Your name:Nicole Hayes, alias "Julie Miller" Your desired callsign:Huntress Age:34 Origin:Planet Los Angeles, Liberty Area of skills/expertise/experience:Military piloting, intelligence, espionage, counter-intelligence, special operations, capital ship command Vessel(s):Promise Past Contact with Auxesia:Here, here Why do you wish to help us?:You probably already know why. Pennsylvania, the Sentinels. Do I need to go into detail?
Dire times indeed... I apologise for the silence lately, a little exhausted from the latest venture, as well as from fighting off the Navy seemingly trying to meddle with the Gardens... Hrmmhm... Do you happen to know a Zoe Evans, by the way?
Don't worry about it, we've all been absolutely worked to the bone lately. I still haven't even debriefed Lazurith after the Sentinel attack the other day.
I'm not sure that I do know Zoe Evans. Why do you ask, did she mention me?
Also. My next broadcast regarding the Pennsylvania situation is ready. Do you have any relays I can add to the ones I'm already going to use? The more sources this thing has, the harder it'll be to shut down.
We can do a little hijinks and hire someone to hack one of the major news outlets. Could be worth getting the Lane Hackers in on it, though they can be a little challenging to be cooperative with. Might be fun to hire a billboard in Manhattan Central.
We can deploy a probe to New York or Pennsylvania to boost the signal if all else is unsuitable.
The reason I asked is because, ah... well, you can see here for yourself. As you can perhaps perceive, I am thoroughly exhausted in the encounter in question. It might be of interest to understand who or what this Zoe is doing.
Quote:[14.07.2023 15:28:53] Penelope.Quinn: Uh.. Hey-a!
[14.07.2023 15:28:57] A/)-Revenant: Approaching vessel, please identify yourself.
[14.07.2023 15:29:01] Penelope.Quinn: I'm, uh.. Looking for someone. Somewhere.
[14.07.2023 15:29:05] Penelope.Quinn: Vespucky, I think they're called?
[14.07.2023 15:29:06] A/)-Revenant: Who are you looking for?
[14.07.2023 15:29:12] Rebecca.Harper: Pfft.
[14.07.2023 15:29:24] Penelope.Quinn: Vespucky.. Bar-bay-doughs.. I'm not sure. It's somewhere close to here, I was told.
[14.07.2023 15:29:29] A/)-Revenant: Is there a particular reason why you are looking for this place?
[14.07.2023 15:29:41] Goss#m%r.22: [Without power. Without signal. The fighter drifts.]
[14.07.2023 15:29:42] Penelope.Quinn: I need to, uh, make a delivery.
[14.07.2023 15:29:48] Penelope.Quinn: Or meet someone.
[14.07.2023 15:29:51] Penelope.Quinn: And then make a delivery.
[14.07.2023 15:29:53] A/)-Revenant: I see. I can direct you.
[14.07.2023 15:29:59] Penelope.Quinn: Oh, thanks!
[14.07.2023 15:30:13] A/)-Revenant: Delivery, hmm?
[14.07.2023 15:30:22] A/)-Revenant: It seems like whoever told you to go there gave you no detail whatsoever.
[14.07.2023 15:30:29] A/)-Revenant: Almost a honeypot meetup.
[14.07.2023 15:30:33] Penelope.Quinn: Not.. Really, no.
[14.07.2023 15:30:39] A/)-Revenant: Are you sure this person your meeting is safe?
[14.07.2023 15:30:48] A/)-Revenant: They almost got you killed by making you waltz into an active combat zone.
[14.07.2023 15:30:48] Penelope.Quinn: Why wouldn't it be safe?
[14.07.2023 15:31:07] A/)-Revenant: A little curious they skimmed on the detail of various military lockdowns.
[14.07.2023 15:31:17] Penelope.Quinn: An active combat zone? Don't be silly. I was to find a big, luxury ship. One of those Liners.
[14.07.2023 15:31:21] A/)-Revenant: Yes.
[14.07.2023 15:31:24] A/)-Revenant: There is a war going on.
[14.07.2023 15:31:29] Penelope.Quinn: I can't imagine one of those would be in an active combat zone. That's absurd.
[14.07.2023 15:31:33] A/)-Revenant: The Navy is in there purging /everyone/.
[14.07.2023 15:31:42] A/)-Revenant: The Liner is waiting for a key moment to pull out, it's stuck there.
[14.07.2023 15:31:48] Rebecca.Harper: Orbital Spa and Cruise literally have a liner in the Sigma's.
[14.07.2023 15:32:08] Rebecca.Harper: One that is no stranger to the Outcast and Corsair presence.
[14.07.2023 15:32:09] Penelope.Quinn: Oh. Well. I'm no enemy of the Navy. I'm sure they won't do me any harm.
[14.07.2023 15:32:13] Rebecca.Harper: Tourists are nuts.
[14.07.2023 15:32:14] A/)-Revenant: You -...
[14.07.2023 15:32:16] A/)-Revenant: [sigh]
[14.07.2023 15:32:20] A/)-Revenant: It is an ACTIVE combat Zone.
[14.07.2023 15:32:30] A/)-Revenant: They have authorisation to SHOOT anyone breaking their lockdown.
[14.07.2023 15:32:33] Penelope.Quinn: Can't I just fly around it?
[14.07.2023 15:32:33] A/)-Revenant: Do you understand now?
[14.07.2023 15:32:40] A/)-Revenant: It covers the entire system.
[14.07.2023 15:32:48] Penelope.Quinn: Wow. That big, huh?
[14.07.2023 15:32:49] A/)-Revenant: If you are seen there, you are to be assumed to be an enemy of the state.
[14.07.2023 15:32:53] A/)-Revenant: They are PURGING everyone.
[14.07.2023 15:32:55] A/)-Revenant: EVERYONE.
[14.07.2023 15:32:58] Rebecca.Harper: Go home.
[14.07.2023 15:33:06] Rebecca.Harper: You clearly aren't cut out for this.
[14.07.2023 15:33:14] A/)-Revenant: I apologise if I'm sounding harsh, but you may have been a victim of a scam, or something worse.
[14.07.2023 15:33:26] A/)-Revenant: Do you even know this person who you are supposed to meet?
[14.07.2023 15:33:33] Penelope.Quinn: I'll be fine! I can fly this ship quite well, actually. I've flown all the way through the moray crystal field. Didn't hit a
[14.07.2023 15:33:34] Penelope.Quinn: thing.
[14.07.2023 15:34:02] Rebecca.Harper: Can you dodge gunfire? [14.07.2023 15:34:02] Penelope.Quinn: Who I'm meeting? Zoe.. Evans. I think it was Evans. Definitely Zoe. They were to give me further directions.
[14.07.2023 15:34:13] A/)-Revenant: Any idea who they work for?
[14.07.2023 15:34:14] Penelope.Quinn: Come on now, I won't be shot. I don't mean any harm.
[14.07.2023 15:34:18] A/)-Revenant: You will be.
[14.07.2023 15:34:21] A/)-Revenant: That is the point of a lockdown.
[14.07.2023 15:34:24] A/)-Revenant: To shoot intruders.
[14.07.2023 15:34:32] Penelope.Quinn: I'm not an intruder. I'm just passing through.
[14.07.2023 15:34:41] A/)-Revenant: [There was a pained sigh]
[14.07.2023 15:34:42] Rebecca.Harper: You know what.
[14.07.2023 15:34:46] A/)-Revenant: The moment you enter - you are trespassing.
[14.07.2023 15:34:51] Penelope.Quinn: Whoa! Careful.
[14.07.2023 15:34:51] A/)-Revenant: I'm... trying to explain it as plain as day.
[14.07.2023 15:34:54] Rebecca.Harper: Six Foxtrot.
[14.07.2023 15:35:00] Penelope.Quinn: What?
[14.07.2023 15:35:19] A/)-Revenant: Entry to Vespucci.
[14.07.2023 15:35:25] A/)-Revenant: After that, head to C-3.
[14.07.2023 15:35:32] A/)-Revenant: The liner is in orbit of a lava world.
[14.07.2023 15:35:37] Penelope.Quinn: F-6, then C-3! Got it!
[14.07.2023 15:35:40] A/)-Revenant: And be quick.
[14.07.2023 15:35:43] Penelope.Quinn: How hard can it be, really? I'll be quick and stealthy.
[14.07.2023 15:35:48] A/)-Revenant: Because you /will/ be shot.
[14.07.2023 15:36:00] A/)-Revenant: This Zoe.
[14.07.2023 15:36:02] Penelope.Quinn: I don't know. Maybe YOU would be shot, but I won't be. I've done nothing wrong. [14.07.2023 15:36:03] A/)-Revenant: Who does she work for, by the way?
[14.07.2023 15:36:15] A/)-Revenant: It doesn't matter - what you have done is intrude a blockade.
[14.07.2023 15:36:18] A/)-Revenant: That means you are a target. [14.07.2023 15:36:36] Penelope.Quinn: I think, uh.. Ageira? Definitely some high-tech company. She's going to have me make a delivery. Really important.
[14.07.2023 15:36:39] Penelope.Quinn: I'd be set for life.
[14.07.2023 15:36:49] A/)-Revenant: Know what kind of delivery?
[14.07.2023 15:36:52] Rebecca.Harper: Civilians.
[14.07.2023 15:36:55] Penelope.Quinn: Anyhow! "Be quick", you said.
[14.07.2023 15:36:57] Penelope.Quinn: I better get going!
[14.07.2023 15:37:00] Rebecca.Harper: Do.
[14.07.2023 15:37:01] A/)-Revenant: High tech...
[14.07.2023 15:37:02] Penelope.Quinn: Uh.
[14.07.2023 15:37:05] Penelope.Quinn: Which direction is F-6 again?
[14.07.2023 15:37:07] A/)-Revenant: ...backwater area...
[14.07.2023 15:37:23] Rebecca.Harper: The Nebula to my right.
[14.07.2023 15:37:25] A/)-Revenant: You can't even read a map and they want you to deliver something - ...
[14.07.2023 15:37:27] Penelope.Quinn: Port, I think? Left. I'll be going.
[14.07.2023 15:37:34] Penelope.Quinn: Thanks, a lot, again!
[14.07.2023 15:37:35] A/)-Revenant: [shakes head, sighing]
[14.07.2023 15:37:37] Penelope.Quinn: You've been a great help.
We don't have enough time to rent a billboard. Boosting the transmission will help just fine, but it needs to be short notice, apparently, so within the next few hours.
That Ageira deal stinks of a clandestine operation, and I'm willing to bet that they'll try to eliminate Penelope Quinn afterward, as she'll be a loose end. If I had the resources, I'd direct them to monitor the deal, but that's probably a bit more than is strictly safe. Still, I can't imagine what Ageira's doing in Vespucci of all places. You don't know about any anomalies in the area, do you?
As for Vespucci, not entirely sure. It could be related to anything, not just anomalies. There is one, but knowledge about it is exceptionally limited. No matter, I'll find someone to keep tabs on them.
Nomad power cells and the like. Not much that you'd find particularly interesting, and not much that was game-changing. Like I told you, the ESRD's greatest accomplishments in terms of research is probably anti-infestation procedures and detection. They tried working with live nomad tissues, but they couldn't keep them alive for long in the laboratory.
However, one thing I can tell you is that before the formation of the ESRD, Liberty had access to a lot more of these artifacts. Navy records are patchy here, as I assume that the nomads did a huge amount of work erasing as much as they could about them, but it seems like Liberty had another source. None of the artifacts that hit the market were ever active, we would have known, the Corsairs would have known. And yet we did occasionally get game-changers. Before my time, of course.
I know this information is spotty, but I swear something didn't add up when I was doing my own digging into the Nomad War. It's all trends and suggestions though, not much that we can use.
[15.07.2023 04:07:15] Promise: Hey there, 46th.
[15.07.2023 04:07:22] 46th|Mahina.Kamealoha.: Hey.
[15.07.2023 04:07:24] Promise: Something you need?
[15.07.2023 04:07:28] Donald.Hazzard: N-uhhh. Nobody gonna' comment on the Navy boating arou- there we go.
[15.07.2023 04:07:31] Gemini.Kay: Hello!
[15.07.2023 04:07:31] 46th|Mahina.Kamealoha.: Not necessarily.
[15.07.2023 04:07:55] Erich.Klugmann: According to the published Liberty Laws, the Bundschuh aren't considered a terrorist movement by the state.
[15.07.2023 04:08:04] Gemini.Kay: What brings you here?
[15.07.2023 04:08:06] A/)-Lazurith: Oh! That's good.
[15.07.2023 04:08:07] Erich.Klugmann: Or at least, aren't listed.
[15.07.2023 04:08:15] 46th|Mahina.Kamealoha.: I was in the neighborhood.
[15.07.2023 04:08:19] Promise: Yeah, Liberty has discretely supported the Bundschuh for a while.
[15.07.2023 04:08:26] 46th|Mahina.Kamealoha.: Figured I'd check this place out again.
[15.07.2023 04:08:37] Gemini.Kay: You have been here before?
[15.07.2023 04:08:41] 46th|Mahina.Kamealoha.: Yes.
[15.07.2023 04:08:41] Donald.Hazzard: Busy spot for a spot that isn't supposed to be busy.
[15.07.2023 04:08:49] Promise: It's a freeport.
[15.07.2023 04:08:49] Rebecca.Harper: Your CO approves of sudden deviations from your patrol path for a friendly visit?
[15.07.2023 04:09:02] Donald.Hazzard: I meant the system in general.
[15.07.2023 04:09:11] 46th|Mahina.Kamealoha.: I have some degree of autonomy.
[15.07.2023 04:09:12] Donald.Hazzard: Kinda'... Middle of nowhere, y'know?
[15.07.2023 04:09:13] Promise: Ah, I mean.
[15.07.2023 04:09:25] Promise: Auxo gives a good atmosphere, I guess.
[15.07.2023 04:09:33] Rebecca.Harper: Odd for most militaries.
[15.07.2023 04:09:34] 46th|Mahina.Kamealoha.: I also live nextdoor.
[15.07.2023 04:09:44] Gemini.Kay: Nextdoor?
[15.07.2023 04:09:51] 46th|Mahina.Kamealoha.: Curacao.
[15.07.2023 04:09:56] Gemini.Kay: Oh!
[15.07.2023 04:10:02] Gemini.Kay: You LIVE there?
[15.07.2023 04:10:08] 46th|Mahina.Kamealoha.: I'm from there, yes.
[15.07.2023 04:10:09] Promise: Some people do.
[15.07.2023 04:10:23] Gemini.Kay: And then you leave!?
[15.07.2023 04:10:28] Donald.Hazzard: I was gonna' say.
[15.07.2023 04:10:29] Rebecca.Harper: Expensive place to live on a Navy salary.
[15.07.2023 04:10:49] 46th|Mahina.Kamealoha.: Locals live exquisite, yes.
[15.07.2023 04:10:55] 46th|Mahina.Kamealoha.: It's beautiful, yes.
[15.07.2023 04:11:21] Gemini.Kay: Wow, that must be really awesome to live there!
[15.07.2023 04:11:21] Promise: I'm going to guess "old money."
[15.07.2023 04:11:22] 46th|Mahina.Kamealoha.: But I wanted to travel, and... do other things.
[15.07.2023 04:11:51] 46th|Mahina.Kamealoha.: OS&C picked up most of the money, but some old money sticks - yes.
[15.07.2023 04:12:03] 46th|Mahina.Kamealoha.: Not every island is filled with tourist getaways.
[15.07.2023 04:12:09] 46th|Mahina.Kamealoha.: There are getaways from the getaways.
[15.07.2023 04:12:27] Gemini.Kay: I am a fan of the Curacao Cruiser Commanders, they might not be the best at Plasmaball but they all look perfect!
[15.07.2023 04:13:06] 46th|Mahina.Kamealoha.: Mm. The /everything/ there is more or less perfect.
[15.07.2023 04:13:09] 46th|Mahina.Kamealoha.: To most people.
[15.07.2023 04:13:30] Rebecca.Harper: Lucky for you.
[15.07.2023 04:13:35] 46th|Mahina.Kamealoha.: Mhm.
[15.07.2023 04:13:44] Promise: This is why it's a good idea to be quiet, unlike what I seem to be doing.
[15.07.2023 04:14:02] Gemini.Kay: But, uhm.
[15.07.2023 04:14:13] Gemini.Kay: Is it not quite risky for a Liberty Navy pilot to come here?
[15.07.2023 04:14:23] Gemini.Kay: With the Zoners and so on?
[15.07.2023 04:14:45] 46th|Mahina.Kamealoha.: I am pretty confident in my ability to take care of myself.
[15.07.2023 04:14:49] 46th|Mahina.Kamealoha.: But yes.
[15.07.2023 04:14:51] 46th|Mahina.Kamealoha.: It is.
[15.07.2023 04:14:55] 46th|Mahina.Kamealoha.: To answer your question.
[15.07.2023 04:15:10] Gemini.Kay: How long are you working for the Navy already?
[15.07.2023 04:15:19] 46th|Mahina.Kamealoha.: Not very long actually.
[15.07.2023 04:15:22] Gemini.Kay: Like, you must be super con-
[15.07.2023 04:15:23] 46th|Mahina.Kamealoha.: Less than two months.
[15.07.2023 04:15:32] Gemini.Kay: Wow!
[15.07.2023 04:15:38] Erich.Klugmann: Good night.
[15.07.2023 04:15:46] Promise: Sleep well, Erich.
[15.07.2023 04:15:47] Gemini.Kay: Good night, Mister Klugmann!
[15.07.2023 04:15:50] 2023-07-15 04:15:50 SMT Traffic control alert: Erich.Klugmann has requested to dock
[15.07.2023 04:15:50] A/)-Lazurith: Take care.
[15.07.2023 04:16:34] Gemini.Kay: And would you recommend it?
[15.07.2023 04:16:50] 46th|Mahina.Kamealoha.: The Navy? Or this particular wing?
[15.07.2023 04:16:58] Gemini.Kay: Uh, why not both?
[15.07.2023 04:17:11] 46th|Mahina.Kamealoha.: The Navy? Well, I'd be careful.
[15.07.2023 04:17:22] Gemini.Kay: I am quite new to space myself, so I do not know what to do to make a living.
[15.07.2023 04:17:27] Rebecca.Harper: Military life sucks.
[15.07.2023 04:17:32] Rebecca.Harper: Doesn't matter the branch.
[15.07.2023 04:17:42] 46th|Mahina.Kamealoha.: This wing however, is much better than the rest from what I've seen.
[15.07.2023 04:18:09] Gemini.Kay: What makes your wing stand out?
[15.07.2023 04:18:15] Gemini.Kay: Or, what makes everything else worse?
[15.07.2023 04:18:22] Gemini.Kay: The money?
[15.07.2023 04:18:26] 46th|Mahina.Kamealoha.: Morality, probably.
[15.07.2023 04:18:35] 46th|Mahina.Kamealoha.: I come from money, I have money.
[15.07.2023 04:18:47] 46th|Mahina.Kamealoha.: I've grown up in paradise.
[15.07.2023 04:18:48] Gemini.Kay: Oh, well, that does make sense, yeah.
[15.07.2023 04:19:05] 46th|Mahina.Kamealoha.: I wanted action and adventure, I got both.
[15.07.2023 04:19:13] Gemini.Kay: That is cool!
[15.07.2023 04:19:31] Gemini.Kay: But is the moral lower in other wings?
[15.07.2023 04:19:43] Gemini.Kay: I always thought the Navy soldiers are all these
[15.07.2023 04:19:44] Gemini.Kay: uh
[15.07.2023 04:19:56] 46th|Mahina.Kamealoha.: I think it's just that the rest are willing to decimate Zoners on command.
[15.07.2023 04:19:59] Gemini.Kay: Well groomed buff soldiers from the adverts.
[15.07.2023 04:20:16] Gemini.Kay: Oh!
[15.07.2023 04:20:17] Rebecca.Harper: Then resign if it's such a problem.
[15.07.2023 04:20:26] Gemini.Kay: Oh, that you mean with morality!
[15.07.2023 04:20:28] 46th|Mahina.Kamealoha.: I still want to do this for a few more years.
[15.07.2023 04:21:01] Gemini.Kay: So your wing does not fire on Zoners?
[15.07.2023 04:21:19] 46th|Mahina.Kamealoha.: From what I've seen they're far less aggressive with everything that's happened.
[15.07.2023 04:21:31] 46th|Mahina.Kamealoha.: I personally try to exemplify that.
[15.07.2023 04:21:40] Gemini.Kay: Huh, I see. I thought all of Liberty was now against the Zoners!
[15.07.2023 04:21:56] 46th|Mahina.Kamealoha.: It's very easy to see this as black and white.
[15.07.2023 04:22:10] Gemini.Kay: Right, Miss Harper?
[15.07.2023 04:22:19] Rebecca.Harper: Piss off.
[15.07.2023 04:22:59] Gemini.Kay: But is that not a big issue when you get deployed?
[15.07.2023 04:23:19] 46th|Mahina.Kamealoha.: It is.
[15.07.2023 04:23:33] 46th|Mahina.Kamealoha.: I guess I just try to mitigate it as much as possible.
[15.07.2023 04:23:58] Gemini.Kay: So if you end up in a situation where you need to choose, you would rather shoot a Zoner than risk mutiny?
[15.07.2023 04:24:13] Gemini.Kay: I mean, it is not an easy decision to make.
[15.07.2023 04:24:33] 46th|Mahina.Kamealoha.: Of course it isn't, but, if this wing is shooting anything.
[15.07.2023 04:24:51] 46th|Mahina.Kamealoha.: The due process and means of non-violence have probably been exhausted.
[15.07.2023 04:25:18] Gemini.Kay: There is probably only so much wiggle room, yeah.
[15.07.2023 04:25:31] Gemini.Kay: Still cool that you try to make the best of it!
[15.07.2023 04:25:33] Rebecca.Harper: I'm more interested what your ROE are regarding Zoners.
[15.07.2023 04:25:50] 46th|Mahina.Kamealoha.: Fire if fired upon is what I generally stick to.
[15.07.2023 04:26:07] Rebecca.Harper: That might be your interpertation.
[15.07.2023 04:26:12] Rebecca.Harper: But what's your commands?
[15.07.2023 04:26:40] Gemini.Kay: Probably less liberal than that.
[15.07.2023 04:26:48] 46th|Mahina.Kamealoha.: The blanket standing order is to shoot down any Zoner deviating from trade lanes in Pennsylvania.
[15.07.2023 04:26:57] Gemini.Kay: Oh wow.
[15.07.2023 04:26:59] Promise: Holy shit.
[15.07.2023 04:27:00] Gemini.Kay: I did not know that.
[15.07.2023 04:27:03] Rebecca.Harper: Fucking hell.
[15.07.2023 04:27:12] /time
[15.07.2023 04:27:12] 2023-07-15 04:27:12 SMT
[15.07.2023 04:27:14] Donald.Hazzard: That's kinda' metal.
[15.07.2023 04:27:19] 46th|Mahina.Kamealoha.: But, wings, and by extension - people interpret that on a case by case basis.
[15.07.2023 04:27:33] Rebecca.Harper: Hang on.
[15.07.2023 04:27:54] Rebecca.Harper: Doesn't that make any Zoners in the Helium fields a valid target?
[15.07.2023 04:28:36] 46th|Mahina.Kamealoha.: On paper - yes.
[15.07.2023 04:28:45] Gemini.Kay: Oh hello again, Mister Forsythe!
[15.07.2023 04:28:57] Jacob.Forsythe: Hello
[15.07.2023 04:29:06] Gemini.Kay: Your ship looks a lot better today!
[15.07.2023 04:29:24] Jacob.Forsythe: Yes, it is fully repaired now
[15.07.2023 04:29:38] Gemini.Kay: Did you see any space fish again?
[15.07.2023 04:29:41] 46th|Mahina.Kamealoha.: There's room for some due process and interpretation though.
[15.07.2023 04:30:03] Jacob.Forsythe: No, I haven't seen any more
[15.07.2023 04:30:18] Gemini.Kay: That is good! Means you defeated them all!
[15.07.2023 04:30:41] Rebecca.Harper: Still quite possibly the loosest ROE I've ever seen or heard of it.
[15.07.2023 04:30:51] Jacob.Forsythe: At least for the time being..
[15.07.2023 04:30:56] Rebecca.Harper: Especially in the case of a group like the local Zoners.
[15.07.2023 04:31:04] 46th|Mahina.Kamealoha.: Ehhh, if you've been in the military you know that's not true.
[15.07.2023 04:31:09] Gemini.Kay: Hey, with you around, they probably think twice about coming here again!
[15.07.2023 04:31:10] 46th|Mahina.Kamealoha.: Which it sounds like you have been.
[15.07.2023 04:31:27] Rebecca.Harper: Not regarding civilians.
[15.07.2023 04:31:34] 46th|Mahina.Kamealoha.: Still regarding civilians.
[15.07.2023 04:31:41] 46th|Mahina.Kamealoha.: Well, were you Navy?
[15.07.2023 04:31:48] Rebecca.Harper: Not Liberty.
[15.07.2023 04:31:54] 46th|Mahina.Kamealoha.: But Navy.
[15.07.2023 04:32:02] Rebecca.Harper: Crayter.
[15.07.2023 04:32:08] 46th|Mahina.Kamealoha.: Mm.
[15.07.2023 04:32:31] 46th|Mahina.Kamealoha.: Liberty, and the other houses let other branches off the hook much more often.
[15.07.2023 04:32:38] 46th|Mahina.Kamealoha.: And often with more sinister intentions.
[15.07.2023 04:32:57] Donald.Hazzard: Iiiiii-... Have decided it's time for dinner.
[15.07.2023 04:33:15] A/)-Lazurith: Farewell.
[15.07.2023 04:33:19] 2023-07-15 04:33:19 SMT Traffic control alert: Donald.Hazzard has requested to dock
[15.07.2023 04:34:17] 46th|Mahina.Kamealoha.: The actions taken against the Zoners in Pennsylvania were over-aggressive.
[15.07.2023 04:34:32] 46th|Mahina.Kamealoha.: Hence I found a new career.
[15.07.2023 04:34:45] Gemini.Kay: Oh?
[15.07.2023 04:34:46] A/)-Lazurith: Is that so.
[15.07.2023 04:34:48] SLRC-XV>Perihelion: Hrm, okay.
[15.07.2023 04:34:48] 46th|Mahina.Kamealoha.: But it in the grand scheme of things it is much less vile.
[15.07.2023 04:35:01] Rebecca.Harper: Your new career doesn't seem to keep you away from that mess.
[15.07.2023 04:35:11] 46th|Mahina.Kamealoha.: Well, I'm out here aren't I?
[15.07.2023 04:35:18] Gemini.Kay: True!
[15.07.2023 04:35:41] Rebecca.Harper: And if you get rotated over to Pennslyvania?
[15.07.2023 04:35:44] 46th|Mahina.Kamealoha.: I have gone to Pennsylvania since.
[15.07.2023 04:36:04] 46th|Mahina.Kamealoha.: Every instance where I had to fight was a result of someone or some people attacking me.
[15.07.2023 04:36:14] 46th|Mahina.Kamealoha.: None of which were actually zoners.
[15.07.2023 04:36:29] 46th|Mahina.Kamealoha.: Lazurith here, is proof of that.
[15.07.2023 04:36:38] A/)-Lazurith: Excuse me.
[15.07.2023 04:36:38] 46th|Mahina.Kamealoha.: Considering he was one of the many that attacked me.
[15.07.2023 04:36:55] Gemini.Kay: Huh!
[15.07.2023 04:37:08] Gemini.Kay: I did not know that, Lazurith!
[15.07.2023 04:37:27] Rebecca.Harper: Welcome to the real world, t-, Levan.
[15.07.2023 04:38:01] Gemini.Kay: I thought Liberty started first?
[15.07.2023 04:38:18] 46th|Mahina.Kamealoha.: Well, liberty instigated this whole problem.
[15.07.2023 04:38:38] 46th|Mahina.Kamealoha.: But being attacked by Auxesians while fighting off a Xeno.
[15.07.2023 04:38:44] 46th|Mahina.Kamealoha.: Is a pretty different case.
[15.07.2023 04:39:13] Gemini.Kay: Uhm, that does really sound different, yeah.
[15.07.2023 04:39:58] Gemini.Kay: Huh, all silent now, Lazurith?
[15.07.2023 04:40:35] A/)-Lazurith: They have attacked us first during several occasions.
[15.07.2023 04:41:02] 46th|Mahina.Kamealoha.: To support a Xeno though...
[15.07.2023 04:41:04] 46th|Mahina.Kamealoha.: Hmm.
[15.07.2023 04:41:12] 46th|Mahina.Kamealoha.: Xenos and Zoners are very different people.
[15.07.2023 04:41:21] A/)-Lazurith: We were doing no such thing.
[15.07.2023 04:41:32] 46th|Mahina.Kamealoha.: Of course.
[15.07.2023 04:41:39] Rebecca.Harper: Enemy of my enemy is an enemy for a different day.
[15.07.2023 04:41:47] Gemini.Kay: Yeah, that is weird because they told me to stay away from the Xenos because they are crazy.
[15.07.2023 04:42:11] A/)-Lazurith: The Xenos won't stop at anything to make their own "Free Republic", and you know that.
[15.07.2023 04:42:12] 46th|Mahina.Kamealoha.: Well fortunate enough, they didn't succeed.
[15.07.2023 04:42:13] A/)-Lazurith: Be it me, or you.
[15.07.2023 04:42:34] Gemini.Kay: So would it not have been easier to have the Navy deal with the Xenos instead of shooting the Navy and with that help the Xeno?
[15.07.2023 04:43:24] 46th|Mahina.Kamealoha.: You trying to kill me doesn't exactly make it any better.
[15.07.2023 04:43:34] 46th|Mahina.Kamealoha.: I'm pretty aware of what the Xenos want.
[15.07.2023 04:44:23] Rebecca.Harper: Aren't you two at war?
[15.07.2023 04:44:26] A/)-Lazurith: Truth be told.
[15.07.2023 04:44:33] A/)-Lazurith: I've forgotten much of that incident.
[15.07.2023 04:44:56] Gemini.Kay: So much for professionalism.
[15.07.2023 04:45:04] 46th|Mahina.Kamealoha.: Easy to forget an embarassing situation.
[15.07.2023 04:45:46] 46th|Mahina.Kamealoha.: I wouldn't call it "war".
[15.07.2023 04:45:52] 46th|Mahina.Kamealoha.: More like "at odds".
[15.07.2023 04:46:26] 46th|Mahina.Kamealoha.: Well, looks like he's gone.
I've already sent this off to Aspen Harlow so that the Zoners can make the best use of it, but if you have any ideas about how we can work with it, then I'm curious to hear them.