no, i m sorry - i can t. i have no idea how to modify .ini or shipstats. - when i test ships in OpenSP, i simply replace existing ones and replace the *model* with the ship.
engine effects, weapons etc etc is all decided by igiss anyway. so when i post ingame pictures - they are just random lights / engine effects. - if igiss decides that he wants that model to be in the game - its up to him to choose the effect he thinks to be mots appropriate.
no, i m sorry - i can t. i have no idea how to modify .ini or shipstats. - when i test ships in OpenSP, i simply replace existing ones and replace the *model* with the ship.
engine effects, weapons etc etc is all decided by igiss anyway. so when i post ingame pictures - they are just random lights / engine effects. - if igiss decides that he wants that model to be in the game - its up to him to choose the effect he thinks to be mots appropriate.
here's how you can try it:
use the ship in open singleplayer and save the game. Use ioncross character editor to alter the 'ship engine' to any rheinland ship (valkyrie, for example) and itll change the engine effects.
It's enough to give us an idea of what it would look like with other engine effects. I just think the green 'cloudy' rheinland engines would look good on the ship.
Here's an example of firing arcs... Each green arc represents two turrets (one on the top side of the ship and one on the bottom side), and the angle they can fire in. Additionally, turrets on the top side of the ship wouldnt be able to fire more than slightly downwards, and vice versa for the bottom turrets.
The result would be 8 forward firing turrets, 8 rear firing turrets, and 6 turrets that can fire directly to the left, right, top, or bottom of the ship.
That looks so sweet. And I do agree with Tenacity that it would do nicely as a junker cargohauler. Give it around 4.5k cargo and I'll fly the bugger like no tomorrow. (Currently flying a Heavy Tanker, the most 'junkerish' trading vessel there is at the moment)
Quote:From - Elder Gentle. Pirate King of the OPG.
"Your actions have demonstrated once more the common sense and cunning diplomacy that the Junkers have become accustomed to applying in these delicate situation. I have been much encouraged by what you have said."
We like Feedback just like everybody else. Word has it everybody dislikes us, yet no one ever tells us why. I hope you could.
' Wrote:That looks so sweet. And I do agree with Tenacity that it would do nicely as a junker cargohauler. Give it around 4.5k cargo and I'll fly the bugger like no tomorrow.
My thoughts exactly.
I hope this ship makes into the next release!
The ship itself is outstanding... but the stats need to be thought and rethought so we don't make a powertrader's dream out of it. I say - slow and bulky, so you do trade runs with it, this is supposed to be a 'mining' ship.
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Personally I like the idea of it being a mining ship instead of a repair ship or anything else. That said, it could still be used as a transport ship, but put something like 3.5k-4k cargo space maximum please. Someone mentionned before in the thread to add very weak turrets with very large "spray" radiuses for mining, that way you could choose between mining turrets or defensive turrets. That's just my 2 cents, you can do what you like though since it IS your model:P
P.S. Excellent work on the textures, as always it's a nice-looking ship.