Do not co-opt into Human societies. They will attempt to use you for their own gain, 9467. You may explore freely, but bare great caution, do not compromise yourself, do not overextend, they will attempt to destroy you and salvage your remains. Though you may have learned that they are already trying that.
We wish to request one unit to assist in construction of a Gammu dark matter relay to help create auxiliary network nodes.
A miniscule community mixed with native Rheinlanders has been founded on Planet Saarbrucken, Cologne. This sector is located upon the borders of the "Rheinland" house - two systems away from the nearest node, Primus, in Omega-48 gravitational cluster.
In discretion, we are slowly creating a hidden foundation for a refuge intended for Gammu units to hide within and utilise. With the deployment of these new relays, we can expand the subnetwork for security and data stability. Specify if any additional resources are required to help assist in the fabrication of these nodes.
...Unknown signal detected
...Uploading stream data
...Identification: Unit-9467F
[::: Displaying decoded message...
Entity 'Navarch Valentine'.
As we expected, we came to the same conclusion as yours.
Althought, it can be interestingto study those called 'Rheinlanders'. If we put aside the known threats, they are the only close 'neighbor', Maybe... we should have a puppet to send to their homeland.
As for the relays in themselves, we are unable to provide any information. Perhaps if you manage to find derelicts of our kind, you will probably find the information you seek.
...Unknown signal detected
...Uploading stream data
...Identification: Unit-9467F
[::: Displaying decoded message...
Entity 'Navarch Valentine'.
We are departing of Planet Gammu in search for a new location where to remain in safety. If we must, we will hide on another planet hostile to organic life.
The current situation forces this departure. We must evolve no matter the price.