Some guns (and missiles) have been added or altered to shoot projectiles at a faster rate with a cooldown that activates after the allotted amount of shots have been expended.
These burst fire weapons can be manually reloaded via setting up a key found in the controls tab of the options menu designated "MANUAL RELOAD".
[Picture here showing burst magazine + cooldown after shooting ] Missile Changes:
Some missiles now have a top speed associated with them where they have a maximum velocity that they are allowed to reach. This has allowed us to more precisely tune their accelerations.
Shields, Shield Boosting and Shield Batteries:
Shield batteries have been buffed: 120 shield regen -> 180 shield regen. Shield battery counts have been adjusted for various classes, like Battleships, to keep the number of full shield restores in check.
Shield Boosting:
Regenerating a certain amount of shields with your shield batteries will activate a shield boost effect for the three different types of shields that is in the game. The exact shield boost duration, strength, minimum and maximum duration are listed in shield infocards.
Highest damage reduction with the highest base stats.
Produces an explosion that does scaling damage depending on how much damage you have taken to your shields during the shield boost duration. Depleting the shield during its boost prevents the explosion from being triggered.
Has 50% mine damage reduction and 10% missile reduction to shields.
65% damage reduction during shield boost.
Auxo shields are Positrons. Nomad and AI shields are Gravitons.
FRENZY and BERSERKER shields are hybrids Molecular-Positron shields, featuring Molecular's explosive damage reduction and Positron's shield explosion.
ROSEGUARD is a highly defensive Positron variant, with high recharge and energy drain, but low capacity. Its explosion does increased energy (shield) damage, but no hull damage whatsoever.
Gun efficiencies have been re-balanced with a focus on tuning down high alpha weapons like SNACs and high velocity weapons, like most lasers. "Hybrid" hull-busting weapons like TREMORS, QUASARs and Class 1 fighter guns are now less penalized in terms of power usage for their hybrid nature.
Class 1 Weapon Changes:
Class 1 fighter guns are now 150 m/s faster across the board, in return for a 20% reduction in damage output.
Screamer mines are now Ion mines and do 50% less damage to shields (They do 25% damage to molecular shields).
Swatter mines have been re-designed: instead of relying on manual detonation with weapons, Swatter mines now self-detonate three seconds after deployment. Arming time prevents the explosion for the first 2.5 seconds of their lifetime.
Shredder mine arming time reduced from 0.333s to 0.1s.
Light Fighters:
Shield Battery & Nanobot counts have been slightly adjusted. A Light Fighter with full nanobots can now repair during its death fuse.
Battery counts for Light Fighters with previously low battery counts have been increased, while the high end remains largely the same.
LF shields rebalanced focusing on an increase in capacity.
Powercore recharge values increased; shield recharge rates increased; shield power draw increased. Bombers now have more recharge with shields toggled off, and less with them on. In return, however, they are significantly quicker to recharge.
Similarly to Bomber shields, Freighter shields are now significantly stronger, but draw more power. Freighter powercore recharge has been increased.
Vandal Missiles and Silencer Missiles have been reworked. They are now vertically-launched swarm missiles.
IFRIT Gunboat CODENAME (POB Buildable)
Gunboat Railgun (POB Buildable)
Gunboat shields have received a significant balance pass. All Gunboat shields now draw power to recharge. Gunboat powercore recharge has been increased by 5,000 as a compensation buff.
Gunboat primaries have received a balance pass. Their fire rates are generally higher, and damage-per-second has been increased. Their efficiency has been slightly reduced.
Engine component armor values have been adjusted, and mostly increased. Unusually difficult (or easy) to hit engines have had their hitboxes adjusted, and in some cases protective fins or armor plates can now be shot off, exposing more of the engine.
Desolator Missile Silos have been reworked and re-introduced. They are now vertically-launched burst-fire Ion missiles.
Nomad Cruiser Deflector (Flak) added.
Cruiser Railgun (POB Buildable)
Cruiser Crimson Blaster added (POB Buildable)
Cruiser Repeater Turret reworked
Cruiser Defense Mortar now droppable in encounters
Battlecruisers have been adjusted to be more focused on agility and offence: -20% armor (including components and their corresponding damage fuses); -5000 mass; +10 m/s thrust speed; +10% maximum turn rate. Powercore recharge increased, including redistributors. Battlecruiser shields now draw power to recharge.
Battlecruisers can no longer use Cruiser Heavy Turrets, and instead use new Battlecruiser Heavy Turrets. These are more powerful and, more importantly, have significantly longer maximum ranges. Previous "Battlecruiser Heavy Turrets" have been renamed to "Battlecruiser Main Batteries".
Battlecruiser Revenant Cannon (POB Buildable)
Battlecruiser Particle Turret (Encounter Drop)
Battlecruiser Energy Shell Barrage (Encounter Drop)
Battlecruiser Concussion Turret (Encounter Drop) CODENAME MAIN BATTERIES:
Battlecruiser Hailfire Turret (POB Buildable)
Battlecruiser Dual Railgun (POB Buildable)
Light Battleships impulse speed increased from 90 to 110 m/s.
Medium Battleships impulse speed increased from 90 to 100 m/s.
Battleship strafe forces have been reduced, reducing strafe speed.
Battleship shields now draw (significant) power to recharge.
Gun focus range in no-snap mode (purple reticle) is now equal to distance from the reticle. This means that if someone is flying in a straight line, all your guns have the same speed and your aim is true, all your shots should hit the target even with snap disabled.
Bases immediately turn hostile to ships who hit them with siege weaponry.
POB cooking rate is now a floating point instead of an integer, and consumes commodities based on their volume, not quantity. Cooking rate now accumulates between ticks if it spills over or processed cargo's volume is too large. For example, processing 1 piece of 50 volume cargo with cooking rate of 10 will take 5 ticks, aka 5 minutes.
Implemented IFF requirement for POB recipes. For example, the new Corsair "Consul" CommandBattlecruiser will only be craftable on Corsair IFF POBs.
New functionality: Destroying a cargo compartment collision group now reduces a ship total capacity and forcefully ejects surplus cargo. Currently limited to Bulwark.
Commodity volume can now be adjusted based on the class of ship purchasing it.
Human passenger commodities now have much higher volumes to reflect the commodity being changed to large, modular cabins. Class 10 ships (liners) have this volume halved to reflect their specialty adaptations. Prices for these commodities are calculated based on the lower volume.
Vacationer routes have largely been removed on a temporary basis due to a lack of time to fully implement. Additional commodities similar to the current Passenger system will be implemented in a post-patch hotfix.
Prices for unlawful and Nomads / Wild pilots now scale based on distance from their closest base. This system is currently experimental and will likely need a lot of adjustment.
Cargo can now be dropped / destroyed by blowing up components on transports. This is currently being trialled exclusively with the Bulwark Heavy Frigate.
Player Owned Base recipes can now substitute outputs based on the IFF of the owning station. This means Red Hessians refining Diamond Ore will produce Blue Diamonds, while Mollys or Corsairs mining Gold Ore will produce Wildcat Gold.
Player Owned Base recipes can now accept variable inputs for some recipes. For example, rather than having three refining recipes for different fuel types, there is now a single recipe that will accept any of the three fuels as a valid input. The recipe will list situations where this is the case.
The economy calculator has been overhauled to use a system of 'bundles' of commodities for allocation to bases. This allows us to more consistently add commodity consumers to stations based on their purpose, and seamlessly fully integrate new commodities by adjusting bundle contents. For example, adding Agricultural Machinery to bundle_agriculture means every station using that bundle type will now buy that Machinery.
All bases have been assigned a type. Types apply price bonuses that are either large (+1.15%), medium (+1.10%), or small (+1.05) to commodities with the correct category. This allows us to boost (or reduce) prices for entire classes of commodity to a particular station based on its lore-friendly level of demand. For example, Manhattan has the types planet_population_center, resort_station, black_market to reflect that it is a very wealthy, fashionable destination where all the contraband goes.
Abductees: Produced on Wild bases, purchased on Altair Research Complex, or human stations interested in illegal research. Volume 5, base value $375, contraband HRC.
Agricultural Machinery: New. Produced on Riverside Station. Base price $15.
Black Market Blasters: Gallic BM Munitions. Produced on Beaumont Base (IDF). Base value $75, contraband HRC.
Black Market Munitions: Restored. Produced on Kaiserslautern Depot. Base value $75, contraband HRC.
Black Market Side Arms: Restored. Produced on Rochester Base. Base value $75, contraband HRC.
Bretonian Refugees: Restored. Produced on Planet Erie and Planet Holstein, purchased in Bretonia and various other locations. Volume 500, reduced to 250 on liners. Base value $10,000. Passenger HRC.
Criminal Cells (regional): Bretonia, Gallia, Kusari, Liberty, Rheinland variants. Volume 500, reduced to 250 on liners. Base value $10,000, passenger HRC.
Cryocubes: Restored. Produced on Planet Amiens. Base price $30, HRC.
Enfer Blasters: Gallic Side Arms. Produced on Fleury-Merogis Prison Station. Base value $30, HRC.
Holotainment Bands: Restored. Produced on Planet Orleans. Base price $30, HRC.
Hybridised Equipment: Produced on Altair Research Complex, purchased on Wild bases or human stations interested in illegal research. Volume 5, base price $375.
Hypnotainment Bands: Restored. Produced on Salbris Base. Base price $75, contraband HRC.
Kemwer Technologies: Restored. Produced on Akabat. Base price $75, contraband HRC.
Military Surplus: New. Produced on Gateshead Station. Base price $30, restricted HRC.
Optical Chips: Restored. Produced in New Tokyo. Base price $5
Passenger Cabins (regional): Bretonia, Border World, Edge World, Gallia, Kusari, Liberty, Rheinland variants. Volume 1000, reduced to 500 on liners. Base value $20,000, passenger HRC.
Pineal Amulets: Restored. Produced on Shasta Orbital Skyhook. Base price $30, HRC.
Slog: New. Produced on Planet Carlisle, purchased in high crime / impoverished / low tech labor bases. Base price $75, contraband HRC.
Shigeakiki: Restored. Golden Chrysanthemum unique POB recipe produced in the Legitimate Warehouse. Combines Cardamine and BM Pharmaceuticals.
Side Arms / Light Arms: Restored. Split into separate Liberty / Rheinland commodities again. Base price $30, HRC.
Tobacco: Restored. Produced on Planet Orleans. Base price $15.
Tungsten: Restored. Produced on Planet Orleans. Base price $7.
Volograd Ordinance: Restored. Produced on Zvyozdny Gorodok. Base price $75, contraband HRC.
Wildcat Gold: New. Produced on Arranmore. Refined from Gold Ore on POBs with Corsair or Molly IFFs. Base price $90.
Can now be built on Core 4 Player Owned Bases and higher.
Will be used to manufacture shipyard components for the construction and assembly of ships.
Ship recipes can be locked to specific IFFs so only that faction can construct them.
Each component has a regional bonus for manufacturing that incentivizes collaboration across different Houses and IDs.
Primary bonuses for relevant House groups are a 50% reduction in material cost. Smaller, secondary bonuses apply to groups that operate in multiple regions, such as Bristol and IMG.
Avionics: Kusari and Liberty.
Interior: Gallia and Liberty.
Propulsion: Kusari and Rheinland.
Superstructure: Bretonia and Rheinland.
Reactor: Bretonia and Gallia.
Exotic: Core, Order, Technocracy and Corsairs.
Update: Ile-de-France overhauled. Layout, numerous station models and infocards altered.
Update: Orleanais minor layout change and system rotation so jump connections point in correct direction.
Update: Picardy minor layout change and system rotation so jump connections point in correct direction.
Update: Burgundy minor layout change and system rotation so jump connections point in correct direction.
Update: Overhaul of New London to restore lore-friendly war debris and showcase cleanup work. Addition of BAF staging ground for invasion of Dublin. Overhaul of all NPC spawns, including a PVE battleground.
Update: Overhaul of Dublin, including addition of unstable O48 JH, updates to base models, reconstruction of all NPC spawns.
Update: Overhaul of Tau-31, including addition of Clisham Research Complex at Planet Harris, updates to base models, removal of Charost Depot and expansion of NPC spawns.
Update: Partial overhaul of Tohoku. Experimental Jump Bridge now operates between Hokkaido and Tohoku. Heaven's Gate transferred to KOI. Wild Aonyobo Annex added to Heaven's Gate. KOI Ichigaya Drydock added.
Update: Liner Hausbruch no longer a dockable base. Wedel Base now partially restored and dockable.
Update: Hinsdale Refinery Construction Site now dockable.
Update: Syracuse Station model updated.
Update: Oerlikon Observatory now Oerlikon Refinery; sold to GMS, model and infocard updated.
Update: Holo-flags added to more things.
Update: Engine effects added to many stationary ship objects.
Update: New Tokyo orbital bazaar progression
Update: Ames Research Station local environment
Update: GOLDEN BLADE loot drop location
Update: Monte Carlo Freeport model
Update: Dresden Minefield exclusion zone around the gate is a bit bigger
Update: Removed PvE battleground around Bautzen, added new Corsair v Hessian PvE battleground in the Schwefelnebel.
Update: Alaska Minefield exclusion zone around the supergate is a bit bigger
Added: Wrecks, solars and news to reflect the Stuttgart Showdown event.
Added: Wrecks, solars and news to reflect the Snake Eyes event.
Added: Wrecks and solars to reflect the Sleeper Awakens event.
Added: Major expansion to Leeds Memorial.
Added: Multiple base modules hardpointed and loadouts added.
Added: New Berlin snack ship
Added: New York Newark snack bar
Added: Colony Conflict Collector Cards (hidden RP items)
Posts: 3,088
Threads: 189
Joined: Nov 2009
Staff roles: Systems Lead
While Haste & co are fixing the update release here's a piece of patch notes missing from the original post. These are changes implemented by me personally for 5.2, apologies for any notes already mentioned.
Added: Rage Torpedo ammo sellpoints.
Fixed: Gaians IFF now lists BMM as enemies.
Fixed: Irra infocard typo.
Fixed: All cases of the adjective "Kusari" wrongly referenced as "Kusarian".
Fixed: Asco Torpedo ammo infocard.
Fixed: Gallic engine infocard typos.
Fixed: Dresden wreck infocard typo.
Fixed: Stuttgart wreck font misalingment.
Fixed: Dresden Rheinland GBs missing an infocard.
Fixed: Omicron Theta jumphole infocards.
Fixed: Languedoc minefield lane exclusion zone extended.
Fixed: Sigma-15 encounter now spawns properly.
Fixed: Cologne encounter not spawning.
Radiation Damage Rework: Percentage max health radiation, logarithmic scaling, damage scalability relative to the distance from source of radiation zone, and more. Many radiation zones reworked to fit the new model, specifically all the custom-tailored instakills which will now feel more fair. Virtually all zone-based instakills, which were necessary evil up until this point due to the disparity in hull between capital ships and snubs, have been replaced with % based damage. Explore ahead!
Coronado layout reworked.
Tau-23 layout reworked.
Tau-44 layout softly reworked.
Tau-31 flavor added.
Tohoku flavor added.
Omicron Zeta visually reworked.
Added: Shilleagh Destroyer ship dealer.
Added: Omega-48 - Dublin Unstable Jumphole.
Changed: Wiretap scanner cargo expenditure 25 -> 20.
Changed: Sigma-13 Helium-3 gas pockets' damage adjusted to be energy-only.
Changed: Planet Dover moved slightly below plane due to Kensington's proximity to the planet.
Changed: New Haven Snub -> New Haven Capital connection jumphole tunnel duration reduced to 1 second, for easier Conn transfers.
Changed: Hessian Cruiser wreck in Thuringia re-positioned.
Changed: Baffin nav map location slightly adjusted.
Fixed: Cologne north asteroid field aesthetics' issues.
Fixed: San Diego voiceline.
Fixed: Thuringia-Earhart jumphole de-stabilized. Barge trading via Earhart exits is no longer possible.
Fixed: Destroyer Insidious sellpoints.
Fixed: Fort Sommerda undock issues.
Fixed: Tsukishima now correctly sells the Interspace ID instead of the Samura ID.
Fixed: Tritonis entry name error.
Fixed: Champagne NPCs getting stuck.
Fixed: Several NPC zones not spawning correctly.
Fixed: Battleship Delos undock issues.
Fixed: Sigma-13 Gas Miner NPC Zone now shoots properly.
Fixed: Kyushu middle tradelane orientation.
Fixed: Dresden NPC patrol paths flying through mines.
Fixed: Manchester -> Newcastle gate NPC spawns.
Fixed: New London BIS NPCs.
Fixed: Omicron Pi AI Minefield Scan Interference Issue.
Fixed: Xenos Hideout on Pittsburgh now has a Mining Array for sale.
Fixed: Royalist GB equipment added to Battleship Resurgent.
Fixed: Sci data anomaly spawns in certain locations.
Fixed: New Haven snub undock issue.
Removed: Menacing Molly Bullmastiff patrols in Dublin.
Removed: Out-of-place asteroid band from the west Tau-37 field.
Removed: Olympia wreck. She has finally vaporized in the sun's corona.