Yea, I've noticed that as well, and no, I havent had the problems with nebulas containing too many particles, although I am running a very powerful setup.
Jack Handey Wrote:I can picture in my mind a world without war, a world without hate. And I can picture us attacking that world, because they'd never expect it.
I'm running a 2.7ghz Processor, 2GB DDR Ram, and a GeForce 6600 Graphics Card, and unfortunately I have to keep particle effects in Freelancer turned off as the way the game handles them is very poor.
DarkOddity,Nov 26 2006, 03:08 PM Wrote:I'm running a 2.7ghz Processor, 2GB DDR Ram, and a GeForce 6600 Graphics Card, and unfortunately I have to keep particle effects in Freelancer turned off as the way the game handles them is very poor.
Wow, beats the crap out of my system. U got twice the RAM and about 3 times the G-card as me and I have no prob with running every thing on high. :unsure:
My Lil' boats are
Igiss, Igiss, Igiss.... The Wrath... You weakened it. Why? Its kind of needed to have that fifth class 10 gun mount. What is it without it? Cross between a Sabre and a Titan with a gun missin'... Please, please make the Wrath have all five class 10 mounts again.
I was testing out the Rheinland gunboat again, and i noticed, even thought the main cannon is back; there is no mountable spot for the cannon. This must be a glitch because i cannon click on the cannon to see its stats. Also on the subject of the forward cannon, it is now utterly worthless as it takes up so much energy. I can fire it twice before i run out of energy. (This incudles my other guns firing as well.
PLEASE return gunboats to how they were before, except make the main turrets fire faster to show anti-fighterness.
The small planet in Malta, next to Ibiza spins. It doesn't cause any lag, however if all planets spin, it could.
kinda weird i need to see that lol never noticed it before.
well if the planets spin server side it's very possble that it will cause lag for the server, but if it's clyent side then it will olny possbly cause lag for the player. like a graphic lag but the hole server shouldent fell it, realy would just depend on the player's system and how it handles that.