Seems like everyone who has a ship with a changed power plant should be gifted with credits equal to half the cost to re-buy their ship, then told to sell their current ship for the other half. Then everyone's happy.
' Wrote:Seems like everyone who has a ship with a changed power plant should be gifted with credits equal to half the cost to re-buy their ship, then told to sell their current ship for the other half. Then everyone's happy.
I would support full credit re-imbursement, for all who have to re-buy their ships.
easy, hire people to help you do the missions. It will boost the activity of the Mercs in Sirius as well as get the freelancers a couple contracts too. If you have the money to buy a cap you got the cash to pay a couple mil for your desired end, no?
Why would you have to re buy the same ship ship?
If powerplant gets changed or it gets upgraded on the ship you have yours will get changed as well to resemble those stats.
' Wrote:Question.
Why would you have to re buy the same ship ship?
If powerplant gets changed or it gets upgraded on the ship you have yours will get changed as well to resemble those stats.
Did you even read the posts in the thread
Powerplants do not get automaticaly upgraded or downgraded
A few powerplants got changed when 4.83 turned to 4.84. Big ship for me that got a boost was my lib bc. I thought all cruisers and gb had the same powerplant after that too, when 4.83 became 4.84.
A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can only exist until the voters discover that they can vote themselves largesse from the public treasury. From that moment on, the majority always votes for the candidates promising the most benefits from the public treasury with the result that a democracy always collapses over loose fiscal policy, always followed by a dictatorship.