hi all, im a big fan of freelancer and i am looking forward to really getting back into it after a 2 year break,
and lets hope when i go on it tommorow i get a better reception and help then i did yesterday when i popped on for 20 min after installing the mod, sadly i logged on and went straight to manhattan and stopped of at a space station i clicked on the space ship icon to see what ships where available for Sale but it came up action is taking longer than expected and then logged me off back to the character screen, i loaded it back up and went to manhattan and couldnt dock there (it was stuck for 10 min trying to dock)so had to exit game and load it back up, when back on i asked if anyone had the same problem and just got made a fool of:(
this was rather disheartening to bo honest as this looks like its gonna be the best freelancer mod i have ever played but hey im looking forward to ingoring the situation and getting on with pillaging :O
Hello and Welcome. Sorry to hear about your poor initial reception, most of the people around here are pretty nice, but in character i admit i may find it somewhat humorous (darn dockmaster has been drinking too much liberty ale!). Make sure you read and understand the server rules, there are a lot of them. I had to read through a good deal of sanction reports before I understood all their ins and outs.
If you need help or have any questions you can always post on the forums. Additionally you can stop by the disco help channel where you can also meet some a good group of friendly players (link in sig). This is in skype which is the chat program of choice of this community, I highly recommend getting it if you plan on being active here. Also I have heard the link may not be compatible with some newer versions of skype, if this is the case just PM me your skype name if you want to check it out.
Im sorry to hear that :(
You were probably kicked for 'cheating' so like your freelancer was modified differantly or something. If you keep getting kicked reinstall mod and do it right with all the updates and stuff
People dont like cheaters but I think sometimes they take it too seriously and think that the person is always vindictively cheating. It isn't often the persons fault for cheating thats why I just dont get involved in the situation, Its not like I know what they were trying to do.
Quote:this was rather disheartening to bo honest as this looks like its gonna be the best freelancer mod i have ever played but hey im looking forward to ingoring the situation and getting on with pillaging :O
It is the best mod. Id forget the incident if I were you. We have all made mistakes and been imbarressed sometime or another, its unlucky it was your turn when you just got on for the first time. And dont take it personnaly against the people, that would be a big mistake. RP.
' Wrote:Stongly suggest you do a clean install of Freelancer, FLMM and the Mod itself.
Probably a little overboard, but it's certain to remove any cheat related glitches you may be harboring.
Good luck and feel free to ask me any questions you might have!
yeah gonna do a complete re-install tomorrow, could just be that the last game delete didnt remove the last mod i ran on it completly, anyway looking forwrd to really getting back into this:),
and Tome hehe ive had alot worse from the A51 mod, alot of people in there where up there own ass, (i am not bashing that mod it was awesome)
Well, welcome. I can't really add anything to what everyone else has said except that FLMM 1.3 hasn't given me any problems, so if you're using a different version, it might work to uninstall and switch to 1.3. Oh, and although some people may RP as evil, vicious pirates, they're often nice people really, so remember, be angry with the character, rather than the person. Oh, and beware of cabbage hunters. They will try to steal your shiny things.