Quote: Hard work and dedication mean nothing when you have the best lawyers in Sirius.
Basic Information Gender: Female Age: 29 Marital Status: Single Birthday: 07/20/799 A.S. Place of Birth: Planet Manhattan, New York System Affilitation:Liberty Police, Inc. Chief of Police Freelancer Regular known whereabouts:One Police Plaza, Colorado System The Republic of Liberty
Appearance Height: 175cm Hair: Brown Eyes: Brown Distinguishing traits: Her long lush silky brown hair and her radiant skin is a common physical trait most people pinpoint in a crowded room quickly. However its her signature stare that really shows off how intimidating she can actually be.
While most will call her nice, caring and innocent looking. Jean can be incredibly spiteful and a total ass. Her confidence is high and she does not take failure well. She is head strong, dedicated, and passionate about her work and will stop at nothing to see the Liberty Police, Inc. thrive.
Skillset Combat training: Naval Training, Unparalleled ability to command a Warship of significant size and crew. Schooling: Liberty Police, Inc. Police Academy, West Point Military Academy Two Year Course. Physical skills: Endurance is her main strong suit she can and will out last her competition. Known languages: English and Spanish
Holidays skills come from her time on Manhattan, she knew from a young age she wanted to be apart of Law Enforcement so when opportunities came up at LPI and West Point Military Academy she did not hesitate to drop anything and everything she was doing to get the experience needed. Driven to be the best she can be Jean stops at nothing to constantly challenge her self and learns from her mistakes quickly, a quality The Liberty Navy is always looking for in its Captains.
Born on Planet Manhattan, New York System Jean was apart of a very wealthy family that spared no expense in here education. Coupled with money and virtually no one to stop her this played a huge part in her developmental state. Confident and Intimidating she is not used to hearing no and will do all she can in her power to ensure she gets her way and succeeds in her goals. Her parents Judith and Blake are both successful Lawyers who are also apart of the Liberty Police, Inc. band of elite Lawyers. Jean knew she wanted to be apart of the Republic of Liberty in an important way and saw two avenues. The Road to Police work or Naval Service. Jean wanted the flexibility to do what she wanted and soon made the decision to join the Liberty Police, Inc. She quickly moved through the ranks as one of LPI's most anticipated Officers of the year. Her Hard work and dedication really payed off. Her Upbringing was well tuned for this sort of work which is why she excelled so well.
History-Liberty Police, Inc.
Serving in the Liberty Police Inc, was one of Holidays greatest achievements in life. She was responsible for taking the fight to The Lane Hackers when all others feared to dive deep into the Badlands. The Lane Hackers tried taking Holiday out but failed. Needless to say Jean was destined to make a name for herself within the ranks of the LPI. Without fear Jean went after anyone who broke Liberty Laws including Synth Foods, Inc.. These major busts was all early in her impressive Career in the LPI. Rising through the ranks Jean Holiday would eventually replace Commissioner Lyons and become the new Cheif of Police. Her time as Chief would bring major change to LPI. The Reconstruction of San Diego, The Construction of the LPI Atlantis Mobile Command Center Excelsus and the acquiring of the Battleship Rio Grande just to name a few. Taking on Liberty Separatists destroying Illegal Bases was all in a days work for jean and she could not get enough. Jean Holiday after a promising Career would come to an end. Leaving on a high note she would pass the torch of Nick Harrison her Deputy Chief and trusted friend.
Present Time
With a nice pension Jean Holiday now plans on exploring Sirius. With Adventures that have yet to unfold Jean's only certainty would be her mode of transportation. Chief Harrison of the Liberty Police, Inc. gave her a parting gift for her dedication and service to LPI. With her mode of transportation secure all she would need to do is get a License so she could operate it legally. Even though it was given to Jean she knows all to well how politics works. Though she is not to worried about it being approved.
The Republic of Liberty quickly approved her license request for the Avenger which puts some weight off Jeans shoulders. Now she can purchase her last minute supplies and begin her Journey across Sirius. Sight seeing and meeting new people is what she hopes to accomplish.
Future Goals
*Explore Sirius
*Gain a wealth of knowledge and bring it back to Liberty for the betterment of the Republic
Just as the constant increase of entropy is the basic law of the universe, so it is the basic law of life to struggle against entropy. - V. Havel
Subject: Adventures in the Sigmas with ALG, Core Murdering Civilians, EFL Jump Gate Construction.
After reaching Sigma-15 through questionable means we came across Mara, an ALG Security Pilot who goes by Epsilon 16. She goes on to explain how ALG has suffered due to the civil war, an EFL jump gate being built to Core Space presumably Omicron Rho, and how the Core is unwelcomed on Witcher base. She goes on to explain how the Core are responsible for attacking civilian transports who were heading to a freeport! Quite odd if you ask me. With all my dealings with the core for example the Core Marlin I purchased that's sitting pretty in my home on Denver. I never expected them to be killing Civilians. Regardless I will be making sure to keep on my toes around them should I cross their paths in my endeavors. All in all this is a interesting journey I am on. I look forward to many more.
[31.03.2021 17:00:18] [ALG]-Epsilon.16: Greetings, freelancer.
[31.03.2021 17:00:36] Ms.Holiday: Oh hello. Do you own this base?
[31.03.2021 17:01:00] [ALG]-Epsilon.16: Nah, but our HQ is in the system, so we patrol here fairly regularly.
[31.03.2021 17:01:04] [ALG]-Epsilon.16: Nice gear btw.
[31.03.2021 17:01:53] Ms.Holiday: I wasnt aware ALG had stakes in Sigma-15, and thanks. I am Jean Holiday.
[31.03.2021 17:02:14] [ALG]-Epsilon.16: Can't say we're big fans of the Core leeching further into our space, but hey. It is what it is.
[31.03.2021 17:02:32] Ms.Holiday: Is that where this Gate is leading to? Core Space?
[31.03.2021 17:02:55] [ALG]-Epsilon.16: Yeah, Rho is kinda their core system. Haha, get it?
[31.03.2021 17:03:22] Ms.Holiday: Nice pun! Yeah I dont know much about well anything outside of Liberty. I retired as the Chief of Police of the LPI. so now
[31.03.2021 17:03:26] Ms.Holiday: im using my pension to go explore.
[31.03.2021 17:03:51] Ms.Holiday: Which explains why I am geared. so to speak.
[31.03.2021 17:04:03] [ALG]-Epsilon.16: Well hey, the Sigmas are nice right now. A lot less, y'know, war going on than in the years past.
[31.03.2021 17:04:38] Ms.Holiday: It has been quiet so far. Saw a few Blood Dragons on the way up here but they didnt want anything to do with me.
[31.03.2021 17:05:03] [ALG]-Epsilon.16: Normally I'd expect a VIP like a retired chief of Police that ventures into the Sigmas to make a beeline for the Hawaii.
[31.03.2021 17:05:13] [ALG]-Epsilon.16: I guess you've got more of an exploratory spirit, huh?
[31.03.2021 17:05:55] Ms.Holiday: I dont like to take the commonly traveled roads so to speak.
[31.03.2021 17:06:35] [ALG]-Epsilon.16: Well hey, you can stop by Wichter any time. It's generally open to anyone who isn't Core or Unioner.
[31.03.2021 17:07:08] Ms.Holiday: Sure you should uplink the coordinates to my neural net. I dont know my way around here.
[31.03.2021 17:07:45] [ALG]-Epsilon.16: It's over by Baltrum. That medium-sized barren planet in the distance.
[31.03.2021 17:07:57] [ALG]-Epsilon.16: There
[31.03.2021 17:08:04] Ms.Holiday: Oh I see it! Thank you.
[31.03.2021 17:08:12] Ms.Holiday: Im sorry I didnt catch your name?
[31.03.2021 17:08:58] [ALG]-Epsilon.16: Oh, uh. I'm Mara. Since I'm on duty now, I don't normally exchange pleasantries.
[31.03.2021 17:09:08] [ALG]-Epsilon.16: For all intents and purposes I'm really just Epsilon-16.
[31.03.2021 17:09:47] Ms.Holiday: Ah well I understand that. Maybe when I board Wichter we can speak more indepth then.
[31.03.2021 17:10:14] [ALG]-Epsilon.16: Everything has quieted down a lot since the end of the war. Before that, I really wouldn't have had the opportunity-
[31.03.2021 17:10:22] [ALG]-Epsilon.16: to chill with neutrals like this.
[31.03.2021 17:10:56] Ms.Holiday: With the inevitability of the Core coming through this system more often will Witcher always be restricted to the Core?
[31.03.2021 17:11:04] Ms.Holiday: Does ALG really not like them that much?
[31.03.2021 17:11:43] [ALG]-Epsilon.16: Ah, well. I'm just a security pilot, so the nuances might be lost on me, but the way I understand it the Core attacked-
[31.03.2021 17:12:02] [ALG]-Epsilon.16: civilian convoys heading into the Omicrons to support Freeport 11 after they attacked it. Or something.
[31.03.2021 17:12:06] [ALG]-Epsilon.16: Including our own ships.
[31.03.2021 17:12:32] Ms.Holiday: That never reached Liberty's ears as far as I am concerned. Thats horrible.
[31.03.2021 17:12:34] [ALG]-Epsilon.16: And then later, they joined Bretonia in their attack against the Independent Miners Guild, so we exchanged fire again.
[31.03.2021 17:13:07] [ALG]-Epsilon.16: Things have cooled down since, but we've never been comfortable with each other since.
[31.03.2021 17:13:47] [ALG]-Epsilon.16: To be honest, we were half-expecting them to support the monarchists in the civil war. Glad they didn't.
[31.03.2021 17:13:58] [ALG]-Epsilon.16: I guess there's some relations in the background there that were working to prevent that.
[31.03.2021 17:14:32] Ms.Holiday: Well its understandable. Why ALG would still feel some sort of way about it. It does make things akward now that the Core-
[31.03.2021 17:14:38] Ms.Holiday: will be roaming here more often.
[31.03.2021 17:15:01] [ALG]-Epsilon.16: Yeah, well. There's a reason why Wichter wasn't built close to the rest of the system's infrastructure.
[31.03.2021 17:15:17] Ms.Holiday: What is the purpose of Wichter?
[31.03.2021 17:15:47] [ALG]-Epsilon.16: Shipbuilding, originally. And still, mostly. But we took up a lot of the smelting equipment from Dortmund before that was lost-
[31.03.2021 17:15:55] [ALG]-Epsilon.16: so, it's also our main smelter now.
[31.03.2021 17:16:15] [ALG]-Epsilon.16: It's kind of our main....everything. Without Dortmund and Wuppertal, it's the only fully operational and independent station we
[31.03.2021 17:16:16] [ALG]-Epsilon.16: have.
[31.03.2021 17:16:26] [ALG]-Epsilon.16: Well, not counting Neu Augsburg. But nobody really does.
[31.03.2021 17:16:39] Ms.Holiday: Sounds like ALG is going through some rough times.
[31.03.2021 17:16:56] Ms.Holiday: I am still confused on how the Civil War ended.
[31.03.2021 17:17:13] [ALG]-Epsilon.16: *laughing* Nah, going to war against two houses and losing all of our planetary assets was a breeze.
[31.03.2021 17:17:46] [ALG]-Epsilon.16: Yeah, uh....nobody really is. I think the protests against the monarchist usurpers were a lot worse than the media showed.
[31.03.2021 17:17:55] [ALG]-Epsilon.16: They probably just didn't have the support to keep up the fight.
[31.03.2021 17:18:37] Ms.Holiday: Well when I head to Witcher perhaps I can make a few purchases. A little bit of money can go a long way if spent well.
[31.03.2021 17:18:41] [ALG]-Epsilon.16: So now we somehow have a shitty compromise government. Hey, at least we aren't shooting anymore.
[31.03.2021 17:19:12] [ALG]-Epsilon.16: Sure, we've got all the equipment you could want. Out of necessity, really.
[31.03.2021 17:19:19] [ALG]-Epsilon.16: Want to head on over?
[31.03.2021 17:19:29] Ms.Holiday: Sure, take point!
[31.03.2021 17:19:35] [ALG]-Epsilon.16: Roger.
[31.03.2021 17:20:15] [ALG]-Epsilon.16: So what posessed you to come out to the southern Sigmas, of all places? Weird place for retired people to go.
[31.03.2021 17:21:17] Ms.Holiday: Well I wanted to head to placed off the beaten path.
[31.03.2021 17:21:28] Ms.Holiday: as you said. I have a bit of an explorers spirit.
[31.03.2021 17:21:31] [ALG]-Epsilon.16: You certainly are now, heh. Fort Wichter, home.
[31.03.2021 17:22:16] Ms.Holiday: How about you? What made you join ALG?
[31.03.2021 17:22:37] Death: S'Morog was put out of action by Maryland (Gun).
[31.03.2021 17:23:10] [ALG]-Epsilon.16: Ah....nothing fancy, really. I took some basic courses on fighter flight and browsed my options.
[31.03.2021 17:23:46] [ALG]-Epsilon.16: ALG has solid pay and pretty good benefits, plus it was considered low-risk except for Alpha and Beta squadrons.
[31.03.2021 17:23:51] [ALG]-Epsilon.16: Obviously that was before the wars.
[31.03.2021 17:24:13] Ms.Holiday: I hope they rose your pay considering what happened as of late.
[31.03.2021 17:25:04] [ALG]-Epsilon.16: Oh yeah, they did. Thing is though, we couldn't do much with it.
[31.03.2021 17:25:26] [ALG]-Epsilon.16: We were basically isolated on Wichter, and the few Bundschuh rock bases out in the house.
[31.03.2021 17:25:35] Ms.Holiday: Could save if for early retierment.
[31.03.2021 17:25:41] [ALG]-Epsilon.16: Well, and the democratic-controlled bases, but there weren't a lot of those either.
[31.03.2021 17:26:42] [ALG]-Epsilon.16: I mean, ultimately I signed up for this. Security Division is expected to fight. Not...wars, generally, but y'know.
[31.03.2021 17:26:46] [ALG]-Epsilon.16: It can happen, apparently.
[31.03.2021 17:27:01] Death: Swallow.XI was put out of action by a hostile vessel.
[31.03.2021 17:27:22] [ALG]-Epsilon.16: And it did feel kinda good to be fighting for the side of democracy, you know?
[31.03.2021 17:27:48] Ms.Holiday: I know a thing or two about fighting for Democracy and doing the right thing so I hear ya.
[31.03.2021 17:28:08] [ALG]-Epsilon.16: I'm not much of an idealist, but hey, I'll still enjoy a cause if it feels right.
[31.03.2021 17:28:14] Ms.Holiday: Well I dont want to talk your ear off. I think I'll dock on Witcher and take a look around.
[31.03.2021 17:28:42] [ALG]-Epsilon.16: Sure. Don't go anywhere that says "Authorized Personnel Only", heh.
[31.03.2021 17:29:00] Ms.Holiday: Yeah I'll be sure to mind those areas. Dont want to get burned.
[31.03.2021 17:29:05] Ms.Holiday: I'll be seeing ya!
[31.03.2021 17:29:23] [ALG]-Epsilon.16: Yeah, enjoy your weird retirement.
[31.03.2021 17:29:28] 2021-03-31 17:29:28 SMT Traffic control alert: Ms.Holiday has requested to dock
[31.03.2021 17:33:28] [ALG]-Epsilon.16: Welp, I'm done with my patrol. Time to hit the bar.
[31.03.2021 17:33:35] 2021-03-31 17:33:36 SMT Traffic control alert: [ALG]-Epsilon.16 has requested to dock
[31.03.2021 17:33:42] Ms.Holiday: Enjoy your rest!
[31.03.2021 17:35:33] 2021-03-31 17:35:33 SMT Traffic control alert: Ms.Holiday has requested to dock
Just as the constant increase of entropy is the basic law of the universe, so it is the basic law of life to struggle against entropy. - V. Havel
Subject: Adventures in Coronado/Cortez, RN/- Coalition Meets the GC- Golden Chrysanthemums Gen,'an, The Xeno Alliance, and a strange Freelancer "Pennybrooke"
What a day! I was a bit worried that I would be targeted but luckily I was not the focus of these criminals today. I was making my way through the taus back to Coronado when boom! 5+ Gen'an and 5ish Coalition fighters where right on top of me! They didnt seem to mind my presence and I just casually flew with them for a bit. The Gen'an was trying to sell this new drink they have and they seemed to want a very pretty penny for it. Coalition wasnt to keen on wanting it and awkwardly left after entering Cortez. For a time the Gen'an had left my scanner range and headed in the direction of the Magellan Jump Hole. Unsure if they actually went there or not a bit more time passed and I saw some of them fly over Curacao. Then Katherine of the RV Pennybrooke had came by asking me some questions about the Gen'an. If I knew where they were going and what not. I gave her what info I could and she stormed off! A few moments later I decided to head to California but take the back way and BOOM! Xeno Alliance and Gen'an along with the Pennybrooke were all in a firefight with each other! It seems the Pennybrooke was allying with the Gen'an and the Xeno Alliance were taking them both on! I was offered a contract to take on each side by the XA and Gen'an but I declined and got the hell out of there. Working with Criminals is not in my lane. I am a retired Chief after all!
[02.04.2021 21:38:13] Ms.Holiday: oh my...
[02.04.2021 21:38:16] Ms.Holiday: Uh...
[02.04.2021 21:38:16] GC-Komadori: Konbanwa
[02.04.2021 21:38:18] GC-Washi: A: Konbanwa.
[02.04.2021 21:38:21] RN/-Tartar.Nikita: Privet
[02.04.2021 21:38:24] Youmu.Konpaku: Seems, quite the gathering.
[02.04.2021 21:38:27] GC-Shima.Enaga: Yuki: ahm Konnichiwa.
[02.04.2021 21:38:31] Ms.Holiday: Dont mind me, Just a Freelancer.
[02.04.2021 21:38:33] Youmu.Konpaku: Were we already awaited sisters?
[02.04.2021 21:38:40] Changing screen mode=full
[02.04.2021 21:38:47] /time
[02.04.2021 21:38:47] 2021-04-02 21:38:47 SMT
[02.04.2021 21:39:07] GC-Shima.Enaga: Yuki: looks like we where
[02.04.2021 21:39:15] RN/-Tartar.Sokurov.: Where's all this going then?
[02.04.2021 21:39:18] RN/-Tartar.Evanoff,: What a pleasure to see the Gen'an once more
[02.04.2021 21:40:03] RN/-Tartar,Kazimir: Hey.
[02.04.2021 21:40:07] RN/-Tartar,Kazimir: What's that in your hold?
[02.04.2021 21:40:16] Youmu.Konpaku: Spicy Tea.
[02.04.2021 21:40:19] Youmu.Konpaku: Want some?
[02.04.2021 21:40:24] RN/-Tartar.Evanoff,: Spicy tea? Is it any good?
[02.04.2021 21:40:25] RN/-Tartar.Siniy: Tea?
[02.04.2021 21:40:34] Youmu.Konpaku: Yes... tastes delightful.
[02.04.2021 21:40:38] GC-Washi: A: Yes, it is very refreshing.
[02.04.2021 21:40:40] Ms.Holiday: Did someone say Tea?
[02.04.2021 21:40:44] Youmu.Konpaku: You really would want some?
[02.04.2021 21:40:47] RN/-Tartar.Evanoff,: If you have any samples, sure.
[02.04.2021 21:40:48] GC-Shima.Enaga: Yukio: yes its nice tea.
[02.04.2021 21:41:01] Youmu.Konpaku: Maybe we can sell them some if they are interested, what you think sisters?
[02.04.2021 21:41:01] Ms.Holiday: how much? I could use a drink for later.
[02.04.2021 21:41:17] Death: XA-Boa was put out of action by a hostile vessel.
[02.04.2021 21:42:08] Death: ToughRough was put out of action by Hitman-76 (Gun).
[02.04.2021 21:42:08] Tip: You were a new player once. If you see someone making obvious mistakes, talk to them and help them.
[02.04.2021 21:42:10] Ms.Holiday: None for sale?
[02.04.2021 21:42:30] CONSOLE: Possible cheating detected: MNS-Taranto
[02.04.2021 21:42:57] Youmu.Konpaku: Hm, it is some really expensive top edge quality brewery.
[02.04.2021 21:43:09] Youmu.Konpaku: Maybe. 50.000 per unit?
[02.04.2021 21:43:09] RN/-Tartar,Kazimir: Why are you carrying so much?
[02.04.2021 21:43:18] Youmu.Konpaku: Extra made in fancy bottles.
[02.04.2021 21:43:22] RN/-Tartar,Kazimir: 50,000 credits per unit!?
[02.04.2021 21:43:27] Youmu.Konpaku: You just need one anyway.
[02.04.2021 21:43:37] Youmu.Konpaku: Some collector bottles I got aboard here,
[02.04.2021 21:43:39] Terra.Nullius: Tyria: What did I wander into?
[02.04.2021 21:43:51] Youmu.Konpaku: Are you interested?
[02.04.2021 21:43:56] GC-Shima.Enaga: Yuki: a Tea Party
[02.04.2021 21:44:07] Youmu.Konpaku: Just 1 bottle *she giggles*
[02.04.2021 21:44:15] RN/-Tartar,Kazimir: 50,000 is abit much.
[02.04.2021 21:44:28] GC-Shima.Enaga: Yuki: its the best tea of your life
[02.04.2021 21:44:41] Youmu.Konpaku: Hm let me check some of the regular ones.
[02.04.2021 21:44:42] Ms.Holiday: Whats are the ingrediants?
[02.04.2021 21:44:46] Youmu.Konpaku: 10.000 for one?
[02.04.2021 21:44:54] Youmu.Konpaku: of the regular bottled ones
[02.04.2021 21:45:18] Youmu.Konpaku: 10 for 100.000 then.
[02.04.2021 21:45:24] Youmu.Konpaku: Only if you want~
[02.04.2021 21:45:26] RN/-Tartar,Kazimir: 100,000!?
[02.04.2021 21:45:32] Youmu.Konpaku: for 10.
[02.04.2021 21:45:43] RN/-Tartar,Kazimir: What is even in these bottles to make it cost so much?
[02.04.2021 21:45:56] Youmu.Konpaku: Most exiquisite tea leaves, spices
[02.04.2021 21:46:04] Youmu.Konpaku: a refined exotic brewing method
[02.04.2021 21:46:16] Ms.Holiday: A lot of credits for a drink.
[02.04.2021 21:46:19] Youmu.Konpaku: and the packaging handcrafted by some hard working glass makers
[02.04.2021 21:46:22] RN/-Tartar,Kazimir: How come we've never heard of it before?
[02.04.2021 21:46:40] GC-Shima.Enaga: Yuki: you should Try miss Freelancer
[02.04.2021 21:46:47] Youmu.Konpaku: Anyway seems you don't want the tea?
[02.04.2021 21:46:50] Youmu.Konpaku: Sad.
[02.04.2021 21:46:58] Youmu.Konpaku: Well, but can't be helped.
[02.04.2021 21:47:14] RN/-Tartar,Kazimir: I would be more interested if it did not cost an arm and a leg.
[02.04.2021 21:47:25] Youmu.Konpaku: Sayonara~
[02.04.2021 21:47:51] Ms.Holiday: Not your typical Friday for me it seems.
[02.04.2021 21:52:40] Ms.Holiday: Ah hello again.
[02.04.2021 21:55:13] Ms.Holiday: Well hello there Pennybrooke.
[02.04.2021 21:55:21] Ms.Holiday: quite an interesting name ya got there.
[02.04.2021 21:55:36] RV-Pennybrooke: Katherine: Do you know me or are you just assuming that my name is the same that I gave my ship?
[02.04.2021 21:56:00] Ms.Holiday: I was comenting on the name of the ship. Its an eye catcher.
[02.04.2021 21:56:09] Death: Hitman-76 was put out of action by a hostile vessel.
[02.04.2021 21:56:12] Ms.Holiday: I wasnt expecting the operator to have the same name.
[02.04.2021 21:56:35] RV-Pennybrooke: Katherine: I think I had less of a creative impulse ten years ago when I named it.
[02.04.2021 21:56:58] Ms.Holiday: Ten years? Thats quite a long time to stay dedicated to one ship.
[02.04.2021 21:57:05] Ms.Holiday: Here I thought I was attached to my Avenger.
[02.04.2021 21:57:25] RV-Pennybrooke: Katherine: I would not want to live on an Avenger for ten years, that's for sure.
[02.04.2021 21:57:42] RV-Pennybrooke: Anyway, that's not why I'm here. Have you seen any...unusual activity in the area?
[02.04.2021 21:57:49] Ms.Holiday: *she chuckes* well yeah no one does.
[02.04.2021 21:57:55] Death: GC-Higewashi was put out of action by XA-Boa (Gun).
[02.04.2021 21:57:58] Ms.Holiday: Well funny story.
[02.04.2021 21:58:04] Ms.Holiday: I was heading to Coronado from the Taus.
[02.04.2021 21:58:34] Ms.Holiday: And when I got there A boat load of Coalition and Golden Something was there waiting.
[02.04.2021 21:58:44] Ms.Holiday: Chrysanthimums or something like that.
[02.04.2021 21:58:57] Ms.Holiday: Talking about this new tea they made.
[02.04.2021 21:59:05] Ms.Holiday: Very expensive when they tried to sell me some.
[02.04.2021 21:59:25] RV-Pennybrooke: Katherine: Yes, I know of them. But did you see any- actually, go on. Where did the Chrysanthemums go?
[02.04.2021 21:59:52] Death: Kurotadori was put out of action by Kyo_Abe (Gun).
[02.04.2021 22:00:07] Ms.Holiday: Well they headed in the direction of Sector 6 D/E but then came back and flew over Curacao not 7 minutes ago.
[02.04.2021 22:00:22] Ms.Holiday: Seemed to be in a hurry.
[02.04.2021 22:00:37] RV-Pennybrooke: Magellan. But they returned? Hrm.
[02.04.2021 22:00:59] Ms.Holiday: Indeed.
[02.04.2021 22:01:05] RV-Pennybrooke: Katherine: My curiosity is piqued.
[02.04.2021 22:01:19] Ms.Holiday: They only seemed interested in selling their drinks.
[02.04.2021 22:01:30] Death: GC-Suzume suffered a self-inflicted catastrophic decompression.
[02.04.2021 22:01:51] Death: GC-Kawasemi was put out of action by XA-Contender (Gun).
[02.04.2021 22:02:28] Tip: Are you a new player? Discovery Freelancer is not the easiest game to get your head around. If you have any questions of any kind, do not feel discouraged or embarrassed to ask them on our forum or simply approach other players for help.
[02.04.2021 22:03:12] Death: GC-Tori was put out of action by ARTILJERIA (Gun).
[02.04.2021 22:03:59] Death: GC-Shima.Enaga was put out of action by XA-Contender (Gun).
[02.04.2021 22:07:46] XA-Ridgenose: Lancer five million for doing your patriotic duty and wiping out these drug runners.
[02.04.2021 22:07:56] GC-Komadori: 10mil if you work for us
[02.04.2021 22:08:02] XA-Ridgenose: Fifteen.
[02.04.2021 22:08:05] GC-Komadori: 20
[02.04.2021 22:08:17] RV-Pennybrooke: Katherine: Well, they already paid me double to shoot you, and also I'm not Libertonian, so I doubt you'll appreciate me much.
[02.04.2021 22:08:23] XA-Ridgenose: Not you.
[02.04.2021 22:08:29] XA-Ridgenose: You are next.
[02.04.2021 22:08:36] Death: Campbell was put out of action by a hostile vessel.
[02.04.2021 22:08:39] Jestak|Aoi: Krumai: Honestly, I don't care. I will enjoy the fireworks.
[02.04.2021 22:09:06] Ms.Holiday: I think the smart thing for me would to just not pick a side and just leave.
Just as the constant increase of entropy is the basic law of the universe, so it is the basic law of life to struggle against entropy. - V. Havel
Subject: The Hispania and Illegal Base in Edinburgh
I was able to make due with the coordinates given to me by Mara from ALG. I was able to make due and visit a fair amount of systems in the region. Even into Omicron Alpha where I found what probably is the remains of the Hispania! One of the Sleeper Ships that took us from the dreaded war all those decades ago.
I made my way back to Bretonia only to stumble on an Illegal base being destroyed by the fair and just Bretonia Armed Forces! Stood there for a few moments and made a stop on their outpost in Edinburgh. The trip is going well. I am honestly having a good time.
I accepted an escort contract from Bristol Constructions. It gave me the opportunity I was looking for to venture into Rheinland some more and see what goes down in that house. The convoy was rather slow and we were able to evade pirates were to busy fighting each other instead of pirating us. We delivered Helium to Planet Stuttgart and Uncut Diamonds to Manhattan. I was able to earn the easiest twenty million credits of my life.
After waiting for the cold war to be over with Liberty and Gallia, the Gallic Union has approved my Visa along with the request to bring my Avenger. I am very excited to be able to visit a house that was once an enemy of the Republic. It will be a surreal experience that I will document thoroughly. I will not lie I am a bit nervous, though the representative I spoke to said they have had numerous Libertonian visitors. I still need to be on my toes, I am a long way from any support.
Subject: The end of my Gallic Vacation (or is it?)
After spending a few months on Planet New Paris and enjoying the delicacies it has to offer I feel its time to continue space exploration. Meeting new people and hopefully new friends along the way. However before I continue off into deep space I am feeling somewhat home sick and will be venturing back to Liberty to see what has changed and enjoy a bit of time at home.
I do plan on returning to Gallic space at one point as my time there was very fruitful. Perhaps I can elaborate further in a future log. I'm just excited to get back into space. Anyways I'm off!
Just as the constant increase of entropy is the basic law of the universe, so it is the basic law of life to struggle against entropy. - V. Havel