I have an incredibly kind friend that wishes to share the rewards with me, but, the list leaves me somewhat at a loss.
My main issue with the rewards is the rather odd amount of weapons 1st place competitors get. 3x Rewards? Really? For snub players, it completely invalidates the option of picking those codenames as it's not even a full loadout on a snub. The list itself also feels sort of underwhelming, I guess? I am not sure what the thought process was for this, but, it heavily favours cap players which would be fine of course if fighters could at least get a set worth of codes for the effort that was put into the event.
(07-13-2024, 09:13 PM)Chuba Wrote: I have an incredibly kind friend that wishes to share the rewards with me, but, the list leaves me somewhat at a loss.
My main issue with the rewards is the rather odd amount of weapons 1st place competitors get. 3x Rewards? Really? For snub players, it completely invalidates the option of picking those codenames as it's not even a full loadout on a snub. The list itself also feels sort of underwhelming, I guess? I am not sure what the thought process was for this, but, it heavily favours cap players which would be fine of course if fighters could at least get a set worth of codes for the effort that was put into the event.
You could get whatever sells for the highest and just buy the snub codes you want~
The rewards were made clear from the beginning, they were picked based on stuff related to gold (crafting components etc) which is why they kinda feel ecclectic XD
I have 8 kills for Corsairs, (-Orchard-), DTR-CC>Puerto.Rico, and DTR-CC>Averof.Cornelius, thought I had one on DTR-CC>Averof;Cornelius (yes its a different ship, semi-colon instead of period) too but maybe I am wrong
If I am correct, I should be able to place 3rd place for mollies? If so give DTR-CC>Puerto.Rico a Battlecruiser Moonfire Turret
I updated the leaderboard on the first page with the latest information I have. Please let me know if I missed anything, or if you actually deserve a spot on the leaderboard based on your total score.
For winning 3rd place in unlawful deliveries as SCRA|CPS-Gdynia, I will ask for a Sourdough title on this account and a Battlecruiser Moonfire Turret for the [GN]GNS-Flandre ship.