***Incoming Transmission***
***Source: .:j:.Spot.Welder***
***Subject: Tariff on trade with Puerto Rico***
This unit has granted a lone outcast smuggler's request to trade with puerto rico. Consumer goods were dropped off in exchange for slaves. http://img12.imageshack.us/img12/5205/screen28.png
A 100k trade tariff was charged. This unit received 1 million.
Recommended protocol: Charge a tariff on all non-junker trade in and out of Puerto Rico.
Whilst myself, .:j:.McMillan and independent junker bomber Dawn.Threader were guarding Puerto Rico, we received an unwelcome guest from the Humbolt jump hole;
Callsign: Jarek_70
Ship: Lane Hacker Bomber
IFF: Junkers
ID: Lane Hackers
We intercepted him near the Texas jump hole, and asked his reasons for trespassing. He simply said;
"I was in Humbolt"
While myself and McMillan were trying to explain that it wasn't a valid excuse and he wasn't welcome here, he suddenly attacked our independent bomber. In return, he met fire from both present frigates.
Earlier this evening I reassigned my Bomber on to guard duties at Bornholm. While providing guard to present congressmen and watching numerous visiting craft who hadn't paid for mining licenses, a Bounty Hunter approached and greeted all the junkers in the vicinity;
I greeted back, but otherwise took little notice of his presence. Suddenly to my great surprise he shouted on open communications the following statement:
"I attack all junkers! prepare to die!"
With which, he charged my stationary bomber with all guns blazing.
Recovering quickly from the shock, I returned fire.
I'm pleased to say that the Recycler bomber has proved itself vastly superior to it's Bounty hunter counterpart.
****Incoming Transmission****
****Com ID: Congressman Dave Pajo****
****Location: Bornholm Base****
Greetings Congressmen.
I saw all the Congress activity in the Gruinder so headed over to Bornholm myself. I arrived just after the above action, and Salvager had just left. William McCoy, the Rusty Smelter and the Weapons Dealer were all there though, so we had a little go at scrapping with the new mining lasers the Corpulent Corvus had just dropped off. Never thought I'd see myself mining again, but there I was. The new lasers were an excellent investment, it seems, as yieldshavemorethan doubled since I was last out there. We went at it for a little while, chewing the fat and making a good few million each before calling it a night. As me and the Dealer were wrapping it up, Viktor Navorski appeared in the system and all the comms came alive. Seems like he's a big deal or something, no idea. But he was civil enough to me, so I let him dock when he asked, and followed him onto the base for some rest.
So, basically lads, scrapping seems about twice as good as it was with all the new gear we've got our hands on.
Earlier this evening we had another Lane Hacker visitor to Puerto Rico, this time flying a small freighter to Culebra.
I chased him there all the way from the texas jump hole, he totally ignored all orders to stop, and totally ignored all orders not to dock.
Without saying a word throughout the encounter, he docked anyway... flying over my frigate to do so. He was arrested by Culebra security and sold off to the slave market.
These Lane Hackers seem to be pushing the boundary more than anyone else. I request the Congress to open diplomatic channels to the Hackers to make them understand that they are not welcome in our guard system.
We don't trespass theirs, it's time they stopped trespassing ours.
If this sort of behavior carries on, I will start firing first, then ask them to stop.
Salvager Out
****End Transmission****
.:j:.Salvager - Junker Congress (Salvage Frigate) := Recipient of the Yanagi Defense Medal
.:j:.Salvager.VHF - Collector
.:j:.Salvager.B - Recycler
.:j:.Salvager.B2 - Waran
"Good news everyone. I suddenly and unexpectedly have job vacancies for an entire spaceship crew!"
****Incoming transmission****
****Comm ID: Arbiter Jack Crow****
****location: Vieques Shipyard****
We will address the situation with the Lane Hackers. In the mean time, I'd like to repeat what the Chief Arbiter has already said. Puerto Rico is not a closed system. We are allowing access to those who are friendly to Junkers and have a valid reason to be doing business there. Non Junkers may not dock overnight however. Non Junkers do not need to be chased out automatically. They should be challenged however to find out who they are and why they are there. Anyone who refuses to stop and chat with us or to be scanned should be pursued and shot. If you do have to engage someone please try to collect as much evidence from the incident as possible so the chief arbiter and myself can make the appropriate diplomatic complaints as necessary.
I saw a trading Lane Hacker - Ship-ID=Njord - in in Puerto Rico, Culebra. After having read the following statement I asked a Congress-Man what to do:
"The Congress polices non-Junker access within Puerto Rico and actively discourages visitation by non-Junkers as it is a Junker military system." (source)
I was told to question him about his business in Puerto Rico and to ask him kindly to leave the system. I was also told to communicate that non-junkers were not welcome in Puerto Rico because of congress military activities. He was accessible but not too pleased about the fact his service was not needed and he left the system.
The following Information was published after my encounter with the Lane Hacker:
"We are allowing access to those who are friendly to Junkers and have a valid reason to be doing business there."
I won`t follow up this matter anymore. I have no truble with Lane Hackers and I will be more hospitable next time. Take any further action if you wish and feel free to rely on my ignorance.
****Incoming Transmission****
****Comm ID:Arbiter Jack Crow****
I've spoken to some of you in space about putting together raiding parties. Here's what I'm looking for. Two ship teams to start, either recycler / salvager or collector / Salvager combo. Anyone who is interested in volunteering for this duty should pair up with another pilot who is usually in space at the same time as you. When you have a team assembled, contact me privately with the following information and I'll give you your assignment.
I need to know the ship names in the party and the class of each ship. Two ship teams are good but no more than three on one team. If we have more than one team operating at the same time, a Salvager or transport to fly as support for the two would not be a bad thing either.
COMM ID: Chief Arbiter Hannibal Bishop LOCATION: Bridge of Congress Frigate Machiavelli, Texas System
Congressman Dent, and all other members of our esteemed society;
I feel it my duty to inform you that much of the information in our codex is somewhat out of date, having been left mostly untouched since 817 AS.
Mr. Crow and myself are working to update it, as much has taken place in recent months. Due to events unfolding in Gallia, many well-kept secrets among our high officials are being laid out in the open as well. Junkers from all colonies and corners of inhabited space will do well to keep posted on our progress for expansion of their knowledge, and their safety as well. Some of these secrets may bring about animosity from former trade partners.
We wished to avoid such intel spilling into the open, but there are times when events are simply beyond our control. I have been scouting and compiling data from among our finest pilots and enforcers, and will soon field a super-specialized strike team to neutralize would-be informants and prolific roadblocks, as a means of damage control.
Until then, Puerto Rico will be open for trade. All members of the Congress, and all Junkers are advised to police such access; let them buy and sell to us so long as they cooperate, and thus are not spies. Heavily armed sentries are in place aboard our stations guarding sensitive areas, and will terminate with extreme prejudice any non-authorized persons attempting to gain access. Outside parties attempting to gather intelligence from Puerto Rico will have a difficult time doing so. So long as we remain an open and willing trade partner, we can placate any suspicion with supplying for their greed and thus make ourselves too valuable an ally to commit such actions against.
This is not to say that one can't make a few credits working as a 'tour guide' through our system or driving out those who wish to use Puerto Rico without Junker permission, but barring access to all parties isn't the wisest course of action with what's ahead.
Long story short: Congressmen are advised to be valuable individuals to as many parties as they make contact with. Learn all you can, and tell as little as you can get away with. This is of paramount importance if what we anticipate will become public knowledge does reach outside ears.
TO: All Junkers operating in Liberty space
COMM ID: Amy Carmichael, Director of Liberty Operations
As of this moment, the alien jump gate in the Kansas system is off limits to all below the rank of Director who do not have prior permission from myself, any of the other Directors, or the Chief Arbiter. We've received reports of some sort of Nomad-worshipping cult calling themselves the "Oracles" operating out of the system beyond that gate, and there's no way in hell I'm letting any Congressmen get themselves infested by a bunch of jelly-loving weirdos. If you must pass through the Kansas system for whatever reason, under no circumstances are you to enter the Turtle Creek Nebula or the alien gate within.