I have a Suggestion for the slaves commodity. Seeing how in history when colonists transported slaves to the Americas from elsewhere in the world. They stuff as many as they could into their holds, Also, having a very high death rate. So my suggestion would be to make them, if possible to be "highly perishable". Suggestion number two would be to make them, If possible, to count as .5 of a regular unit of cargo. Like the VIPs take 5 units. But also slashing the sell price in half for each one at the bases. So you'll still be selling them for the same price. I kinda thought this would make for better RP as in what it would be in real life. Not really a big deal, just thought it'd be cool.
Yes, i thought it would be deliciously evil of me.. erm someone to be flying around with a pirate transport hold full of 8400 fast dieing slaves bound for malta plantations all the while me, erm someone saying...
"Blasts! another died, shoot it out the airlock! Bwahaha!"
' Wrote:Why would slaves take up 5 cargo spaces? I think more like 2 slaves to one space would be better.
I like the idea of slaves dying (no, not like that you sickos, i mean as an in game rp thing and a realism thing, im not that sadistic, i dont want real slaves to die)
It would make slave trading somewhat more urgent, and darker, and put a real sense of urgency on anti-slaving groups to rescue them quickly (like ZAS)
I like it too, because then slave drivers wont be cautious, and wait around for long periods in space, evading police. Time will literally be money for them.
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Sounds like a great idea to me and would make alot of sense. I especially like the 0.5 commodity space bit, which would make things interesting. The only thing I would say was, how woud serverside anti-cheat programing react? If you loaded twice the normal cargo limit onto a transport, you get auto-kicked for cheating.
1. Perishable Slaves ? Slaves are humans too and they need lowed stuff of rest. Thats not a Vips, not a passagers
2. More capatibly... I understand Vips (need more space, more stuff, more food, more everything). Hmm... slaves i think need only some food for survive and thats all, to get some strong for missions in Omicrons, where some High rank Outcast dont go, cause that is too dangerous.
So i dont understand that sugesstion. Maybe good thing be, if passagers need more cargo space, like not one or maybe two or three.