Morgan you are not in charge, get used to it. You do not make executive decisions regarding the designs of Outcasts ships.
If you had been so in touch with the community of Outcast players why were there so many complaints regarding your conduct? You aren't amazing Morgan, stop acting like you are.
And quite simply, because of the way you have conducted yourself here, consider this me throwing in my hat for designing a replacement.
So now with three contenders, we'll let the community decide.
yep. Though I forbid you to use that awesome render machine of yours, aidan, you know why XD
Damn, you recall that rheinland carrier clay model you made? I showed that to some friends of mine, they thought it was an actual real scaled down model for a movie prop or something XD
From the crappy vibe I'm getting from this thread, I think it's more than just the ship model that's coming into it.
Eppy took the time to post his reasons for his design choices, and he pretty much got flamed for it.
And what's with the "you're not in control eppy!!!11one!" crap? Eppy is not an admin, a moderator, or Igiss(maybe he is? CONSPIRACY!). I think he has the sense to realise he isn't 'in control.' See your local pharmacy for some chill pills.
Aiden-your ass is a bad place for your head to be. Pull it out, please, lest you run out of air. You, for once, are being an @sshole, and I am not. Am I a control freak? Yes. Am I being a control freak now? No. If Xing can make a better OC Destroyer than I can he's welcome to try. My concern is that it won't fit in with the rest of the fleet and that it will lose its desirable balance characteristics, which as they are now are considered essentially perfect. I see it as my duty to my player faction and our affiliates to make sure that we don't end up with a ship that forces us to change the way our fleets operate and one that looks out of place. If Xing can make a model with the same combat characteristics as the current Outcast Destroyer that fits the aesthetic of the other capital ships he is welcome to, and I'll be pleased because it means I don't have to take the time to do so, but unless I see that result I will be staunchly opposed to any model replacing the destroyer. It's not about me, and it hasn't been since shortly before I stepped down, it's about what's good for the Outcasts, and quite frankly, would you trust an Outcast in this day and age to redesign a Corsair ship better than a Corsair shipbuilder? Xing, I like you as a player and a shipwright, I have nothing against you, I think you're a great modeler, but I don't think your aesthetic is what the Outcast shipline needs.
EDIT: THANK you, Jamez!
Quote:Quick comment - we thought that Panzer was the Leader, Swift. -Agmen
' Wrote:Morgan you are not in charge, get used to it. You do not make executive decisions regarding the designs of Outcasts ships.
If you had been so in touch with the community of Outcast players why were there so many complaints regarding your conduct? You aren't amazing Morgan, stop acting like you are.
And quite simply, because of the way you have conducted yourself here, consider this me throwing in my hat for designing a replacement.
So now with three contenders, we'll let the community decide.
' Wrote:From the crappy vibe I'm getting from this thread, I think it's more than just the ship model that's coming into it.
Eppy took the time to post his reasons for his design choices, and he pretty much got flamed for it.
And what's with the "you're not in control eppy!!!11one!" crap? Eppy is not an admin, a moderator, or Igiss(maybe he is? CONSPIRACY!). I think he has the sense to realise he isn't 'in control.' See your local pharmacy for some chill pills.
Epicfail, guys.
Surprisingly, both are correct in some way.
Jamez in the part that there does seem to be more than ship models coming into it.
Turkish in the part where the community should decide.
Eppy, I like your drawn model, it has potential and I cannot wait to see it put into a modeling program.
Having said that, I would also like to see Xing's model, because he may just design a better ship that fits in. He should be given the option to do so.
That was pretty cool. What I'm saying is that whether or not Xing makes a model, if what Eppy here says is true - that Xing does not know the OC feel well enough to make it - than it will get rejected in lieu of the better model anyways.