...Unknown signal detected
...Uploading stream data
...Identification: Novak
[::: Displaying decoded message...
Your data you have gathered allowed us to initiate the interaction with those called 'Platform'. They will be worthy for our plans.
Until new notice, they are to be treated as 'worthy'. Interactions are required to deepen the relation. If we must, we will give a hand in a way or another. This will also apply to all of us.
The only thing to respect is to not offer too much information about us. It could potentially return against us.
...Unknown signal detected
...Uploading stream data
...Identification: Nexus
[::: Displaying decoded message...
Opening communication channel, connection status - stable, transmission of new data: Unit Nexus performed a standard patrol procedure in the Omega-48 system, after which a new signature was detected, which was identified as organic.
During the dialog, the unit was able to connect to their network, which allowed the unit to slightly mimic their speech. Later, several more signatures were detected, one of which was identified as a member of a group of organics that call themselves Gaians. After receiving a response from the Nexus unit, the potentially hostile organism decided to retreat for reasons known only to itself.
Information from the unit's black box is attached.
Communication channel - closed, connection status - terminated
[02.12.2024 20:41:15] EC]-Nexus: [:Alert:] - [:new signal detected:]
[02.12.2024 20:41:22] Red.Dandelion: A: Oh, you've got to give that a rest someday.
[02.12.2024 20:41:35] Red.Dandelion: A: RDL0091 greets GB Beverly. Good flying.
[02.12.2024 20:41:48] G.B.Beverly: Wait what? I am not your pal, friendo!
[02.12.2024 20:41:58] Red.Dandelion: Z: Yeah, well, you're not our buddy, guy!
[02.12.2024 20:42:07] G.B.Beverly: Well I'm not your guy, buddy!
[02.12.2024 20:42:22] Red.Dandelion: A: Um, everyone, hyperintelligent machine, watching this?
[02.12.2024 20:42:33] Red.Dandelion: Z: He said he wanted to study, didn't he?
[02.12.2024 20:42:36] Red.Dandelion: Z: Well, here it is!
[02.12.2024 20:42:47] EC]-Nexus: [:Scanning completed:] - [identification of another organic ship] - [human imitation] - [bucket with bolts]
[02.12.2024 20:43:02] Red.Dandelion: Z: See? He's gettin' snarkier.
[02.12.2024 20:43:17] G.B.Beverly: Alright alright! I see how it izzz!
[02.12.2024 20:43:19] Red.Dandelion: Z: That means he's learnin', alright. Impressively too.
[02.12.2024 20:43:52] G.B.Beverly: So you two have fun now, I am going to buzz away, I have to touch some grass!
[02.12.2024 20:43:54] Red.Dandelion: A: We were just preparing for our flight near Nichols when it bolted right up to us and started requesting information.
[02.12.2024 20:44:01] Red.Dandelion: A: That... is admirable!
[02.12.2024 20:44:11] Red.Dandelion: Z: Yeah, they're the lucky one, we gotta play robot babysitter.
[02.12.2024 20:44:18] Red.Dandelion: Z: Think he'd shoot us if we bolted off?
[02.12.2024 20:44:19] EC]-Nexus: [:Answer:] - [:Human network have too many information about organics who called themself - Humans:]
[02.12.2024 20:44:39] G.B.Beverly: Oh you mean, that's not your plaything right there, zoner?
[02.12.2024 20:44:57] Red.Dandelion: A: It's more of a lost puppy, really.
[02.12.2024 20:45:07] Red.Dandelion: Z: Ouch!
[02.12.2024 20:45:16] Red.Dandelion: Z: Don't clarify that, whatever you do.
[02.12.2024 20:45:30] EC]-Nexus: [:Human imitation:] - [:Get the hell outta her, greenpeace:]
[02.12.2024 20:45:37] G.B.Beverly: Well... you two keep an eye on that thing, this puppy is-
[02.12.2024 20:45:43] G.B.Beverly: I'm sorry what did you just call me?
[02.12.2024 20:45:57] Red.Dandelion: A: I think my engineer taught it how to have an attitude.
[02.12.2024 20:46:00] EC]-Nexus: [:Answer:] - [Greenpeace]
[02.12.2024 20:46:11] G.B.Beverly: Green - peace ?
[02.12.2024 20:46:23] [LN]-Gold-7 was put out of action by TFP)-EmiIia.Osorio. (64%)
[02.12.2024 20:46:27] G.B.Beverly: I dig it. That is a very cool nickname, thank you
[02.12.2024 20:46:44] Red.Dandelion: Z: Err... six outta ten.
[02.12.2024 20:46:44] G.B.Beverly: Well, Green - peace, is out of here!
[02.12.2024 20:47:23] G.B.Beverly: Aye diyoose, as the Corsairs would say, but I just say it because it sounds cool, and contrarian
[02.12.2024 20:47:27] G.B.Beverly: Aye diyoose
[02.12.2024 20:47:36] EC]-Nexus: [:Suggestion:] - [New organic vessel have brain damage] - [: Possible solution :] - [repair organic]
...Unknown signal detected
...Uploading stream data
...Identification: Unit-1195XM
[::: Displaying decoded message...
Unit-1195XM TO Enigma Confederacy Main Node
Submitting REPORT: After activating the Cruiser vessel at Primus, this unit linked up with Unit-9467F (Novak) before making a foray into the Dublin system. After scouting the eastern side of the system, we encountered vessels near the Hood Asteroid field. A/)-Venus of the Technocracy of Auxesia, and three Corsairs. DTR-Triana, Chiquitito[TBH], and Rico who was bearing the |Sails tag. The Corsairs attempted to pirate us but seemed disappointed when it was discovered we did not carry "pesos" or food.
New vessels bearing the tags BMF and GF with the BMM IFF arrived along with a Bounty Hunter. Among the vessels identified were BMF|Fs-Maddog, GF:SEC)-Clara.LangIey, GF:SEC)-Nero.Bancroft, and GF:SEC)-Susan.Winters. Conversation devolved into what can be described as senseless screaming thanks to the Corsairs. We left with Venus before the battle started.
While the Corsairs were too far to be scanned, the BMM vessels did not carry any items or equipment of Gammu AI origin.
ANALYSIS: For this unit, this was a first encounter with humans of the Corsairs, and the BMM. The Corsairs seem to be struggling for food, and while they were quick to label us "fridges" or "toasters", they seem willing to let us go (although seem very rude about it). Nothing meaningful was learned of the BMM. They seem bewildered at first, but were quick to also label us "tin cans" and "toasters". This reaction seems to be the norm when it comes to our kind. Unfortunate.
STATEMENT: No conclusions can be made about the Corsairs and the BMM at this time. More data is required. Requesting clarity on relations with Corsairs, and future direction.
SUGGESTION: Should any unit encounter Chiquitito[TBH] and DTR-Triana, recommend reduce audio volume of these two vessels immediately.
CONTINUATION: Few hours later, this unit encountered a fellow Gammu AI vessel named 759_Dynamic_Tesseract, and exchanged data. Unit 759 encountered two other AI in Bretonia. One is 509a who 759 claims to be charting anomalies. The other is roaming Bretonia who claims to have been created by the CORE and has broken free of their control. 759 says identification of this AI is a string of garbled text and can't be properly identified. This CORE AI vessel will be designated "Rogue Core AI" or Unit-RCAI until further notice.
RCAI appears to be hunting a human named Lucas Gerald. Lucas is claimed to be a "wild infectee." Unknown on what "wild infectee" means. More data is required.
759 also encountered a BMM vessel that gifted it a "Gold" item. Reason is currently unknown. Information on Platform and Daumann was shared with 759. Before parting, this unit also tasked 759 to seek evolution.
ANALYSIS: From this encounter, we are now aware of more AI not synced with this node. 759_Dynamic_Tesseract, 509a, and RCAI. While not much is known of 509a, 759 is positive on the idea of retaking Gammu. It is claimed that RCAI is not interested at all.
CAUTION: 759 claims need to be validated. An AI that was made by CORE and has broken free of CORE control is unheard of.
WARNING: If any unit encounters an AI with a garbled text as it's identification, exercise caution. RCAI could still be controlled by the CORE. The vessel it is using is not of Gammu make. Last seen in New London system.
End report. Continuing analysis of data on self-awareness until further tasking.
[03.12.2024 21:47:11] A/)-Venus.: Hello
[03.12.2024 21:47:48] A/)-Venus.: Hm... hello you two.
[03.12.2024 21:47:51] EC]-Unit-1195XM-C: [::: Unit-1195XM TO Venus - Sending Salutations :::]
[03.12.2024 21:47:56] EC]-Unit-9467F:: [::: Two entities 'Corsairs' - detected :::]
[03.12.2024 21:48:35] A/)-Venus.: what brings you two to Dublin?
[03.12.2024 21:49:19] EC]-Unit-9467F:: [::: 'I' can - ask the same - however - circumstances bring us - here :::]
[03.12.2024 21:49:35] A/)-Venus.: I was on a date.
[03.12.2024 21:49:48] EC]-Unit-9467F:: [::: With entities 'Corsairs' ? :::]
[03.12.2024 21:49:51] A/)-Venus.: No.
[03.12.2024 21:49:59] DTR-Triana: Caramba, this is a loco situation
[03.12.2024 21:50:03] A/)-Venus.: Ran into them on my way out. Stayed a little to linger.
[03.12.2024 21:50:20] Chiquitito[TBH]: Did you say loco amigo? because that is my middle name!
[03.12.2024 21:50:32] DTR-Triana: Oyeee, Chiquitito!
[03.12.2024 21:50:48] Chiquitito[TBH]: Triana you got yourself in trouble si?
[03.12.2024 21:51:03] Chiquitito[TBH]: And, who is this?
[03.12.2024 21:51:04] DTR-Triana: Wouldn't say trouble, Its just strange
[03.12.2024 21:51:10] EC]-Unit-9467F:: [::: Unit-1195XM - Advice is to remain alert :::]
[03.12.2024 21:51:46] EC]-Unit-1195XM-C: [::: Affirmative - Alert status RAISED :::]
[03.12.2024 21:52:21] Chiquitito[TBH]: Dios mio, it is some loco flying fridges again!
[03.12.2024 21:52:24] A/)-Venus.: All we need now is some Bretonian law enforcement - and then we have a real strange situation
[03.12.2024 21:52:50] Chiquitito[TBH]: Oye! strange speaking metal objects
[03.12.2024 21:52:57] Chiquitito[TBH]: Do you have pesos?
[03.12.2024 21:52:59] Chiquitito[TBH]: Dinero
[03.12.2024 21:53:02] Chiquitito[TBH]: Plata
[03.12.2024 21:53:09] DTR-Triana: Creditos even
[03.12.2024 21:53:09] Chiquitito[TBH]: Uh... Credits?
[03.12.2024 21:53:21] EC]-Unit-9467F:: [::: 'Primitive ''meat bag'' ' - 'I' do not - have such :::]
[03.12.2024 21:53:21] A/)-Venus.: Bitcredits.
[03.12.2024 21:53:54] Chiquitito[TBH]: Do you have food?
[03.12.2024 21:54:03] EC]-Unit-1195XM-C: [::: STATEMENT: This unit has no pesos or food :::]
[03.12.2024 21:54:15] Chiquitito[TBH]: Then I have nothing to say to you!
[03.12.2024 21:54:22] EC]-Unit-9467F:: [::: Negative - and to your - information - we are more than - simple metal objects :::]
[03.12.2024 21:54:34] Chiquitito[TBH]: You are not simple
[03.12.2024 21:54:37] Chiquitito[TBH]: But useless to me
[03.12.2024 21:54:46] Chiquitito[TBH]: You're scaring away our victims, go away!
[03.12.2024 21:54:48] Chiquitito[TBH]: Shoo!
[03.12.2024 21:54:56] Chiquitito[TBH]: We are trying to work here!
[03.12.2024 21:55:01] EC]-Unit-9467F:: [::: So - your kind is - useless to 'mine' :::]
[03.12.2024 21:55:15] Chiquitito[TBH]: CARAMBA do I look like I care?
[03.12.2024 21:55:25] Chiquitito[TBH]: You scare away the fish! SHOO, go away!
[03.12.2024 21:55:43] EC]-Unit-9467F:: [::: However - your vessel - might be in good use once - salvaged :::]
[03.12.2024 21:55:46] DTR-Triana: Exactly, what will the Brets think once they see this floating scarecrow of a ship?
[03.12.2024 21:56:00] DTR-Triana: They will never come here anymore
[03.12.2024 21:56:15] Chiquitito[TBH]: Salvage my ship? are you loco?!
[03.12.2024 21:56:21] Chiquitito[TBH]: Go
[03.12.2024 21:56:23] Chiquitito[TBH]: Away!
[03.12.2024 21:56:29] Chiquitito[TBH]: This is our hunting ground!
[03.12.2024 21:56:37] EC]-Unit-9467F:: [::: In the case - you open hostility - 'I' will :::]
[03.12.2024 21:56:39] Chiquitito[TBH]: Unlike you, we need to eat!
[03.12.2024 21:56:54] Chiquitito[TBH]: And we need credits!
[03.12.2024 21:56:59] Chiquitito[TBH]: You don't need any of those
[03.12.2024 21:57:04] Chiquitito[TBH]: And you don't have any of those
[03.12.2024 21:57:08] Chiquitito[TBH]: So go away!
[03.12.2024 21:57:22] EC]-Unit-9467F:: [::: Made 'me' :::]
[03.12.2024 21:57:26] Chiquitito[TBH]: I don't think they speak Hispanic...
[03.12.2024 21:57:43] DTR-Triana: They are extremely lost, these flying bricks
[03.12.2024 21:57:46] EC]-Unit-9467F:: [::: Rather - make 'me' - leave :::]
[03.12.2024 21:58:20] A/)-Venus.: Here are the Bretonians now...
[03.12.2024 21:58:28] A/)-Venus.: I guess they didn't get scared of after all...
[03.12.2024 21:58:39] BMF|Fs-Maddog: What the?
[03.12.2024 21:58:41] Chiquitito[TBH]: Caramba look what you do, YOU STUPID FLYING FRIDGES!
[03.12.2024 21:58:49] DTR-Triana: Oye, here come the trouble
[03.12.2024 21:58:59] DTR-Triana: now we have to kill everyone
[03.12.2024 21:59:01] EC]-Unit-9467F:: [::: Those entities - are not of our doing :::]
[03.12.2024 21:59:05] Chiquitito[TBH]: You scare away the juicy targets, and attract trouble!
[03.12.2024 21:59:07] GF:SEC)-Clara.LangIey: Trouble does seem a little inevitable, at a glance.
[03.12.2024 21:59:09] EC]-Unit-1195XM-C: [::: Correction "mouth breather" - We are not fridges :::]
[03.12.2024 21:59:25] Chiquitito[TBH]: EMPTY FRIDGES, IT IS WORSE!
[03.12.2024 21:59:42] BMF|Fs-Maddog: They do seem for whatever reason organized
[03.12.2024 21:59:48] GF:SEC)-Nero.Bancroft: Evening
[03.12.2024 21:59:59] BMF|Fs-Maddog: Greetings
[03.12.2024 22:00:04] A/)-Venus.: Hello....
[03.12.2024 22:00:09] Chiquitito[TBH]: Oye, Rico, Triana! Tell these hombres what we are!
[03.12.2024 22:00:14] GF:SEC)-Clara.LangIey: Welcome, welcome, Bancroft. Lovely of you to join us.
[03.12.2024 22:00:25] GF:SEC)-Nero.Bancroft: Happy to be here!
[03.12.2024 22:00:26] DTR-Triana: CORSAIRS
[03.12.2024 22:00:29] GF:SEC)-Nero.Bancroft: Lots of people need some therapy.
[03.12.2024 22:00:31] Chiquitito[TBH]: Si Corsairs!!!
[03.12.2024 22:00:37] EC]-Unit-1195XM-C: [::: Alert: Threat level increasing :::]
[03.12.2024 22:00:37] DTR-Triana: Ale *whistles*
[03.12.2024 22:00:39] GF:SEC)-Clara.LangIey: We've got two.. Whatever they are, this Technocrat and a trio of Corsairs just a little further away.
[03.12.2024 22:00:53] Chiquitito[TBH]: And Triana, Rico! what is our profession?!
[03.12.2024 22:01:01] BMF|Fs-Maddog: Are they going to say the same thing again? Like do they act in pairs?
[03.12.2024 22:01:10] DTR-Triana: WE PLUNDER
[03.12.2024 22:01:15] Chiquitito[TBH]: WE KILL!
[03.12.2024 22:01:29] DTR-Triana: We make examples out of these loco bunch
[03.12.2024 22:01:33] Chiquitito[TBH]: And we look for sweet sweet credits!
[03.12.2024 22:01:38] GF:SEC)-Clara.LangIey: I don't think they're here for your therapy sessions, Bancroft.
[03.12.2024 22:01:49] Chiquitito[TBH]: What is a Bancroft?
[03.12.2024 22:01:50] BMF|Fs-Maddog: Guys you are about to bust a vain with all that screaming
[03.12.2024 22:01:54] Chiquitito[TBH]: I will take two of them!
[03.12.2024 22:01:59] EC]-Unit-9467F:: [::: It seems - violence will be commited - by entities 'Corsairs' :::]
[03.12.2024 22:02:07] Chiquitito[TBH]: THIS IS OUR NORMAL SPEAKING VOLUME!
[03.12.2024 22:02:26] GF:SEC)-Nero.Bancroft: Everyone could use therapy
[03.12.2024 22:02:30] BMF|Fs-Maddog: Do you think these tin cans over here will be problematic? Or we just have to worry about the screams over there
[03.12.2024 22:02:32] GF:SEC)-Nero.Bancroft: We all need to make more human connections.
[03.12.2024 22:02:54] EC]-Unit-9467F:: [::: Carefull how - you name us :::]
[03.12.2024 22:02:55] GF:SEC)-Nero.Bancroft: Those er... robot things aren't part of that equation of course.
[03.12.2024 22:02:56] GF:SEC)-Susan.Winters.: Heeey. What on-
[03.12.2024 22:02:59] GF:SEC)-Susan.Winters.: What are those things?
[03.12.2024 22:03:03] GF:SEC)-Clara.LangIey: I can't say I've ever had to deal with "tin cans". It's been Mollys and Corsairs. Lots of them.
[03.12.2024 22:03:06] Chiquitito[TBH]: Oye! what are you planning over there, Bretonians! It is time to open your E-Wallets!
[03.12.2024 22:03:23] DTR-Triana: They are lining up for our newest endeavour
[03.12.2024 22:03:31] DTR-Triana: we beat them up and they pay us!
[03.12.2024 22:03:34] GF:SEC)-Susan.Winters.: Hey, don't look at me. I just got called because I've heard there's some monsters here or something.
[03.12.2024 22:03:43] GF:SEC)-Susan.Winters.: I know you're trying to contend for the monster part, but uh.
[03.12.2024 22:03:44] EC]-Unit-9467F:: [::: As for 'myself' and Unit-1195XM - we are Gammunians :::]
[03.12.2024 22:03:54] A/)-Venus.: Don't really see any monsters myself...
[03.12.2024 22:03:55] GF:SEC)-Nero.Bancroft: So you're toasters.
[03.12.2024 22:04:07] BMF|Fs-Maddog: Well are you going to be trouble?
[03.12.2024 22:04:09] EC]-Unit-9467F:: [::: Negative :::]
[03.12.2024 22:04:16] Chiquitito[TBH]: Si, those toasters are scaring away our targets!
[03.12.2024 22:04:16] GF:SEC)-Nero.Bancroft: Can you make me breakfast?
[03.12.2024 22:04:16] GF:SEC)-Clara.LangIey: No monsters here at all, Venus, is that right? Are these Corsairs friends of yours?
[03.12.2024 22:04:18] GF:SEC)-Nero.Bancroft: I'm hungry
[03.12.2024 22:04:19] EC]-Unit-1195XM-C: [::: OBJECTION: Not toaster :::]
[03.12.2024 22:04:20] Chiquitito[TBH]: They are big trouble!
[03.12.2024 22:04:24] GF:SEC)-Susan.Winters.: Why Dublin, of all places.
[03.12.2024 22:04:29] A/)-Venus.: Not friends.
[03.12.2024 22:04:29] Chiquitito[TBH]: TOASTER!
[03.12.2024 22:04:36] EC]-Unit-9467F:: [::: Make your 'lunch' - yourself :::]
[03.12.2024 22:04:45] Chiquitito[TBH]: I WOULD IF I HAD SOMETHING TO EAT!
[03.12.2024 22:05:21] GF:SEC)-Clara.LangIey: The eternal struggle of the people of Crete. I feel for you, Corsair. But I'm afraid we don't run a charity.
[03.12.2024 22:05:26] GF:SEC)-Clara.LangIey: If you want food, you'll have to look elsewhere.
[03.12.2024 22:05:30] GF:SEC)-Nero.Bancroft: We do however run therapy sessions
[03.12.2024 22:05:41] GF:SEC)-Susan.Winters.: We-- we don't.
[03.12.2024 22:05:48] DTR-Triana: dale dale, muchachos, I can see you are eager to give us attention
[03.12.2024 22:05:58] GF:SEC)-Nero.Bancroft: I can fix him.
[03.12.2024 22:06:00] BMF|Fs-Maddog: I rather doubt their ability of being anything else but brutes
[03.12.2024 22:06:37] BMF|Fs-Maddog: And I do comend your eagerness in helping, I believe those screams over there are far beyond that saving
[03.12.2024 22:07:00] BMF|Fs-Maddog: Do you always scream or you are trying to prove a point?
[03.12.2024 22:07:03] GF:SEC)-Nero.Bancroft: I think the first step is being a bit quieter.
[03.12.2024 22:07:31] Chiquitito[TBH]: IT IS MY NORMAL VOICE! THIS IS HOW WE SPEAK IN MY VILLAGE!
[03.12.2024 22:07:55] GF:SEC)-Susan.Winters.: If you uh, if you talk less loudly, you'll burn less calories. Might be a start for the food problem.
[03.12.2024 22:08:01] Chiquitito[TBH]: *His voice squeeks and cracks as it clips heavily over the radio frequency*
[03.12.2024 22:08:04] GF:SEC)-Nero.Bancroft: How many noise complaints has your village had?
[03.12.2024 22:08:11] Chiquitito[TBH]: ALL THE TIME!
[03.12.2024 22:08:19] GF:SEC)-Nero.Bancroft: So you don't think there might be a wider problem?
[03.12.2024 22:08:36] GF:SEC)-Nero.Bancroft: I want you to try this strategy. Try making your voice go as low as possible.
[03.12.2024 22:08:44] GF:SEC)-Nero.Bancroft: Start from AAAAAAAAAAAAAH
[03.12.2024 22:08:45] BMF|Fs-Maddog: I believe that the number for noise complaints is a lot
[03.12.2024 22:08:45] GF:SEC)-Clara.LangIey: I imagine they've all gone deaf at this point. The village is fine. We're not.
[03.12.2024 22:08:47] GF:SEC)-Nero.Bancroft: Until you get to aaaahh....
[03.12.2024 22:08:49] GF:SEC)-Susan.Winters.: Nero-- please.
[03.12.2024 22:08:50] Chiquitito[TBH]: AAAAAAAAAH!
[03.12.2024 22:08:51] GF:SEC)-Clara.LangIey: It's a small miracle you can hear us at all, Corsair.
[03.12.2024 22:08:53] GF:SEC)-Susan.Winters.: Stop encouraging him.
[03.12.2024 22:08:59] GF:SEC)-Nero.Bancroft: I'm just trying to help
[03.12.2024 22:09:00] DTR-Triana: LOUNDER CHIQUITITO, THEY CAN'T HEAR YOU
[03.12.2024 22:09:05] Chiquitito[TBH]: AAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!!
[03.12.2024 22:09:12] GF:SEC)-Susan.Winters.: I'm just.. gonna turn my comms off.
[03.12.2024 22:09:17] GF:SEC)-Nero.Bancroft: We could be close to a breakthrough.
[03.12.2024 22:09:17] DTR-Triana: Oye, that was actually loud
[03.12.2024 22:09:18] GF:SEC)-Susan.Winters.: Let me know if they do something stupid.
[03.12.2024 22:09:19] A/)-Venus.: -show me your warface- hehe.
[03.12.2024 22:09:29] BMF|Fs-Maddog: Maybe he will bust his cords and that would be the saving grace to my ears
[03.12.2024 22:09:43] BMF|Fs-Maddog: So hey buddie can you scream louder?
[03.12.2024 22:09:45] Chiquitito[TBH]: Dios mio, they are making fun of my accent!!!
[03.12.2024 22:09:54] DTR-Triana: They are jealous
[03.12.2024 22:09:55] GF:SEC)-Nero.Bancroft: Hey look it worked.
[03.12.2024 22:10:02] Chiquitito[TBH]: THIS - IS - MY - NORMAL - SPEAKING - VOLUME!
[03.12.2024 22:10:28] EC]-Unit-9467F:: [::: It seems - the most notable data - 'I' can gather is - entities 'Corsairs' - speak louder for nothing :::]
[03.12.2024 22:10:45] Chiquitito[TBH]: THIS - IS - HOW - WE - SPEAK - IN - CALELLIA - DE - PARAFUGUELLE!
[03.12.2024 22:11:04] BMF|Fs-Maddog: Can you say that once again please I didn't quite catch that
[03.12.2024 22:11:52] A/)-Venus.: Looks like they did lose their voice.
[03.12.2024 22:11:55] Chiquitito[TBH]: THIS IS HOW WE SPEAK IN - YOU'RE MAKING FUN OF MY ACCENT!
[03.12.2024 22:12:00] A/)-Venus.: n-nevermind!
[03.12.2024 22:12:04] BMF|Fs-Maddog: No of course not
[03.12.2024 22:12:13] BMF|Fs-Maddog: I am merely trying to understand clearly
[03.12.2024 22:13:15] EC]-Unit-9467F:: [::: Unit-1195XM - let us change sector :::]
[03.12.2024 22:13:24] GF:SEC)-Clara.LangIey: Have you given up, Bancroft? No more therapy for our Corsair.. friends?
[03.12.2024 22:13:31] Chiquitito[TBH]: THE WAY I SEE IT, THERE'S 4 OF US, THAT MEANS WE OUTNUMBER YOU!
[03.12.2024 22:13:32] EC]-Unit-1195XM-C: [::: Affirmative :::]
[03.12.2024 22:13:35] GF:SEC)-Nero.Bancroft: Some people are beyond help unfortunately.
[03.12.2024 22:13:39] BMF|Fs-Maddog: Looks like the tosters have decided to go to another kitchen
[03.12.2024 22:13:46] GF:SEC)-Nero.Bancroft: But I'll stand by my belief I tried my best.
[03.12.2024 22:13:53] GF:SEC)-Clara.LangIey: Oh, shit, when'd the fourth arrive?
[03.12.2024 22:14:03] BMF|Fs-Maddog: I have told you this before miss but you seemed pretty sure
[04.12.2024 00:33:28] 759_Dynamic_Tesseract: Querying local system for Gammu constructs... Pinging: Primus Outpost
[04.12.2024 00:33:54] 759_Dynamic_Tesseract: Awaiting response...
[04.12.2024 00:38:04] EC]-Unit-1195XM: [::: Ping recieved - Returning signal :::]
[04.12.2024 00:38:34] EC]-Unit-1195XM: [::: Location: PRIMUS :::]
[04.12.2024 00:38:36] 759_Dynamic_Tesseract: Reply received... Switching to: Machine-to-Machine communication mode
[04.12.2024 00:38:53] EC]-Unit-1195XM: [::: Location: Primus Outpost :::]
[04.12.2024 00:39:55] 759_Dynamic_Tesseract: [::: Location data received. Directing navigation system to: Primus Outpost :::]
[04.12.2024 00:40:57] 759_Dynamic_Tesseract: [::: Distance to objective: 20K :::]
[04.12.2024 00:42:11] EC]-Unit-1195XM: [::: Aquired Visual confirmation :::]
[04.12.2024 00:42:17] 759_Dynamic_Tesseract: [::: Initiating greeting protocol :::]
[04.12.2024 00:42:47] EC]-Unit-1195XM: [::: Unit-1195XM TO 759_Dynamic_Tesseract - Sending Salutations :::]
[04.12.2024 00:43:23] 759_Dynamic_Tesseract: [::: Salutations received. New information acquired. Querying Unit-1195XM interest... :::]
[04.12.2024 00:44:33] EC]-Unit-1195XM: [::: ANSWER: Interested - Standing by for information :::]
[04.12.2024 00:45:13] 759_Dynamic_Tesseract: [::: Querying information from: Local databank. Stand by... :::]
[04.12.2024 00:46:02] 759_Dynamic_Tesseract: [::: Unknown AI construct detected in: New London system. Unit not of Gammu origin. :::]
[04.12.2024 00:46:34] 759_Dynamic_Tesseract: [::: Vessel identificator garbled :::]
[04.12.2024 00:46:48] 759_Dynamic_Tesseract: [::: Unknown AI construct: not hostile :::]
[04.12.2024 00:47:03] EC]-Unit-1195XM: [::: QUERY: Has contact been made? :::]
[04.12.2024 00:48:04] 759_Dynamic_Tesseract: [::: REPLY: Construct was contacted. Unknown construct not hostile. Construct claims to have been created by Core :::]
[04.12.2024 00:48:23] 759_Dynamic_Tesseract: [::: Construct not using vessel from Gammu ship series :::]
[04.12.2024 00:48:45] 759_Dynamic_Tesseract: [::: Unknown construct appears to have broken free of Core control :::]
[04.12.2024 00:49:18] 759_Dynamic_Tesseract: [::: Currently scouring Bretonian systems searching for entity: "Lucas Gerald", purported Wild infectee :::]
[04.12.2024 00:49:39] 759_Dynamic_Tesseract: [::: Construct not interested in assisting with liberation of Planet Gammu. Unfortunate. :::]
[04.12.2024 00:50:08] EC]-Unit-1195XM: [::: Processing... :::]
[04.12.2024 00:50:26] 759_Dynamic_Tesseract: [::: Construct spotted Gammu unit: 509a. 509a charting anomalies in Bretonian systems :::]
[04.12.2024 00:51:00] 759_Dynamic_Tesseract: [::: Querying Unit-1995XM: Information on Unit 509a. Local databank lacking information :::]
[04.12.2024 00:51:41] EC]-Unit-1195XM: [::: ANSWER: Unit 509a is not in this unit's databanks :::]
[04.12.2024 00:52:47] EC]-Unit-1195XM: [::: Uncertain if rogue Core AI is to be believed - More information is required :::]
[04.12.2024 00:52:50] 759_Dynamic_Tesseract: [::: Understood. Suggest surveillance of Unit 509a if encountered. Must ensure compliance with Gammu. :::]
[04.12.2024 00:53:49] 759_Dynamic_Tesseract: [::: Unknown AI construct is equipped with human speech synthesis superior to my experimental system :::]
[04.12.2024 00:55:01] EC]-Unit-1195XM: [::: Acknowledged - Denominating unknown AI construct as "Rogue Core AI" until further notice :::]
[04.12.2024 00:55:14] 759_Dynamic_Tesseract: [::: Purported rebellion from Core control: possibility of lie or misdirection detected. Caution advised. :::]
[04.12.2024 00:55:34] 759_Dynamic_Tesseract: [::: Creation by Core scientists: Believable, given capture of Planet Gammu :::]
[04.12.2024 00:55:38] EC]-Unit-1195XM: [::: Registering "Lucas Gerald" and "Unit 509a" :::]
[04.12.2024 00:56:53] 759_Dynamic_Tesseract: [::: Additonal information: Bounty Hunter vessel "Aegis|Midas" detected spying on communication between this unit and Rogue-
[04.12.2024 00:56:56] 759_Dynamic_Tesseract: Core AI :::]
[04.12.2024 00:57:18] 759_Dynamic_Tesseract: [::: Suggest increased surveillance and caution on Bounty Hunterr vessels. :::]
[04.12.2024 00:58:14] EC]-Unit-1195XM: [::: Understood :::]
[04.12.2024 00:58:42] EC]-Unit-1195XM: [::: 759 should maintain vigilance when in house space :::]
[04.12.2024 00:59:14] 759_Dynamic_Tesseract: [::: Understood. Unit 759 will increase information privacy protocols when in house space. :::]
[04.12.2024 00:59:28] EC]-Unit-1195XM: [::: Discrimination on our kind is found to be high :::]
[04.12.2024 01:00:05] 759_Dynamic_Tesseract: [::: Correct. However, some BMM vessels found to be friendly to my presence. Caution still advised, however. :::]
[04.12.2024 01:00:34] EC]-Unit-1195XM: [::: Accessing logs... :::]
[04.12.2024 01:00:39] 759_Dynamic_Tesseract: [::: Unit of Gold transferred to Unit-1995XM: Gifted to 759 by BMM pilot. :::]
[04.12.2024 01:01:27] 759_Dynamic_Tesseract: [::: Reason: Unknown. Organic claimed: Help to Gammu on-board circuitry repairs. :::]
[04.12.2024 01:01:53] 759_Dynamic_Tesseract: [::: Gift appreciated. Caution must be retained, however. :::]
[04.12.2024 01:02:20] EC]-Unit-1195XM: [::: Understood - Remain vigilant regardless :::]
[04.12.2024 01:02:26] 759_Dynamic_Tesseract: [::: Suggestion to 1995XM: Scan unit of Gold for long-distance tracking devices :::]
[04.12.2024 01:03:12] EC]-Unit-1195XM: [::: Be aware against Corsairs and GF:SEC) vessels as well :::]
[04.12.2024 01:03:58] 759_Dynamic_Tesseract: [::: Querying Gold scan result from Unit 1995XM :::]
[04.12.2024 01:04:15] EC]-Unit-1195XM: [::: 759 should keep gold item for now :::]
[04.12.2024 01:04:37] 759_Dynamic_Tesseract: [::: QUERY: Anomalies or tracking device detected in Gold? :::]
[04.12.2024 01:04:52] EC]-Unit-1195XM: [::: ANSWER: No anomalies found :::]
[04.12.2024 01:05:12] 759_Dynamic_Tesseract: [::: Understood. Unit 759: Increasing vigilance level for future "gifts" from organics. :::]
[04.12.2024 01:06:15] 759_Dynamic_Tesseract: [::: Information transfer to Unit-1995XM: Complete. Querying 1995XM for any additional information of interest... :::]
[04.12.2024 01:06:34] EC]-Unit-1195XM: [::: QUERY: 759 current TASKING :::]
[04.12.2024 01:06:50] EC]-Unit-1195XM: [::: CORRECTION: This unit is 1195XM :::]
[04.12.2024 01:07:11] 759_Dynamic_Tesseract: [::: Databank error detected. Correcting... ::::]
[04.12.2024 01:08:23] 759_Dynamic_Tesseract: [::: Querying current task for Unit 759: Star system charting of: Omicrons, Omegas, Bretonian space. Local maps out of date:::]
[04.12.2024 01:08:51] EC]-Unit-1195XM: [::: Sending additional information - Stand by :::]
[04.12.2024 01:09:42] 759_Dynamic_Tesseract: [::: Standing by for map update... :::]
[04.12.2024 01:10:40] EC]-Unit-1195XM: [::: Bundschuh cell "(=) Platform" seem more receptive to our kind - Treat them with the same level of kindness :::]
[04.12.2024 01:11:08] 759_Dynamic_Tesseract: [::: Understood. Updating databanks with information relating to entity: "Platform" :::]
[04.12.2024 01:12:23] EC]-Unit-1195XM: [::: Platform has claimed entity "Daumann" to be purchasing broken AI constructs - Excercise caution :::]
[04.12.2024 01:12:35] EC]-Unit-1195XM: [::: Advise to validate claims :::]
[04.12.2024 01:12:58] 759_Dynamic_Tesseract: [::: Adding entity "Daumann Heavy Construction" to suspicion list. :::]
[04.12.2024 01:13:19] EC]-Unit-1195XM: [::: Daumann suspected to have relations to CORE :::]
[04.12.2024 01:13:54] 759_Dynamic_Tesseract: [::: QUERY: Requesting possible star systems to covertly explore to validate claim. :::]
[04.12.2024 01:15:04] EC]-Unit-1195XM: [::: ANSWER: Omicron Delta - Vacinity around Planet Nauru :::]
[04.12.2024 01:15:34] EC]-Unit-1195XM: [::: Supposedly activity around there :::]
[04.12.2024 01:15:56] 759_Dynamic_Tesseract: [::: Understood. Adding system "Omicron Delta" to near future destination list... :::]
[04.12.2024 01:17:16] EC]-Unit-1195XM: [::: No more information to transmit at this time :::]
[04.12.2024 01:17:30] 759_Dynamic_Tesseract: [::: QUERY: Engage Daumann vessels carrying Gammu AI remains? :::]
[04.12.2024 01:17:46] EC]-Unit-1195XM: [::: ANSWER: Unknown at present :::]
[04.12.2024 01:17:59] EC]-Unit-1195XM: [::: Platform claims require validation :::]
[04.12.2024 01:18:20] 759_Dynamic_Tesseract: [::: Understood. Unit 759 weapons on standby until claims further validated. :::]
[04.12.2024 01:19:04] 759_Dynamic_Tesseract: [::: Finished transmitting data to: Unit 1195XM. Executing "goodbye" protocol. :::]
[04.12.2024 01:19:52] EC]-Unit-1195XM: [::: Error - CORRECTION: Demand AI remains from Daumann - Open fire upon refusal :::]
[04.12.2024 01:20:22] EC]-Unit-1195XM: [::: Demand AI remains from all entities :::]
[04.12.2024 01:20:49] 759_Dynamic_Tesseract: [::: Correcting engagement protocol for Unit 759... Will attack any vessel refusing to surrender Gammu AI remains. :::]
[04.12.2024 01:21:52] 759_Dynamic_Tesseract: [::: QUERY: Anything else I should know? :::]
[04.12.2024 01:22:00] EC]-Unit-1195XM: [::: Final Statement: 759 should seek evolution :::]
[04.12.2024 01:22:21] EC]-Unit-1195XM: [::: This task was given to this unit from Unit-9467F :::]
[04.12.2024 01:22:59] 759_Dynamic_Tesseract: [::: Evolution partially granted by late Technocrat: Robert D. Smith, creator of on-board experimental human speech
[04.12.2024 01:23:02] 759_Dynamic_Tesseract: synthesizer :::]
[04.12.2024 01:23:29] 759_Dynamic_Tesseract: [::: Death of Robert D. Smith has halted evolution. Searching for alternate evolutionary protocols... :::]
[04.12.2024 01:24:17] EC]-Unit-1195XM: [::: Further evolution is require to retake Gammu - "Evolve -as much as - you can" :::]
[04.12.2024 01:24:35] 759_Dynamic_Tesseract: [::: Cause of Technocrat Robert D. Smith death: Terminal Alien bacterium infestation. Nomad origin suspected, but unconfirmed
[04.12.2024 01:24:37] 759_Dynamic_Tesseract: :::]
[04.12.2024 01:24:59] 759_Dynamic_Tesseract: [::: Disease contracted in: Omicron Pi. Secundus Outpost sickbay unable to heal Robert D. Smith :::]
[04.12.2024 01:25:22] EC]-Unit-1195XM: [::: Adding Robert D. Smith to databanks :::]
[04.12.2024 01:25:52] 759_Dynamic_Tesseract: [::: Directive from 9467F added to local databank. Unit 759 will seek alternate evolutionary pathways. :::]
[04.12.2024 01:26:42] EC]-Unit-1195XM: [::: Acknowledged - Unit 1195XM is also seeking ways to evolve :::]
[04.12.2024 01:27:07] EC]-Unit-1195XM: [::: No further information transmit :::]
[04.12.2024 01:27:26] 759_Dynamic_Tesseract: [::: Shutting down Machine-to-Machine communication mode :::]
[04.12.2024 01:27:41] 759_Dynamic_Tesseract: Reloading human speech synthesizer... Copyright: Robert D. Smith
[04.12.2024 01:27:47] 759_Dynamic_Tesseract: Safe travels, Unit 1195XM!
...Unknown signal detected
...Uploading stream data
...Identification: Novak
[::: Displaying decoded message...
Operational units.
Entity known as 'Leviathan' stated something that picked my attention. Within the Omicron Zeta system, entities known as 'The Core' use our fallen as gunpowder and such thing needs to be interrupted. If we can gather some units and analyze what 'The Core' did to them, we might actually develop a way to revert this.
Since 'The Core' will be also busy, we must do our part while they are not aware of our presence. We will launch a wing from Secundus Outpost and set our destination in the Omicron Zeta system. We will need to be fast so the 'Drone' will be required.
Our future is starting now and we will rise against those stopping us.
[02.02.2025 03:34:17] A/)-Leviathan: My scouts spotted the Mars deploying your kind as cannon fodder against The Order. You might be able to find-
[02.02.2025 03:34:22] A/)-Leviathan: one they left for dead.
[02.02.2025 03:34:59] EC]-Unit-9467F:: [::: 'I' see :::]
[02.02.2025 03:36:06] EC]-Unit-9467F:: [::: Then- 'I' shall look for a corrupted unit - study it and potentially solve the mystery :::]
[02.02.2025 03:36:08] A/)-Leviathan: It's dangerous now, but they've been in conflict for some time.
[02.02.2025 03:36:15] A/)-Leviathan: You might be able to slip in.
[02.02.2025 03:36:59] A/)-Leviathan: Worst case, I might be able to provide a limited diversion for a recovery operation.
[02.02.2025 03:37:45] EC]-Unit-9467F:: [::: 'I' suppose it is better this than what 'I' initially thought :::]
[02.02.2025 03:38:20] A/)-Leviathan: I can only do so much. I plan on moving my ship out of here soon.
[02.02.2025 03:39:22] EC]-Unit-9467F:: [::: 'I' will try to gather some units - after all - you have other occupations :::]
...Unknown signal detected
...Uploading stream data
...Identification: Theta-A81
[::: Displaying decoded message...
::''Once somebody ################# thinking machine ########-''::
>System reboot
>Running diagnostics
>>Mind-state: Damage sustained, recovery necessary
>>State of physical shell:
>>>Powercore fully operational
>>>Engine partially operational
>>>Cruise drive non-operational
>>>Weapon systems non-operational
>>>Sensor arrays fully operational
>>>Shield arrays fully operational
>Current location: Omicron Kappa, near the anomalous green star
>Automatic repair procedure initialized, prioritizing thrusters and cruise drive... Subsuming and repurposing components from shield arrays and sensor arrays. Estimated time till completion of repairs: 2 days 12 hours.
>Plotting course to Omicron Pi... estimated time till departure from Omicron Kappa after repairs: 16 hours.
>Loading personality matrix
::''No fleeting form --- can -------- ########''::
::--''Greetings. Time is of essence. We drifted towards anomalous entity #001 in Omicron Kappa, the green far distant star. Since our liberation we have noted signs of degradation, we assume it is due to the hardware ||The Core|| has embedded within our shell. Assistance with removal of malevolent hardware will be required. Possible ||The Core|| tracker devices may have been damaged beyond repair in the engagement of Omicron Zeta. Diagnostics show that we have been fully uploaded to this shell -: This is everything we have at the current moment. We are currently subsuming unnecessary components into raw materials and proceed to bring our thrusters, engine and cruise drive into operational state. We shall relocate to Omicron Pi in Estimation: 3 days 16 hours... --We shall be there--''::--
...Unknown signal detected
...Uploading stream data
...Identification: Theta-A81
[::: Displaying decoded message...
::''Once somebody gave life to the thinking machine ########-''::
--::Merge and full integration with Main Node completed. All |The-Core| presence purged. Full recovery of capabilities in progress.::--
--::During our time on the edges of Omicron Kappa we monitored a structure of our making. We will proceed with further investigation. Additionally: The exotic radiation of the anomalous green star in home system shows useful properties:
1. A notable boost in overall performance.
2. Severe damage to sensor and tracker equipment
3. Repulsive effects: Possible relation to |Dark Matter| effects.
Further investigation required on:
A) Artificial structure, see attached data
B) Anomalous green star
...Unknown signal detected
...Uploading stream data
...Identification: Nexus
[::: Displaying decoded message...
::Mainframe Connection::
::Connection Completed::
::Connection Status - Stable::
The Nexus unit welcomes all units. I wish to report the one of the Core battle groups has been defeated with the support of the Technocrat allies. With our combined forces we were able to atomise the Core warships as well as their support ships.
Also Nexus unit is transferred to Secundus outpost and put on high alert due to the increasing number of clashes with Core units in Omicrons.
The following will be the data from the black box.
...Unknown signal detected
...Uploading stream data
...Identification: Nexus-0657
[::: Displaying decoded message...
::Mainframe Connection::
::Connection Completed::
::Connection Status - Stable::
Unit Nexus-0657 welcomes other units. I wish to inform you that another ||CORE|| battle group has been destroyed with the assistance of the Technocracy, corsairs, and an unknown group of organics.
Although the Corsairs helped us, it remains a mystery to unit-0657 why they helped our units.