I know what is wrong with that ship to my eyes - it looks like a World of Warcraft object, because all the shape seems so exaggerated, just like in that game!
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That being said, I think that the engine design is a bit off. While I like the "Jinx" engine philosophy I don't feel that it graces Bretonia very well.
well - although the model itself is quite complex - its proportions are not very well done. - ( thats what happens when you try to convert a model instead of rebuild it )
the engines - yes - they re pretty bad, and sadly ... ingame the model doesn t really look very good. i had to twist and turn the ship quite a lot to achieve acceptable positions for a photoshot.
still - bretonian designs ( really good ones ) are very difficult. - the ships are NOT like fishes - they are just subtly reminding one of it. - they are much more like tanks - extremely massive and compact - much much more than rheinland even... but at the same time more graceful than rheinland ships.
then there is the texturing. - even the vanilla texture on bretonian capital ships is ..... in my opinion .... totally aweful. its like a whole lot of mess slapped over model surfaces that should deserve better.
still - funny enough - bretonian designs are strangly good. - they are quite unique. - just take the crusader. - if you look at it from the side - there is hardly another fighter that looks as sleek, as fast as it. - but when you look at it from the front - it looks like a box on legs. - still it doesn t look like it was jsut stretched wide. - its a really funny design.
Hm...I don't like it. I can't exactly tell you why Jinx, but I suppose it's because it doesn't look very bretonian (in parts). Somehow too slender.
I'd like to see it based on the vanilla BS. This one just looks ... well, too light for Bretonia.
It should be wider and less"vulnerable".
And what are those "windows" at the front for? weapon mounts?