Quote:That usually Means if your Train is Buying Weapons, ships and defences, and over supplying your factions War effort its fair game.
This means that if you bring your friend to the server, he/she sighns up for immunity, buys a train, starts trading and supplying you and your faction without joining you.
Well like I promised from today the new rules will be put in action. See the most recent revision in the 1st post (it changed alot since I posted the thread).
Samus,Oct 20 2005, 05:11 PM Wrote:Noones Forceing anything f2k, Most people here just want to spce things up abit, and you don't want to lose your millions in Cargo, and don't want to participate.
Well, I, for one, do feel somewhat forced.
I say: Please leave my trader char alone.
You say: But we want to attack traders, and that also means you. Youre a legitimate target, and we will attack you.
That, at least as I feel it, forces me to play your way, as you will apparently not accept my wish to be left in peace when trading
I will soon create special threads about Immunity List and factions.
Players who don't want to be attacked by other players should be playing in single player, it's as simple as that.
Role-played characters:
daedalus - Liberty Navy
bandersnatch - Ruthless criminal possessed by a (huge) alien
Shredder - Small-time Kusari pirate, looking to join the Blood Dragons
"Bounty Hunters. We don't need that scum." - Admiral Piett
I promise that I will not attack your trading character. I can't say anything for the rest of these guys, but you don't have to worry about me.
Personaly, I don't see the point in arguing over this. f2k dosn't want to be attacked, fine. Let him lead his trading life. Myself, Kane, is also a trader, but I don't mind getting chased around. It lends just a bit of excitement and purpose to an otherwise boring day.
Come to think of it, I don't think i've ever been attacked by a PC pirate... all I get are silly little Outcasts and Hessians that don't ever seem to learn from the multitude of expanding balls of gas, that used to be their fellows, following in my wake.
This is the real true story of rock and roll; it was not about anything more then, how to live your life, as a gangster, in sartorial splendor, and turning the world into a place where normality would never return again...- Malcolm McLaren
Kane,Oct 20 2005, 03:42 PM Wrote:Personaly, I don't see the point in arguing over this. f2k dosn't want to be attacked, fine. Let him lead his trading life. Myself, Kane, is also a trader, but I don't mind getting chased around. It lends just a bit of excitement and purpose to an otherwise boring day.
Come to think of it, I don't think i've ever been attacked by a PC pirate...
Well well then i guess ill just have to offer you some excitement... That is if i can get my luciaden account of the battleship in texas without my comp freezing...
Hey Dab, the problem might be that you have illeagal guns mounted on ur ship, it happend to me, my train had BS Def turrets on an old version and every time i left a planet it would freeze...just a thought.
Alignment:The Outcasts Status: Retired Personal Bio Click here Current Ships:The BlackPearl Base Of Operations:Pryde Villa, Planet Malta
Before considering a software (or hardware) failure, try to log in from another machine (if you have access to one). If the problem remains, then there might be something with your chars.
If not, reinstall FL.
Try with another game to see if it freezes too.
Begin stopping windows services and removing software to see if it is a soft conflict.
Worst case scenario: reinstall Windows.
if that does not works:
Start disconnecting non essencial hardware to see if one of those is causing trouble.
Very worst case scenario: replace motherboard (or CPU). (when my old board died (an asrock) the first simphtom was the games freezing (all of them) after a while playing (it was the BIOS, it corrupted).
(If you find any mistake in my English, please let me know via a PM)
(Really, I speak terrible English, so please, tell me if I make mistakes. I'd like to improve it a bit )
daedalus,Oct 20 2005, 09:07 PM Wrote:Players who don't want to be attacked by other players should be playing in single player, it's as simple as that.
Actually, some of us play on-line for the co-op experience
Ive run trade conveys with some of you guys, and Ive been in co-op anti-pirate missions. And Ive had a blast while doing so
Is it really that hard to imagine that someone might not be itching for a PvP fight?
To be honest though, just as Kane, Ive never been attacked by any PC in fact, most of the players I meet are very courteous.
I just dont understand why the users of the forum are so hostile. Why I started playing on this server, there werent many players on-line. I traded for quite some time without ever meeting another player. Then, people started to join the server nothing wrong with that. Its fun to see other players flying around. But then things took a turn for the worse. Some players started complaining about not enough action and began campaigning for some sort of war to be started. In response to this, the Alliance and Coalition were formed, and a set of rules were made to regulate how this war was to be fought.
Then all sorts of Clans and Fractions started to be formed, and now it seems that everybody are at each others throat screaming bloody murder.
As a player who likes to play peacefully, this is all rather disturbing. Why all this bloodshed? Why attack everybody on sight? Why demand a toll from traders?
The funny thing is, most of you guys are great players, friendly to noobs and ready to help even a seasoned veteran who, for some reason, needs a helping hand. So why all this warmongering on the forum? Why all this system x belongs to us stay away or die, traders must pay x credits or die and when do we get to fight next?