Due to the earlier order given by the ICMG ,another 4860 units of H-Fuel was delivered to Aland shipyard today.
The Novikovo is at Aland right now, for refueling and maintance, but we will return as soon as possible.
Also, I need to report that the docking officer informed me about the GTS-Vladivostok also delivered 4680 units of H-fuel to Aland earlier.
This is the last load of the ICMG contract, and marks our contractual obligation as fulfilled. It is also noted that Ensign Nagaroki should now be considered trained in Guild escort procedures.
GTS-Galveston out and clear.
The Austin Clan: George Austin, GMG Paramilitary Ensign; Frank Austin, LPI Recruit Officer
Incoming transmission
From: Hoshi Tanaka
Re: GMG Fuel Orders
Konnichiwa GMG transport Representatives,
We have received your reports on H-Fuel deliveries, arigato. Our customers have been pleased with our on time performance and orders continue to flood Aomori production office. I am glad to report positive earnings for GMG and a healthy bottom line.
To continue I would like to announce the following orders from our valued customers. Please incorporate these Fuel requirements in your routes and report when they have been fulfilled.
Quote:GMG Fuel Orders:
Delivery Point / Fuel Type / Quantity (tonnes) / Due Date
Hamilton Station / H-Fuel / 4500 / 16April Complete
Rostock Station / H-Fuel / 4600 / 14April Complete
Freeport 4 / H-Fuel / 9400 / 17April Complete
Shasta Orbital Skyhook / H-Fuel / 9400 / 18April Complete
Lanzarote / Plutonium / 8500 / 17April Complete
Dortmund Station / Plutonium / 18500 / 19April Complete
last update: 23April818AS
Sore dewa,
Hoshi Tanaka CEO, Gas Miners Guild End of transmission
Incoming transmission
From: Hoshi Tanaka
Re: Rostock Delivery
Konnichiwa GMG transport Representatives,
MikumaMaru delivered the first order to Rostock. The trip was quiet with only passing merchants.
Please incorporate the remaining Fuel orders in your routes and report when they have been fulfilled.
Sore dewa,
Hoshi Tanaka CEO, Gas Miners Guild End of transmission
To: Captain Stile of the Garbage-Hunter
From: Guild Master Taro Katsuo
Location: Gas Miner Naha, Sigma-13
Konnichiwa Captain Stile!
Good to hear that you are still in good shape. I was beginning to fear you had returned to your old living, making scraps by smuggling Cardamine again. Seven runs completed, just three more to go! Keep up the good work, Captain Stile!
Incoming transmission
From: Hoshi Tanaka
Re: Freeport 4 Delivery
Konnichiwa GMG transport Representatives,
MikumaMaru delivered half of the order to Freeport 4. The trip was quiet with several Liberty Navy on patrol. Good fortune still follows Mikuma Maru. We managed a load of Synth Paste to Fujisawa on the return, Planet LA has a surplus.
Please incorporate the remaining Fuel orders in your routes and report when they have been fulfilled. We have three more transport loads due today. I recommend engines at full!
Sore dewa,
Hoshi Tanaka CEO, Gas Miners Guild End of transmission
Signature: Independent GMG
Ship Name: SS-Syker
Captain: Irie Todo
Initiating Trade Report
Me and my crew Started Undergoing a Two part trade aboard my ship, after all the cargo that was required was Plutonium and 8600 Units as I recall It, From Okinawa to Lanzarote Station in Omega-49, I delivered it and I have proof of this.
Thank you for looking at this.
**End Transmission**
Incoming transmission
From: Hoshi Tanaka
Re: Freeport 4 and Shasta Deliveries
Konnichiwa GMG transport Representatives, MikumaMaru delivered the final half of the order to Freeport 4 and first half for the Shasta order. There were several KNF on patrol and they seemed to be catering escorts to Samura transports. Our scanners couldn't help to notice the Samura transports were hauling gate lane parts. In addition, we brought another load of Synth Paste to Fujisawa.
I found a GMG transport named SS-Syker with a Captain Irie Todo. I hired him to deliver the 8500 tonne order of Plutonium to Lanzarote. Hopefully he managed the border systems safely. We are late on several orders and need our GTS transports to engage. Where are our representatives?
Sore dewa,
Hoshi Tanaka CEO, Gas Miners Guild End of transmission