- Duplicated records are added into "Commodities", ""Trade routes", "Ore Routes", "Bases" for commodity 'alternatives' having different volume specific to on which ship class they are onboard.
- Their name is enhanced with smth like "Vacationers (liner)". Column "Ship class" to all relevant tables is added showing
- The duplicated records have different volume shown depending for which they are ship class meant (liners/ miners and etc)
new release for fl-darkstat v1.42.1 - Speed improvements
Optimized size of all pages having Tech Compatibility related stuff. Related tab page sizes (like guns, engines, shields and etc) are 3 times smaller now. Thus they load faster
new release for fl-darkstat v1.42.2 - Autobuilded binary(exe and etc) files
Darkstat offers web way to use it as first level of support and so it will be continued, but now binary files for local usage were automated in their generations So you will have always latest available darkstat binaries possible to download for local usage if desired. Fully automated redeployment processes, now i can just git push, and it will do the rest.
new release for fl-darkstat v1.43.0 - Thruster speed / Orderable sustained gun fire
Issue#45 - Ship tabs acquired showing "Thruster Speed" of a ship
Issue#66 - Guns tabs changed how it shows info about burst guns. Sustained gunfire is default now, usable for quick ordering of guns. Burst information is now shown in brackets
Local non-ARM Windows version simply crashes out when attempting to run. File placed in C:\Users\XXXXX\AppData\Local\Discovery Freelancer 5.00.8. Tested under EXE subdirectory as well. When ran through CMD returns error:
C:\Users\XXXXXXX\AppData\Local\Discovery Freelancer 5.00.8>darkstat-windows-amd64.exe
panic: failed to read file from embeded fs of files\docs_coordinates_in_trade_routes.png
(01-01-2025, 08:37 AM)sanuske4 Wrote: Local non-ARM Windows version simply crashes out when attempting to run. File placed in C:\Users\XXXXX\AppData\Local\Discovery Freelancer 5.00.8. Tested under EXE subdirectory as well. When ran through CMD returns error:
C:\Users\XXXXXXX\AppData\Local\Discovery Freelancer 5.00.8>darkstat-windows-amd64.exe
panic: failed to read file from embeded fs of files\docs_coordinates_in_trade_routes.png
I reproduced the error. It shall be fixed. adding into priority todo list to take care of it.
Funny filesystem differences between Linux and Windows hmm. probably just a matter of fixing paths \ to // Task fl-darkstat#74 is registered
That will make more reliable Engine searching of same class tab. Just seek engines with same Engine Max Force and same Cruise speed.
More reliable than searching by Impulse speed. Since engines for example for Bustard can be having impulse speed similar to some other class, but they need to be Way more powerful to drive this heavy ship with same speed as some others
Sometimes engine can be searched just by hp_type from Ship details, but it is not enough if ship has just inbuilt engine without any hp_type, in this case checking Max Force of engine is the most reliable choice if needing to find same class engines