Oh, the infocard can easily be changed, Hobby. It doesn't have to mention jack all for them to fly an OC Dessie, as long as they're allied. They can't build them, certainly, but they can fly them all they want.
Quote:Quick comment - we thought that Panzer was the Leader, Swift. -Agmen
Yes, it's for fairplay, which un/fortunately overrules roleplay.
Anyways, as NEXUS said. There still needs to be sufficient evidence of Rogue/Molly use in the infocard.
And the Mollys actually create a helpful thing for you. The Rogues are only alies since they help with the cardi run. Trading partners, allies. The Mollys fight your mortal enemies, and do it with a vengeance, Not to mention they keep the Corsairs away from Bretonia and Cape Wrath. Allies? Yes.
Good for them. They can fly all the Destroyers they want. This does not, however, mean they can build them.
And fairplay? Pardon me, but BS. They signed up to play a Liberty Rogue, a down-on-his-luck American Gangsta and/or neoclassical pirate (depending on who you're talking to). The Rogues are a disorganized group of criminals, and that's what the player signed up to be. They can operate all the Destroyers they can pay for and crew, but building them? Where are they getting the resources? Don't tell me they're stealing them all, the amount of materials that goes into a single Destroyer is massive. Nobody's giving it to them, and I don't see a mining operation anywhere, either.
The Mollys are a more interesting case. They have an actual raw materials infrastructure and a sizeable shipyard; they can feasibly produce warships. But why would they? They're fighting Corsairs a long way from the Corsairs' home; they're going up against Titans and Praetorians, not Praefects and Legates. They need Gunboats, not Destroyers. If they still don't want to buy dessies, heck, make their own design! They've got plenty of smart minds in the Mollys.
Quote:Quick comment - we thought that Panzer was the Leader, Swift. -Agmen
Direct your ravings at ones who care. I don't have a Rogue in a destroyer. In fact, throw this stuff at Del. I'm just saying how things are going to be messy if all of the sudden Rogues have no justification to fly destroyers.
Mollys fight the Corsairs, yes. They may not need capital ships for them. But wait a second... don't they fight the BAF? <sigh>
And the fact is that no one has made a Molly Destroyer, and no one is looking to. You say screw them because RL people haven't had the time? Okay.
Eppy the Rouge/Molly reference should stay for now. There are people who rely upon what is said in info cards as thier reference for what is legal within RP. It can change, but not until a replacement exists for the mollies and rouges.
*edited out - cause i don t really know the whole ID card of the destroyer*
if its crucial for ppls RP - it should stay - but mind....
if that case makes a precedent... others might want the same when *their* RP is disturbed by ID cards we change... . - replacing models is not only the model itself - it can also mean to bring the ship itself ( by its lore ) better into the freelancer universe. - some ID cards are quite stretched to achieve whats not really possible - to justify silly ships so that they "somehow" fit in. - [ not really the case for the outcast destroyer from what i know - as it fits in surprisingly well - due to the similarities to the sleeper ships .... but ID cards are not holy relics, or at least... some can be "improved" ]
Orin: In the words of our long-lost, somewhat-less-intelligent brethren in WoW-land, ****. I'm directing it at you because you brought it up. Don't try to argue a point and then skip out on it because you have nothing to do with it.
And yes, the Mollies fight the BAF, whom we, the Outcasts, have something of a dubious under-the-table alliance with. Hence why I consider the Molly alliance shaky enough to withhold licensing rights.
Yes, nobody has made a Molly destroyer. Instead of racking up an incredible 21 posts per day, why don't you make one yourself?
That's irrelevant, Hobby; whether or not their shipyards are allowed to produce a ship has little to do with if they can fly it or not, in these two cases, because both factions are allied to the Outcasts. They can still fly all the Destroyers they can pay for; it doesn't matter which ship dealer they go to. The Destroyer should never have been put for sale outside Outcast space. Now is our chance to correct this error.
EDIT: It's not changing anybody's RP, Jinx, they can still fly the Dessie all they want. Restricting the sale location doesn't disallow the Rogues or Mollys from using it.
Quote:Quick comment - we thought that Panzer was the Leader, Swift. -Agmen
In many of those cases where the info card has been changed the group in question does have access to an easy to indentify replacement. We knock the bit about the mollies and rouges out of the dressie info card, I predict a ton of "is this ship ok threads" related to this one ship.
I am all for a new info card, but right now I think it could spawn confusion to players who do not view the forums.
EDIT: Oh calm down eppy. I am pretty sure the OC dressie was already on the chopping block for selling locations. Just about every ship is getting re-arranged to be logical. My focus is on the contents of the info card alone. That line in there will literally be the only thing that will allow a molly to continue using a dressie. If it is removed it can be very quickly argued that they should not have the ship and become a OORP offense. Like it or not they need to keep using it until there is somthing else that they can use.
Er, according to the infocard it was not a solely Outcast project. Thus it should NOT have been solely sold in Outcast space.
Especially considering that both the Rogues and Mollys have ample resources to create said ships. They both created their gunboats, why can't all three of them manage to create the Destroyers in the Molly shipyards?
So really, what has happened makes perfect sense.
Unless you wish to argue that the Molly shipyards are clearly 7 inches smaller than the Outcast ones?
Wow, I bring up a point that you may want to consider, than inform you that it doesn't affect me in particular, so I won't debate it, and you flame me?
Good show. Have fun with this.
Edit: Anyways,
Quote:Orin: In the words of our long-lost, somewhat-less-intelligent brethren in WoW-land, ****.