I agree with you here on that Tenacity - hybrid ships are definitely the way to go for Junkers. Which is also why I think the current Oneiropolis is going to have to get blown up so I can upgrade to this...
there is a problem though - or at least a slight one...
if its basicly a transport ( 2500 cargo ) - it will be one that cannot really be pirated at all. - even 6 cruiser turrets only will utterly destroy the random pirate in a fighter or a bomber.. and we cannot make an exception rule for certain ships to be allowed to be pirated in capital ships...
but i see that my original concept as a repairship II is not working. - incidentely ... are junkers allowed to trade without limits? and if its cruiser class - how will local authorities react, even if its only used for trading... cause after all.... its still a cruiser then.
' Wrote:if its basicly a transport ( 2500 cargo ) - it will be one that cannot really be pirated at all. - even 6 cruiser turrets only will utterly destroy the random pirate in a fighter or a bomber.. and we cannot make an exception rule for certain ships to be allowed to be pirated in capital ships...
and if its cruiser class - how will local authorities react, even if its only used for trading... cause after all.... its still a cruiser then.
you have a point here Jinx.
Cannot be pirated? Well, it cannot, but those who want to make money will still use Firefly/Tanker because of the cargo capacity. They can be pirated. But Junkers aren't pirated that often anyway.
Foreign/alien/outsider military grade capital ships are not welcome anywhere. And I can very well understand the authorities.
Just for comparison: the strongest Liner isn't that far from this ship and it is transport class. Do the cruiser turrets make it necessary to put this frigate into the cruiser class? I mean 11 transport turrets vs 6 cruiser?
I don't know (yet) how to solve these contradicting sides but I definitely like the ship just as it is described.
well - it must be put into the cruiser class... for the simple reason that if it was put into the transport class... traders could fly it ( that is - non junkers )
no rule would forbid it ... junkers however are allowed capships AND trading. - so yes... its gotto be classified as a capital ship.
about the turrets - yes.. not really SUCH a problem.. the shields are more my concern. - a transport 100k shield replenishes very slowly - while a cruiser class shield can take more than twice the damage ( 250k ) but also regenerate a lot quicker. - one single bomber ( small 48k power without inferno ) cannot take down such a ship effectivly on its own... and thats only due to the replenishment of the shield and the refire of the supernova. ( if it equips an inferno it can do... or if its a 58k bomber - but its no joyride )
now, i trust that most junkers are responsible and wouldn t spam -trade in such a ship ( but 2500 cargo is still a lot, even if there are a lot larger transports out there ) - such a ship will just require some responsibility.. - the ID card is not very restrictive... so i wouldn t expect this ship to be very rare among junkers ( nothing like a real military cruiser ) - but .... there s another issue.. anyway - maybe i can write up the infocard so that this ship wouldn t be distributed to non junkers... but i m not really fond of all the way too restrictive ID cards... so i try not to.
but we ll need to check how that ship behaves in a real pvp situation before we can say anything final. - making it too bad reduces a ship to a rare RP only oddity - making it too good causes it to appear too much. we ll have to find a good balance ... so right now, its hard to say how it ll look in 4.85.
but there s not too much time left till 4.85 i daresay... so we ll all find out soon enough anyway.
While I agree on the nonrestrictive IDs, almost all factions have ships what they will never sell RP-wise.
I find it feasible that Junkers wouldn't sell their most advanced craft, not to mention that we lack resources to supply the market with enough.
I'd go for some (RP) restrictions and responsibility than starting to weaken the ship before it makes into space the first time...
I just wanted to say, the model is awesome, but the rust has to go. I think the rusted texture should be the same texture as the yellow part on the CSV.