I was wondering if any of the mod developers or anyone else for that matter knew how to turn off the NPC Hull and Shield repairing ability. In theory, it is a good idea to make combat more difficult and "fair" for the AI. However, in practice it is completely broken, especially for the single player campaign. I do understand this mod was geared more towards MP, and that is cool, however I can't help but wonder if this option was play tested in SP.
Currently, on average, it takes me nearly 15 to 20 minutes to complete a level 3/4 mission. 30+ for anything above that and I haven't even attempted lvl 8+ missions yet. As far as fun factor is concerned, it is not fun in the slightest, it isn't even challenging. It is boring and frustrating. Especially on escort missions for the campaign which are nearly impossible to complete.
As most people who have played the SP should know, the primary way to survive and protect targets is to eliminate the enemy as fast as possible to reduce their numbers. This is now impossible. People might say I should practice my flying or whatever, but the reality is, I had one mission with corsairs that took me 45 minutes and I hit every enemy 90% of the time and they still wouldn't die. 45 minutes for a mission that payed out 10,000 credits + 5,000 if you count the pilots I captured and sold. I'm sorry but that is rediculous.
Ok, so what I really am asking is, does anyone know how to turn it off, disable it, or something? You don't even have to do it for me. I just need to know the files I need to change and modify so I can do it myself. If someone has done it, or if there is perhaps a "hotfix" for this problem (because yes it is a problem), then that would awesome.
Regardless, I am hoping in the next build, their will as least be the OPTION of turning off NPC repairing.
I'll admit I think the NPC regen is a little high. Maybe not shut it off, but give a control at the mod activation for regen high, medium, low, off?
It's annoying when I'm outclassed by just a few enemies and then I fight so long thier nubmers double or triple. It'd be nice if it were reexamined a teeny bit. =)
My order pilot, in a talon VHF with 6 nomad guns, has an extremely difficult time even taking down one bounty hunter NPC's shields due to their regen and my low energy capacity. It's pretty much out of the question to fight the 6+ NPC nomads or bounty hunters that usually spawn around toledo.
It does need fixing. I hate having to fight off swarms of NPC's every time I jump, especially when there's players to deal with as well.
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What I would like is for NPCs to stop using one bat/bot at a time. It's a really pain in the ass, because it can drag fights out for far longer than is necessary. At the moment people say NPCs have an infinite number of regens but they don't, they just use them one at a time... I'd be happy if NPCs used full regens and had enough bats/bots for two regens each. That might solve the situation a little bit.
i find npc's annoying, i find missiles are the only thing to deal with it
"Time is too precious to be idle." - Saigo Watanabe "Death is something that is inevitable, Something you cannot run away from." - Katharina Hildegard
Now going under the gaming name: Seraxia www.twitter.com/Seraxia
' Wrote:I think the NPCs actually could do with a small increase in regen. Right now they get chewed up easily by most ships.
If by "most ships" you mean "capships" then you're right. Either that or you need to get out of new york and fight the higher grade npc's in the borderworlds.
Quote:One word: Supernova.
Yea, good luck hitting a fighter with a supernova. NPC's tend to not joust.
Hmm my titan my corsair bomber my BH bomber and my Order fighter can kill all but the freelancer NPC's in 2 passes. How is that hard. I even did 2 700k mission's in my Titan in un under 20 minutes each.