Yes, to the stats! Wohoo, those winglets bugg me thou, what hitbox would cover them? If they are pureley for estetics... they can stay...
It's a great looking order ship. Just what they need...
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My primary char: Jose El Nino - Corsair Elder captain of the SS Greenhawk
Currently Inactive due to pursuit of life long dreams, will be back...*edited* As promised am back.
I don't like it. It looks far too fragile, and some parts of it (like the arches) make me want to stab someone with them....
Also, long + wide bits = omg asteroids.
Its a good model...but personally, it needs fixing.... Also, please try to depart from the Osiris shape a little bit more. At the moment, sizing down the arches and removing the frame just makes it another Osiris with a few antennae on the front.
"Freelancer Alpha dash niner, this is Freeport 7 control, You are cleared for departure. Good luck out there."
Soldato Zavier Benitez, Benitez flight instructor.
hitbox would be the normal osiris - no point hitboxing those tiny wings. - its a capship, people aim for the body of the ship anyway...
about the osiris body - well, its a trademark of the order - sort of. - except the gunboat from legenation, which will look different. - if such a model is not appreciated though, its no problem not to submit it ( i d never take such a thing personal:)- ships like these just "happen" - off of the 17 or 18 ships i submitted, i only really care for 2 ( the zoner juggernaut replace and the zoner gunboat ) - i couldn t care less for all the rest of them )
question really is - does the order actually need such a ship anyway? - they have 2 excellent VHF, 1 HF, 1 of the best battleships, one crappy carrier for RP purpose and 1 powerful gunboat to come. more than some other factions - so they are not really in need of yet another ship. - however, this one is finished - but it only makes sense when its needed - otherwise its just a waste of space.
can someone link me to this gunboat I hear about but that thread just shows up as empty pictures for me...
Anyways, I want this ship! lol, it fits in perfectly for the Reliance's RP. It's a research ship and with this things special abilities like sensor and cloak it really makes more sence. Plus it wouldn't be a combat ship as much as an RP research ship so the stats work great too.
Hmm... maybe it's just the resolution... but I've seen better XD. I'm sorry but it just looks... idk, the front looks huge while the back is like a needle. It'll probably look better in-game but whatever.