Thanks for the welcome everyone! Yes I promise I will follow the rules, but I have to say some of them are written strangely.
I'm still reading a lot of threads, and trying to get a lot of back history for the role playing. Still trying to decide what Format C: is and where he came from, but I'm slowly putting it all together. When I do I will probably post a story in the RP forum.
I have a few questions, if anyone cares to answer here. I'm sure the questions will answer themselves after I do more researching and log more game hours. At any rate here they are...
First of all, am I out of roleplay by keeping house corporations in the white? Do I need to start doing a little more killing and mission-failing, to make my reputation match the roleplay? I want to play fair of course.
Second, what is up with these "Guard" factions all over Sirius? Why is it that I frequently see factions that I'm neutral with, yet their Guard counterparts are showing as red?
And third, someone told me in game that often times there are "Junker Guards" that tax Junkers for mining in Junker space. I personally haven't met a single Junker Guard yet, but it's what I heard. If this is true, can someone fill me in or point me in the direction of something that explains the role-playing storyline behind this? I'm trying to find out how Format C: can wrap his circuits around submitting to an authoritative figure like that.
Anyway, I love this place and I'll see you in space!
Format C;, though your name's just fine for a forum account, I'm not sure whether it's really fitting for ingame arpee. I'd suggest choosing a different (and carefully considered) title for your Junker character.
' Wrote:First of all, am I out of roleplay by keeping house corporations in the white? Do I need to start doing a little more killing and mission-failing, to make my reputation match the roleplay? I want to play fair of course.
As an independent Junker you should be hostile to enemies listed on the Junker-ID. Most Corporate House factions are classified "unfriendly", which means you don`t have to turn them all "red" on your scanner. Enemies are Xenos and Hogosha as the usual Phantom, Nomad, Wild. You may add factions like AFA or others to your hostility list, but find out for yourself. Talk before you rampage if you`re not sure about your opponents intention.
' Wrote:Second, what is up with these "Guard" factions all over Sirius? Why is it that I frequently see factions that I'm neutral with, yet their Guard counterparts are showing as red?
And third, someone told me in game that often times there are "Junker Guards" that tax Junkers for mining in Junker space. I personally haven't met a single Junker Guard yet, but it's what I heard. If this is true, can someone fill me in or point me in the direction of something that explains the role-playing storyline behind this? I'm trying to find out how Format C: can wrap his circuits around submitting to an authoritative figure like that.
Junker Guards protect Puerto Rico and the Junkers living there for example. Visit Carolina Outpost if you happen to fly through Puerto Rico, you are welcome there. Just kill many more Xenos to please the Junker Guard faction. (Oh, you should have a guard ID to fly a capship for example. Try the search engine, it may help you a lot. This forum is a confusing sometimes.)
Junker Guards should not tax Junkers, they protect them. They may tax Non-Junkers under certain cicumstances (especially around Bornholm or in Puerto Rico). Don`t have to be worried, Guards are the good guys, as long as they are Junker Guards. A Xeno Guard would be extremely hostile and dangerous. Those guys know their ships very well and it won`t be a light fighter, think twice before attacking them.
I hope I answered some of your questions. Feel free to ask any Junker online, most of them are nice and helpful.
PS: I`m sure you did read the rules, but if you really want to get used to them, read a sanction report from time to time. - it helps to get a feeling for the rules. Explicit examples are always easier to remember.