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Name: Augustus Howe Identification: The Platform, Black Flame Encryption Access:HIGH Location: Battleship Klaxon, Sigma-15 Subject: Wichter Access
Friends in the ALG,
I recently had the pleasure of speaking with the captain of your gunboat Schneesturm in the vicinity of the Norddorf. He invited me to reach out to you to arrange for mooring rights at Wichter itself for the Klaxon; which I am sure your man has already informed you of, and thus needs little introduction. Unfortunately, the Klaxon is in a sorry state.
In the final year or so of the existence of the Insurgent Navy, the Klaxon received exactly no service beyond occasional replacement of water filters, and despite their generosity, the Bundschuh have not been much better equipped to service a ship of our size. Your field agents suggested that some sort of deferred payment scheme or "alternative" compensation methods would be appropriate in this situation. I do hope that they spoke on good authority, as our recent deployment to Omega-7 to defend the Guild operations in the system was unfortunately not met with much in the way of financial compensation.
Still, I feel that reaching out now, more than ever, is prudent given that we are directly allied in the struggle against the Outcast-sympathizing colonizers of Norddorf Refinery. If the Klaxon is to be of much assistance in forcibly evicting the refinery's inhabitants, some measure of urgent repairs are called for. Please let me know how we can make this work; as a provisional proposal, the Klaxon is fitted with a large amount of advanced equipment which, while in dire need of maintenance, holds many secrets that may be of interest to ALG's engineers or to Division V.
Thank you for your time.
Cmdr. Augustus Howe The Black Flame “Iudicium per ignem”
ID: Kai Richter
From: Wichter Station Subject: Wichter Access
Commander Howe,
Richter here.
Any Bundschuh affiliate is welcome at Wichter. The drydocks certainly have the capacity to service a ship like the Klaxon, but will likely need some setup time to optimize the specific mooring arrangements for ease of access. We can obviously provide fuel, basic panel repairs, and standardized components without any prior arrangement, but if you require more specialized replacement parts, it'd be helpful to get advance notice. We should be able to manufacture or source most anything needed.
No worries about compensation, our cooperation doesn't come with strings attached. As long as we are aligned in our goals, pursuing them is the objective that matters.
Regarding some of the specialty equipment, R&D would likely be highly interested in its operation. Expect to see some inquisitive eggheads when you berth.
As for Norddorf, there's little to say. Your and my crews are on the same information status regarding it, and our common effort will continue as possible and needed.
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Name: Augustus Howe Identification: The Platform, Black Flame Encryption Access:HIGH Location: Battleship Klaxon, Sigma-15 Subject:ʀᴇ: Wichter Access
Mr. Richter,
With the Norddorf operation being essentially a failure, it has become more clear than ever that we must accelerate our timeline in regards to repairs and refits for the Klaxon. First of all, I will share with you the results of Lieutenant-Commander Schlesinger's assessments of the ship, as it is quite a daunting list of hurdles indeed.
Auxiliary thrusters have degraded to approximately fifty percent capacity. Even the sixty-seven percent output we were receiving during the Norddorf operation was insufficient for maneuverability, likely exacerbated by the conditions of the nebulae, but restoring full functionality to propulsion is a major concern. This will likely require sufficient overclocking of the reactor core. The primary agent cause of degradation remains unknown.
Starboard reactor containment struts are critically damaged, with corrosion having progressed rapidly from last assessment two months prior. A few well-placed shots could breach reactor containment entirely, leading to runaway plasma discharges with catastrophic consequences. As is, a single hyperspace jump is a risky bet. Quality titanium-alloy replacement struts are exceptionally hard to come by, particularly given the vastly different dimensions of prefab materials utilized on the 'Monument'-class versus comparable Rheinland designs, and inferior materials would be entirely insufficient for the task assuming that reactor core overclocking proves to be necessary.
Primary drive system efficiency has been greatly lowered over time due to the necessity of frequent ion scrubbing. The lack of proper warship berths and associated equipment has meant that frigate-scale ion scrubbing systems have been employed and fuel catalyst transport mechanisms have physically degraded as a result. Several catalyst conveyances will likely require full replacement. The matter is further complicated by our inability to fully depower the reactor core -- necessitating full shutdown of all systems, include life support -- as neither Bruchsal nor Bielefeld possess sufficient capacity to hold the Klaxon's entire crew in addition to the large populations of refugees still awaiting resettlement currently aboard both installations.
The aging reactor core, an Ageira M87-A2Bf "Hailstorm" model dating from 784 AS, is perhaps the most grievous concern. Due to specific design considerations of the 'Monument'-class, it is integrated into the ship itself to such a degree that a full replacement would be infeasible without months of work at a properly-equipped military shipyard. As such, we are limited to spot repairs and patch jobs. Every such repair is extremely hazardous even with full shutdown of all non-essential systems, and supplies as basic as insulated gloves fit for internal systems electrical work have been in short supply aboard our home for multiple years running. With the arms race in Sirius showing no signs of stopping, and indeed accelerating in pace with ever-increasing haste, drawing sufficient power for new and advanced weaponry becomes less a question of fuel management and more a question of crew safety -- our last engagement saw an electrical fire break out in a gunnery cabin before a single shot had been either fired or taken. We require a solution that is more than short-term, yet even with the ALG's resources at our disposal, a truly long-term management strategy may be infeasible. The situation is exacerbated by the Klaxon's special-access equipment, namely the LIS-EX-816-issue cloaking device and hyperspace jump drive. Platform engineers have been hard at work devising an alternative to our conventional cloaking device, yet the winds of change are blowing us in the direction of also requiring even more advanced long-range scanners so as to afford us sufficient time for pre-battle positioning in engagements against the empires of both Crete and Berlin alike. Managing this issue will be our most severe long-term challenge.
In short, Mr. Richter, the mere repair of the Klaxon to provide her with basic combat functionality alone is a herculean task, and one that I do not request of your corporation lightly. Long-term maintenance and ensuring her viability as more than a firefight-capable hotel for us wayward souls is a nigh sisyphean endeavour, and one that will require significant investment as well as careful planning, load-balancing, and active systems prioritization. Regardless, said long-term viability is something that we do not ask you to ensure at the present moment, as it will assuredly require cooperation from multiple different parties with an active and vested interest.
I understand that even addressing the Klaxon's immediate concerns shall be quite difficult, and I will use what limited sway I have within the Platform to ensure that materials shipments are rerouted toward Wichter to lighten the load on your people as much as possible. At your say-so, we will reposition to your drydocks so that your people can assist ours, and you and I, alongside our respective relevant personnel, can discuss how to go forward from there as needed.
With the utmost respect.
Cmdr. Augustus Howe The Black Flame “Iudicium per ignem”
ID: Simon Giraud
From: Wichter Station Subject: A project
Mr Howe,
Good day to you, Mr Howe. I am Simon Giraud, and I head the spacecraft engineering department at ALG's Research and Development Division. Director Richter has forwarded this communication to us, I imagine the unfittingness of this task to his soldier's mind became obvious to him swiftly.
Unlike this list of concerns, I must keep my response quite short for now. Berth the vessel at Wichter. I will assemble a team and head it into investigation. Expect some time to be taken for this, but I assure, it will be placed high upon the priority list. It is indeed a type of project which I hold great personal interest in.