And due to the fact that any and all religious content tends to bring out the worst in forum posting, it is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED that its not brought here please.
This forum is populated by members of all denominations I suspect, and discussion of beliefs and everything
pertaining to them is always going to be a volatile subject.
Best keep well away from religion and politics at all times if possible please.
Some say he is a proud member of: "The most paranoid group of people in the Community."
' Wrote:And due to the fact that any and all religious content tends to bring out the worst in forum posting, it is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED that its not brought here please.
This forum is populated by members of all denominations I suspect, and discussion of beliefs and everything
pertaining to them is always going to be a volatile subject.
Best keep well away from religion and politics at all times if possible please.
Actually, Hoodlum, this was quite a good thread here: Gods and Organized Religion. People were quite respectful, and the discussion was intelligent.
I find the notion that we should, or even can for that matter, extract politics and theology from our everyday conversation and participation in any community rather strange. Nothing in life is devoid of these elements, and these are not the only elements - or even often the primary ones - that can be used divisively.
Quote:Snip>>> Actually, Hoodlum, this was quite a good thread here. People were quite respectful, and the
discussion was intelligent.<<<End snip
Apologies, missed that one, I wasn't here at the time. This one however is wandering of into the realms
of nomex suits and fire extinguishers ... Concerning both of the above mentioned taboos in my previous
post. Certain elements seem to be using it for personal asides.
Maybe I was a little harsh in my first judgement, but a subtle warning, unfortunately rarely gets taken
Some say he is a proud member of: "The most paranoid group of people in the Community."
I generally don't work religion into many of my characters, though I have done it. One of my past indie characters, a Libertonian escort pilot, was a Muslim and often made references to Allah. I didn't overwhelm it, though. It was just a little icing on the cake was all.
Religion in-character can be a good thing, and can provide depth to a character that might otherwise be absent. Religion out of character, on the other hand, can cause more problems than it's worth, and I usually shy away from such conversations unless I know everyone involved won't get angry or be hurt.
Religion in real life can cause lots of issues and so the more of it that is brought into Freelancer the worse, I think.
You can have Stormtroopers, Secret Police, Cult of the Fuhrer but you can't use the word Nazi. This stands true in real life quite a lot and unfortunately is a sign of the stigma we attach to certain names.
You can be a mass murdering meglomaniac with a little moustache but you can't be called Hitler. (Merely using the Nazi's as an easy example here. Can be easily rephrased for religions etc)
Personally I think that Christianity, Islam, Sikh, Shinto etc etc should all be present in Freelancer since all the nations that were in the Alliance had large chunks of those religions in their populations.
However, it could cause quite a lot of issues with those who are more upset over a name than actions etc.
All in all, have your Nazi's if you wish but not in name.
Quote: I think most of Liberty would be christian. I also think most of the major religions would still be in tact. In fact people would probably belive in God even more since they survived the destruction of Earth.
OR they took it as a kick in the nuts once they realised that Earth wasn't the only lovely little rock that human life existed on and some higher entity didn't only use his time on us.
In fact, seven days He created the Earth and Man and all that jazz, then we find out that there are millions of other habitable planets and ALIENS to boot. I wouldn't be at all surprised if alot of the colonists belonging to a certain to-be-unnamed belief would throw out their old beliefs and find some new reasoning. Considering everything in their Holy Book was just proven wrong upon launch and colonization of the Sleeper Ships.
Polytheism would likely be an option that most of the colonists pursued, since if one god spent his time on Sol, obviously there must be others who spent their time on Sirius, the Dom'Kavash, etc.
... Lycaon makes alot more sense than I intended for him to now.
Anyways, I don't think Catholicism or Judaism or Islam should be included in Freelancer. The social divides in real life are too much for FL religion to be anything but ficticious.
' Wrote:Considering everything in their Holy Book was just proven wrong upon launch and colonization of the Sleeper Ships.
Why? There's really nothing in the Bible precluding alien life elsewhere. Try out C.S. Lewis' sci-fi trilogy, for starters.
What's much more likely is that interpretation would evolve over time. We today might not quite recognize our traditions in the future, at least at first glance, though we'd probably be able to locate a core of continuity.
That's not to say it's appropriate to do contemporary religious traditions in FL. The problem to me is not some fear of divisiveness - we've got capships and indie/faction debates for that - but rather that religion used in games always tends to come out caricatured and inauthentic. It could be mildly offensive or annoying (like when it's made merely functional - CivIV), but more likely is the problem that it can't be taken seriously.
though as a devout christian, it hasnt seeped into my characters, i learned to avoid religion the hard way a while back (look up byzantine empire if yer interested).
although if i had to place a religion on all mine, i'd have to say catholic