Section IV: Other (OoRP Section)
NOTE: Skype is a requirement for communication purposes
Skype name: Stefixsrb
Timezone:GMT + 1
Please provide a summary of how active you think you will be in the Order|? Example: What hours do you come online? Do you check the forums regularly?
i come after school, that would be 19.00 GMT +1 and i play weekends more and i check forums regularly
Have you ever been sanctioned on the Discovery RP 24/7 Server? If so, please provide details.
Yes, but by mistake. I sent swear to private channel, i said to that guy im sorry and it was meaned for grp, he didn't answered anything and reported me. Now i don't swear ANYMORE, doesn't mather in what situation i am
Do you agree to be excellent, follow and the rules of the server and forums, and to respect the admin and moderation team and your fellow players?
Name: Michal Golanski
Gender: Male
Age: 19 years
Height: 182 cm
Weight: 75 kg
Section II: About You
Why do you want to join the Primary Fleet?
Due to my long service in secondary fleet and invitation of one captain from primary fleet.
How long have you been in the Secondary (Independent) Fleet?
Longer than 3 months
What do you think you can bring to us in the Primary Fleet
My ship firepower, helping in research projets, covert and recon actions around Sirius including Gallia
Please rate your combat skills out of 10 (10 being the best) (Please note: Having a higher score does not affect your application)
6/10 - Sometimes happen to hit keeper with a SNAC, but I need training.
Section III: Pilot History
Please provide a brief history of yourself.
Some things you can include are;
* Your Origin
* About your personality
* Any previous ventures you have undergone
Pilot born on planet Crete with ancient Earth Polish heritage. Serving as deep space patrol man lost around Omega's. Assumed as dead or infected Golanski managed to escape from Wild controlled space and began short career of freelancer. Later recruited to Order by secondary fleet agent served shortly in TOP wing and actively serving in Preserver covert group since February. Pilot Golanski is secretive and active pilot, preffering to avoiding unnecesary battles and trying to solve problems diplomaticaly than atacking. Now working on telepath form of communication.
Section IV: Other (OoRP Section)
NOTE: Skype is a requirement for communication purposes
Please provide a summary of how active you think you will be in the Order|? Example: What hours do you come online? Do you check the forums regularly?
I am checking forum every day and trying to be active in role-play often if possible.
Have you ever been sanctioned on the Discovery RP 24/7 Server? If so, please provide details.
Do you agree to be excellent, follow and the rules of the server and forums, and to respect the admin and moderation team and your fellow players?
Yes, I am following rules of server and I am respecting both admins and players.
Greetings Order recruitment officer.
I would like to join the Primary fleet so i am sending a copy of my filled up recruitment papers.
....Receiving data....
Section I: Personal Pilot Information
Name:Eraxs Starkiller
Height:184 cm
Weight:76.5 kg
Section II: About You
Why do you want to join the Primary Fleet?
To protect the human race from a danger that The Nomads are.
How long have you been in the Secondary (Independent) Fleet?
I have been in Secondary fleet for over a month now.Enough for me to learn
the role of The Order in human survival.
What do you think you can bring to us in the Primary Fleet
I am an honorable fighter that will listen to orders and respect my leaders and other agents.
Please rate your combat skills out of 10 (10 being the best) (Please note: Having a higher score does not
affect your application)
I would say somewhere between 6 and 7 out of 10.
Section III: Pilot History
I will explain my past and the way I ended in The Order.
I was born on Planet Denver in Colorado system. My parents still live there ,but sadly i am not in touch with them because of the war between Liberty and The Order.
At the age of 18 i decided to start piloting a bomber instead of an Eagle fighter i used to accompany my parents on their trading missions. So me and my twin brother Nick went to New York to start our bomber training. We found a small group of bomber pilots that were lead by a man that called himself The Master.
We joined his group of aprentices to teach under his tutoriage. For 2 years we trained and learned as much as we could from him, he was a very skilled pilot. But like any man he had his own issues, which was bad reputation with Liberty Navy. He was once Liberty Rouge where he learned his piloting skills while fighting transports and gunboats.
So anyway , one day I was on an escort duty for a freelancing researcher. We were in Pittsburgh Debris Field when we encoutered a strange vessel that i later identified as Nomad Morph. It wasn't hostile but was still ....researching us. Few minutes later two Liberty Navy ships came and attacked the Morph.
After the Morph was destroyed a lot of strange things started happening. First there were some weird purple lights flashing. After a moment of complete disbelief I realized that a whole fleet of alien ships have spawned right next to me and Navy ships. Navy sent a message to their command asking for support. I joined them in a fight hoping to survive the encounter. Lucky for me couple of pilots from The Order came to our aid and engaged the Nomads.
The fight wasn't going really well, infact i realized we were about to be overwhelmed. Only me and one Navy ship were still alive, but i noticed that escape pods of fallen Order pilots were floating near the Nomad battleship. I tractored them in and ran for my life. I was almost near Norfolk shipyard when Navy ships attacked me with intention to silence me. My ship wasnt in any shape to fight so I just ran towards the restricted mine field. One of the Order pilots I saved told me the coordinates of my escape route. After almost getting killed by aliens and Navy , I finnaly arrived at Alaska system which already prepared a welcome site.
Then a miracle happened,an Order fleet ,the one that was sent to destroy the Nomad fleet in New York, engaged Navy ships and brought total confusion. That was all I needed to run of to the clouds of the Alaska system. I already had a waypoint set to the jump hole of a system that was about to become my home. Luckily I had no more encounters and arrived at Minor safely. There ,The Order escorted me to planet Toledo where i handed over the pilots. They thanked me and invited me to stay as a refugee.
But living as a refugee wasn't my life goal. I joined secondary fleet in order to protect the people from those aliens and to learn from them. This was my chance to do something meaningful.
Some time has passed from my adventures and from my recruiting to secondary fleet. I have grown and adapted to the life as an Order agent. My goal is to do something more so I decided to join the primary fleet to do something more for fighting isn't the only thing I am capable of doing.
Section IV: Other (OoRP Section)
Skype name:phoenixbellato
Please provide a summary of how active you think you will be in the Order|? Example: What hours do you come online? Do you check the forums regularly?
I check forums every day and follow all the things that are connected to The Order. I am usually online around 8-11 pm GMT +1.
Have you ever been sanctioned on the Discovery RP 24/7 Server? If so, please provide details.
No i have not.
Do you agree to be excellent, follow and the rules of the server and forums, and to respect the admin and moderation team and your fellow players?
I always respected everyone and i will continue doing so.
[color=#33CC00]Eraxs Starkiller, Michal Golanski and John Randall,
your applications have been approved.
Therefore I sent you a few questions reagarding The Order.
Please reply to them on a private channel.
If your answers are correct, you will be granted to set up your first Order| vessel under the rank
of an Ensign within the Primary Fleet.
Section I: Personal Pilot Information
Name: Tyler Critius Gender: Male Age: 19 Height: 174 cm Weight: 69 kg
Section II: About You
Why do you want to join the Primary Fleet?
I have served in the Secondary fleet for a decent amount of time and believe that in the Primary fleet I will be able to better serve the order and protect humanity from the nomads.
How long have you been in the Secondary (Independent) Fleet?
I have served as a fighter pilot for at least five months.
What do you think you can bring to us in the Primary Fleet?
Loyalty, combat skills against the nomads, recon and evasion from by past, quick thinking and strategy.
Please rate your combat skills out of 10 (10 being the best) (Please note: Having a higher score does not affect your application)
7-I still need some work on using mines, countermeasures, timing, etc. but I have the basics down
Section III: Pilot History
Please provide a brief history of yourself.
I grew up in liberty; my father had left before I was born to fight in the nomad war. My mother raised me until she died of disease when I was only fifteen. From there I worked as a Smuggler, guiding them through hidden jump holes and unloading cargo. I never enjoyed this and eventually gave it up when I could buy my own ship and freelance. During this time I learned my father was still alive, after meeting him he told me who the order and the nomads were. Mere hours after this reunion, the Police killed him as a terrorist, and tried to cover up any stories of nomads or the order. I then knew I could no longer live in liberty with the knowledge of the nomad threat. I eventually found the order and have been part of the secondary fleet ever since
Section IV: Other (OoRP Section)
NOTE: Skype is a requirement for communication purposes
Please provide a summary of how active you think you will be in the Order|? Example: What hours do you come online? Do you check the forums regularly?
I come on after school when I can, usually around 14:00(GMT-5) or later for several hours. I check the forums daily on things connected to order.
Have you ever been sanctioned on the Discovery RP 24/7 Server? If so, please provide details.
No, I have not yet been sanctioned.
Do you agree to be excellent, follow and the rules of the server and forums, and to respect the admin and moderation team and your fellow players?
Yes, already do.
[color=#33CC00]Tyler Critius,
your application has been approved.
Therefore I sent you a few questions reagarding The Order.
Please reply to them on a private channel.
If your answers are correct, you will be granted to set up your first Order| vessel under the rank
of an Ensign within the Primary Fleet.
Name: Marcus Quinn
Gender: male
Age: 28
Height: 64
Weight: 150 lbs
Section II: About You
Why do you want to join the Primary Fleet?
I think I am quite good pilot and I want to help Orders pilots in fight against Keepers, Hunters. And I love this fraction.
How long have you been in the Secondary (Independent) Fleet?
1 month as reserve pilot, and 3 months as ATG agent
What do you think you can bring to us in the Primary Fleet
Hmm, Good skills , RolePlay, support in Orders fleet and something more
Please rate your combat skills out of 10 (10 being the best) (Please note: Having a higher score does not affect your application)
When I have good day 8. Normal is about 6.
Section III: Pilot History
My name is Marcus Quinn I was born on planet Toledo. My father died in the Nomad war and I still with my mother in one evac ship in Minor system. Often my mother was telling me long long story about the Nomad war, about Rheinland, Liberty and about my father. I got idea about my new work for The Order military fighters.
In the Omicons still some Nomads and our military needed help. My father taught me a lot of fighters and about the fighters fight". My fighter skills were very strong in the simulations . So I had big chance for sucess as The Order fighter pilot. Sure, it was dangerous but I wanted this. After return on Toledo I started my school career on The Order military school for battle pilots. I was here for 4 years. I did this school and I started work as Millitary clerk. The Order military havent much ships, after the war and I havent money for buy new ship .
So, after 3 years I finally had money for buy my first The Order fighter class VHF. I started my career as The Order free" pilot. I foud new friends: Zoners, Corsairs, After some years was my reputacion very strong. I make very good reputacion with The Order guard and after one year I got guard ID and permission for use the Guard IFF. That was nice, but already I wasnt official The Order fighter pilot. Now I am sending my app to The Order military recruitment office, and maybe I will.... finally The Order pilot.
Section IV: Other (OoRP Section)
Skype name: krizek211
Timezone: GMT +1
Please provide a summary of how active you think you will be in the Order|? Example: What hours do you come online? Do you check the forums regularly?
I can play as Order possible every day (19-22h), weekends (17-22h)
Im checking Dc forum every second day
Have you ever been sanctioned on the Discovery RP 24/7 Server? If so, please provide details.
Do you agree to be excellent, follow and the rules of the server and forums, and to respect the admin and moderation team and your fellow players?
Why do you want to join the Primary Fleet?
└► To terminate those infested creatures (Nomads + The Wild) and to protect the human race from being infected by those infested ones.
How long have you been in the Secondary (Independent) Fleet?
└► 2~3 weeks. (I lost my other account last year. Formatted my PC and since I've no idea about this Freelancer Multiplayer Save File "before".)
What do you think you can bring to us in the Primary Fleet?
└► I'm here to protect us humans from being infected by those Nomads. Or let's just say... I'm here to provide more fire power to The Order against The Wilds, Nomads and to those who are against The Order.
Please rate your combat skills out of 10 (10 being the best) (Please note: Having a higher score does not affect your application)
└► 7~8 I guess. Depends on my mood. (Can't choose 10 since no one is perfect. Just saying.)
Section III: Pilot History
It all started at my childhood days. When I was a kid, I'm always happy having my mother, my father & brother with me. They're always there to cheer me, and to protect me. Since then as the time goes by, my father was ordered to retaliate the Nomad Base to decrease their population and to stop them from infecting humans but still... there were to many of them. Till then, I heard a news by one of my father's comrade from The Order that he was killed by those Nomads. I was so sad and I don't even know what to do on how to avenge him.
A day later after my father's death, I realize that I can be a Hero like him. I decided to train my self really hard and put my life on the line just to be a good The Order pilot like my dad.
I returned home after my hard days of training and told my Mom & My Brother that I'll be joining The Order Fleet, to serve them and to be like my dad, A Hero perhaps.
& Here I am, ready to serve The Order.
Section IV: Other (OoRP Section)
► Skype: Zhythe
► Timezone: Central European Summer Time (CEST) +0200 UTC
Please provide a summary of how active you think you will be in the Order|? Example: What hours do you come online? Do you check the forums regularly?
└► Normally, I'm playing Freelancer every day from 9:00AM (it depends what time I'll wake up in the morning) till 3:00AM. Yes, I'm checking the forum regularly.
Have you ever been sanctioned on the Discovery RP 24/7 Server? If so, please provide details.
└► Nope, I haven't.
Do you agree to be excellent, follow and the rules of the server and forums, and to respect the admin and moderation team and your fellow players?
└► Yes, I do.
Marcus Quinn, Zhythe Wahrheit,
your applications have been approved.
[color=#33CC00]Marcus Quinn already passed our old ATG wing, and got alread integrated.
So Zhythe Wahrheit, I sent you a few questions reagarding The Order.
Please reply to them on a private channel.
If your answers are correct, you will be granted to set up your first Order| vessel under the rank
of an Ensign within the Primary Fleet.
Name: Eversman Young
Gender: Male
Age: 21
Height: 5 Ft. 10 In.
Weight: 136 lbs
Section II: About You
Why do you want to join the Primary Fleet?
My parents were originally part of the LSF; however they defected to the Order during the First Nomad War in 800 A.S. I was brought to Planet Toledo where I've pretty much lived my whole life. My father recently got promoted and is waiting for his new cruiser to finish construction. My mother died a few years ago due to a surprise nomad infestation.
When I was 18 I signed up for the Order ground forces. After about three years spending my time on the ground, I decided it was time to fly, because that is where the action is. I'm not doing this because I bored patrolling on the ground or handling security on a ship, I've been in battle several times before, shooting guns off of an Resheph or an Osiris. I want to fly because I see pilots dying every day, and I want to do something about it.
Most of those who apply usually apply because they were betrayed, have nowhere to run, feel threatened by Nomads or want revenge. I want in because this is just the way I was brought up. I'm not brainwashed, I know right from wrong, but this is all I've ever known, and all I ever want to know as well.
How long have you been in the Secondary (Independent) Fleet?
Three years I've spent patrolling Toledo or firing ship cannons, in some few, rare cases boarding and attempting to capturing an enemy ship. There are too many ships to recall, but I'm sure if you search up my record you'll be able to find them.
//I haven't been on secondary fleet at all, this is my first Order character. My character right now is also technically an infantryman, he's transfering to become a pilot.
What do you think you can bring to us in the Primary Fleet?
My main goal is to try and reduce the Order's casualty rate. I haven't flown much before, but I'll do anything I can to try keep the men and women I'm flying with alive.
Please rate your combat skills out of 10 (10 being the best) (Please note: Having a higher score does not affect your application)
4/10 (mostly due to bad internet connect/lag).
Section III: Pilot History
Please provide a brief history of yourself.
Some things you can include are;
Your Origin
About your personality
Any previous ventures you have undergone
//Wow I think I already covered this by accident in section II :/
I was born in Liberty in Planet California. My parents were LSF agents originally, but they defected to the Order around the First Nomad War in 800 A.S. I was just three years old at the time. They made it out alive and we moved to Toledo soon after. When I was 16 my mother while on a mission became infected by a nomad and unfortunately she had to be taken down. I've come to terms with her death though, life is like this in the Order. My father recently got promoted and he's awaiting the completion of the construction of his cruiser ship.
As I mentioned, when I was 18 I enlisted into the Order after spending 15 years of my life so far at Toledo. I originally went for the infantry and spent the last three years of my life there, patrolling on Toledo and aboard Order vessels. Everything else is covered in Section II of the application form.
Section IV: Other (OoRP Section)
NOTE: Skype is a requirement for communication purposes
Skype name: marcuslindberg485
Timezone: GMT +7:00
Please provide a summary of how active you think you will be in the Order|? Example: What hours do you come online? Do you check the forums regularly?
I check the forums regularly. I can guarantee I'll come on my Order character at least once or twice a week, perhaps more since the holidays are showing up soon.
Have you ever been sanctioned on the Discovery RP 24/7 Server? If so, please provide details.
I have never been sanctioned.
Do you agree to be excellent, follow and the rules of the server and forums, and to respect the admin and moderation team and your fellow players?