To: Guild Master Raikoke
CC: GMG Personnel
From: Sup.Com. Mudslinger, White Tigers Leader
Subject: Greetings and Salutations.
Dear Sirs,
I would like to take this opportunity to introduce myself as the leader of the White Tigers, a Mercenary Faction based in Cambridge. We are a purely lawful faction, interested in the protection of economic hegemony rather than the collection of bounties.
We regularly fly escort & patrol wings across Sirius; should you or yours require use of our services, please do not hesitate to contact a [WT]-tagged ship. In recognition of your sterling work suppressing pirates in Sigma 13, such escort work would be at preferential rates.
Furthermore, we are pleased to announce that we have designated our relationship as 'Esteemed Colleagues', which is to say allies in all but name. I know you may see this as somewhat intriguing, given your close ties with Kusari and the Bretonian-Kusari war, but we believe in the principles of free trade and travel for all citizens of Sirius. However, until such hostilities in Tau 31 are ended, our operations in Kusari space are currently suspended. Nevertheless, our escorting services are available to you outside of these territorial boundaries.
Should you have any queries, a message via private communications or in our message dump will receive a quick reply.
To: GMG Security Division
From: Jin'ko Hayate
Subject: Success against Corsair pirates
Priority: Normal
Message reads:
It's was a good day today. Taro Katsuo and I were doing our routine patrols today. As usual there were some pirates in Sigma 13 making an economical mess of things. What got me was how open they were on comms as they decided who can have safe passage and who can't. I told Taro san that such an affront couldn't continue and he agreed.
We closed in on their approximate position all the while spitting our disdain at the arrogance of these Corsairs. As we closed in we were able to identiify the ships as Lucas Fernandez in a Fighter/Bomber and [D.Brothers] John West who was commanding a Cruiser. I called Lucas as the target as I was sure John West was going check most of his shots to avoid hitting his escort.
Fighting Lucas wasn't to hard, early in to it I noticed that Taro san and I were stripping his shields with impunity and that Lucas used a tactic that heavily favored mines. I sent CD after CD his way and the detonation of his own mines played a major role in breaking his hull.
Now onto John West commanding his Corsair Cruiser. His projectiles seemed fairly slow and not suited for anti-bomber work. Taro and I had little difficulty in flying circles around this slow ship giving it a regular pounding from our Super Nova Cannons. John Wests crew were unskilled and it didn't take too long for us to include that cruiser amongst the other wreckage within the system.
My heart goes out to our Zoner allies who lost their lives in space, and on the ground there.
The crater is a dark stain on that most beautiful of planets.
As a token of alliance with the Zoners, and in gratitude at their continuing hospitality, I will be running trade of Construction Machinery from Honshu - at a loss - to a minimum value of ten million credits.
I know it is only a small gesture, but I am only one trader. It is my hope that this trade will help Gran Canaria to a speedy recovery.
My deepest condolences to the families of those who have fallen.
I shall make this short and sweet, my brothers and sisters, today we indeed have done a marvelous thing for our children, we have taken not one, not two, not even three, four, or five, but at least 7 Capital class vessels, numerous strikecraft, as well as supplying our armories with vast amount of weaponry, codenamed or otherwise.
In recognition of these remarkable feats, We have prepared this data photo, please be aware this only contains a very small number of our victory's, as our black box failed to captures the rest.
Sadly, Jin'ko Hayate was not present for the victory photo.
On a side note, Taro Katsuo is being promoted to Lieutenant, this is only an official recognition, long have we at the Executive considered him a fine commander, and a very skilled pilot.
To: GMG Security Division
From: Jin'ko Hayate
Subject: New wreck site
Priority: Normal (but fun)
Message reads:
Konichiwa and Kambai GMG!
What a day it was today. I apologize that I wasn't available for the picture, it's good to see the glory of GMG's security division being honoured in our archives. It is for this reason that I am making an addition to todays activities. My ship was able to keep a record of all despite the heavy damage it took and I have the record of the other two that GMG destroyed.
As Marieka said we took down many enemies today with 7 of them being capital class ships. First three I encountered was Leonid, MrBig and ATC Horizon the others had already gotten started. MrBig was a Corsair in this one and was battling the Outcasts present, I guess he believed that as a Corsair he can continue his war against the Outcast right in front of our base, to his surprise at his destruction; You came into a battle where everyone involved was your enemy...
Not to long after two Outcast Dessies showed up designated Arazok and NOD Strogg, again concentrated fire decimated each in short order. Our last intruder was A-Hostile-Vessel in his oversized Outcast ship. With no where to go and being that this ship was by itself the result was already obvious from the first volley of Super Nova Cannons.
Never before, in my time, have I seen such a rapid destruction of so many large warships by the guns of less than a handful of small ships. GMG claimed a major victory today.
From: Cpt. Azuki Tamagochi ; GMG|GTS.Abashiri
Subject: Negotiations with the RHA
Konnichiwa Honourable Guild Masters.
As a trader who must take the long and dangerous road to Gran Canaria, I would like to offer my voice regarding these negotiations.
The only real concern I have is the tribute - and yes it is a tribute - of H-Fuel to be paid to the Hessians.
Talking with Zoner merchants, I am reliably informed that Frietal Base has a much higher demand for Engine Components - which can easily be sourced from Honshu.
Even if Engine Components are not desired by the Hessians I would be willing to run H-Fuel to Frietal Base, in return for taking back Diamonds to be sold in Kusari.
Would the Blood Dragons be concerned of this? Possibly - but then they have raised no concerns regarding our shipments of Deuterium to Planet Honshu, nor our supply of Military Vehicles. It is the vast, gluttonous bulk supply through Sigma-13 (and their own territory) that seems to concern them.
If the Guild recocgnises the Hessians as a legitimate alternative to the present Rhineland regime, then surely we can bypass the entire corrupt Rhineland apparatus and source product from the Hessians themselves?
As a trader and businesswoman, I would argue that trade of this kind benefits our allies for the following reasons:
1) Dealing directly with the Hessians boosts the Hessians economy.
2) Both Hessians and Blood Dragons are free to squeeze trade coming out from the New Berlin jump hole in Sigma-13.
3) Trade in Diamonds is reduced overall - being lowered more in Sigma than we could possibly expand into the Omegas - this in turn hurts the current regimes in Rhineland and Kusari (places we would both like to see regime change).
4) Trade in Diamonds moves further into our hands - and we of the Guild do like to be holding all the cards do we not?
If Rhineland spies learn of this it would of course raise tensions. If tensions are to escalate I as a citizen of this Guild would like to ensure this is worth the sacrifice of profit, and the increased risk to my family.
With any negotiation, both sides offer more than what they hope to achieve, then come to a middle ground. An offer of 'take it or leave it' cannot be regarded as a negotiation in any sense.
I started patrol in the Viper today. The action was dead, so I thought I'd save us a little resources with the smaller vessel.
It took a long while for anything to happen, but when it happened, it happened. A luxury liner full to the brim with slaves. Cardamine... I'll tell them not to use the Sigmas for their dirty trade. Slaves... they drop them or they blown to hell. I hate that our only means of stopping this is aggression, and the fact that some slaves may die in the blast, but it's the only way.
Unfortunately, my Viper is fitted for dogfighting, and has no CDs. I pursued him as far as the Beta hole before I had to break off. I gave him a stern warning and headed back to Naha to pick up my bomber.
The next few hours were remarkably uninspiring. I saw someone on Naha's long range scope in 13 that looked suspicious, but I asked who he was and what he was doing here, and was pleasantly informed that he was a simple explorer trying to build a better neural net mapping database. As I said, nothing was happening.
Then a breakthrough. I had tagged the slaver with a tracking beacon in our previous encounter, but thought it hadn't succeeded do to the radiation of the cloud around the Beta hole. I guess it started working, because he popped up in Beta, very close to the 19 hole. I made my way to 19 as fast I could, trying to stave off my seething anger towards the man. A few minutes later, I found him on scanners, just exiting the Beta hole.
My rage quelled to an extent, I ordered him to drop the cardamine that now littered his cargo hold, in exchange for his life. You have no idea how painstakingly I was biting my tongue.
After some delay, he kicked on his engines and I heard him order his crew to "retreat to Beta". That was all I needed to exact my bloody vengeance. I'm not proud of myself, after my... encounter with psychosis, it's been harder to control my emotions. Anger, particularly. But that's besides the point, he had contraband and he refused to drop it. It was time for the fires to rage through the beautiful Sigma skies.
I fought him with every fiber of my being. I poured my fury into my weapons. My Supernova blasts hit their marks every time. My Debilitators tore his shields to nothingness. My Skyblasts ripped the liner's hull to shreds. It was one of the shortest battles I've ever fought. My shields found themselves low from a wing of rookie Outcast Stilettos once, and not again. He didn't have a chance in hell with me in the state I was in.
I don't know how I felt after that... I thought taking him down would satisfy my lust for revenge, but all I could think about was my inability when it mattered. I stood no chance in saving those people, when I could have. I'm sorry, this is more suited to a personal log than a work related one.
The cardamine he was hauling was all but vaporized in the carnage, and I tractored in what was left, destroying it of course.
To: GMG members
From: Guild Master Raikoke
Subject: Update on current affairs
Priority: Top
Message reads:
Konichiwa all,
First I'd like to congratulate our security division. As we all know Sigma 13 in particular has been plagued by warships that are commanded by the most nefarious types in Sirius; Outcasts and Corsairs. GMG pilots have shown success after success in beating back the tides of these over-reaching organizations, Kampai to all!
Next I'd like to confirm that GMG and RHA has had formal communication recently. A communication between one of our Traders and one of their Lieutenants was picked up, this initiated talks between both organizations as the subject did need to be addressed after we noticed each other.
We have formally confirmed a neutrality between GMG and RHA. The main purpose for this was to acquire a relatively safe route to Gran Canaria for our trade division. This has been achieved.
We've requested use of their bases as a stop along our route in order to ressuply, they've opened the airlocks on Casablanca and Freital for us and confirmed that our ships will be able to pass by unmolested in their space. Don't expect escorts or the RHA cavalry to appear if you are in trouble though.
In return we won't hinder their passage through the Sigmas into Rheinland space.We won't be running in horns blazing if they are in trouble. In essence we are merely maintaining a standard neutral hands off relationship with RHA.
RHA has requested that H-fuel be brought to the two mentioned bases, their main form of trade is with Diamonds and bartering our H-fuel for Diamonds was simple enough and they can be picked up at Freitel. Some of our younger youth have went back to Honshu and while it's sad I do wish them luck, several are already setting up businesses where the Diamonds can be dropped off. They'll move them into Kusari from there.
Remember, GMG's primary goal is to be the sole provider of H-fuel in Sirius. We are very close to that goal. The "boost" to RHA's economy is by far negligible when compared to the sum total of our vast enterprise and that's exactly what we've been trying to achieve. Through our H-fuel we will attain a piece of every pie.
If there are any questions on this please feel free to ask myself or any of the other Guild Master.
Also note that the Guild Status has been updated as well as the long awaited addition of our new member to the roster. If there are any discrepencies please let us know and if any Guild Masters feel that there is changes that need to be done, please do.
Sayonara and safe flying.
Transmission Ends
//OOC - please pm us your Skype name if you have one, if not please get it, a group chat is extremely handy.
It has come to my attention that not all our pilots have access to a Gunboat, or the higher ranking ones anyway, as well as the fact that all of ours are unaccounted for.
I expect everyone with access to one to post here, and to tell the name and ship class of it.
There should only be two, as I am working on something special for the third.
[End Transmission]
//In short, dunno what we have GBs wise now, and I need a roll call for them, only post once, and make sure they are on shared accounts, remember folks, no more than two, I'm working on the third.