At the moment I've given it 25000 Cargo space, 2 cruiser turrets, 2 Bs turrets, a terrible regen, 59 second cruise charge, turning circle worse than a Juggernaut, strafing a pain in the ***, 800 Botts/Batts, and 500k hull.
Of course, Igiss is probably going to change that.
All I can say is I want one. Sit outside manhattan and help the new people by collecting scrap metal from em. Have about 5 escorts to take me to where ever to sell it.....ohhhhhhhh yea
' Wrote:All I can say is I want one. Sit outside manhattan and help the new people by collecting scrap metal from em. Have about 5 escorts to take me to where ever to sell it.....ohhhhhhhh yea
Aye they will, and thats what I hope also. At least it will give them incentive and a head start in the world of Discovery. Would be good business and get the Junker name out there. Better yet the Junkers Congress' name.
What's the cruise and impulse speed of the barge? I can envision stubborn powertraders using this ship for trade routes that consist primarily of jumpholes and have little or no tradelanes. With a cargo size of 25000, as long as they can complete the route in less time it takes for 5 routes with a adv. train, they will be making a better profit. And to think about it....that's a lot of time, and I'm quite sure if the barge had normal cruise speeds it would easily make that trip in perhaps twice as much time, reaping muffinworths of money.
' Wrote:TDL Dark pretty much hit the nail on the head..
No cruise, i understand... and impulse speed of something fairly low...
actually it can have cruise, but very poor engine output / mass so it accelerates rather slowly... even on cruise. Imagine a pirate distrupting you hehe.... "Give me 25M or die"
But yeah, let's bring it in game, we need a ship of this sort. 25k of cargo i think is the limit where power-trading is no-longer possible. All other stats are mostly cosmetic... BS type of armor, transport shields, transport turrets, transport power plant, transport engines... and Heavy heavy mass....
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Skype: jure.grbec
My primary char: Jose El Nino - Corsair Elder captain of the SS Greenhawk
Currently Inactive due to pursuit of life long dreams, will be back...*edited* As promised am back.