Koolmo,Nov 2 2006, 12:11 AM Wrote:Dab, i think you need to read your post again, you put in should when you obviously meant shouldn't. In any case, this is stupid. i was merely reminging QV, and you Dab, about the faction rules. I think they're there for a reason, but apparently you guys don't. Fine. It's not my job to MAKE ppl chance, I just offer opinions. As for the cloud. We will not take your metal again, that was not supposed to happen. As for asking you to move, that may happen again. The whol;e point of this was to do some RP. Apparently, you people take 5 mins of mining far more than i would. Thats fine. Now, I'm going back in character, because I don't feel like arguing with dab. Thanks to the rest of you that responded to my faction leader post. If you want to keep talking about this, start another thread. (End OOC)
I'm speaking as Server ADMIN here.
Koolmo, last i checked, SCRA has *NO* rights in Tau-37. They never did. Neither does AW. Factions have only power in their home systems and that's it.
That being said I have to ask WHY SCRA is demanding miners move. you're way out of your zone of influence if you're using Omega-49 as your "base of operations" which, BTW, is not settling too well with my role play character Jonathan Pryde, as he owns the largest villa on the planet Gran Canaria with his sister, Kristina Pryde. Might i remind you, Koolmo, that your actions are pretty much hinting on that you have no real clue as to how Zoner of Influence really works out here?
Nontheless, SCRA was kinda outside their RP telling a *MINER* of all things to move or whatever. You people claim not to be dictators, yet you act like it.
And as for reminding someone of Faction Rules.. Leave that to the Admins please.
User was banned for: Compromised account
Time left: (Permanent)
OOC My point exactly! Now can we all please just revert this back to the PMG message dump? PMG only unless i give you permission, or ur an admin, or something special like that.....
made 600 000credits on a diamond and silver operation in Omega-11 using our trader.
Literally diamond mine lads. I 'ope ta see all ye fellow min'rs doing as well as I.
of course 30% in will go to our comrade McNeo for the loan on my ship.
See you in space.
A.J.MacDarby Out.
fmr Lord Solar Admiral of the Helghast, fmr.RAHF-Olsav-[Cpt], fmr. {Helghast}(LSA-vhf)~Olsav, fmr.{Helghast}(LSA)~Olsav, aboard HCS. Kesselring
just letting everyone know that i have 1400 dimonds im selling for 300,000credits. disocnt of 14,000 over solaris base.
fmr Lord Solar Admiral of the Helghast, fmr.RAHF-Olsav-[Cpt], fmr. {Helghast}(LSA-vhf)~Olsav, fmr.{Helghast}(LSA)~Olsav, aboard HCS. Kesselring
Aye mate this is your leader AKA PhoenixFeather and I belive my trader 'Rawks' is down in the area, If I can get get my ships main drives working again (get on the server and play) I pick up your diamonds for express to Kusari.
**SenderID** GNN
**ReceiverID** The Sirius Sector
Today is a Glorious one for the Phoenix Mining Guild.
The contruction of the PMG's prime ship of Defence, the Abatross Class Fritgate: Relingqished Glory, is complete. The PMG Admiral of Defence, left Manhatten late last night descretly in his starflier and made it to planet kurile, to over-see the final stages of the Construction. The admiral, who wishies to remain only known as Codename: PhoenixFeather, was not wishing to speak with our GNN reporters. The ship laaunched early this morning and We belive it has proceeded to Omega 7 to do some finnishing touches on its Ship Indentification Unit and the aciring of some of the more 'unique' weapons the outter wolrds have to offer.
This is GNN reporter Generic Droid 645, Signing off.
i still have the 1400 diamonds at discount price. you know incase anyone wants to buy it!
fmr Lord Solar Admiral of the Helghast, fmr.RAHF-Olsav-[Cpt], fmr. {Helghast}(LSA-vhf)~Olsav, fmr.{Helghast}(LSA)~Olsav, aboard HCS. Kesselring
Message to: Phoenix Mining Corporate HQ
Comm ID: [FSFP]Daddy_Warbucks
... let's put that little Niobium fiasco behind us, shall we. Won't be the first time I've gone in the ditch on a deal..
Perhaps we can arrange another "No" route with less risk, to alleiviate that bloody long deadhead back from Falkland.
However, I am available for any traffic in the old "Au". I'm apparently still liked at the end of the Rainbow. and at least tolerated in "Fields of Gold". (Yeah, Sting!)
If ye can get those gold dust girls out of the bar on the Hood, and out fillin' their holds, I'm availabe on the usual channels and thru the usual suspects.
It has come to my attention through one of our pilots that you have a supply of diamonds and niobium collecting dust in the holds of your miners. The Colonial navy is in need of a supply of niobium for armor patching and repairs and we can sell the diamonds to the rich Kusari elite.
At the moment we can only spare one vessel for this venture, the Geminon_Traveler (Yngen until it is renamed,) with a capacity of 5000 tons. Please reply with your terms.
I hope in the future we can expand our relationship for mutual profit.