To: GMG Tradesmen/Tradeswomen
From: Guild Master Raikoke
Subject: Bretonian Space
Priority: Critical
Message reads:
Konichiwa good traders.
I realize the profit in bringing H-fuel to our Zoner friends on planet Gran Canaria. Note that their station at the junk field nearby the smaller planet has a need for our fuel as well.
Now here in lies a concern for us. Deuterium was considered illegal in Bretonia space due to the war against Kusari. However we need that Deuterium in order to refine, along with the Helium and Hydrogen Isotopes we collect here, H-fuel.
I have opened a channel with the Bretonian authorities concerning this matter and I am awaiting a responce. I'll send a private transmission to see if my request can get moved along in their immense bureaucracy. Until then if you are willing to risk it please keep in mind you may be branded a smuggler and fined along with the removal of your cargo. If you are caught don't open fire and follow their orders. Explain our need of it if given an opportunity but don't provoke hostilities until we are all sure we can transport it through. Now for your safety don't go through the Taus even if it is safer. This exact route is what will put is on their KoS list. Always take the Liberty route. It is critical for that they understand that we are not Kusarian.
The Mikuma Maru attempted to deliver H-fuel to Gran Canaria by routing through Liberty, as ordered. I was stopped by a Bretonia police officer, Abigail Thorn. After a complete scan she ordered the H-fuel to be sold at the nearest station. I was then escorted through Leads and released at the Tau-31 jump gate. I was told this will be the protocol until any passage is approved for GMG.
I offered our complete cooperation in the matter to save face with Bretonia and her officials. Hopefully progress is positive on your agreement front.
The run was not lost, we hauled Berylium back to Kasari and made a profit. Currently the Mikuma Maru is at Ogashawa reloading with H-fuel. We will persevere in the end.
To: GMG Guild
From: Jin'ko Hayate
Subject: Over due report
Priority: normal
Message reads:
Konichiwa fellow gas miners,
This report should have been made awhile ago. I apologize for my tardiness. My patrols have been going very well, there has only been a few times when I have encountered tasteless activity within our space. I'll describe the most significant of those event:
I was guarding the miner Naha when I encountere 2 Kishiro allied ships and a KNF pursuing a pirate all the way to Yanagi. I got to witness a great show and the pirate was brought to justice. The KNF fighter had sustained damage in the fight and requested permission to dock on Naha for a quick jury-rig so he can make it home. No problem. The 2 Kishiro ships waited outside and provided me with small bantar
As he was undocking a slaver came flying, ever so boldly, past Naha within 1K distance. Well we ordered the slaver to halt and I said that we do not allow slavers in GMG space. He did not halt and attempted to dock with the trade lane. One of the Kishiro ships hit the trade lane to stop it and I ordered the ship to release the slaves. He said no and tried to engage cruise engines. I dropped his engines and we opened fire. Stubborn slaver resisted till the end, well it's unfortunate for the slaves but at least it was quick and painless compared to what was in store for them.
Another slaver came in, the bugger quickly docked before we could order him to stop. Apparently he unloaded all his slaves on Naha, all of which have been offered salaried jobs or ride back into populated space. The Kishiro were insulted by the slaver's calous disregard to my inquiries and asked if they can disassemble his ship, I was almost inclined to agree but apparently we had bigger problems coming and we needed to let him go.
I couldn't believe this a Blood Dragon in a cruiser with two GC ships accompanying him came straight for us at Naha. This was extremely bad form from Rising Sun. I told him to turn around he shouldn't be here. I didn't want to say out loud our alliance as our lawful allies were there. This BD ignored me, nonetheless I said I wouldn't open fire on his ship but the two Kishiro and KNF took it apart while I concentrated on his escort. This is nuts it is my understanding that Blood Dragons were not to open fire on us and our Kishiro allies and yet we were this cruiser's targets, sad to think that we paid for that cruiser only to have it used against us. Well here is the evidence of that encounter
From: Katsuo Okazaki
Location: Gas Miner Naha, Sigma-13
Our plans to tighten security in Sigma-13 are progressing most satisfactorily. Today I launched my bomber along with several escorts from our pilot pool only to find an invasion at our very doorstep. Without a doubt all these Outcast fools ran for their lives when they saw our bomber wing launching on their long range scanners. We watched them scatter like rats towards the horizon.
After that it was fairly straight forward: two Corsair fighters looking for a challenge were dispatched within short notice. A Corsair gunboat came afterwards, believing it can challenge myself and one of our fighter pilots and win! The audacity of that statement was appalling to all in sight, and I ordered the local bounty hunters not to engage so our proud security forces can show this scum our superiority in space. Indeed, the gunboat Ultimatum was destroyed within minutes, despite the ion storm interferences.
At the very end of our patrol there came an Outcast Sabre with the callsign "House.of.Osorojo", no doubt a scout intending to look up our skill in combat. I enacted our no tolerance policy against Outcasts, and gave only one warning for him to leave the area this time around. He refused to comply, and myself and my co-pilot engaged. The Sabre quickly noticed the skill of our security forces far surpassed his, so he began hunting our shipping vessels in order to steal nanobots from them. A very low and dishonourable tactic, that almost convinced me to allow a local bounty hunter battlecruiser to begin firing at the vagrant. He managed to disable my wingman's ship with a lucky shot somehow, and after that I was intent on proving the worthyness of GMG security. I engaged him, only to find him avoiding my fire and not shooting back, going after the transports instead. My guns being largely ineffective against his shield, or too slow to hit him at all, I spent 30 minutes following him around trying to prevent the destruction of more GMG ships. He continued to avoid me until right about the moment when I was to invite a bounty hunter to take care of this scum instead. At that point he flown straight at me, and realised soon after that it was a huge mistake to do, as his ship ended in flames. It is unfortunate that I was in a bomber, for I would get rid of him faster if I had flown my fighter that time.
Total tag for tonight:
- 1 Corsair Titan
- 1 Corsair Raven's Talon
- 1 Corsair Gunboat
- 1 Outcast Sabre
To: GMG Security Division
From: Jin'ko Hayate
Subject: Casa de OsoRojo?
Priority: High
Message reads:
I was patroling about the Sigmas today and doing various missions for the various scum whose operations impede our trade. I just so happened to come across a couple ships approaching radar range. The closest was designated Transport with a ship number and Casa de OsoRojo behind. I scanned Transport as he approached and noticed his cargo load of Slaves. Now, embarassingly, I assumed Casa de OsoRojo was another ship and was also carrying slaves as well. So I ordered a halt and to drop off the slaves at Naha where they can be extradited later.
Casa de OsoRojo is one big war ship. I shouldn't have mistooken him for another trader ship I have seen with a similar name. Engagement was in full. It quickly became apparent that a single bomber just didn't have the firepower to bring Casa down. I tried to make a break from him and went for the closest dockable structure...a trade lane *facepalm*. Now with me floating still in the middle of a deactivated trade lane, it only took a couple hits and I was bouncing off of nearby Naha in my escape pod.
To: GMG Security Division
From: Kasugai Hatsumi - Omega Patrol Leader
Subject: Blood Dragon at Naha
Priority: Medium
I had an encounter with a Blood Dragon at Gas Miner Naha at 0300 hours. When he came on my scanners I told him on a secure channel that he shouldn't be in the Sigma systems... He replied that he pirates all of Kusari space, and I insisted that he had, in fact, entered GMG space. He began to engage myself and the other patrols. I urged him to flee to Chokugu. Suddenly, a few Zoners showed up on my radar so I had no choice but to engage. After only a minute, the Blood Dragon fled the scene with haste.
Long live the Guild.
Kasugai Hatsumi
End of Transmission
<ooc> I think he had no idea about the relationship between the GMG and Blood Dragons
Screenshots of the encounter:
To: Security Division
From: Guild Master Raikoke
Subject: Blood Dragons in GMG space
Priority: Top
Message reads:
Konichiwa loyal guards,
We seem to be having a rise in Blood Dragon activity, but unfortunately not in the way we have expected.
I have read the report of the actions of the BLood Dragon Kasugai san has encountered. I also received these pictures of scene that had happened before with a Blood Dragon.
This particular Blood Dragon was flying with GC and directly attacked Miner Naha as well as GMG and Kishiro ships that were guarding it.
Now I should be clear, even though there is a mutual agreement amongst GMG and Blood Dragons, we must still ensure that no Piracy, Terrorism, Slavery, and Smuggling is occuring within our space and particularly within 5K of our bases. This includes Blod Dragons.
Now they shouldn't be showing such dishonor by coming into our space and showing hostile action not only to our Kishiro friends but us as well.
If you see one in the Sigmas don't initiate hostilities, but if the Blood Dragon begins commiting crimes right under our noses I am afraid we will have to treat that specific pilot no differently than we treat the other undesirable who make their way in the Sigmas.
Soon enough this will all be sorted out and we continue to hope that services between GMG and Blood Dragons will be as professional and conveniant as originally intended.
//here is the link to the ID proposals, you'll see once the new Mod comes out it will take care of the Blood Dragon confusion
This shameful disrespect and ignorance on the Blood Dragons part is becoming unacceptable.
How the "Rising.Sun" was able to obtain such devastating equipment under a command of such idiocy is a real cause for concern. No GMG pilot should ever attack one of their allies, and vice-versa. However, we are not foolish enough to ignore such blatant disrespect of our agreement.
As Master Raikoke has expressed, no Dragon should be engaged, unless he commits any illegal activity within a 5k radius of any of our establishments. Not only are such activities dangerous, but if anyone was to see past our agreement, it would be disastrous. If such foolish Dragon pilots as the ones "Rising.Sun" and "Gotcha" initiate any illegal activity near our bases, or refuse to vacate the area, they will be engaged and destroyed.
It appears as if there is miscommunication aboard Kyoto if such events have been happening more of late. If such actions persist, a summit with our shady allies is in order.
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Joined: Aug 2008
Staff roles: Moderator
*Incoming transmission*
Greetings, Gas Miners. I have been monitoring your chat and have talked with a few agents at Naha. Yes, it is problematic to get gas to Canaria and Deuterium FROM Canaria. Now, I don't know if you can manage to do so but I use the route through the Omegas and Omicron systems with little trouble. It isn't patrolled by Bretonia and at most you might meet a Corsair. Having a good relationship with Corsairs for me has been a help.
For those who can't, maybe some diplomacy can help. Remember, it affects us Zoners too as Gran Canaria is between Bretonia, Liberty and the Omegas. If you wish, I will step up and act as an Ambassador between the GMG and Bretonia. After all, Zoners and the GMG have always had good relations. It is to our mutual advantage to keep these supplies running.
Thank you for your time.
Most respectfully, Doc Holliday of the TAZ.
To: Trade Division and fellow Guild Masters
From: Guild Master Raikoke
Subject: Possible Zoner intervention as Diplomatic Mediators
Priority: Top
Message reads:
It appears that our diplomatic impasse with Bretonia may have a chance to finally come to an end. The Zoners have come to notice the drastic drop in trade between GMG and Gran Canaria. A situation that hurts both organizations. I have tried, in vain, several times to gain the attention of the Bretonian leadership so that they may provide a responce to this economic crisis, but to no avail. Perhaps a Zoner mediator may help in speeding up the process. Let's face it, having to sneak in and out Bretonia to get the Deuterium we need to refine H-fuel, has started decreased the amount of H-fuel we produce and export. I have to admit, I was beginning to believe that a diplomatic solution would evade us, but in light of the Zoner's concern I will attempt once more to open communications with the BAF expressing our urgency. If I still don't get a responce I will petition the Zoners to send an ambassador to mediate a solution.
For now I ask that you still follow BAF orders if you are stopped for transporting Deuterium and I will remind all tradesmen/tradeswomen to not bring the Deuterium out through the Taus from Bretonia, this is a sure fire way of getting us on their KoS list. I have taken the suggestion of using the Omicrons and Deep Omegas to get to Gran Canaria. This route is definetely plausible, I have completed the trip and I find the route to be quite fast. There is a major downfall though, since we are no longer in the artifact trade with the Corsairs they no longer think twice about targeting our transports and lets face it we are lees than pleased at being cut out of the trade. Patrol after patrol of Corsair Titans can be found down there and if your ship doesn't have a solid hull with armour expect your journey to be cut short. This route is for the experienced only.
Sayonara and remember: GMG is the lifeblood of Sirius