(07-24-2023, 05:13 PM)Hemlocke Wrote: As a side note the only reason you'd care if someone's calling your character a fascist is if you think speech in the game environment should be controlled for your objectively good angel dudes that do no wrong and are clearly representative of an entire faction.
This is incredibly rich coming from the angle of an anti-Liberty player in the whole story arc -- you know, the side that unironically is portraying itself as an objectively good bunch of angel dudes who can do no wrong. You're still missing the point, though. It's not really about 'fascist' being used as the one-size-fits-all buzzword of our time; it's more the overall vitriolic and caustic tone of that whole interaction.
If you still can't (or won't!) see that, fine. You have people who actually play Liberty lawfuls a lot sitting in this very thread telling you they're not on board with the way things are playing out.
Zoner players are cringe, just like everyone else.
And my character's a rogue that kills people for fun. So..
Some Westerne- ahem, not only Westerners anymore. Some people definitely like to make sure they have exclusive rights to words and concepts and they also make sure they enforce that exclusivity online. Sometimes this even spills over onto their ideological rivals and said exclusivity becomes supported by two sides of the conflict with unaffiliated people having to deal with double the hysteria in case they say something not approved by either party.
Very disturbing indeed.
There was a nice suggestion by @Hemlocke - ignore. Many people on this forum won't be able to define what fascism is (or even spell it correctly) without looking it up on the internet. The same should apply to IC - not every random zoner inRP has a degree in political science (or any education, whatsoever) to understand the meaning of such an obsolete by Discovery standards socio-political system as fascism, or, say, know who Umberto Eco was and/or his 14 traits of fascism which are considered to be pillars to identifying the system. If you character perchance knows this stuff inRp - you can of course challenge their knowledge inRp and bore them to death by proving them wrong (something that I sometimes personally enjoy to do). Otherwise, your character is free to dismiss them as idiots and not nice people and fly away or drop /1 /2. Dropping accusations of being a fascist coming from both left and right are so commonplace nowadays that they have lost their original meaning and sound rather cringe, both irl and inRP.
A more valid point, however, is that coming to a system for some activity and getting some cringe "offences" disguised as "RP" is a waste of time and boring. So people who spew this quality RP should realise that their actions might have consequences of people just not willing to RP with them. If you want to offend someone, either do it more creatively for the other player to chuckle at least a bit or don't use so generic and trite groundless accusations - those are simply cringe and boring and difficult to RP around.
this place will never stop fascinating me with how many problems everyone has with one another, or how everyone purposefully creates new ways to have problems with one another
(10-13-2023, 12:51 AM)Haste Wrote: This is a feature as most Discovery players would not receive a response from women.
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(07-25-2023, 05:31 PM)Chronicron Wrote: this place will never stop fascinating me with how many problems everyone has with one another, or how everyone purposefully creates new ways to have problems with one another
I just read that entire discussion that you are complaining about.
I don't see the problem...?
Most of what was said is common knowledge anyway, it's part of the damn game.
Secondly, someone was trying to drag the Illuminati into Freelancer.
And, thirdly, there is a blatantly made up piece of crap about Liberty mind-controlling it's citizens.
That's basically all it is.
So, why are people complaining so much....?
"He who controls the past commands the future, He who commands the future, conquers the past."
- Kane, Brotherhood Of NOD.
"Canon" for Freelancer stopped after Trent and co stopped the Nomads.
Everything else is new, and made up by others. Albeit, in a very good way.
Nobody has the right to say whether this or that is "canon" or not, as nobody really knows whether it is.
Example: Gallia. As if people were exploring Sirius all this time and NOBODY ever noticed Gallia?
Therefore, Gallia isn't really canon, is it?
Also, as all our characters essentially exist AFTER the events of Trent, surely people would already know some of what that post said?
Even from an RP standpoint, no character (even an NPC) is a total oblivious idiot.
Rumours would circulate, sometimes perpetuated by The Order, sometimes passed on from others.
As an example, during Trent's story, even some people in Kusari must have heard about the attack on the Donau...?
Bretonians would have heard about the Liberty President being captured and rescued...
Hell, people would even know what happened at the end with the Nomads.
So, making a post "revealing" stuff that people MAY already know (or think they know) isn't really an issue.
It can be put down as rumour and hearsay, or can be treated as an in-RP Info Leak.
To me, it doesn't warrant a 12 page discussion about how it is bad/good/canon/whatever.
"He who controls the past commands the future, He who commands the future, conquers the past."
- Kane, Brotherhood Of NOD.