' Wrote:When the transport bests the pirate by managing to dock, then it sounds unfair to be punished by the 4h rule.
Your win condition should not get you punished.
After the change took the real win condition (your well done convoy beats the pirate) away, the "dock = leave system and do not return" punishment is really, really too much.
Can no one see that there are real trader players, roleplayers... people who LIKE flying transports, who like the challenge but who get frustrated by being put under more and more and even more strain now?
*sighs* *shakes head* Seems no one understands the point of view of the "non lolwut power trader" who just enjoys to fly transports and who was stripped by this rule change completely.
In regards to the scout, I agree, it is an excellent way of assessing threats within a system that the trader is going to be travelling through. One issue I've had, however, with my freelance escort character, is that a lot of traders, usually powertraders who don't use escorts very often, begin to complain when I leave their scanner range. Even after I try explaining it to them, they continue their complaint, and several times, I've led them through a 15-20 minute run only to not get paid for inadequate service. The one time I listened to the person I was trading with and flew alongside him, we ran into a few pirates in the next system who promptly blew him up, then focused fire on me. The one issue remaining, as I personally see it, is the potential alienation of new players trying to make their way into a secure position in the server.
~I once was an artist, who painted with words. Now, I am but a writer, who speaks for all~
' Wrote:All in all, I'm glad this is a trial and not something long-term. Could we actually get a fixed time within which the new rules are being tested?
I would say probably not.
Remember, it was a trial period when we started testing out whether or not official faction cap ships could pop transports in their house space. Technically, the trial period never ended, simply because it turned into a non-issue. So this could be considered an extension on that.
Realistically, I expect to see this last at least a month, simply so there is time gather enough data.
(11-21-2013, 12:53 PM)Jihadjoe Wrote: Oh god... The end of days... Agmen agreed with me.
I read until page 5 before I gave up, but I agree with Tabris.
' Wrote:I have a bad feeling about this...I'm sorry but this is the DUMBEST RULE CHANGE to happen yet! Seriously there's gonna be a capspam like you have NEVER seen before and we're gonna lose alot of players (Mostly Traders) due to sheer frustration.
Nothing good will come of cruisers/battleships being allowed to pirate, although stopping contraband shipments in a military cruiser is more roleplayish than before
' Wrote:I read until page 5 before I gave up, but I agree with Tabris.
Nothing good will come of cruisers/battleships being allowed to pirate, although stopping contraband shipments in a military cruiser is more roleplayish than before
Actually, something good will.
I'm planning on actually playing unlawful characters for the first time since I've been playing here. (My Nomad ships don't count as unlawfuls, since they're - you know, Nomads...) When I get off work so I can get in game, it'll be time to create two new characters - let's see how much the world ends when Scylla's pirate now.
(11-21-2013, 12:53 PM)Jihadjoe Wrote: Oh god... The end of days... Agmen agreed with me.
Not sure if its good to remove the trade exception for killed traders, but then again, they will be forced to fly new routes this way. So those changes should be fun.