SENDER: Sentinel
SOURCE: New York
RECIPIENT: Raptor command central
SUBJECT: AI vessel in NY, Patrol nr: 2
Sentinel here with intel
AN AI Vessel took us for a spin and then started using cloaking technology.
Threaths where made from the AI ship that eluded me for some time. Finaly got a pin on it but then it cloaked after refusing to comply near Fort Buch station. The AI vessel was strangely doing some reconnacense in NY i think as it roamed the area back and forth from Buch to Battleship Missouri. This is the second time this strange vessel comes into NY and make scans of our stations, i wonder what the purpouse is, cant be any good atleast. There is a engine destroy order on this vessel now to all raptors! It must be detained and checked thoroughly!
AI vessel also made threats to civilan ship as well as Raptor-12.
Law breaches:
-3. Hostile Organizations in Liberty space
-4. restricted technology.
-4.2 War ships ( cruiser class AI vessel)
-9.3 Foreign agencies.
-And ofc the old goldy rule: refusing to comply to a direct order by a Liberty Supreme Navy officer.
SENDER: Sentinel
SOURCE: New York
RECIPIENT: Raptor command central
SUBJECT: Smuggler in NY, Patrol nr: 3
Sentinel here with intel
An EFL vessel smuggeling an incredible large amounts of Xeno Relics was intercepted by Raptor-12.
The AFL vessel succeded in dodging the interdiction.
Later VANGUARD joined in.
Together we succeded in trapping the EFL vessel that was forced to succumb to a hefty fine of 1 million credits! Way to go Raptor-Commander! 5000 Xeno Relics was tranfered to Manhattan for science reasons EFL vessel "AverageGallicTransport" must not be aloud to continue this, next time- detain this vessel and fine it and put a bounty on it, should it ever continue this dangerouse smuggling
Law breaches:
1.1 Contraband commodities (xeno relics)
3.0 Hostile organizations = Nay, but if this continues we must make a report to High Command" so that EFL becomes redlisted to our radars.
-And ofc the old goldy rule: refusing to comply to a direct order by a Liberty Supreme Navy officer.
SENDER: Sentinel
SOURCE: New York
RECIPIENT: Raptor command central
SUBJECT: Outcast attacking 1st|, Patrol nr: 4
Sentinel here with intel
On a regular patrol i stumbled apon a battle with a Outcast gunboat and an 1st| Navy ship! The 1st| ship had taken enormouse amounts of hits and was almost shattered when i arrived. I called out to see if i could stop the Outcast but all to vain....
Seconds later the 1st| ship exploded in a blaze of lights and a com scream ecoed in my speakers...
The Outcast Gunship ran away after that. There will be a HIGH bounty on this Outcast ship for this atrocitie! Outcast Gunship named "EmptyPoint" must not be aloud to continue this, next time- detain this vessel and fine it and call any Bounty Hunter/freelancer on spot to deal with this threath asap!
Law breaches:
ALERT -Killing a Navy officer-
3.0 Hostile organizations (outcasts)
-And ofc the old goldy rule: refusing to comply to a direct order by a Liberty Supreme Navy officer.
SENDER: Sentinel
SOURCE: New York/Texas
RECIPIENT: Raptor command central
SUBJECT: Multiple irregularitys, Patrol nr: 5
Sentinel here with intel
I stoped at a DSE repairship fixing the Trade Lanes to West Point at Manhattan junction and suddenly radar screams alerting me of a cloak ship in vicinity!
Cloaked my own ship asap and started scouring the vicinity but to no ends. The warning lights stoped after a while, guess the intruder took off when i also cloaked. Why is there so much strange happenings around Manhattan lately? Need to search more in that area hmm.
Chatted with DSE repair vessel and made up plans and then took of for Texas system when i suddenly met a EFL ship again? What are they doing in Liberty all of a sudden is such large numbers? This time it was legal thoe and i stoped it, scanned, let it passed without any fines. EFL is now making frequent haulings in Liberty, be vary, somethings going on!
Still in Texas abit later on i almost dropped my starbucks..... Most disturbing thing i have ever seen! A Liberty Rogue Base found in plain open space?
I emedietly went close but stayed outside of those big cannons range taking spy pictures.
It sits 14k from Liberty tradelane! Just close to "South Dallas Debris Field" but "NOT IN IT" as they ordinary do when Rogue bases pop up sometimes?
We cant have a Rogue base in open plain site" and not do anything about it, Liberty would be a laughingstock regionwise in Sirius!
WHAT ARE the LPI doing?
Outrageous that they havent alerted anyone yet! Bribed above their ears i bet... but now its come to a stop hopefully.
This base must be attacked and destroyed by a seige of the supreme Liberty Navy asap!
Cant believe that the Liberty Rogues has been so careless with this installations coordinates?
In plain open? Well its their fault and now it will be a dusty memory as soon as Navy plans a seige against it, hopefully...
This threath must be dealt with!
Sending an comm to Regular Liberty Navy to destroy this installation once and for all, hopefully...
Attaching several camera screens as evidence.
Law breaches:
3.0 Hostile organizations/Bases in Liberty Supreme space.
-Illegal Rogue base deployed/moved in open space in Texas system - (Seige PM sent to Liberty Navy to hopefully execute a legal Seige warant on the base)
4.0 Restricted technology (cloaking device)
-And ofc the old but golden rule of not complying with a supreme Liberty Navy officer`s orders.
RECIPIENT: Admiral Van-Leer
SUBJECT: Vicious attack on Raptors
Well after some short time out the Raptors have been on patrol... and it did not turn out well for us.
A Rogue popped up at Norfolk and we decided to take evidence then move on, but, 1st|Raptor-4 was unable to join us and engaged the target - Tobias_McMullen, on arrival there was also a freelancer there by the name of Lava. This individual expressed his urge to take out the Rogue, but seeing as we had enough assets we declined the offer, also he should be doing it of his own accord and collecting the Bonunty fee.
Then the next thing we know, he is asking the Rogue if he needs help, and to my astonishment he accepted the Freelancers offer and he immediatly engaged Raptor-4 .... So I immediately ordered all ships to engage the targets. Raptor-4 was taken down then it seemed to just be free for all and as in the logs, the others fell aswell and it was only myself left and on the arrival of another hostile I managed to engage my cloak and escape with alot of damage.
While cloaked, I managed to see two Outcast capital ships at Manhatten aswell callsigns - MNS-Anaranjada: MNS-Reina.Cristina :
This was a rather testing situation for the Raptors, and the amount of hostiles within new York was ridiculous. No other naval assets seemed to be dispatched so it was up to us to try to keep them at bay. I also managed to get all assets recovered shortly after by a cloaked recovery unit which was scrambled soon after I landed and everyone was returned safely.
Due to the nature of our raptor squad, I am so pleased with their bravery today and all pilots concerned will get a private visit from myself to thank them all for their participation in trying to keep Liberty safe, but we will be aware next time and hopefully get more backup.
As you can also see by my visual evidence after I escaped he is carrying Naval Pilots in his hold and Bouny Hunters.
Lava is to be contacted after breaching the following laws :-
3. Hostile organizations
It is illegal to affiliate with, work for, possess identification, ship, equipment, technology or weaponry from these organizations:
- - Liberty Rogues
7. Assault
It is illegal to assault Liberty forces unless specifically ordered by the high command of Primary Fleets.:
- Assaulting officer's of the 1st armada
10.4 Public disturbance
Encouraging or be a part of a public disturbance, which includes, but is not limited to, verbal or physical altercations, polluting or littering in Liberty, damaging property.
3 Obsidian vessels were totally wrecked, which have to be replaced.
Also I am not sure what this falls under but the Freelancer accepted money to actually attack Liberty Forces.
[28.08.2023 17:32:47] 1st|Knight;Black: greetings Raptor Squad
[28.08.2023 17:32:50] 1st|Raptor-11: what is the situation
[28.08.2023 17:32:51] 1st|Raptor-8: Moving in to help
[28.08.2023 17:33:12] 1st|Knight;Black: Powering Weapons
[28.08.2023 17:33:23] 1st|Knight;Black: On standby
[28.08.2023 17:33:32] 1st|Raptor-1-RC: Disengage for now
[28.08.2023 17:33:37] 1st|Raptor-8: Alright
[28.08.2023 17:35:51] 1st|Knight;Black: raptor Squadron all yours
[28.08.2023 17:35:59] 1st|Raptor-11: Sorry for being late
[28.08.2023 17:36:01] 1st|Raptor-1-RC: Roger that Knight
[28.08.2023 17:36:32] 1st|Raptor-11: There was an situaton at Minor with some wildlife in orbit
[28.08.2023 17:36:42] 1st|Raptor-11: I am kinda ok
[28.08.2023 17:36:44] 1st|Raptor-1-RC: roger that 11
[28.08.2023 17:36:54] Lava: Your Raptor guy seems to be struggling.
[28.08.2023 17:37:27] 1st|Raptor-8: Im sure he needs help
[28.08.2023 17:37:41] 1st|Raptor-11: Moving it to assist
[28.08.2023 17:38:01] 1st|Raptor-1-RC: 11 is assisting everyone else standby
[28.08.2023 17:39:03] Lava: Hey Raptor guys, for a small fee I can take him out.
[28.08.2023 17:39:07] 1st|Knight;Black: 11 provide cover for him
[28.08.2023 17:39:14] 1st|Raptor-1-RC: Not needed
[28.08.2023 17:39:25] Tobias_McMullen: Coward.
[28.08.2023 17:39:40] 1st|Raptor-1-RC: 11 take over engagement
[28.08.2023 17:39:48] Lava: Hey Tobias.
[28.08.2023 17:39:56] Lava: Same thing goes for you, I can take em off your hands.
[28.08.2023 17:40:06] Lava: I need drinking money.
[28.08.2023 17:40:06] 1st|Knight;Black: Pilot Lava Stand down
[28.08.2023 17:40:06] Tobias_McMullen: Sure.
[28.08.2023 17:40:18] Lava: Lets say, 1 million each?
[28.08.2023 17:40:23] Tobias_McMullen: Deal.
[28.08.2023 17:40:26] Lava: Alright.
[28.08.2023 17:40:28] Lava: Moving in.
[28.08.2023 17:40:38] 1st|Raptor-1-RC: Raptors engage targets
[28.08.2023 17:40:40] 1st|Raptor-8: Weapons ready
[28.08.2023 17:40:42] 1st|Raptor-8: Moving in to help
[28.08.2023 17:40:47] 1st|Knight;Black: powering weapon agaisnt Lava Pilot all fighters engage
[28.08.2023 17:42:21] CONSOLE: Base Long Island Station is under attack by MNS-Reina.Cristina!
[28.08.2023 17:42:33] A $19.800 credit bounty has been added to your reward pool.
[28.08.2023 17:42:37] A $19.800 credit bounty has been added to your reward pool.
[28.08.2023 17:45:02] Death: 1st|Raptor-8 was put out of action by Tobias_McMullen (Gun).
[28.08.2023 17:45:42] Death: 1st|Raptor-11 was put out of action by Lava (Gun).
[28.08.2023 17:46:05] Death: 1st|Knight;Black was put out of action by Tobias_McMullen (Gun).
[28.08.2023 17:46:12] Preparing to cloak...
[28.08.2023 17:46:26] Tobias_McMullen: Cowards.
[28.08.2023 17:46:33] Cloaking device on
[28.08.2023 17:47:05] Lava: Tell your superior to pay next time.
[28.08.2023 17:47:15] Teddy.Rizzler: Oh you guys are done with it already.
[28.08.2023 17:47:26] Teddy.Rizzler: Damned. So much for having fun.
Once again Admiral the Raptors have been in action, and caught someone else who had an improper vessel for passenger transport and safety.
I was with Raptor 14 our newest arrival to the team and was busy briefing him on the protocol and schedule for the day ahead ...... when,
Nulvo was stopped outside Planet Manhatten, and was carrying passengers in his hold and seemed to be a bit confused as to how he obtained the passengers, even though as per my scans they were clearly visible and crammed into a Borderworld container vessel, certainly NOT suitable for these passengers.
My conversation logs have been supplied, and as you can see he did not comply fully to our requests so this will now be handed to the Office of administration and I am recommending a fine of 500.000 Credits to this individual for now.
All Raptors have been informed to keep eyes open for this vessel in the near future.
1.3 Improper passenger conditions
Only Freighters, Armored "Pelican" Transport, Liners and Yachts may transport various classifications of passengers, excluding Prisoners.:
- - Border world transport
5. Obstructing justice
It is illegal to prevent, evade or delay the administration of justice. Examples are:
- Fleeing from an officer when ordered to stop via verbal command or cruise disruptor :
- Fleeing and docking without paying fine and releasing the passengers to us
[04.09.2023 19:37:20] 1st|Raptor-01-RC: Nulvo this is Vanguard from the 1st Armada Raptor squad
[04.09.2023 19:37:24] 1st|Raptor-01-RC: Please hold position for a routine scan
[04.09.2023 19:37:28] Nulvo: Greetings
[04.09.2023 19:37:32] Nulvo: You got it
[04.09.2023 19:37:44] 1st|Raptor-01-RC: Ok let me scan this
[04.09.2023 19:37:50] Nulvo: Mind if we hurry, iv got passengers travel sick.
[04.09.2023 19:37:50] 1st|Raptor-14: he is carrying Disruptor
[04.09.2023 19:37:57] 1st|Raptor-01-RC: Ahhhhh we have a problem straight away
[04.09.2023 19:38:28] B-1-M-E: Tarvellers sick from being all cramped up in small cargo space [04.09.2023 19:38:33] 1st|Raptor-01-RC: Care to tell me why you have passengers on a vessel not suitable for them under liberty law
[04.09.2023 19:38:52] Death: Folder_Blitz was put out of action by a hostile vessel.
[04.09.2023 19:38:56] 2023-09-04 19:38:56 SMT Traffic control alert: B-1-M-E has requested to dock
[04.09.2023 19:39:11] 1st|Raptor-01-RC: Please respond trader [04.09.2023 19:39:11] 1st|Raptor-14: Please answer the Question Pilot!
[04.09.2023 19:39:22] Nulvo: I wouldn't call it small, last resort from from NL was a hurry flight. I don't bother with passengers but from some reason
[04.09.2023 19:39:48] Nulvo: I guess they ran out of transports, beats me I just want them off my ship.
[04.09.2023 19:39:57] 1st|Raptor-01-RC: OK now this is a situation where we need to take those passengers off your hands and secure them safely
[04.09.2023 19:40:10] Nulvo: Yeah so your robbinh me now?
[04.09.2023 19:40:16] Nulvo: wow
By this time cruise disruptors were engaged after the vessel decided to try and dock at Manhatten.
[04.09.2023 19:40:37] Nulvo: you guys better quit
[04.09.2023 19:40:39] 1st|Raptor-14 has set Nulvo as group target.
[04.09.2023 19:40:42] Nulvo: thats now how you do it
[04.09.2023 19:40:42] 1st|Raptor-01-RC: You will comply
[04.09.2023 19:40:53] 1st|Raptor-14: move a muscle and you are dead Pilot
[04.09.2023 19:41:25] 1st|Raptor-14: you are already in violation of liberty code dont make it hard for yourself
[04.09.2023 19:41:29] 2023-09-04 19:41:29 SMT Traffic control alert: B-1-M-E has requested to dock
[04.09.2023 19:41:31] Nulvo: Didn't no the armada were pirates
[04.09.2023 19:41:41] 2023-09-04 19:41:41 SMT Traffic control alert: Nulvo has requested to dock
[04.09.2023 19:42:29] 2023-09-04 19:42:29 SMT Traffic control alert: 1st|Raptor-14 has requested to dock
[04.09.2023 19:43:04] Death: C::Thanos.Athanas was put out of action by 46th|Noel;Tizona (Gun).
An RGS shipping vessel callsign Karl.Meier stopped of his own accord, after I uncloaked my vessel at Manhatten after a stealth patrol of New York.
He basically chatted and I saked him his destination and he confirmed Magellan. I continued behind the trader to California just to keep things safe and make sure he was going the way he said. I left the trader at Planet Mojave and continued to Planet Los Angeles, where I proceeded to cloak once more for safety.
On reaching the Magellen jump gate area, the Hacker Cipher-8 appeared from the gate and stopped the trader. My logs have been supplied so you can see the conversation they had while I was close by watching under cloaked protocol.
And really to say he would do this, by telling the Hacker, roughly my location means this trader will have to be contacted and warned of his actions. I do not know if we can fine him, but that might also deter him from doing this again.
And as for Cipher-8, I am lead to believe this individual is dangerous and will need to be dealt with by our Spectre squad next time.
LAWS BROKEN by the Trader..
3. Hostile organizations
It is illegal to affiliate with, work for, possess identification, ship, equipment, technology or weaponry from these organizations:
- Lane Hackers
5. Obstructing justice.
It is illegal to prevent, evade or delay the administration of justice. Examples are:
- Other attempts to protect or hide criminals or evidence from Liberty Forces
ENCOUNTER IN NEW YORK..... then carried on my patrol
[06.09.2023 17:29:14] 1st|Raptor-1-RC: Greetings pilot
[06.09.2023 17:29:17] Death: Z'el suffered a self-inflicted catastrophic decompression.
[06.09.2023 17:29:21] Karl.Meier: hello officer
[06.09.2023 17:29:28] 1st|Raptor-1-RC: your destination is
[06.09.2023 17:29:44] Karl.Meier: Sir Magellan Sir
[06.09.2023 17:30:00] 1st|Raptor-1-RC: I see ... stay safe then .. off you go
[06.09.2023 17:30:13] Karl.Meier: Be safe out there
[06.09.2023 17:30:19] 1st|Raptor-1-RC: And you
[06.09.2023 17:31:40] Death: HMS-Cinnamon.Bunny suffered a self-inflicted catastrophic decompression.
Under cloaked protocol I witnessed this ...... after cloaking at Planet Los Angeles
[06.09.2023 17:33:37] Preparing to cloak...
[06.09.2023 17:33:58] Cloaking device on
[06.09.2023 17:34:50] Karl.Meier: wait
[06.09.2023 17:34:53] Karl.Meier: you again
[06.09.2023 17:34:58] Cipher-8: Looks like it.
[06.09.2023 17:35:06] Karl.Meier: just so you know
[06.09.2023 17:35:30] Karl.Meier: There are navy units near los Angeles
[06.09.2023 17:35:47] Cipher-8: Thank you.
[06.09.2023 17:35:50] Karl.Meier: Id leave if I were you
[06.09.2023 17:35:54] Karl.Meier: and let me be
[06.09.2023 17:35:57] Cipher-8: I doubt that they can take me on.
[06.09.2023 17:36:18] Cipher-8: Your warning doesn't scare me.
[06.09.2023 17:36:22] Karl.Meier: You let me go so I am returning the favor
[06.09.2023 17:36:35] Cipher-8: Go, before I change my mind.
[06.09.2023 17:36:44] Cipher-8: I am not here for you.
[06.09.2023 17:36:47] Karl.Meier: allright
A trader named, BigHaul, was present flying just past Planet Houston in Texas, and I happened to Scan him and asked him to stop immediately.
Then he decided to run from me, and as the scan revealed he had Slaves on board, that is the first law he broke, and the second is when he decided to run. Whilst running he also cut the end of every lane that he passed through, but I persisted in my pursuit. He proceeded through Virginia and also cut the lanes, then decided to enter Omicron NU, and by this time I was not about to let this fellow escape.
Once in Omicron NU I decided to make it clear that he would not be free from prosecution or other possible consequences, so after persistance, he decided to stop. Once stopped I immediately called for some Pegasus vessels to help with the Slaves. As per my logs the full operation is available there, and it has proved that the Pegasus vessels have become more and more vital to our operations throughout Liberty
LAWS BROKEN by the Trader..
1.1 Contraband commodities
It is illegal to have any amount of these commodities:
- Slaves
1.3 Improper passenger conditions
Only Freighters, Armored "Pelican" Transport, Liners and Yachts may transport various classifications of passengers, excluding Prisoners.
As in helping the Hacker to track my whereabouts
-Blackmarket Gallic Transport
4.1 Restricted equipment
Possessing identification, ship, equipment or weaponry from known hostiles is restricted. List of approved special licenses has registered exceptions granted via Special Licenses Center.
Possession of Black Market technology or equipment of any sorts is restricted.
Photo evidence supplied....
5. Obstructing justice
It is illegal to prevent, evade or delay the administration of justice. Examples are:
- Fleeing from an officer when ordered to stop via verbal command or cruise disruptor.
So far I think my longest list of Law's broken so far, so this was a very important catch, and also reflected the need for PEGASUS operational support.
[10.09.2023 15:20:55] 1st|Raptor-01-RC: BigHaul this is Vanguard from the 1st Armada Raptor squad
[10.09.2023 15:20:59] 1st|Raptor-01-RC: Please hold position for a routine scan
[10.09.2023 15:21:04] BigHaul: No way chief.
[10.09.2023 15:21:08] BigHaul: I got places to be!
[10.09.2023 15:21:21] 1st|Raptor-01-RC: NO Way eh ..... well prepare to be disabled
[10.09.2023 15:22:10] Preparing to cloak...
[10.09.2023 15:22:30] Cloaking device on
[10.09.2023 15:24:31] BigHaul: Phew! I think I shaked him off.
[10.09.2023 15:24:39] Cloaking device off
[10.09.2023 15:24:47] 1st|Raptor-01-RC: HA not on your life
[10.09.2023 15:24:57] BigHaul: Very persistent!
[10.09.2023 15:25:13] 1st|Raptor-01-RC: Very and you will be stopped
[10.09.2023 15:25:27] BigHaul: We'll see about that chief.
[10.09.2023 15:25:40] 1st|Raptor-01-RC: I have evidence of your Cargo its futile anyway
[10.09.2023 15:26:00] 1st|Raptor-01-RC: Either stop or face consequences of your crime
[10.09.2023 15:26:27] BigHaul: Alright alright. I'll stop. Just don't shoot, okay?
[10.09.2023 15:27:01] BigHaul: Well, you cought me with my hands in the cookie jar. So to speak.
[10.09.2023 15:27:04] 1st|Raptor-01-RC: Also the vessel you have is restricted within Liberty
[10.09.2023 15:27:15] BigHaul: It... it is?
[10.09.2023 15:27:21] BigHaul: I wasn't aware.
[10.09.2023 15:27:29] 1st|Raptor-01-RC: So basically you have contravined at least 3 liberty laws
[10.09.2023 15:27:41] BigHaul: What's the 3rd one?
[10.09.2023 15:27:58] 1st|Raptor-01-RC: illegal vessel ... illegal cargo for the vessel .... and running from an officer
[10.09.2023 15:28:07] BigHaul: Oh, right. Right.
[10.09.2023 15:28:11] 1st|Raptor-01-RC: Please standby
[10.09.2023 15:28:25] BigHaul: I'm not going anywhere.
[10.09.2023 15:29:08] 1st|Raptor-01-RC: OK so ..... basically we need those PASSENGERS of yours released .... then we need a fine from you
[10.09.2023 15:29:44] BigHaul: Very well. I think I saw a liner back at the gate. Supose we can drop them off there?
[10.09.2023 15:29:46] 1st|Raptor-01-RC: SO you need to return to the Oregon to release the passenger
[10.09.2023 15:30:01] BigHaul: Got it.
[10.09.2023 15:30:05] 1st|Raptor-01-RC: Please proceed with me following you
[10.09.2023 15:30:59] 1st|Raptor-01-RC: Glad you have complied Sir so I may be a bit lenient with the fine
[10.09.2023 15:31:30] BigHaul: Yeah, yeah. Appreciated.
[10.09.2023 15:31:50] 1st|Raptor-01-RC: So you can pay me a fine of 300.000 Credits please before you dock
[10.09.2023 15:32:01] BigHaul: Very well.
[10.09.2023 15:32:09] 1st|Raptor-01-RC: ACTUALLY please wait outside the Oregon DO NOT dock
[10.09.2023 15:32:15] [2023-09-10] 15:32:16 You have received 300.000 credits from BigHaul
[10.09.2023 15:32:20] BigHaul: Right-o.
[10.09.2023 15:32:37] 1st|Raptor-01-RC: I have a Pegasus Unit on the way to recover the passengers
[10.09.2023 15:32:49] 1st|Raptor-01-RC: Please hold here
[10.09.2023 15:33:00] BigHaul: Holding.
[10.09.2023 15:33:04] 1st|Raptor-01-RC: I wont keep you too long
[10.09.2023 15:33:45] BigHaul: So, I guess the Gallic criminal groups are considered enemies of Liberty? Yes?
[10.09.2023 15:34:19] 1st|Raptor-01-RC: It is the BLACKMARKET vessel that is illegal Sir
[10.09.2023 15:34:26] 1st|Raptor-01-RC: Greetings pegasus
[10.09.2023 15:34:38] BigHaul: Ah. Yes, yes. That makes sence.
[10.09.2023 15:34:47] 1st|Raptor-01-RC: Trader please transfer the Slaves
[10.09.2023 15:35:15] BigHaul: I don't think that ship if your can carry them.
[10.09.2023 15:35:40] 1st|Raptor-01-RC: Give them to PAGASUS please
[10.09.2023 15:36:07] BigHaul: Well, Pegasus's hold is full chief.
[10.09.2023 15:36:23] BigHaul: Trying to cram more of those guys in there will be worse.
[10.09.2023 15:36:25] 1st|PEGASUS-Ironclad: Oh my!
[10.09.2023 15:36:25] 1st|Raptor-01-RC: IT is ..... Hmmmmmm
[10.09.2023 15:36:30] 1st|PEGASUS-Ironclad: Please hold
[10.09.2023 15:36:36] 1st|Raptor-01-RC: Give him a second ....
[10.09.2023 15:36:36] 1st|PEGASUS-Ironclad: We will be back
[10.09.2023 15:37:46] BigHaul: You guys might need bigger ships, if you are catching slavers this often. Haha!
[10.09.2023 15:38:00] 1st|Raptor-01-RC: Sorry Trader we are getting another Pegasus on scene
[10.09.2023 15:38:23] BigHaul: Mhm.
[10.09.2023 15:38:24] 1st|Raptor-01-RC: Keeping the Slaves safe .... so to speak
[10.09.2023 15:38:54] BigHaul: Ahoy freelancer!
[10.09.2023 15:39:01] Charmagne: hi
[10.09.2023 15:39:08] 2023-09-10 15:39:09 SMT Traffic control alert: Charmagne has requested to dock
[10.09.2023 15:39:08] 2023-09-10 15:39:09 SMT Traffic control alert: Charmagne has requested to dock
[10.09.2023 15:39:08] 1st|Raptor-01-RC: Trader once we get him here where is your next stop
[10.09.2023 15:39:47] BigHaul: I was gonna go to Gallia.
[10.09.2023 15:40:38] 1st|PEGASUS-Ironclad: Another vessel will arrive
[10.09.2023 15:40:47] 1st|PEGASUS-Ironclad: Now, where did you get these people
[10.09.2023 15:41:22] BigHaul: I.. don't think it's wise for me to expose my sources.
[10.09.2023 15:41:39] 1st|PEGASUS-Ironclad: Boy, you are a slaver - do you want to be seen as one?:
[10.09.2023 15:41:53] 1st|PEGASUS-Ironclad: So you won't even make up a story? You just got the slaves and protect the source? *angry*
[10.09.2023 15:43:00] 1st|Raptor-01-RC: The other Pegasus is en route sorry for the delay trader
[10.09.2023 15:43:04] 1st|PEGASUS-Ironclad: Just talk son, you have nothing to lose here
[10.09.2023 15:43:13] BigHaul: Okay fine. I got them from the junkers at texas.
[10.09.2023 15:43:18] 1st|PEGASUS-Ironclad: Damn Junkers!
[10.09.2023 15:43:29] 1st|PEGASUS-Ironclad: Well, let's hear names
[10.09.2023 15:43:35] 1st|PEGASUS-Ironclad: What do you know - who is involved son
[10.09.2023 15:43:37] 1st|Raptor-01-RC: So the junkers are betraying Liberty aswell
[10.09.2023 15:43:52] 1st|PEGASUS-Ironclad: The Junkers know how to work the law sadly
[10.09.2023 15:43:57] 1st|PEGASUS-Ironclad: Hard to pin them down
[10.09.2023 15:44:09] BigHaul: Hey hey, I just buy the goods. I don't know no more details. Besides, traders change often. Names will do no good.
[10.09.2023 15:44:38] 1st|PEGASUS-Ironclad: Are you covering someone son? Are there really so many vile slavers in Liberty?
[10.09.2023 15:44:42] 1st|PEGASUS-Ironclad: And where were you headed
[10.09.2023 15:45:11] BigHaul: I feel like I am being asked too many questions. Don't you need like a warrant for this or something?
[10.09.2023 15:45:12] 1st|PEGASUS-Ironclad: Who pays for these poor souls
[10.09.2023 15:45:42] 1st|Raptor-01-RC: We dont need warrants we just need info Sir
[10.09.2023 15:45:57] 1st|PEGASUS-Ironclad: The other ship is here
[10.09.2023 15:46:00] 1st|Raptor-01-RC: Greetings Southwar
[10.09.2023 15:46:11] BigHaul: great. I can give you these guys and be out of here.
[10.09.2023 15:46:12] 1st|Raptor-01-RC: Now trader hand those slaves over please
[10.09.2023 15:46:15] 1st|PEGASUS-Ironclad: Release the slaves and you are free to go, but...find a new line of work
[10.09.2023 15:46:20] 1st|Pegasus-Southwark: Hey ... slave on board?
[10.09.2023 15:46:26] 1st|PEGASUS-Ironclad: Yes, he will release them to you
[10.09.2023 15:46:31] 1st|Raptor-01-RC: Raptors will be watching you ...Sir
[10.09.2023 15:46:51] BigHaul: I do feel pretty watched, yes.
[10.09.2023 15:47:05] 1st|Raptor-01-RC: Ok Trader you are free to go
[10.09.2023 15:47:09] 1st|Raptor-01-RC: Have a good day
[10.09.2023 15:47:14] 1st|PEGASUS-Ironclad: Very well, let's get these back to Texas, not to a damn Junker base
[10.09.2023 15:47:17] BigHaul: So, that was exciting. All the slaves are presumably free now. I'll be going!
[10.09.2023 15:47:26] 1st|PEGASUS-Ironclad: Destination: Houston, lead the way please RC
[10.09.2023 15:47:29] 1st|Raptor-01-RC: Thankyou trader
[10.09.2023 15:47:39] 1st|Pegasus-Southwark: we save Slaves ... uhuuuuu
[10.09.2023 15:47:44] BigHaul: Appreciate that you call me trader, instead of slav- bye!
[10.09.2023 15:47:47] 2023-09-10 15:47:47 SMT Traffic control alert: BigHaul has requested to dock
[10.09.2023 15:47:55] 1st|PEGASUS-Ironclad: you better not be a slaver anymore son!
[10.09.2023 15:47:58] 1st|PEGASUS-Ironclad: I trust you
[10.09.2023 15:49:19] 1st|Raptor-01-RC: All clear so far guys
[10.09.2023 15:51:44] 1st|PEGASUS-Ironclad: Following your lead, RC
[10.09.2023 15:56:06] 1st|PEGASUS-Ironclad: Where are they snatching these poor souls from!
[10.09.2023 15:56:13] 1st|PEGASUS-Ironclad: Slavery is the worst crime in my eyes
[10.09.2023 15:56:16] 1st|Raptor-01-RC: I would like to find out
[10.09.2023 15:56:39] 1st|Raptor-01-RC: Seems like a job for Raptors
[10.09.2023 15:56:49] 1st|PEGASUS-Ironclad: Well, and us sir
[10.09.2023 15:56:59] 1st|PEGASUS-Ironclad: We can't just let slaves be roaming in space when freed
[10.09.2023 15:57:00] 1st|Raptor-01-RC: yes that will work too
[10.09.2023 15:57:34] 1st|PEGASUS-Ironclad: Excellent save there Sir!
[10.09.2023 15:57:42] 1st|PEGASUS-Ironclad: Who knows what would have happened to these people
[10.09.2023 15:57:48] 1st|Raptor-01-RC: Thankyou
[10.09.2023 15:58:10] 1st|Raptor-01-RC: Destination reached lease Hold Pegasus vessels
[10.09.2023 15:58:34] 1st|PEGASUS-Ironclad: Carena please stand clear, we have urgent mission - these slaves were just freed by us!
[10.09.2023 15:58:41] 1st|PEGASUS-Ironclad: Please move away from the mooring apparatus
[10.09.2023 15:58:49] 1st|Raptor-01-RC: Please dock you two evidence secure
[10.09.2023 15:58:51] 1st|PEGASUS-Ironclad: Thank you
[10.09.2023 15:59:02] 1st|PEGASUS-Ironclad: Understood, Manhattan, we need urgent medical care for these freed persons!
[10.09.2023 15:59:09] 1st|PEGASUS-Ironclad: Ironclad on approach
[10.09.2023 15:59:12] 2023-09-10 15:59:13 SMT Traffic control alert: 1st|PEGASUS-Ironclad has requested to dock
[10.09.2023 15:59:30] 1st|Raptor-01-RC: Thanks guys another success
[10.09.2023 15:59:31] 1st|PEGASUS-Ironclad: People secured, permission to return to Virginia sir?
[10.09.2023 15:59:40] Death: L\-Katalia.Luna was put out of action by 46th|Mahina.Kamealoha (Gun).
[10.09.2023 15:59:40] 1st|Raptor-01-RC: Permission Granted
[10.09.2023 15:59:49] 1st|Raptor-01-RC: Stay safe Pegasus
[10.09.2023 15:59:50] 2023-09-10 15:59:50 SMT Traffic control alert: 1st|Pegasus-Southwark has requested to dock
[10.09.2023 15:59:55] 1st|PEGASUS-Ironclad: Understood alutes: Nice flying, Southwark :does air high five:
RECIPIENT: Admiral Van-Leer
Another patrol has revealed
An Individual called Eden, who after my initial scan, had Nomad Technology on his vessel, and after numerous requests to dock and get rid of the said weapons, he refused.
Once he refused I initiated engagement protocol and after a while, it was clear that my vessel was not suitable for the fight, seeing as I was in my Havoc-MkII Bomber.
After the target downed my shield I used my quick reactions to engage my cloaking device and succesfully managed to evade and live another day.
This individual is dangerous and seriously needs to be caught, as he has no regard what so ever for Law Enforcement.
LAWS BROKEN by the Eden ..
4.1 Restricted equipment
Possessing identification, ship, equipment or weaponry from known hostiles is restricted.
Adapted Nomad Weapons
3. Hostile organizations.
It is illegal to affiliate with, work for, possess identification, ship, equipment, technology or weaponry from these organizations:
- Nomads
5. Obstructing justice
It is illegal to prevent, evade or delay the administration of justice.
- Other attempts to protect or hide criminals or evidence from Liberty Forces
7. Assault
It is illegal to assault Liberty forces unless specifically ordered by the high command of Primary Fleets.
[14.09.2023 21:09:13] 1st|Raptor-01-RC: Junker .... Good day
[14.09.2023 21:09:23] SR}The.Ripper: Ripper: Oh hello there
[14.09.2023 21:09:55] SR}The.Ripper: Ralph the Ripper here, Wanna hit a deal?
[14.09.2023 21:10:13] SR}The.Ripper: Ripper: Best metal parts from alover Republic, Some are even glowing. Buy now and be proud. Miss and call it shame.
[14.09.2023 21:10:18] 1st|Raptor-01-RC: What kind of deal ??
[14.09.2023 21:10:48] 1st|Raptor-01-RC: Glowing ??
[14.09.2023 21:10:53] SR}The.Ripper: Ripper: You see these fields?
[14.09.2023 21:10:58] 1st|Raptor-01-RC: Greetings Sentinel
[14.09.2023 21:11:03] 1st|PEGASUS-Sentinel: Good day sir
[14.09.2023 21:11:08] 1st|PEGASUS-Sentinel: Last delivery is on it'sway
[14.09.2023 21:11:14] SR}The.Ripper: R: These are rich ones. Big treasures
[14.09.2023 21:11:46] 1st|Raptor-01-RC: Hmmmmmm .... seems fishy this deal of yours
[14.09.2023 21:11:46] Rules Tip: Do not threaten a player with reports or sanctions. If you see someone breaking server rules - help them. If that does not work - report them to the administration team on the Forums.
[14.09.2023 21:11:49] SR}The.Ripper: R: Death machines, Gloveboxes, Powerplants
[14.09.2023 21:12:06] OS&C|Onella.Vess: Greetings?
[14.09.2023 21:12:18] SR}The.Ripper: R: Naaa never. Only fishy thingies are ones stealing my precious
[14.09.2023 21:12:41] SR}The.Ripper: R:But you not, youre one creating precious
[14.09.2023 21:12:50] 1st|Raptor-01-RC: Never been sure, whether I trust Junkers to be honest
[14.09.2023 21:13:21] SR}The.Ripper: R: Ripper also doesn't trust everybody. Especially ones who steal precious
[14.09.2023 21:13:45] 1st|Raptor-01-RC: And what is precious exactly
[14.09.2023 21:14:04] 1st|Raptor-01-RC: Eden this is Vanguard from the 1st Armada Raptor squad
[14.09.2023 21:14:07] 1st|Raptor-01-RC: Please hold position for a routine scan
[14.09.2023 21:14:08] Eden: That so?
[14.09.2023 21:14:41] 1st|Raptor-01-RC: Those Nomad weapons where you get them from
[14.09.2023 21:14:59] Eden: A freeport some ways from here.
[14.09.2023 21:14:59] SR}The.Ripper: R: Precious are everywhere
[14.09.2023 21:15:06] Eden: Nowhere under your jurisdiction.
[14.09.2023 21:15:28] 1st|Raptor-01-RC: Those are ILLEGAL in Liberty .....
[14.09.2023 21:15:44] Eden: Well, I'm certainly not getting rid of them
[14.09.2023 21:15:50] SR}The.Ripper: R: Ah so you dont like glowies?
[14.09.2023 21:15:52] Eden: so I guess we're at something of an impasse.
[14.09.2023 21:15:52] 1st|Raptor-01-RC: OH yes you are
[14.09.2023 21:16:01] SR}The.Ripper: R: Glad i've sold em earlier
[14.09.2023 21:16:05] Eden: Look. I am not here to cause trouble for you.
[14.09.2023 21:16:20] Eden: So, either you let me go, and I go on my merry way, or you make a bigger issue than this needs to be
[14.09.2023 21:16:24] 1st|Raptor-01-RC: Ditch the weapons onto the shipyard or be disabled
[14.09.2023 21:16:30] Eden: I kill you, and sell your ship's constituent components for scrap at Rochester.
[14.09.2023 21:16:36] Eden: Ball's in your park, buddy.
[14.09.2023 21:16:38] Eden: I don't want a fight.
[14.09.2023 21:16:51] 1st|Raptor-01-RC: Ok you asked for it
[14.09.2023 21:16:56] 1st|Raptor-01-RC: weapons hot
[14.09.2023 21:16:58] Eden: Think real careful, friend.
[14.09.2023 21:17:04] SR}The.Ripper: R: Oi there whats in space belongs to Ripper
[14.09.2023 21:17:13] Eden: Last chance mate.
[14.09.2023 21:17:18] Eden: I'm willing to let this all go.
[14.09.2023 21:17:35] Eden: Alright.
[14.09.2023 21:17:43] Eden: Don't say I didn't warn you.
[14.09.2023 21:17:58] SR}The.Ripper: R; Good more precious
[14.09.2023 21:19:02] SR}The.Ripper: Ripper: Best metal parts from alover Republic, Some are even glowing. Buy now and be proud. Miss and call it shame.
[14.09.2023 21:20:55] SR}The.Ripper: R: Oi seems the new collectibles will be of Navy origin
[14.09.2023 21:21:05] Eden: The parts are mine, Junker,
[14.09.2023 21:21:17] Preparing to cloak...
[14.09.2023 21:21:28] Death: Naitram was put out of action by a hostile vessel.
[14.09.2023 21:21:37] Cloaking device on
[14.09.2023 21:21:41] SR}The.Ripper: R: Oh comon you can't fit all of'em on your little sloop
[14.09.2023 21:21:55] Eden: *shrug* it is what it is.
[14.09.2023 21:22:10] SR}The.Ripper: R: huh?
[14.09.2023 21:22:27] SR}The.Ripper: R; Where did he go?
[14.09.2023 21:22:31] Eden: The man cloaked. Regrettably we won't be able to come to any sort of deal in this particular situation, or so it seems anyway
[14.09.2023 21:22:38] Cloaking device shutdown, no fuel
[14.09.2023 21:22:38] Cloaking device off
[14.09.2023 21:22:54] Eden: See you, Junker.
Admiral after receiving these details from Captain Libby Harrison, I am reporting it in, as she has been unwell and resting lately.
Gordino a Gull Transport, was transporting 1000 units of Artifacts, the vessel complied according to the logs that Libby sent me, but it looks as if he has a bit of a problem with foul language, so I have suggested that the Raptors take over this case and closely watch this one.
Case is closed so far as he complied with all of the Captains requests. Also I should mention 1st|LNS-Damocles, who initially had stopped the trader while myself and 1st|Pegasus-Kailu were on our way back from a secret mission.
LAWS BROKEN by the Trader..
1.1 Contraband commodities
It is illegal to have any amount of these commodities:
- Artifacts = 1000 units
NO further action is needed, apart from the Raptors being briefed on this fellows actions, and he will be closely monitored.
[14.09.2023 19:19:26] 1st|Libby~Harrison: Greetings damocles
[14.09.2023 19:19:34] 1st|LNS-Damocles: RO: Afternoon, captain.
[14.09.2023 19:19:39] [FP12]-Lord.Balmidor: CC>Greetings
[14.09.2023 19:19:44] 1st|Libby~Harrison: What do we have here
[14.09.2023 19:20:00] Gordino: Hey look at that more Liberty assholes to ruin my day
[14.09.2023 19:20:07] 1st|Libby~Harrison: OHHHH ..... another smuggler
[14.09.2023 19:20:28] 1st|LNS-Damocles: RO: Universal shipping cargo vessel, your cargo hold has been scanned and you're cleared to procced.
[14.09.2023 19:20:39] 1st|Libby~Harrison: Listen .... buddy drop the cargo for the PEGASUS then we will fine you for your foul language
[14.09.2023 19:21:04] Gordino: want me to jettison it?
[14.09.2023 19:21:16] 1st|Libby~Harrison: Drop the crago buddy or Damocles will disable you
[14.09.2023 19:21:17] [FP12]-Lord.Balmidor: poor fool
[14.09.2023 19:21:25] Gordino: okok
[14.09.2023 19:21:28] 1st|Libby~Harrison: YES jetison immediately
[14.09.2023 19:21:44] Gordino: there you go
[14.09.2023 19:21:45] 1st|Libby~Harrison: Kailu please collect the Contraband
[14.09.2023 19:21:56] 1st|Pegasus-Kailu: ok capt
[14.09.2023 19:21:59] 1st|Libby~Harrison: Excellent
[14.09.2023 19:22:07] 1st|Libby~Harrison: NOW then trader
[14.09.2023 19:22:22] 1st|Libby~Harrison: Damocles have you discussed a fine yet
[14.09.2023 19:22:31] 1st|LNS-Damocles: RO: Negative.
[14.09.2023 19:22:58] 1st|Libby~Harrison: Ok trader send Damocles 500.000 credits as a first offence fine
[14.09.2023 19:23:25] Gordino: 500k!!? .. fuckin hell .. alright
[14.09.2023 19:23:27] 1st|Libby~Harrison: Damocles please verify receipt of fine
[14.09.2023 19:23:35] 1st|LNS-Damocles: RO: Awaiting payment.
[14.09.2023 19:23:39] 1st|Libby~Harrison: Watch your tone Trader
[14.09.2023 19:23:42] 2023-09-14 19:23:43 SMT Traffic control alert: Vic.McStone has requested to dock
[14.09.2023 19:23:53] [FP12]-Lord.Balmidor: the democles one i mean
[14.09.2023 19:23:59] Gordino: enjoy it .. *sigh*
[14.09.2023 19:24:34] Gordino: so can i go now?
[14.09.2023 19:24:43] 1st|Libby~Harrison: Wait one moment
[14.09.2023 19:24:58] 1st|LNS-Damocles: RO: No confirmation on payment. Did you send to the correct ship?
[14.09.2023 19:25:15] 1st|Libby~Harrison: So from now on you will be monitored for compliance of LEGAL goods ..... any more illegal goods will mean more fines
[14.09.2023 19:25:16] Gordino: i sent it to you i think .. one sec
[14.09.2023 19:25:42] Gordino: there
[14.09.2023 19:25:45] 1st|LNS-Damocles: RO: Payment confirmed.
[14.09.2023 19:25:47] 1st|Libby~Harrison: Our Raptors will be on your case trader .....
[14.09.2023 19:25:51] 1st|LNS-Damocles: RO: You're clear.
[14.09.2023 19:25:54] Gordino: sure sure
[14.09.2023 19:26:02] 1st|Libby~Harrison: Now next time also watch your tone ...... now get lost