Aki. Much time has passed since the order dealt with my father Gentle. Gentle spoke highly of the Order and respected its values. I intend to honour his thoughts until you prove to me that you are no longer worthy. While many of my compadres are somewhat disallusioned with your antics of late I can understand your need to maintain security and integrity. While I would not be prepared to release the plans without their consent I would be prepared to offer you an exchange for one of your battlecruisers. I will fund a limited production line of 25 vessels for the supply of a single battlecruiser. All construction details will remain the strict province of both parties. We both agree to not reverse engineer each others propery and retain the vessels on the understanding that they are not used for such a purpose. Naturally should you replicate our tech we would be forced to set our own engineers on replicationg your own. I agree by bond of faith and on my word that OPG forces would not misuse this trust and entrust the Order to do likewise.
The continued alliance between the OPG and Order is a priority for me as the new leader of the OPG and I do not want to see the relationship between our long standing allies deteriorate. I offer this olive branch in the hope that you will think with the wisdom that my father attributed to the people of the Order.
Kimura, listen now. Do you remember on our words when you informed us, that order will no longer share technology with us? Do you remember our answers when you asked about colada del cid guns? I am sure you remember. Our answer was simply. You will not share technology with us, we will not share it with you. And now you are asking again. But your problem is, that we all know next steps. we give you light fighters, and in few weeks order will modify them and develop their own light fighters. And then you come again and say us. Go away, we will nto share technology with corsairs. And you think we make the same mistake twice? No kimura. This time no. Go and ask elsewhere. For example zoners. I am sure they will give you acces to their light fighters.
And your words about corsairs not worth this alliance longer, are arrogant,and insulting.
Where was you when order has hardly 10 ships and corsairs protected YOUR home agaisnt enemies? Where you was when corsairs loosed ships in hard fights with bounty hunters only to give you time to build more ships? Where you was when corsairs gived you M26 gunboats to have ship of that class? Where you was when corsairs gived you colada del cid guns to quickly destroy shields of enemies? And i am not sure that i need to continue. On the other side, yes, we received Osiris battleship plans. but what more?
And you say that we have more benefits from this alliance as order?
Wait when hunters receive informations about this and about your words that corsairs are not worth this alliance. When they realize that no corsair vessel will come to minor to help you, then your people can say thanks to you...
----------------------Incoming Transmission----------------------------
To: Globalo, Corsair Elder.
From: Lieutenant Tovig Kelt, Primary Order Fleet.
I just wanted to state, Elder, that Aki kimura isn't a member of the Primary Fleet, and all his actions, behavior and messages concerning herself only. The Order take care about his alliance with Corsairs and we don't want in any way to break it. We are sorry that an Order pilot and the Corsairs have a problem each other but, please, don't think Kimura speaking in the name of all the Order fleet. I speak in my name of course, but I think a huge majority of the Orders pilots think like me. I hope you will resolve your problem with Kimura soon or later but remind we are allies with you and you are crucial partners.
Lt. Kelt, if Aki Kimura does not speak for the Order as a whole, then maybe those in the Order High Command aught to make a declaration to that effect, because it does seem to many around Sirius that Kimura is the mouthpiece for the Order High Command.
Mr Kelt. Just one question. WHen is not miss Kimura speaking in the name of Order, why is she asking us for changing our light fighters for order bombers? I dont think someone is enough crazy to give this proposal without backup of Order leaders. Because when this make someone without permission from leaders, i am sure he must die...
And when order leaders know about this, then i dont think is necesary to say that miss Kimura is speaking only for herself...
Oh dear, here we go again.
Let me start off by saying that nothing Kimura says comes from the primary fleet. She has her opinions, I have mine, and my pilots have theirs. So let me say a few things from my behalf and no one elses.
First, I will do nothing to jeopardize the alliance. It would be like severing our own arms. We are small enough as it is and facing threats from three fronts; Liberty, Nomads, and the Bounty Hunters are all constantly throwing waves of assaults at us, and sometimes Corsairs and Zoners help us. This help is appreciated and it's comforting to know we do have someone on our side.
As for the exchange of ship designs... I do not think we need any light fighters are the moment. Our engineers have created prototype ships that we hope to produce soon enough. You also have your bombers, and we have ours and personally I think we should use ours and you use yours, I don't think there's anything wrong with that.
As for the Light Assault Carrier. Personally, I don't see a big reason for the Corsairs to use them. You have a fairly large empire, with bases ranging from the Omega's to the Omicron's and allied bases in house systems that you may, under circumstances, use. There is no reason to load up a ship with fighters and bring them to various systems when you can access them so easily already. As for us, we only have absolute control of two systems, yet our battlefields range from Bretonia to Rheinland to the Omicron's. The Carriers are used for transportation of fighter and bomber wings to combat Sirius-wide threats, and provide a haven for our strike teams, whether it be repairs, ammunition, who knows what.
Not only that, but the Carriers are also fairly large, and with the amount of new technology, such as the rotating launch tubes, those ships are fairly expensive to produce and require a large amount of resources. The Order| fleet only has one carrier in it.
However, due to your large... interest in the carriers, I am willing to strike a deal, with due permission of the fleet and other High Command members. That being, that the Corsairs help us in supplying Evora with materials needed to produce the carriers, as well as the usual comission asked for in building ships for our allies. In return, I think use of your weaponry is appropiate to ask for, as is the favor that Corsair factions (ie: the brotherhood, benitez, etc.) limit their fleets to the amount of carriers they would possess. We do not want our ships to make a very large appearance in space. An alternative, would be to "share" the designs, so Corsair engineers may begin designing a ship that will serve as their own carrier.
Either way, I think that we can allow limited numbers of carriers to be taken up by Corsair factions, in return we gain the use of Corsair weaponry, mainly your shield buster series. But this can be discussed elsewhere.
As it stands, again, I apologize for any... seemingly hostile environments and to god hope we can work something out here before things get out of hand...
Incomming Transmission
To: Grand Admiral Sius Malacos, Order High Command
CC: Fellow Corsairs
Comm ID: Juan Montoya
Source: Alexandria Station, Omicron 91
Aha, that is exactly the reasonable attitude that we need here.
Any and all discussions can be conducted at a later date and in due time. Your terms seem amiable and the Brotherhood (or at least, me) are willing to overlook Aki's actions in relation to the diplomacy between our two factions. But this is all, as I said, for a later time.
The Brotherhood look forward to strengthening our relationship in the future, Admiral.
----------------------Incoming Transmission----------------------------
To: Grand Admiral Sius Malacos, Order High Command
CC: Fellow Corsairs, and Aki Kimura of whoever it is you REALLY represent
Comm ID: Elder of Crete, Commandante Don Carlos Benitez
Source: Myrtos Villa (Benitez HQ), Planet Crete
You senor, have restored my faith and respect for the Order. As long as the good will and attitude of commanders such as yourself prevails, our alliance should not be in jeopardy.
I am intrigued as to how Ms. Aki Kimura has come to believe she represents the Order in all matters. I look forward to hearing of how she is dealt with.
Fellow Corsairs, may I suggest that the acquisition of Carrier class vessels is not necessary?
The Legate class Dreadnought boasts impressive firepower, unmatchable armour and shield capabilities, and importantly has two lateral hangar bays aswell as one ventral deployment hangar. These hangar bays, in total, boast similar capacity to that of any Carrier the Order could provide, and are more heavily shielded.
We know the Order lack the resources to produce many vessels of this size. Let us not further handicap their fleet by claiming some of their rarest vessels for our own.
Admiral Malacos, I for one would much prefer an exchange in knowledge, understanding and technology rather than ships. This can serve to strengthen our alliance whilst not taxing resources. I will leave this for your consideration. ---------------------Transmission Ends----------------------
Ofcourse as I said already to all my people when we were in Order space: "They have a quite mess out here!". As ussuall it seems that Order is splitted on many lighter factions and all of them are not well organised. I am glad of what Senor Malacos said and disappointed about what Senorita Kimura said. Finally I must state that I am confused, however if Kimura haven't any rights to speak in name of all Order than I hope she will be punished cause her actions are "slightly"/"something like"/"near" betrayal.
About ships afears: Well theoretically yes, Legate have impresive firepower, and not to mention she can be used like a base, becasue of her docking bays and heavy hull and deflector shields efficiency. However after some practicaly obserwation I think that Imperio del Corsairio need some ship which abilities can be stated mixing Legate with Praefect - our own Carrier class vessel. I think it should be very helpfull with our actions and I am not saying only from perspective of PFC but also from perspective of many undeclared and independent of our brothers who appoint many visites with me talking endlessly about need for Carrier, ofcourse they've mention about Order Carrier but after all f this I think we should start to inventing our own aship of that type.
Returning to Order-case I and other members of PFC High Command are hoping for entering next stages of our cooporation and allience with Order and Senor Malacos... ofcourse Senorita Mirage also.. but she weren't mention in this conversation...
With all respect for Order and Elders:
Overlord Revan
|-Ozai out-|
||End Of Transmission||
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