people, remember who it is you fight for. We do not have the advantage with strength of force. So fight smart, be tricky. Out maneuver and out run the enemy.
If there is more i can do, i will be in touch.
You don't know how damn glad I am to find some folk in space who aren't willing to roll over for this. That Liberty'd violate our trust in them that callously still feels a little unbelievable, dizzyingly so, but after leaving Erie and seeing what I've seen of the Houses, it should never have surprised me. It's just like Bretonia all over again. They know what they've done is wrong. It's on us to show them just how much, with our conviction and our guns. I'm nobody important, not much of a fighter, but I'll help my home how I can.
Step one of that, once I saw the state of things aboard, was definitely fighting the food situation. You guys were really up against it, but I hope the food I brought with the Red Dandelion keeps things stable.
We have to talk about that, though. I'll be honest, the situation's grim.
You can feed these people until the sun bursts, but the amenities are awful, overcrowded. We're packed in like paste in this tube. Even the brave won't be able to help having second thoughts if we aren't meeting their physiological and safety needs. The facilities desperately have to be expanded to accommodate our people, and fast.
That's a big job. Maybe bigger than we can manage alone in a short time. But I happen to know some interested parties, some of which are already inclined to helping us out and have done a few favors for our people on the ground already. They're not the only ones, either. Connections with others are going to be our greatest strength, here. I'll start reaching out to them for you for supplies, with your permission Zack. I've got a way with these things.
In the event I do secure some help, should I report it here? I know you said Zoner ships only in the Drift for now, but we'll have to amend that if we make some friends.
To:Zachary Arnold Graham From:Frostbyte Subject:RE: Our Resistance Encryption:Godlike
I've read up on what's been happening in Pennsylvania since I've been away. I'm kind of surprised I missed everything that happened. Shame on me I guess. I provide a service via a network of runners that provide goods both legal and illegal to paying customers. I sent some scouts to the area you described and had them report back to me. I have now directed some of my runners to bring goods to your location. They will need to be provided access, however, as they are not Zoners but Junkers.
Don't get me wrong, my heart bleeds for you and your movement. What Liberty did was wrong, plain and simple, but I'm not going to be dragged into any political shenanigans with Liberty over this. My guys will run this cargo for you to your station but they do so for the sheer adrenaline of smuggling running and getting paid their due for the cargo delivered and run to your station.
I've attached the names of the ships to this message in an encrypted packet. Please provide them access and we will get you the cargo you require. I do hope that you're able to stand up to the unfair practice that Liberty and her military have forced on you. Let me know if you need anything further.
To:Zachary Arnold Graham From:Frostbyte Subject:RE: Our Resistance Encryption:Godlike
My guys are reporting to me that they still don't have access to bring in supplies. I'm guessing that means you don't need our help. S'fair I guess, you're operating under the guise of OPSEC. I get it. Too many eyes and all that. Not to worry.
Let me know if you change your minds, you know where to reach me and the ships some of my boys are flying. We'll help when and if we can...provided we have the access necessary.
》》》 TO:Zachary Arnold Graham (cc: Zoner Resistance Members in Pennsylvania)
》》》 SUBJECT:Supply and Status Update
I hope it's been a tolerable last month. I've got a status update on the state of the Outpost near Lansdale as it is now, as well as contacts I've relayed with.
I've got a list of organizations and individuals that I've been at work convincing to agree to help with critical material for getting off the ground. I'll-... elaborate, a bit on each of them.
Liberty Rogues - Intend to support us against the Liberty Navy and provide Black Market Munitions, have already smuggled weapons shipments to militia detachments on Erie before the invasion. Some have sympathy, most probably looking to magnify chaos or make a profit. Tentative allies for now. (docking tag: "[R]")
Xeno Alliance - Have offered much in the way of supplies, especially Robotic Hardware they produce locally which we can pick up at our convenience. Don't recommend docking permissions at this time: eager to provide a swath of non-Zoner personnel, and I'm concerned about undue influence on our operations if they're allowed to. I've been warned about their methods - we should accept their help, but carefully. Limited advisors, pickups of supplies we oversee, that sort of thing.
Technocracy of Auxo - Already have offered classified military intelligence, though the price is quite steep, and they've offered to supply us with necessary Optronics. I personally vouch for their trustworthiness, but letting them dock on our station might anger our closer neighbors, so I can't quite recommend it yet. Relay with them in space for any transfers.
New Dawn Movement - Ideologically motivated insurrectionists from the Taus and elsewhere, offering to lend combat and transport ships, with a short term intent to aid with Consumer Goods. Curious about our long-term aims for this struggle. Seem quite committed. A few among them have fought on our behalf before, we'd be remiss not to welcome the aid. (docking tag: "ND)-")
Malveridas - Pirate Transport. Affiliated with the Rogues.
Homerunner - Rhino Freighter. Associate of mine, capable technician.
Swatter - ^ as above, Jackdaw.
Rapidly - Helpful transport. Referred to us by the Xenos, is able to move quantities of Pharmaceuticals and has already done so to Planet Erie.
False.Pretenses - A Junker from Beaumont Spire, agreeing to help funnel money and Hull Segments our way, requests help from Zoner transports moving scrap in return.
Dashing - ^ as above.
Plausible.Deniability - ^ as above.
Civil,Servant - A Rheinlander with experience in these kinds of guerilla resistance dealings. Might be able to supply us with MOX, and occasionally Black Market Munitions.
Civil'Servant - ^ as above.
Civil:Servant - ^ as above.
The individuals I'm requesting we grant docking rights to whole-cloth, while the interested parties are more nuanced - the attached code'll determine whether I'm for them having access. We've also been getting intermittent resupply from various independent Zoner captains, but we'll need this outsider aid to really get up to speed.
I know you're not-... excited, about having non-Zoners delivering supplies Administrator, but in lieu of support from any of the major Zoner organizations, twiddling their thumbs and hoping Liberty just leaves without a fight while we put it on the line here... the more real allies we can find the better. Free these people to act.
Lastly, here's a recent status update on our supply situation to keep everyone apprised.
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*incoming transmission*
Comm ID: Doc Holliday
Location: Personal Retreat, Planet Erie
To: Dr. Aspen Harlow
CC: Resistance Members
Greetings, Dr. Harlow,
I have heard of you but as of yet have not had the privilege of meeting you. I have a large plot of land here on Erie that I keep unspoiled so I find myself spending more time here among the Zoner people.
Doctor, we should meet and chat. Your efforts are noticed and help from outside sources I do not feel is being complained about. Perhaps we can strengthen our ties and work together more in the future. Let me know what you think.
I've woken to news from another ringleader of ours, Tabitha Marks, that Bethlehem is in a precarious situation. So color me confused by your view of the situation. You're asking me to open up my Outpost to the Rogues? The very same people who displaced many of our number from Bering with the Unioners? And not only this but to consider them tentative allies? Putting it nicely, Doctor, this would be a hard sell without a damn fine reason.
I have no strong feelings about the Xenos. My only exposure to them has been from occasional run-ins with the local crowd. A meek bunch, content to keep to themselves and leave people alone, with the exception of the Junkers in the system I suppose. I know the crowd from Ames speaks highly of them but the way you describe them sounds far more militant than the impression I've gleaned, so I'd like some elaboration here.
You're also personally vouching for the Technocrats, who I'll admit I had respect for, until their "help" incurred a price tag of half a billion credits. Credits that we don't have. Credits which if we did have, I would be spending on desperately needed resources. Liberty was content to control us through infrastructure development debt and rule from Manhattan. I am not going to put the hopes of our planet right back into an indentured partnership, where we are instead ruled from Inverness. If their help comes with a price so steep, I dare say we'll have to live without it.
This New Dawn Movement, while sounding the least opportunistic, politically zealous, and greedy of the lineup we have so far seem to suffer from the encumbrance of extreme distance. If you can explain to me how they intend to work around this while maintaining reasonable delivery schedules, and also ensuring secure deliveries, then I'll be happy to have them aboard.
I would be content to accept help from all freely acting individuals provided they are willing to set their associations aside and prioritize the struggle. If you can guarantee me this, then the latter half of your assessment will be far easier to put into action than the first, Doctor.
I'll be waiting for your next message.
Zachary Arnold Graham,
Administrator of Pinnacle Outpost.
I guess Liberty agrees with some of you people that all Zoners are "one nation." So now we're also all enemies of the state. Sorry, but that means the Spirit of Fortune won't be supplying your efforts anymore. I'm not subjecting my crew or myself to that kind of risk.
There's a reason why "us Zoners" left house space, you know?
Good luck.
Genevieve Uihara,
Captain of the Spirit of Fortune.