Liberty Navy 46th Fleet Security Clearance: < GRANTED >
Sender ID: Admiral Aden Tanner
Recipient ID: Fleet-wide
Subject: Promotions
Attention All Hands,
Please join me in congratulating the following Officer(s):
Noel Tizona
Effective immediately, you are hereby promoted to the rank of Lieutenant Commander.
Your steadfast dedication to the Fleet and the Republic of Liberty has been recognized. Consider this promotion long overdue, and well-earned. The High Command will be watching your career closely, as we hope to see many more confirmed kill reports with your name attached.
Liberty Navy 46th Fleet Security Clearance: < GRANTED >
Sender ID: Admiral Aden Tanner
Recipient ID: Fleet-wide
Subject: Promotions
Attention All Hands,
Please join me in congratulating the following Officer(s):
Miriam Sanders
Effective immediately, you are promoted to the rank of Captain.
You have proven yourself a skillful combat Commander and a steadfast Officer. Upon your promotion, recruits and junior Officers will now look to you as a role model, and you may inadvertently find yourself the ranking Officer amid a tense combat situation. Though these challenges lay before you, the High Command feels you are ready for this responsibility, and we trust you will continue to serve with distinction.
Congratulations, Captain.
Luisa Chiavallati
Effective immediately, you are promoted to the rank of Commander.
Your handling of Project Yorktown and the subsequent launching of the TFA-LNS-New Jersey has impressed the Admiralty, and many eyes within the Navy are on you and your new command. I have no doubt you will continue to excel as an Officer and that under your command, the enemies of Liberty will learn to fear the name "New Jersey."
Congratulations, Commander.
Mahina Kameāloha
Effective immediately, you are promoted to the rank of Commander.
You have proven yourself an invaluable asset to the Fleet and Task Force Akhetaten. Your recent actions in the Magellan system are also to be commended. The High Command looks forward to seeing more of your skills at work.
Congratulations, Commander.
Noel Tizona
Effective immediately, you are promoted to the rank of Commander.
High Command has seen fit to promote you quickly after your last promotion, as you have proven capable and willing to serve Liberty whenever duty calls. Keep up the excellent work, and keep the enemies of Liberty on notice.
Congratulations, Commander.
Leroy Fishburne
Effective immediately, you are promoted to the rank of Lieutenant Commander.
Your dedicated service to the Fleet and Liberty has not gone unnoticed. The High Command looks forward to seeing more from you in the future; great work.
Liberty Navy 46th Fleet Security Clearance: < GRANTED >
Sender ID: Captain Samantha Brown
Recipient ID: Fleet-wide
Subject: Promotion
Attention all hands,
On behalf of High Command, and on Vice Admiral Uhmen's direct orders, please join me in congratulating Commodore Jeff Asterius for his promotion to Rear Admiral Lower Half. We believe that he will make a fruitful addition to Command, just as the Umbra has made to the Fleet. The journey begins now, Rear Admiral, make us proud.
Last but not least, with Rear Admiral Shepard unfortunately deciding to leave active duty and her position freed, please join me in congratulating Rear Admiral Dean Johnson for his promotion to the upper half. It has been my pleasure to serve alongside you, Rear Admiral, I hope you continue to make the Fleet proud with your resolve and cunning.
Consider these promotions long overdue, and well-earned, as your dedication to the Republic of Liberty has been recognized.
Liberty Navy 46th Fleet Security Clearance: < GRANTED >
Sender ID: Fleet Admiral Martin Kemp-Smith
Recipient ID: Fleet-wide
Subject: Promotions
Attention all hands,
The Admiralty would like to congratulate the following officers:
Jeff Asterius
You are hereby promoted to the rank of Rear Admiral. Your contributions to both Liberty and the Forty-sixth are a testament to your dedication and responsibility to your duties.
Bo McFlow & Julius Antoine Fox
You are both promoted to the rank of Lieutenant Junior Grade. You have both been welcome additions to the Liberty Navy and the Fleet. In your short tenure with us you have both demonstrated an exceptional attitude to your duties, your fellow officers and demonstrated the core values that we pride ourselves on.
With your respective promotions come increased responsibilities. Remember, the officers under your command will look to you for guidance. Keep up the good work.
Martin Kemp-Smith
Fleet Admiral Liberty Navy 46th Fleet
Liberty Navy 46th Fleet Security Clearance: < GRANTED >
Sender ID: Fleet Admiral Martin Kemp-Smith
Recipient ID: Fleet-wide
Subject: Promotions
Attention all hands,
In addition to the promotions announced yesterday, please extend your congratulations to:
Samwise Astolla
You are hereby promoted to the rank of Lieutenant. Your senior officers have a many great thing to report, Mister Astolla. You should be proud of what you have accomplished and long may this continue.
With this promotion comes greater responsibility. You may now take command of Gunboats and Cruisers, per fleet doctrine.
Martin Kemp-Smith
Fleet Admiral Liberty Navy 46th Fleet
Liberty Navy 46th Fleet Security Clearance: < GRANTED >
Sender ID: Captain Samantha Brown
Recipient ID: Fleet-wide
Subject: Promotion
Attention all hands,
On behalf of High Command, and as ordered by Vice Admiral Maria Uhmen, please join me in congratulating Ensign Katherine Simmons for her promotion to Lieutenant Junior Grade. While you are the newest officer to have joined the Fleet, Command has seen you achieve feats that are a staple to what the Forty-sixth stands for.
I want to personally congratulate you on your recent achievements, and I wish to you a speedy recovery. I understand that the excitement of such a full day must've gotten the best of you, but do keep in mind that going full-out like that might get you injured way worse in the future. You wouldn't do the Fleet any good if you're dead, Simmons.
Consider your promotion a sign that Command listens and watches. Rewards are always given to those who put in the effort.
Please join me in congratulating the following officers of Task Force Akhetaten for their promotions, all effective immediately;
Katherine Simmons
You are hereby promoted to the rank of Lieutenant. I don't think there's any need for me to say much about you, Simmons. You're already aware of the respect I have for you, and even though you tend to make foolish mistakes and jeopardize your safety I am certain it is with no ill intent. You've got a lot to learn, Lieutenant, but this promotion is more than deserved. Keep up the good work.
Luisa Chiavallati
You are hereby promoted to the rank of Captain. Only a few steps away from the big leagues, Chiavallati. Needless to say, I am beyond proud of you. You've been an excellent addition not only to the Fleet, but also the Task Force. The New Jersey is slowly building a reputation for herself, and that's thanks to nobody other than you and your own efforts and achievements. Keep up the good work, Captain.
With great power comes great responsibility, people. Remember that all officers under your command will look up to you for guidance. Always be the best version of yourself you can be.
Fly your colors with pride.
FORTY-SIXTH FLEET "Honor. Courage. Commitment."
ID# 1312790 UM 00346----
DATE: 13/12/834----