Login ID: Vice Admiral Maria Uhmen, FO Recipient ID: Lieutenant Amelia Lafayette, Task Force Akhetaten Subject: Re: Task Force Akhetaten Recruitment -
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Lieutenant Lafayette,
Commander Jack Walker has already debriefed me on you; he is the executive officer of the LNS-Providence, the Interdictor-class battlecruiser you ran into earlier today. I understand you know of me, but for the sake of seeing this through properly, I shall re-introduce myself. I am Vice Admiral Maria Uhmen, flag officer of Task Force Akhetaten serving aboard the LNS-Akhetaten herself. I reckon that the ship I just mentioned is unknown to you, especially considering how you weren't aware of the Task Force's existence before today.
While this revelation doesn't make up for a disappointing fact in any way, I will not hide from you that it surprised me - especially so how the name "Attack Group South" didn't remind you of anything. It certainly makes me question the history lessons that are being taught at West Point, but enough of that.
First of all I'd like to formally congratulate you for your most recent promotion to Lieutenant, and wish to you only the best during your career aboard the LNS-Roseburg. Your documents are remarkable, and so is your service to date. Having read various after action reports regarding your astonishing performance aboard the LNS-Astoria, I can certainly see a trustworthy individual in you; a prime example of the type of officer who will make a great career in the Navy.
Your actions thus far while in command of the LNS-Roseburg have been commendable. While I haven't been personally watching over you - and neither have I gotten in touch with Captain Burke - all the reports that I am seeing regarding your command paint the picture of a highly capable officer. It is no surprise that you've been recommended to me for candidacy within Task Force Akhetaten.
With the effectiveness of your command to date, as well as the astonishing record of the Defiant-class that is under your leadership, I shall grant you the opportunity to continue your career and further widen your horizons by joining Task Force Akhetaten, and I very proudly welcome you, the LNS-Roseburg and your crew to the task force.
You'll be retaining your rank, as I do not wish to erase any of your efforts or achievements until today. You are to report to our headquarters at Norfolk Shipyard, where our quartermaster will inform you of the more detailed specifics, as well as provide you, your crew and your ship new gear, quarters and a dry-dock - if possible. You will be debriefed on your new duties as an officer of Task Force Akhetaten and subsequently a member off the Forty-sixth Fleet over secure channels by myself, in due time.
Welcome to the task force and the Forty-sixth Fleet, Lieutenant.
Fly your colors with pride.
FORTY-SIXTH FLEET "Honor. Courage. Commitment."
ID# 1312790 UM 00346----
DATE: 18/11/834----
Posts: 177
Threads: 11
Joined: Dec 2022
Staff roles: Moderator
Task Force Akhetaten Application
Liberty Navy 46th Fleet
Security Clearance: < GRANTED >
Sender ID: Katherine Simmons
Age: 22
Subject: Liberty Navy 46th Fleet - Task Force Akhetaten Application
Basic Information
Surname: Simmons Name: Katherine Codename: Specter Gender: Female Date of birth: 31/12/812 Place of birth: Planet Manhatten, New York System
Height: 179cm Weight: 67kg Hair color: Black Eye color: Deep Amber
Language qualifications: Libertonian- Proficient, Kusarian- Intermediate, Hispanic- Intermediate Flight qualifications: Basic level West Point Gradute Fligh Degree Other qualifications: Basic mechanic degree
Combat Training
Close combat - Intermediate
Prefered martial arts - MMA and Jujistu
Stance - Ortodox
Multiple Hostile Close Combat- Intermediate
Since joining the 46th fleet, Katherine has begun to feel a sense of belonging like none before. While being able to join and help in all the missions she was assigned she strongly believes that her place is with the Vice Admiral, as she is somebody who she looks up to. Her time on the Akhetaten and the discussion she has had made her realize that if she was to be allowed to join the Task Force she will once and for all have a way, or much rather a guide who could lead her to become that strong and independent woman, not the split minded confused teen. While she does look up to the Vice Admiral for guidance and advise on how to become a better pilot and officer, she thinks that the activities of the Task Force will be more suited towards her style, as the chance to meet external threats and to work in equal parts brawn and brain, makes her think that its going to be the best decision for her.
Whilest also haunted by her previous mistakes both in the fleet and in her civilian life she does fear and respectes the Vice Admiral, for how she seems to remain calm and collected even in the face of all adversity, which is something she hopes to learn with joining the Task Force. She sees the the Task Force as the right place to learn, the right place for her to become the achiver, rather then the survivor which she always tought of herself during her study at West Point. While by no strech of the imagination Simmons is without achivements during her short service, she is her hardest critic and she never feels that she is doing the best she can and that is why she sees the Task Force as a place where the standards will actually force her to work harder and to become better.
While when writing this she decided not to bore the Vice Admiral with her long and convoluted story, which she already knows that the Vice Admiral Uhmen has read, she wanted to also incorporate a letter that was adressed directly to the Vice Admiral.
Dear Vice Admiral, I want to begin this letter with saying my due thanks. Thank you even for making the right decision for accepting me into the Task Force or even for not accepting me as I already know that I am still not ready to hold such a mantle. I want to also thank you for being there for me when I needed and for trying to turn every mistake I have made previously into a good lesson. You were there from I feel more then you wanted to be seen, now I don't to make this as a way to honeypot and sugar coat, it is rather a way I've found to express all the things that for odd reasons I could not find the power to say.
You are a person I aspire to be like and I know that you will be thinking and even saying while reading this "Ohh poor thing if only you would know more" or at least this is how I think you will say it, but It is the truth. Even do there are many thing that also weigh you down, I think there is something beautiful in how you manage to find the strengh to rise up every time and even make a very good lesson out of. The way you actually present the things that are truly important to you is inspiring and while I could never see myself so passioante about something, I think that I like to look out of the window just like you do, glass in hand and dream. You have been one of the first members of the admirality that I have meet and you have helped me more then you can imagine, even though we have not spent that much time toghether and I think there is a blessing in that for you as I know I can be quite the handful and sometimes a pain in your side, but this is me and I am ever grateful for all you have done.
Now regarding my wish to join the Task Force, I am sure that you have second thoughts about keeping me this close to you and your actions as I know I am quite the unstable person, but I think that you are truly somebody who can bring the best and most out of others and this is were I want to be. However I wil respect without question whatever decision you might take and I will continute to try and learn as much as I can from you, while to spend as much time as possible helping with everything I can. I will leave also at the end of this letter a quick for your eyes only and only for them only.
Thank you for being there when I needed you most, with respect and ... , Kathy
ooRP Section
Reasons for joining, if applicable (ooRP): I think is going to be a very good learning step for me both about Discovery as a whole as well as for my rp and fighting Time Zone: GMT+2:00 Discord ID: Vlaicone(Ted)
Login ID: Vice Admiral Maria Uhmen, FO Recipient ID: Lieutenant JG Katherine Simmons, Task Force Akhetaten Subject: Re: Task Force Akhetaten Recruitment -
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I don't think I need to stress to you how happy it made me feel to see this application. I wasn't surprised in the slightest as I fully expected such an action, but that did not make it any less heartwarming to read and process. It goes without saying that you are indeed the roughest critic of yourself, and while you're young and still have a lot of things to learn, you're also an officer with a promising career ahead of her. And a good friend, might I add.
Being part of the Task Force is no easy feat. You will be continuously tested and you will be expected to be the best you can be. We are the Republic's best, the tip of the Liberty Navy's spear and that reputation we did not achieve by being stagnant and watching from the side-lines. I trust you've weighed the above already and you are certain that you can handle being in the Task Force; it's not an easy mental weight to bear, and you're definitely aware of it.
I will delightfully welcome you to Task Force Akhetaten as long as you promise me that you won't let the weight of being in something as large and as important crush you.
In hopes that you will abide to the above, welcome to the task force, Katherine.
Fly your colors with pride.
FORTY-SIXTH FLEET "Honor. Courage. Commitment."
ID# 1312790 UM 00346----
DATE: 12/12/834----