All Junker communications to the Junker Congress should be directed here. Congressmen may transmit noteworthy news and events here as well as formal messages and reports. Any Junkers with requests of the Congress may use this channel as well. New members or Junkers or those sympathetic to the Congress cause may broadcast a brief "hello and support" message here as well.
This is an OFFICIAL channel so keep it to official business please.
From: Captain Jack Crow of the vessel Crow's Nest
Subject: Sigma 13 relations
Arbiter Vladimir Tinkerbell. I have no doubt you are aware of the issues I present, but I bring them to your attention in the hopes that a peaceful resolution may be found. Last night I encountered a very irate pilot by the name of Hiza-Tozomoto. This will not come as a surprise to many but he was angry about the actions of the Harvesters and he was directing that anger towards the Junkers. He even went so far as to accuse the Junker Congress of violating our own policy of neutrality. I explained to him that neutrality means we will not openly oppose anyone who is not hostile to Junkers. He then left Sigma 13. When I tried to speak to the Harvesters about why he was so angry, I go the same meaningless robotic answer we are all used to by now.
Being rational is all about making the proper distinctions. I understand the reason for our alliance with the Harvesters. However, I would like to find a way to create a proper distinction so all will know the difference between Junkers and Harvesters so that no more Junkers need to be killed because of Harvester actions.
On another note, I was informed today by a bounty hunter named Global Justice that my vessel has been placed on a bounty hunter KOS list simply because I captured 4 Wild pilots that attacked Yanagi. The pilots were turned over to Helgoland so ALG can do what they do best and dispose of the waste. Apparently this bounty hunter was upset because I got the bounty instead of him.
I'll be in the bar at Yanagi if you need me for anything.
This is simply a punctuation mark as to why we need a full diplomatic solution in Sigma 13. This isn't about a single faction's desires.
I am aware right now that within the past week, das Wilde targeted Junker pilots at Kruezberg Depot--specifically looking for ship building engineers. Many pilots were taken relatively unopposed while we were distracted by the situation in Sigma 13.
Within the same time period, three Phantom pilots parked their ships in asynchronous, high orbit above Yanagi's ecliptic and shuttled down to the station so as to monitor traffic and mark targets in Sigma. Our intel tells me they were delighted with these ease they were able to operate in the area--so much for vaunted "blockade fleets".
We also have several security alarms indicating a possible station visit by a Wild pilot. DNA scanners were tripped on multiple occasions but portable sniffers could not locate any infected.
So we await word from the other interested parties so as to develop a solution for the stability of Sigma 13.
The bounty hunters have no authority to attack pilots in Sigma 13 who have recovered Wild--all our ships are authorized to collect bounties and extensive training and quarantine procedures are in place for handling decontamination and personnel screening.
To:Arbiter Vladimir Tinkerbell From:.:j:.Linux Subject:Sigma 13 relations
::Opening Message:: ::Message Open::
I am willing to station a few of my......"Contacts" at Yanagi to help with the neutrality issue. Of course I will have those "contacts" under the order of Junkers Congress and I will act as the ambassador to them, unless another Congress member is present. I will be able to have those "contacts" stationed within the next 48-72 hours. Contact me via secure comms if Names are needed. I will also have my ship stationed there within that time to help out. I am currently at Traflagar due to it being the closest base around where I was operating. Hope this issue gets resolved soon!
I have been presented with several offers of military support for Yanagi. Were I to accept them all, we would have quite an impressive fleet there.
Much as I appreciate these offers, I believe that would simply make Sigma 13 a warzone and not increase stability there. If enough conflict occurs, it is not unlikely the houses may see the need to get involved. For those who do not play well with house governments, I remind you that we do.
Best we work together to fix this peacefully through diplomacy and preserve the freedom and openness of Yanagi Depot for all.
For those who have offered warships, I ask that you wait but if the worst happens we will avail ourselves of all help offered.
Arbiter. For the last few days I have been discussing ideas for our own capital shipping designs and specialised fighters for the Guards with the senior engineers at Vieques. Many of them are very excited at the prospect and many inspired ideas have been laid down with a number of unique concepts.
However, we still await your approval to begin the project. We understand that introducing a capital fighting fleet of our own design may inflame matters in certain areas, the Sigma 13 situation for example, however many Junkers agree that should a conflict erupt in these difficult times and a side turns on us we must have the ability to defend ourselves rather than always depending on those who still consider us valuable allies. As it stands we have no capital shipping of our own design and our CSV fleets, while strong, are easily out-maneuvered.
Once we have received your authorisation, we will begin finalising designs to submit for your approval.
.:j:.Salvager - Junker Congress (Salvage Frigate) := Recipient of the Yanagi Defense Medal
.:j:.Salvager.VHF - Collector
.:j:.Salvager.B - Recycler
.:j:.Salvager.B2 - Waran
"Good news everyone. I suddenly and unexpectedly have job vacancies for an entire spaceship crew!"
Yanagi is a symptom of the change in Sirius. Even we Junkers must adapt. I will stand in no one's way who seeks to preserve a secure Junker future. A successful ship line can be quite profitable as well.
To: Junker Congress
From: Nomen.Dark
Priority: middle
Subject: sigma 13/other
Greeetings this is Nomen.Dark the whole nonsense in sigma 13 is troubling and i support the idea of caps but only for defensive purposes. Also a fellow congress member told me that the bounty hunter Kunn lan considers all junker war ships as KOS ..such a fool..
On a slightly less important note i have my own agenda so i wont be able to do much funding of those cap ships.One last thing If you see Carla.Jones she works for me and dont be fooled by her 6 year old apperance shes a robot.
transmiision ends....
Ive had enough of disco for now. I might be back at the next mod release.
The Master of all things cyborg
I am pleased to report that preliminary designs for a gunboat-sized vessel are nearing completion. We have created and uploaded a Holo-image for you to view at your leisure.
She is designed to support CSV fleets in major salvage operations and for defensive service in hi-risk areas. There are 8 mounting points for turret systems marked in grey giving good all round fire and she has a sizeable cargo hold which the heavy duty grabbing arm has access to.
Her class is yet to receive a name.
I would be delighted to hear any opinions or requests from yourself or other congressmen while construction of the prototype is underway.
.:j:.Salvager - Junker Congress (Salvage Frigate) := Recipient of the Yanagi Defense Medal
.:j:.Salvager.VHF - Collector
.:j:.Salvager.B - Recycler
.:j:.Salvager.B2 - Waran
"Good news everyone. I suddenly and unexpectedly have job vacancies for an entire spaceship crew!"
Transmission starts Message to: .:j:.Salvager Forwarded to: All congressmen Comm ID: Jack Matthews, Adjudicator of Bornholm Depot. Location: Bornholm Depot, Omega 15.
That sir, is a fantastic schematic for an Junker Gunboat, it had the defensive possibilities and the salvaging possibilities of survival even in the harsh systems of Sirius. I fully agree with this plan and will finance it if needed.
To another note, I am pleased that this channel is open and i hope that everyone of the Congress is doing fine.
To the matter of yanagi depot, I belive that the situation can be solved easier without the use of capital class vessels, this would only give the impression that the Junker Congress is arming for war, wich I do hope we are not.